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看板 BoardGame
作者 Allen1110 (Allen)
標題 [交易] 板橋團購賣一些遊戲
時間 Thu Dec 20 11:19:30 2012




Dropbox - 中文化分享 - Simplify your life
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

1.惡魔島 4  Cartagena: Die Meuterei   600元   只有1盒
BGG 排名 2659
Cartagena: Die Meuterei | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The saga of Cartagena continues. After a long calm, there are the first signs of a mutiny. Players try to equip with gold and weapons, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of other players to be on the winning side at the end of the game, having the most gold. ...

2.秘銀之王  Kings of Mithril   750元    1盒
BGG 排名 5591
Kings of Mithril | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Kings of Mithril is a world building game set in a fabled Dwarf Kingdom on a distant island, where two to four players compete for the king's crown by building up their kingdom around and deep inside Mount Mithril.
Players try to extend their mining tunnels deep inside the mountain and build undergr ...
圖片 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1108259/kings-of-mithril

3.武士之道 Shitenno      1000元   只有1盒
BGG 排名 2335
Shitenno | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Shitennō are the four great Generals of the legendary Shogun Togukawa Ieyasu who unified Japan at the end of the 16th century. The players will play these loyal and famous samuraïs, with the goal of becoming the Shogun's favorite by controlling as many provinces as possible.
In Shitenno, yo ...

4.開膛手傑克 Mystery Rummy - Fall 1: Jack the Ripper  400元 1盒
BGG 排名 415
Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This game attaches an interesting theme to a fairly standard Rummy framework. Playing Victims, Suspects, Scenes, and Evidence-melds, players try to build a case against various suspects for the famous Jack the Ripper serial murders. Whichever suit has the most cards played in it when a player goes o ...

(售出暫無)5.企鵝的皮草 Volle-Scholle  500元
(德文版)簡單的卡牌遊戲,重點作者是Martin Wallace ,評價不高!
BGG 排名 4154
Volle Scholle | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Volle Scholle, players need to balance their penguin and ice floe holdings in order to come out on the top of the world – er, make that the bottom of the world since penguins live in the Antarctic.
In any case, the game includes 72 penguin cards – four colors valued 1-5 (x3) and twelv ...

6.這是啥麼啦!?   只有1盒   850元
Was klotzt du? | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Was klotzt du?, the players try to explain a concept using a set of wooden blocks.
The game is played in timed rounds. In each round, one player is the explainer, while the other players try to guess the concept. The explainer receives a set of 24 blocks (consisting of 11 brown blocks and 13 bloc ...

7.小勇氣:烏鴉的伺機 Coraxis & Co: Raven on the Prowl   850元
(英文版)Queen Kids 的兒童遊戲,遊戲不需要文字,有可愛的配件,
Ri-Ra-Räuberraben | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Publisher's description:
Frank the farmer is proud of the delicious apples, pears, cherries and plums that grow in his garden. It's fruit crop day and Frank is in a really good mood. But what's this...?
Six ravens are sitting in the trees eating his fruits. "Watch out! I will get you!", he ...

8.上流社會  High Society     200元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 485
High Society | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Reiner Knizia's High Society, players bid against each other to acquire the various trappings of wealth (positive-number and multiplier cards) while avoiding its pitfalls (negative number and divisor cards). While bidding, though, keep an eye on your remaining cash - at the end of the game, even  ...

9.符文諭令 TALISMAN 擴充
Talisman : The Highland Expansion(2010) (德版700)
Talisman : The Blood Moon Expansion(2012) 小擴 700 (英文版)
BGG 排名 536
Talisman (fourth edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Talisman is a cult classic board game with a fantasy theme. There are 14 characters a player can control, from the heroic Warrior to the powerful Sorcerer. In this perilous adventure, play centers around the journey of these gallant heroes to find and claim the Crown of Command, a magical artifact w ...

10.上古遺跡 Monuments    650元    1盒
BGG 排名 1973
Monuments: Wonders of Antiquity | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A game of building monuments and historical sources, reporting on these monuments.
In order to win the game, you not only have to build the monuments, you have to make sure that history will know them - and your fellow gamers will co-decide about it! And there are copyists, who will dispute the glor ...

