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看板 BoardGame
作者 Allen1110 (Allen)
標題 [交易] 板橋團團購賣一些遊戲!
時間 Wed Jan  9 13:46:09 2013

HI 新年快樂~我是ALLEN,雖然已經要月中了,







1.惡魔島 4  Cartagena: Die Meuterei   600元   只有1盒
BGG 排名 2659

2.符文諭令 TALISMAN 擴充
Talisman : The Highland Expansion(2010) (德版650)
Talisman : The Blood Moon Expansion(2012) 小擴 650 (英文版)
BGG 排名 536

3.魔法師的料理書 Magician's Cookbook   650元  有2盒
BGG 排名 尚未
Magician's Cookbook | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Der verflixte Zaubertrank players are magician assistants who need to bring together the ingredients needed to complete potions – but to do this, they can use a little magic of their own to double up on ingredients they already have.
Each player has four cauldron tiles – two with slit ...

4.中世紀商人 Merchants of the Middle Ages   950元   剩2盒 (大盒絕對超值)
英文版,作者是Wolfgang Kramer,提供中文規則,美術也不錯的競標遊戲,

BGG 排名 1734
Merchants of the Middle Ages | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the publisher's site:
Europe during the Middle Ages. You are a merchant, owner of important markets in 6 majestic cities of Europe. At the heart of this commercial trade are 6 different kinds of goods: cloth, iron, wine, food, silk and salt.
These goods are, as much as possible, acquired at a l ...

5.緋尼基人 Phoenicia     800元  3盒 (大盒,天鵝賣1600,我打5折)
BGG 排名 737

6.卡坦歷史-歐洲貿易家 Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe  800元
遊戲少有文字,可以參考BGG英文規則或是GOOGLE 自行翻譯卡表!
BGG 排名 3149 http://ppt.cc/ntU8

7.公事包 Brefcast   1600元   只有1組
http://ppt.cc/cdSH http://ppt.cc/B6DA http://ppt.cc/NnWN
Briefcase: Board Game Factory | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Briefcase: Board Game Factory is a promotional card set, available at the Artipia Games booth at Spiel 2012, that includes three "Board Game Factory" company cards and one Randomizer card. ...
Briefcase : Indiegogo Exclusive Promos | Board Game | BoardGameGeek These were exclusive promos offered to those who supported Briefcase on its funding campaign on www.indiegogo.com from 11-02-2012 to 11-03-2012.
The exclusive promos included the following Company Card Sets:
Model Agency (3 Company cards + 1 Randomizer card)
Shipyard (3 Company cards + 1 Randomizer  ...
Briefcase: Government Bonus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Briefcase: Government Bonus, a small expansion for Briefcase, includes eight new goals which increase competition between players, who now receive government rewards for being the first to achieve specific goals during the game. ...
BGG 排名 1953

8.瘋狂農莊 Farmageddon  1盒  400元
BGG 排名2560
Farmageddon | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Farmageddon is a game of chance and strategy. Players must plant, fertilize, and harvest crops in order to build the most valuable harvest – but they must do so before their opponents undermine their efforts using powerful and subtle action cards. The game ends when no crops are available for  ...

9.萊伯塔利的海盜  Libertalia  1350元   4盒
提供全彩原圖翻譯卡牌中文化 樣品略模糊
BGG 排名 1225
Libertalia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Captain Swallow has always dreamed of pocketing a large nest egg in order to retire on a remote island – but he never counted on stiff competition from Captains Stanley Rackum, Dirk Chivers and others, greedy and cruel enemies who always manage to attack th ...

10.災難隱現 Disaster Looms   1400元   最後2盒
BGG 排名 4357

11.斯巴達克斯  Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery  1150元
*(求有意購買的玩家幫忙翻譯全彩卡牌中文化,享半價折扣) 很快又要出擴充囉!
BGG 排名 655 http://ppt.cc/CApK

12.樂團經理 Rockband Manager 500元  3盒

13.自由 Libert    1300元    3盒
BGG 排名 299
Liberté | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Liberté covers the French Revolution from 1789 and the meeting of the Estates General to the Directory and Bonaparte’s coup d’état in 1799. The game is played in four turns. In each turn there will be a variable number of rounds, followed by an election to see which faction ...

14.瘋狂農場 Farmerama  900元  1盒
BGG 排名 3936
Farmerama | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Based on the popular videogame and designed by Uwe Rosenberg, players in Farmerama use action cards to sow and harvest crops (carrots, hay, oats, corn) to feed their livestock (sheep, pigs, cow, horse) and earn victory points. On each player's board, a rotating wheel indicates where and when actions ...

15.柯南世紀 Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game 1400元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 742
http://ppt.cc/Q5hu ;配件圖片http://ppt.cc/HNy3
Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Age of Conan
Age of Conan is a boardgame which puts players in control of one of the major kingdoms of the Hyborian age, in the period of history well known through the tales of the adventures of Conan the Cimmerian, the barbarian hero created by Robert E. Howard.
You will fight with armies, sorcery ...

16.機械人型 Android 1000元
BGG 排名 570
Android | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the publisher:
Android is a board game of murder and conspiracy set in a dystopian future. Detectives travel between the city of New Angeles and moon colony Heinlein chasing down leads, calling in favors, and uncovering the sinister conspiracy beneath it all. The detectives must balance their p ...

17.新大陸 Neuland 950元
BGG 排名 961
Neuland | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Neuland is a game about logistics and planning. In the beginning of the game, the land lies undeveloped, a series of blank hexes representing mountains, forests, and grasslands. Players win by building and using prestige properties that allow them to place their family's coat-of-arms onto the board  ...

18.圖拉真 Trajan  1600元      有2盒
BGG 排名 49

Trajan | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Set in ancient Rome, Trajan is a development game in which players try to increase their influence and power in various areas of Roman life such as political influence, trading, military dominion and other important parts of Roman culture.
The central mechanism of the game uses a system similar to t ...

19.魔法風暴 MageStorm  1450元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 2215
Magestorm | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Enter a world of high magic and bloody melees with Magestorm! Magestorm is a new fantasy board game series where you will finally be able to play fantasy battles as you dream them to be. Powerful magicians wielding god-like powers will call storms of fire from the sky, move hills, raze woods, invoke ...

20.抵抗組織 The Resistance   600元
BGG 排名 84 或是Party Game 排名 8
The Resistance | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Empire must fall. Our mission must succeed. By destroying their key bases, we will shatter Imperial strength and liberate our people. Yet spies have infiltrated our ranks, ready for sabotage. We must unmask them. In five nights we reshape destiny or die trying. We are the Resistance!
The Resista ...
圖片 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1392010/the-resistance

(售出,等下週)21.抵抗組織-阿瓦隆 The Resistance Avalon 650元    3盒
BGG 排名 600
The Resistance: Avalon | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but ha ...
感謝”OneGameClub的桌遊世界提供介紹” http://ppt.cc/Lx0R

22.蟻菇樂翻天 Myrmes   1550元     2盒
BGG 排名 477
Myrmes | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Myrmes, originally shown under the name ANTerpryse, players control ant colonies and use their ants to explore the land (leaving pheromones in their wake); harvest "crops" like stone, earth and aphids; fight with other ants; complete requests from the Queen; birth new ants; and otherwis ...

23.枯木鎮 Deadwood   700元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 1237
Deadwood | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Scofflaws are brawling in the streets of Deadwood. The railroad is being built, and to you and the other gangs in the badlands of South Dakota, this means one thing: cold, hard cash. As a cowboy on the wrong side of the law you know just how to take control of th ...

24.泰坦    Titan    1400元     (天鵝堡定價2780元)   最後1盒
BGG 排名 376
Titan | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This classic game of the Fantasy Monster Slug-a-thon is a standby from the Avalon Hill of yore. The game still has a very devoted following, which is a tribute to the depth of the various strategies and approaches. The game is divided into two realms, the masterboard and the battleboards. On the mas ...

25.密室脫逃:受詛咒的神廟  Escape: The Curse of the Temple 1800元  只有2盒
(Collector's Edition) 1800元
BGG 排名 320 http://ppt.cc/O3eE
Escape: The Curse of the Temple | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a cooperative game in which players must escape (yes...) from a temple (yes...) which is cursed (yes...) before the temple collapses and kills one or more explorers, thereby causing everyone to lose.
The initial game board consists of a row of three square tiles, e ...