11.魔法師的料理書 Magician's Cookbook   650元  有2盒
BGG 排名 尚未
Magician's Cookbook | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Der verflixte Zaubertrank players are magician assistants who need to bring together the ingredients needed to complete potions – but to do this, they can use a little magic of their own to double up on ingredients they already have.
Each player has four cauldron tiles – two with slit ...

12.蒸氣時代 Age of Steam  中文版   1350元   只有1盒
BGG 排名 26
Age of Steam | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Steam-belching iron horses roar across the wild plains! Age of Steam relives the era when pioneering U.S. railroads built the tracks that transformed America's economy. The cut-throat action is centered on the industrial powerhouses of the growing nation: Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and beyond.

13.中世紀商人 Merchants of the Middle Ages   1000元   剩2盒 (大盒絕對超值)
英文版,作者是Wolfgang Kramer,提供中文規則,美術也不錯的競標遊戲,

BGG 排名 1734
Merchants of the Middle Ages | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the publisher's site:
Europe during the Middle Ages. You are a merchant, owner of important markets in 6 majestic cities of Europe. At the heart of this commercial trade are 6 different kinds of goods: cloth, iron, wine, food, silk and salt.
These goods are, as much as possible, acquired at a l ...

14.冷戰對決 Cold War: CIA vs KGB    450元  只有1盒


BGG 排名 574
Cold War: CIA vs KGB | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
World War II has left the world in upheaval, and many nations' futures are filled with uncertainty. The USA and the USSR are the only Superpowers who can lead the world toward a better future.
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB puts you in charge of a spy network during the post-war era. Your purpose: to "p ...

15.緋尼基人 Phoenicia     800元  4盒 (大盒,天鵝賣1600,我打5折)
BGG 排名 737
Phoenicia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Empires rise and fall. In the buffer areas and crossroads between civilizations, however, a clever ruler can sometimes adopt new ideas, establish trade, and found a city state -- such as the great Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon -- that will outlast many neighbouring empires. Phoenicia is about  ...

16.卡坦歷史-歐洲貿易家 Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe  850元
遊戲少有文字,可以參考BGG英文規則或是GOOGLE 自行翻譯卡表!
BGG 排名 3149 http://ppt.cc/SR4d
Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In the late Middle Ages, trade flourished in Europe. Economic groups like the Hanseatic League, the Welser and Fugger families, and merchants from Northern Italy established trading posts and factories in all of the important cities throughout Europe. These businesses provided the population with go ...

17.DIXIT: JINX  妙不可言:烏鴉嘴(簡單版)    450元    只剩2盒
DIXIT 的小盒版,圖形較抽象,但遊戲更簡單,適合玩家入門或小朋友進行!
BGG 排名 2575
Dixit Jinx | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Jinx is a new Game in the Dixit family but unlike the original game the drawings are not realistic illustrations depicting scenes but images halfway between abstraction and figuration.
During the game 9 cards are exposed in a square 3x3. The active player draws a locator map that will show him one o ...

18.大溪地 Tahiti  只有1盒 800元
BGG 排名 4373
Tahiti | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Your small island is peaceful and prosperous – so prosperous that your tribe has grown beyond its ability to sustain you! Fortunately, being a peaceful people you have chosen not to fight over what little there is. Instead, you set out in your seagoing Wa’a (canoe) to fish and gather cro ...

19.追趕吧!跑車 Hurry' Cup!  550元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 6888
Hurry'Cup! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Hurry'Cup is a car racing game between 3 and 6 players. Reflexes, dexterity and risk-taking will be key to reach the top of the podium. A set of tiles and ambiance burning asphalt! ...

20.瘋狂農莊 Farmageddon  2盒  400元
BGG 排名2560
Farmageddon | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Farmageddon is a game of chance and strategy. Players must plant, fertilize, and harvest crops in order to build the most valuable harvest – but they must do so before their opponents undermine their efforts using powerful and subtle action cards. The game ends when no crops are available for  ...

(售出暫無)21.萊伯塔利的海盜  Libertalia  1350元   1盒
BGG 排名 1225
Libertalia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Captain Swallow has always dreamed of pocketing a large nest egg in order to retire on a remote island – but he never counted on stiff competition from Captains Stanley Rackum, Dirk Chivers and others, greedy and cruel enemies who always manage to attack th ...

22.遠古封印 Elder Sign (英文版)  750元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 341
Elder Sign | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
It is 1926, and the museum's extensive collection of exotic curios and occult artifacts poses a threat to the barriers between our world and the elder evils lurking between dimensions. Gates to the beyond begin to leak open, and terrifying creatures of increasing ...

23.災難隱現 Disaster Looms   1400元   最後2盒
BGG 排名 4357
Disaster Looms! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Earth is probably doomed, and rumors and speculation run rampant. Newspaper headlines from across the globe stir the populace to desperation:

24.斯巴達克斯  Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery  1200元
BGG 排名 1069  http://ppt.cc/Y4kl
Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
In Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, an exciting game of twisted schemes and bloody combats inspired by the hit STARZ Original series, each player takes on the role of Dominus, head of a rising house in the ancient Roman city of Capua. Each house is com ...

25.樂團經理 Rockband Manager 500元  2盒

(售出暫無)26.自由 Libert    1200元    2盒
BGG 排名 299
Liberté | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Liberté covers the French Revolution from 1789 and the meeting of the Estates General to the Directory and Bonaparte’s coup d’état in 1799. The game is played in four turns. In each turn there will be a variable number of rounds, followed by an election to see which faction ...

27.墨丘利 Mercurius 1500元  最後1盒
請參考阿鴻大的推廣介紹 http://jasonlee1222.pixnet.net/blog/post/64531310
[桌遊開箱+規則分享] Mercurius 墨丘利 @ 寶貝的遊戲室 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Mercurius 墨丘利 mercurius 在此次Essen的遊戲中,就以畫風吸引著大家目光,遊戲本身並不複雜,但卻需要的是對價格與人性的敏銳度,讓我們一起來看看仔細看看這款遊戲吧 Merc ...
BGG 排名 3981
Mercurius | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The East India Company grows quickly through the delivery of exotic goods from New World and Far East – but to operate on such a large scale, the company needs money, so the first world stock market is opened in Amsterdam. Rich citizens see the opportunity to acquire even more riches, so they  ...

28.Hanabi 煙火   450元    1盒
BGG 排名 302
Hanabi | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Hanabi – named for the Japanese word for "fireworks" and consisting of the ideograms "Flower" and "Fire" – is a cooperative game in which players try to create the perfect fireworks show by placing the cards on the table in the right order.
The card deck con ...

29.瘋狂農場 Farmerama  900元  2盒
BGG 排名 3936
Farmerama | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Based on the popular videogame and designed by Uwe Rosenberg, players in Farmerama use action cards to sow and harvest crops (carrots, hay, oats, corn) to feed their livestock (sheep, pigs, cow, horse) and earn victory points. On each player's board, a rotating wheel indicates where and when actions ...

30.史特拉斯堡 STRASBOUNG   1200元   全新   最後1盒
Stefan Feld今年的新遊戲之一,內含英文規則,評價也不錯,
BGG排名 410
Strasbourg | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Strasbourg in the 15th century - the political skills of the city are heavily influenced by the craftsmen guilds .
In this time, players take on the lead of ascending families of the city. It is your goal to place your family members in the different guilds. Only the clever usage of influence points ...

31.柯南世紀 Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game 1400元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 742
http://ppt.cc/Q5hu ;配件圖片http://ppt.cc/HNy3
Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Age of Conan
Age of Conan is a boardgame which puts players in control of one of the major kingdoms of the Hyborian age, in the period of history well known through the tales of the adventures of Conan the Cimmerian, the barbarian hero created by Robert E. Howard.
You will fight with armies, sorcery ...

32.機器人型 Android 1000元
BGG 排名 570
Android | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the publisher:
Android is a board game of murder and conspiracy set in a dystopian future. Detectives travel between the city of New Angeles and moon colony Heinlein chasing down leads, calling in favors, and uncovering the sinister conspiracy beneath it all. The detectives must balance their p ...

33.新大陸 Neuland 950元
BGG 排名 961
Neuland | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Neuland is a game about logistics and planning. In the beginning of the game, the land lies undeveloped, a series of blank hexes representing mountains, forests, and grasslands. Players win by building and using prestige properties that allow them to place their family's coat-of-arms onto the board  ...