26.獵魔戰士  Quarriors!英文二版  1450元   2盒
(英文版)評價很好的Dice Build Game遊戲!
BGG 排名 283
Quarriors! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Players take on the roles of Quarriors - mighty mystical warriors who have the power to capture dangerous quarry from the untamed Wilds! They must conjure the mysterious powers of Quiddity, cast powerful spells, and summon their creatures to battle if they hope to overcome rivals and earn their righ ...
圖片1 http://ppt.cc/t~G9 圖片2 http://ppt.cc/KKDJ

27.獵魔戰士-勇者考驗(擴充) Quest of the Qladiator Expansion 1100元 1盒
(英文版)同上的遊戲擴充 !(無中文化)
Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
In Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator, the third expansion for Quarriors!, you have been selected to compete in the Qladitorial Games! Quadrennially, Empress Quiana calls together the mightiest Quarriors across the land to compete in the great Quolosseum. Will you ...

28.關鍵27條:聯安會的決斷 Article 27 :The UN Security Council Game 1300元
BGG 排名 1939 http://ppt.cc/AG8L

29.東京之王(擴充) King of Tokyo: Power Up! Expansion   650元 2盒
擴充多了新的怪物,讓這個Party Game更富變化!
King of Tokyo: Power Up! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
With King of Tokyo: Power Up! – an expansion for the King of Tokyo base game – after choosing a monster, each player takes the eight Evolution cards associated with that monster, shuffles those cards, and creates a personal deck. At the end of a player's turn, if she has three hearts, sh ...

30.神話戰役 Mythic Battles   1300元  1盒
BGG 排名 4476
Mythic Battles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Mythic Greece is in chaos: Athena and Hades are at war and have sent their greatest heroes to battle. Take on the role of these generals out of legend, leading fantastic armies and lead your troops to victory!
Mythic Battles is a game which simulates epic confron ...

31.魔戒2版 主遊戲  War of the Ring (second edition) 2200元
(擴充)War of the Ring : Lords of Middle Earth Expansion 800元
War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-Earth | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
What if the Keepers of the Elven Rings had used their Rings of Power to challenge the might of the Dark Lord? What if the Balrog had risen out of Moria to bring fire and fury to the lands of the Free Peoples? What if the Council of Elrond had decided differently  ...
BGG 排名 79

32.金星商人 Merchant of Venus   1950元    3盒
BGG 排名 1038

33.殭屍之城 City of Horror  1350元   最後3盒 (送1張PROMO卡)
(英文版)遊戲是很吃人品PARTY GAME ,遊戲機制大體和前作很像,多了一點變體規則,
BGG 排名 1481

34.愛琴海群島 Archipelago   目前3盒  1950元
參考介紹文 http://nachimu.pixnet.net/blog/post/46562730
BGG 排名 760

35.超人聯盟 DC Comics (DBG)  1100元  2盒
(英文版)美術極佳的DOMI LIKE卡牌遊戲,主題是超人英雄合作遊戲!
提供全彩原圖翻譯卡牌中文化 樣品略模糊
BGG 排名 3241

36.夢想天行者 Fantastiqa   1500元    只有3盒
(英文版)KICKSTARTER 募資成功的DBG遊戲,無PROMO卡,美術很棒,
BGG 排名 3625

37.超人特攻隊 Legendary Marvel (DBG)  1650元   3盒
(英文版)美術極佳的DOMI LIKE卡牌遊戲,主題是超人英雄合作遊戲!
(牌多,1-5人可玩)提供原圖全彩中文化貼條! http://ppt.cc/~V_1
BGG 排名 637 http://ppt.cc/2Ci-

38.海盜骰 Pirate Dice    只有2盒  1150元
(英文版)KICKSTARTER 募資成功的骰子冒險遊戲,無PROMO,遊戲很有意思!
BGG 排名 3445 http://ppt.cc/ngza

39.曼哈頓計劃 The Manhattan Project   1450元  3盒
BGG 排名 285

40.超級地城探險 Super Dungeon Explore   2000元
提供全彩原圖翻譯卡牌中文化 樣品略模糊
BGG 排名 613

41.夏洛克-福爾摩斯 Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective  1000元 2盒
BGG 排名 344
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Have you ever had the desire to walk the streets of Victorian London with Sherlock Holmes in search of Professor Moriarty? To search the docks for the giant rat Sumatra? To walk up Baker Street as the fog is rolling in and hear Holmes cry out, "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot!"? Now  ...

42.四季交馳 Seasons   1300      3盒
BGG 排名 188
Seasons | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Seasons is a game of cards and dice which takes place in two phases:
The first phase consists of a draft: the goal during this phase will be to establish a strategy for the rest of the game with 9 cards that can be selected (Each card has a specific effect and earns victory points).
Once the draft i ...