34.國王堡+擴充  Kingsburg 1950元    只有1組


BGG 排名 168
Kingsburg | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Kingsburg, players are Lords sent from the King to administer frontier territories.
The game takes place over five years, a total of 20 turns. In every year, there are 3 production seasons for collecting resources, building structures, and training troops. Every fourth turn is the winter, in whic ...
擴充 http://ppt.cc/Gda~
Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The expansion is composed by five "modules". One or more modules can be added to the game in order to customize it to your liking (or to have a slightly different challenge each time).
They are: two extra rows of buildings
seven "alternative rows" of buildings (each replacing one ...

35.魔法風暴 MageStorm  1500元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 2215
Magestorm | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Enter a world of high magic and bloody melees with Magestorm! Magestorm is a new fantasy board game series where you will finally be able to play fantasy battles as you dream them to be. Powerful magicians wielding god-like powers will call storms of fire from the sky, move hills, raze woods, invoke ...

36.抵抗組織 The Resistance   600元
BGG 排名 84 或是Party Game 排名 8
The Resistance | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Empire must fall. Our mission must succeed. By destroying their key bases, we will shatter Imperial strength and liberate our people. Yet spies have infiltrated our ranks, ready for sabotage. We must unmask them. In five nights we reshape destiny or die trying. We are the Resistance!
The Resista ...
圖片 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1392010/the-resistance

37.魔法戰爭 Mage Wars Core Set + 擴充   2100元  2盒
BGG 排名 349
Mage Wars | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
What would it be like for Mages of vastly different schools and philosophies of magic to come together in an arena and fight to the death? How would an Illusionist battle a Druid? Or a Warlock fight a Beastmaster? Or a Priestess fare against a Wizard?
Mage Wars pits powerful Mages against each other ...
Mage Wars: Core Spell Tome | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Do you have what it takes to enter the arena and battle to the death with the most powerful Mages in the world? Mage Wars combines the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniatures games to create a unique, fast-paced, strategic fight to the fi ...

(售出暫無)38.卓爾金曆:馬雅曆法 Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar  1550元
(英文版)全彩中文規則 和 幫助卡 分享!簡單易懂的"準"100大遊戲!
BGG 排名 174
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots.
During a turn, players can either (a) place one ...
已經有小擴充的消息了!Released in Spielbox issue 2012/6

39.泰坦    Titan    1400元     (天鵝堡定價2780元)   最後1盒
BGG 排名 376
Titan | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This classic game of the Fantasy Monster Slug-a-thon is a standby from the Avalon Hill of yore. The game still has a very devoted following, which is a tribute to the depth of the various strategies and approaches. The game is divided into two realms, the masterboard and the battleboards. On the mas ...

40.海道 Tsuro of the Seas  1100元  只有1盒
Tsuro of the Seas | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The basic game play of Tsuro of the Seas resembles that of Tom McMurchie's Tsuro: Players each have a ship that they want to sail — that is, keep on the game board — as long as possible. Whoever stays on the board the longest wins the game.
Each turn players add "wake" tiles to ...

41.瓦努阿圖 Vanuatu 1500元  2盒
BGG 排名 373
Vanuatu | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Vanuatu, you are a Vanuatuan who wants to prosper during the eight turns of the game. In order to prosper, you have to manage with natural resources, rare items, vatus (local currency) and tourists. To earn money or prosperity points, you may also draw on the sand*, carry tourists all over Vanuat ...

42.獵魔戰士-勇者考驗(擴充) Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator Expansion
(英文版)評價很好的遊戲擴充 ! 1100元 1盒
Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
In Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator, the third expansion for Quarriors!, you have been selected to compete in the Qladitorial Games! Quadrennially, Empress Quiana calls together the mightiest Quarriors across the land to compete in the great Quolosseum. Will you ...

43.關鍵27條:聯安會的決斷 Article 27:The UN Security Council Game 1300元 2盒
BGG 排名 1939 http://ppt.cc/AG8L
Article 27: The UN Security Council Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Article 27: The United Nations Security Council Game gets its title from – yes, you guessed it – Article 27 of the United Nations Charter, which includes these two provisions:
1. Each member of the Security Council shall have one vote.
2. Decisions of the Security Council on procedural m ...