43.澳門 Macao  1100元   剩2盒
BGG 排名 123
Macao | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
At the end of the 17th century, Macao – the mysterious port city on the southern coast of China – is a Portuguese trading post in the Far East. The players take on the role of energetic and daring adventurers. Many exciting tasks and challenges await the players, whether they are a capta ...

(詢問)44.來捉魚企~ Flossen hoch! 750元   1盒
BGG 排名 尚未

Flossen hoch! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Flossen hoch! is a kid's game about fishing with the players being penguins who waddle around looking for food. Heeeeeeeere, fishie, fishie fishie!
Each player has a penguin and a set of short to long fish. Before the game begins, players place the fish into slots in the ocean's surface, with only t ...

45.矮人礦坑 1+2    800元      2組(不分售)
(英文版)大受歡迎的PARTY GAME,簡單的陣營機制,又有心機和小策略!
BGG 排名 531
Saboteur | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Players take on the role of dwarves. As miners, they are in a mine, hunting for gold. Suddenly, a pick axe swings down and shatters the mine lamp. The saboteur has struck. But which of the players are saboteurs? Will you find the gold, or will the fiendish actions of the saboteurs lead them to it fi ...
Saboteur 2 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Saboteur 2 is an expansion for Saboteur by Frederic Moyersoen, which first appeared in 2004 from Amigo Spiel. The Gigamic edition of Saboteur 2 contains the base game. All other editions are expansion only and thus require a copy of Saboteur to play.
Each player takes on the role of a gold-digging d ...

46.展衛文明 Uchronia 850元   只有3盒
BGG 排名 2633
Uchronia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Uchronia, you are the patriarch of a great Uchronian noble house, competing with the other houses that commit their wealth to building the city, enriching it with new constructions, and striving to win over the people.
In game terms, players start with six resource cards in hand, then each discar ...

(預訂)47.趕羚羊樂園 Sheepland  1100元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 2202
Sheepland | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Sheepland is set on the beautiful island of the same name, where for centuries the population has taken care of sheep. While inexplicably working in the same field, two to four shepherds try to move sheep into the right areas to score points. During a turn, you must take three actions, chosen from t ...

48.圓桌武士(卡牌版) Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game 700元 最後1盒
BGG 排名 3335
Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek The Knights of the Round Table must assemble once again to protect King Arthur's kingdom from numerous threats. But wait – these aren't the knights of old, but rather their children. Can these newcomer knights prove up to the task of tracking the dangers out there and putting a stop to them be ...

(預訂)49.江戶城 YEDO     1200元
便宜先出清,英文規則可看 http://ppt.cc/aHt4
Dropbox - YEDO_Rules_ENG.pdf - Simplify your life
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
BGG 排名 2593
Yedo | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the designer:
Japan, 1605 – Hidetada Tokugawa succeeds his father as the new Shogun. He rules the country from Edo (aka Yedo), the city known in present times as Tokyo. This marks the beginning of the golden age of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the so-called Edo Period that  ...

50.魔法戰爭 Mage Wars Core Set + 擴充1 + 擴充2  2400元  5組
主遊戲+1擴 2100元,主遊戲 1800元
BGG 排名 256
Mage Wars | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
What would it be like for Mages of vastly different schools and philosophies of magic to come together in an arena and fight to the death? How would an Illusionist battle a Druid? Or a Warlock fight a Beastmaster? Or a Priestess fare against a Wizard?
Mage Wars pits powerful Mages against each other ...
擴充1 http://ppt.cc/H8qM 擴充2 http://ppt.cc/gtl7
Mage Wars: Core Spell Tome | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Do you have what it takes to enter the arena and battle to the death with the most powerful Mages in the world? Mage Wars combines the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniatures games to create a unique, fast-paced, strategic fight to the fi ...
Mage Wars: Core Spell Tome 2 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Do you have what it takes to enter the arena and battle to the death with the most powerful Mages in the world? Mage Wars combines the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniatures games to create a unique, fast-paced, strategic fight to the fi ...

51.安道爾傳奇 Legends of Andor   1350元  最後2盒

BGG 排名 620
Legends of Andor | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Legends of Andor is a cooperative adventure board game for two to four players in which a band of heroes must work together to defend a fantasy realm from invading hordes. To secure Andor's borders, the heroes will embark on dangerous quests over the course of fi ...

(預訂)52.星蝕-古勢力堀起 Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients Expansion  1350元 2盒
Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
While the galactic conflict escalates and several new factions are trying to get a foothold on the galaxy, the adversaries suddenly need to find allies among themselves to face the rising threat. The systems previously thought to be empty are suddenly swarming with Ancients – whole worlds of t ...

53.農村出歹誌 Village  1350元 (內含市場擴充)  2盒
BGG 排名 84
Village | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Life in the village is hard – but life here also allows the inhabitants to grow and prosper as they please. One villager might want to become a friar. Another might feel ambitious and strive for a career in public office. A third one might want to seek his  ...

54.貴族野望 Noblemen   (英文版) 1700元 (現貨不必等)
BGG 排名 1846
Noblemen | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the mid-sixteenth century England Queen Elizabeth I rules without an heir. This leaves room for some maneuvering. Powers throughout, including you, believe that a family with great presence, wealth, and nobility might find itself in the right place at the right time.
In Noblemen, you are members  ...

55.鐵道任務-非洲之心 Ticket To Ride: The Heart of Africa Expansion  800元
Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 3 - The Heart of Africa | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Set in the vast wilderness of Africa at the height of its exploration by intrepid explorers, missionaries and adventurers, Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 3 - The Heart of Africa, a single-sided expansion map for Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe, fo ...

(售出)56.卓爾金曆:馬雅曆法 Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar  1650元 (等1月底)
小柴有分享全彩中文規則 和 玩家幫助卡!簡單易懂的百大遊戲!
BGG 排名 74
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots.
During a turn, players can either (a) place one ...
已經有小擴充的消息了!Released in Spielbox issue 2012/6

57.超時空要塞 Space Cadets  1600元   2盒
BGG 排名 1642
Space Cadets | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
It's your lifelong dream – to join the Star Patrol and be part of the crew of an interstellar Starship. You've worked hard, graduated from the academy, and received your first assignment as part of a team of young recruits, confident in your training and ready to be put to the test. Nothing ca ...

58.深水城領主 Lords of Waterdeep     1盒  1300元
大鐵開箱文 http://synn-solis.blogspot.tw/2012/04/lords-of-waterdeep.html
BGG 排名 31
Lords of Waterdeep | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors – the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resour ...

(預訂)59.港都情濃 Le Havre  1700元
BGG 排名 7
Le Havre | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Le Havre, a player’s turn consists of two parts: First, distribute newly supplied goods onto the offer spaces; then take an action. As an action, players may choose either to take all goods of one type from an offer space or to use one of the available buildings. Building actions allow play ...

(售出暫無,等下週)60.文明對決 Clash of Cultures     2100元
BGG 排名 808
Clash of Cultures | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From Christian Marcussen, the creator of Merchants and Marauders, comes Clash of Cultures, a civilization game in which each player leads a civilization from a single settlement to a mighty empire. Players must explore their surroundings, build large cities, research advances and conquer those who s ...
圖片 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1412322/clash-of-cultures

(預訂)61.工作與祈禱 Ora et Labora 只有1盒    1700元  只有1盒
BGG 排名  19
Ora et Labora | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Ora et Labora, each player is head of a monastery in the Medieval era who acquires land and constructs buildings – little enterprises that will gain resources and profit. The goal is to build a working infrastructure and manufacture prestigious items – such as books, ceramics, ornamen ...

62.商人與海盜 Merchants & Marauders   1750元   只有2盒
(Z-MAN英文版)有中文規則 和 玩家幫助卡 和原圖全彩繁中面版 和一般中文貼條,
BGG 排名  86
Merchants & Marauders | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Merchants & Marauders lets you live the life of an influential merchant or a dreaded pirate in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. Seek your fortune through trade, rumor hunting, missions, and of course, plundering. The game features a unique trade system and a thematic combat system, ...

63.貝爾芙城 Belfort +公會小擴充   1500元  2盒  (不加擴充1350可)
Belfort | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Welcome to the Tasty Minstrel universe! Put your Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes to work in the Village and Guilds of Belfort to collect resources and build up the city!
Elves collect wood from the forest while Dwarves collect stone from the quarry. An Elf and a Dwarf together can collect Metal from the m ...
擴充 http://ppt.cc/MV7n
Belfort: Guild Promo Pack #1 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Three more guilds to use with Belfort. Befort is a Worker Placement game with Area Majority scoring for districts as well as for types of worker. The new guilds are:
- Contractors' Guild
- Rules Lawyers' Guild
- Sentries' Guild ...

64.時間線 Timeline: Events  450元  2盒
BGG 排名 1480
Timeline: Historical Events | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Timeline: Events is a card game played using 110 cards. Each card depicts a historical event on both sides, with the year in which that event occurred on only one side. Players take turns placing a card from their hand in a row on the table. After placing the card, the player reveals the date on it. ...

65.戰爭機器 Gears of War: The Board Game + 小擴充 2100元  只有2組


BGG 排名 183
Gears of War: The Board Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
For a time, the humans of Sera knew peace...then Emergence Day came. The Locust horde arrived without warning, and countless horrors spilled forth from their underground burrows. The Coalition of Organized Governments (COG) struggled to fend off the subterranean  ...
擴充 http://ppt.cc/YMKK
Gears of War: Mission Pack 1 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
The Gears of War: Mission Pack 1 print-on-demand expansion adds two new missions to Gears of War: The Board Game. Search for an isolated Stranded in hostile territory and stand toe-to-toe with the most vicious leader of the Locust horde – General RAAM himse ...

66.龍年 In the Year of the Dragon   1100元   3盒
(英文版)遊戲很好玩,是Stefan Feld的經典遊戲,
就能得到好的分數!是過年前必玩的遊戲!XD 有網友作全彩中文規則書哦!!
BGG 排名 99
In the Year of the Dragon | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Stefan Feld's 3rd game by Alea is Im Jahr des Drachen (In the Year of the Dragon).
Players take on the role of Chinese rulers around the year 1000. The game plays out in twelve rounds, with each round representing one month in a year that seems to go from bad to worse. Disease, drought, and attacks  ...

67.魔法騎士 MAGE KNIGHT   2500元    最後2盒
BGG 排名 13
Mage Knight Board Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Mage Knight board game puts you in control of one of four powerful Mage Knights as you explore (and conquer) a corner of the Mage Knight universe under the control of the Atlantean Empire. Build your army, fill your deck with powerful spells and actions, explore caves and dungeons, and eventuall ...
特約作者:熊貓介紹文 http://ppt.cc/g5GZ

68.勃根地城堡 The castles of burgundy  1100元    2盒
(英文版)(推薦),推出幾個月就衝進BGG 前50名的好遊戲,
我很喜歡這個遊戲,Stefan Feld 的力作!附自製超精美的全彩中文玩家幫助卡。
2011 Golden Geek 最佳策略遊戲提名;2011 國際遊戲大獎-多人策略遊戲提名;
BGG 排名 21
The Castles of Burgundy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France. Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally controlling a small princedom. While playing they aim to build settlements and powerful castles, practice trade along the river, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of t ...

(預訂)69.幽閉空間 Claustrophobia   1500元   2盒
BGG 排名 59

1.歐洲航空-禁飛令(擴充)Airlines Europe: Flight Ban   只有1組 150元

2.七大奇蹟-卡坦島擴充   2組   150元
7 Wonders: Catan Island | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
7 Wonders: Catan Island is a mini-expansion for the 2011 Kennerspiel des Jahres winner 7 Wonders that pays homage to the SdJ poster child The Settlers of Catan. 7 Wonders: Catan Island debuts at Spiel 2011 with all funds collected from sale of the expansion being donated to Aktion Deutschland Hilft. ...

(詢問)1.卡卡送-新世界 New World: A Carcassonne Game 600元
New World: A Carcassonne Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In New World: A Carcassonne Game, players begin as early settlers of the United States on the east coast of the continent. As in the original Carcassonne game, players lay tiles turn by turn to build towns, roads, and other parts of the countryside. A player can choose to place one of his tokens on  ...

2.現金流 Cashflow 101   (二手)  1200元
Cashflow 101 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Cashflow 101 is a serious game designed by investor, businessman, and self-help author Robert Kiyosaki to serve as a tool for learning basic financial strategies and accounting principles. Cashflow 101 is the first of several games created by Kiyosaki to reinforce the information in his books.
The b ...

3.航海新世紀 Mundus Novus  650元
Mundus Novus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Spain, 16th century. You are a powerful ship owner in search of wealth from the recently discovered Mundus Novus (New World). Your goal: Charter fleets of caravels to collect valuable goods (including the legendary Inca relics) and trade to form the best sets to expand your business empire and make  ...

4.地鼠來我家 Burrows    500元
Burrows | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Welcome to sunny Gopher Gulch, home of a unique gopher population known far and wide for their bright and colorful coats! Due to their particular diets, our local gophers have developed fur in remarkable shades of red, purple, and orange… this is a sight that has to be seen to be believed, an ...

(預訂)5.蘭開斯特 Lancaster +新法案擴充   1600元
Lancaster: The New Laws | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Lancaster: The New Laws introduces 18 new laws for the Lancaster board game on which the players can vote. These law cards can replace those in the original game or be mixed with them. ...

(預訂)6.世紀征服家 Medieval Mastery  600元
Medieval Mastery | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Medieval Mastery is a board game of tactical conquest based on the feudal system that existed in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. Set in France, during a time of turmoil, each player assumes the role of a provincial lord as the country erupts into a war of succession. Send your brave knights forth ...

7.西伯利亞 Siberia    1000元
Siberia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Siberia has a reputation for being a land of vast resources, and players are going to do their best to exploit those resources and convert them into as much loot as possible.
To set up the game, place two different resources at random on each area in Siberia, place the remaining resources on their s ...

8.創世界 MONDO  1500元
Mondo | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Mondo, players compete against each other while also racing against the clock. Each player has a small world board with empty spaces on it, and all players simultaneously pick tiles depicting different animals and environments from the middle of the table and place them on their world board, tryi ...
擴充A http://ppt.cc/SUQw 擴充B http://ppt.cc/jKGP
Mondo: Zusatzspieler Pack A | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Mondo: Zusatzspieler Pack A is one of two expansion packs for Michael Schacht's Mondo released in late 2011. Each pack includes a double-sided game board that allows an additional player to be added to the game. The pack also includes new land tiles (identical in sets A and B), new scoring methods a ...
Mondo: Zusatzspieler Pack B | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Mondo: Zusatzspieler Pack B is one of two expansion packs for Michael Schacht's Mondo released in late 2011. Each pack includes a double-sided game board that allows an additional player to be added to the game. The pack also includes new land tiles (identical in sets A and B), new scoring methods a ...
小擴充 http://ppt.cc/dUL~
Mondo Sapiens Micro | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Mondo Micro is a 2 player Expansion for Mondo Sapiens, and is also compatible with Mondo.
The new player board lays between both players and will be played with the "first-time" rules, except the timer will be set at 3 only minutes.
The board has two different player boards (double-sided). ...

(預訂)9.天生絕配 Compatibility (1996年藍盒版) 1300元
Compatibility | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Play is in teams of two. Each person has a deck of picture cards. Each deck has the same set of pictures. There is also a deck of word cards with words like "marriage", "de facto", and "pimple".
A word is chosen and each player chooses 2-5 cards from his/her deck. Teams ...

阿卡迪亞 ARKADIA  900元內
爪哇 JAVA (面具三部曲只差這個) 1400元內
羅馬競技場 Colosseum  1300元內

※預購神秘大地 Terra Mystica (Z-MAN英文版)  只有10盒~
Terra Mystica | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups.
Terra Mystica is a game with very li ...



※面交需配合地點,地址:新北市板橋區南門街30號2樓 (星期一和全時段早上都休息)



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
zric:推~1F 01/09 13:54
wjs:推2F 01/09 13:55
albee304:推推熱心3F 01/09 14:06
jeff00277:推   辛苦了4F 01/09 14:06
twinson:推Allen~5F 01/09 14:07
kendow:推熱心6F 01/09 14:07
e0004252:推Allen7F 01/09 14:10
USBv2:我好不爭氣~~~~~~~~~~~8F 01/09 14:15
ShadowKou:推Allen~9F 01/09 14:16
nanodog:推~10F 01/09 14:17
croy89:good11F 01/09 14:17
sihong:推12F 01/09 14:22
laycelin:推Allen~~~13F 01/09 14:23
sooncomex:推推14F 01/09 14:27
nesk:推15F 01/09 14:31
anoukwow:辛苦了,謝謝您的付出 :)16F 01/09 14:32
Tavoc:推!你是玩家福音啊!!!17F 01/09 14:34
squarle:希望現在寄信還來得及搶到...QQ18F 01/09 14:34
zeldaaa:Allen必推~~~19F 01/09 14:51
xxx60709:Catan歐洲商人沒英文版嗎?20F 01/09 14:57
hepta7749:Allen大大真是辛苦了~21F 01/09 15:02
bluegrass207:好多吸引人的遊戲..坑22F 01/09 15:10
yahoo206:推~辛苦了!!23F 01/09 15:13
susuhd:百推不膩! ALleen24F 01/09 15:17
ebv:推阿~熱心的Allen~25F 01/09 15:24
comboblue:你真的翻"蟻菇樂翻天"XDDDDD26F 01/09 15:25
dadadiiii:推一個 我想要Uchronia!27F 01/09 15:47
populous:推Allen !!28F 01/09 16:13
clnman:推29F 01/09 16:24
pilijoe:推allen!!^^30F 01/09 16:44
kicoomi:推Allen 一坑過了前面還有一坑 掉不完的坑啊31F 01/09 16:46
Eunoia:推Allen :)32F 01/09 17:07
MAIORI:太毒啦~33F 01/09 17:16
oneblack:推阿!!34F 01/09 17:27
chuchutaro:辛苦了!  多一點熱血周遭的人就多一份活力!35F 01/09 17:28
※ 編輯: Allen1110       來自:      (01/09 17:48)
bu105330:看到allen快推36F 01/09 18:19
comboblue:啊....幽閉GG...37F 01/09 18:29
lovemost:推~38F 01/09 18:37
SeekU:嗯…我決定存錢去艾森(茶)39F 01/09 18:44
smoox:去艾森買不一定比跟Allen買划算 XDD40F 01/09 18:47
SeekU:因為已經決定要去了XDDDD 能省則省~41F 01/09 18:51
remprogress:推ALLEN大!!42F 01/09 19:01
SeekU:是說有沒有Timeline: Diversity讓我可以做中文化XD43F 01/09 19:06
pilidarren:推ALLEN大!!44F 01/09 19:21
NewFireman:推ALLEN大!!45F 01/09 19:41
TarocciKa:好想要超級地城冒險 不過只能淚推了TAT46F 01/09 19:42
ru03m4g0:推Allen~47F 01/09 20:07
shrine:推ALLEN大的熱心!48F 01/09 20:07
airfirewolf:推熱心49F 01/09 20:22
Ayanesoul:已寫信(MARVEL DBG)~感謝ALLEN大50F 01/09 21:54

※ 看板: BoardGame 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1519 
作者 Allen1110 的最新發文:
  • +33 [交易] 1月份新北市板橋區賣團購遊戲 - BoardGame 板
    作者: (台灣) 2014-01-05 21:55:11
    遲來的新年快樂,我是ALLEN, 最近天氣冷,我不小心也感冒了,吃了感冒藥,發現自己的皮膚變得好滑! 有沒有感冒藥有美容成份的八卦(題外話) 1月份的團購文,有許多新舊遊戲和二手遊戲的降價, 也增加超 …
    34F 33推
  • +25 [交易] 12月份新北市板橋區賣團購遊戲 - BoardGame 板
    作者: (台灣) 2013-12-13 16:33:46
    大家好!我是ALLEN,快要過聖誕節了, 家裡的衣櫥是不是還少一盒桌遊啊!:) 最近和朋友聊天才知道,我的團購文連在台灣的阿豆仔(歪國人)都有在留意耶! 不排除是不是之後要推出中英文版的團購文了!XD …
    25F 25推
  • +50 [交易] 板橋團團購賣一些遊戲! - BoardGame 板
    作者: (台灣) 2013-01-09 13:46:09
    HI 新年快樂~我是ALLEN,雖然已經要月中了, 但是還沒有機會和大家說聲好, 新的1月份團購遊戲來啦! 也歡迎大家來板橋找我開團玩遊戲!我的遊戲收藏如下: (應該今年年底主遊戲收藏數會超700個, …
    50F 50推
  • +31 [交易] 板橋團購賣一些遊戲 - BoardGame 板
    作者: (台灣) 2012-12-20 11:19:30
    我是ALLEN,許多朋友認為我在造福大家,諸多建議下我回來了! (之前都在舊文低調賣)我每個月只發一次交易文,有更新的都會在同一篇修改, 未來我會持續向國外購買遊戲,願意為"板橋團" …
    32F 31推
  • +6 [規則] 荒野獵手 Trapper 波利翻譯 - BoardGame 板
    作者: (台灣) 2011-12-23 15:02:49
    這是一款冷門遊戲,台灣也買不到,因為覺得美術不錯就買了! 而且這遊戲的作者是Michael Kiesling 和 Wolfgang Kramer 他們兩個常常一起出遊戲,而且都非常好玩,有幾個都曾在百 …
    7F 6推
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