44.石油危機 Crude: The Oil Game 1600元  1盒
BGG 排名 1073
Crude: The Oil Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Crude: The Oil Game (a.k.a. McMulti), players take on the role of oil company CEOs, seeking to expand their companies into multi-national energy mega-corporations. Just as with real world energy companies, player will setup facilities for oil drilling, oil pumping, oil refining into gasoline, and ...

(售出暫無)45.東京之王(擴充) King of Tokyo: Power Up! Expansion   650元
King of Tokyo: Power Up! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
With King of Tokyo: Power Up! – an expansion for the King of Tokyo base game – after choosing a monster, each player takes the eight Evolution cards associated with that monster, shuffles those cards, and creates a personal deck. At the end of a player's turn, if she has three hearts, sh ...

46.神話戰役 Mythic Battles   1300元  1盒
BGG 排名 4476
Mythic Battles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Mythic Greece is in chaos: Athena and Hades are at war and have sent their greatest heroes to battle. Take on the role of these generals out of legend, leading fantastic armies and lead your troops to victory!
Mythic Battles is a game which simulates epic confron ...

47.魔戒II版 (擴充)War of the Ring : Lords of Middle Earth Expansion 800元 2盒
War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-Earth | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
What if the Keepers of the Elven Rings had used their Rings of Power to challenge the might of the Dark Lord? What if the Balrog had risen out of Moria to bring fire and fury to the lands of the Free Peoples? What if the Council of Elrond had decided differently  ...
魔戒II版主遊戲也可以預訂 2100元 (提供全彩中文化檔案)
War of the Ring (second edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In War of the Ring, one player takes control of the Free Peoples (FP), the other player controls Shadow Armies (SA).
Initially, the Free People Nations are reluctant to take arms against Sauron, so they must be attacked by Sauron or persuaded by Gandalf or other Companions, before they start to figh ...

48.金星商人 Merchant of Venus   1950元    1盒
BGG 排名 1038
Merchant of Venus (second edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Merchant of Venus uses many elements which come together to form a very interesting game. Players take on the roles of space traders who move their ships through interconnected systems discovering new alien worlds to trade with. As players start to make money delivering commodities in a unique suppl ...

49.殭屍之城 City of Horror  1300元   最後1盒
(英文版)遊戲是很吃人品PARTY GAME ,遊戲機制大體和前作很像,多了一點變體規則,
BGG 排名 1481
City of Horror | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
City of Horror is a backstabbing survival-horror game. As in classic zombie movies, a shambling horde is invading the city. The goal is to survive the assault. (Un)fortunately, surviving often means sacrificing some of your fellow players to the undead...
Each player controls several characters with ...

50.時間線 Timeline: Events  450元  2盒
BGG 排名 1480
Timeline: Historical Events | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Timeline: Events is a card game played using 110 cards. Each card depicts a historical event on both sides, with the year in which that event occurred on only one side. Players take turns placing a card from their hand in a row on the table. After placing the card, the player reveals the date on it. ...

(售出暫無)51.愛琴海群島 Archipelago     1950元
[簡介]最近注意的遊戲:Archipelago 群島 @ 納吉姆的桌遊破落閣 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
遊戲名稱:Archipelago 群島遊戲時間:90~240min 遊戲人數:2~5人 遊戲類型:區域控制/圖板擺放/工人擺放/商品買賣/貿易BGG排名:N/A BGG連結: ...
BGG 排名 760
Archipelago | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Archipelago, players are Renaissance European powers competing in the exploration of a Caribbean archipelago. They will explore territories, harvest resources, use those resources in markets both internal (for their use and that of the natives) and foreign (to sell it in Europe), build markets, h ...

52.哥布林之戰 戰術版(無文字版) GOSU Tactics   850 元 1盒
GOSU 2: Tactics | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In a fantasy world dominated by goblins, when the blood moon rises in the sky, a new war begins and new warlords raise their armies.
GOSU 2: Tactics plays like a hybrid of Race for the Galaxy and Magic: The Gathering with each player trying to recruit an army of goblins made up of soldiers, heroes,  ...

(售出暫無)53.超人聯盟 DC Comics (DBG)  1100元   1盒
(英文版)美術極佳的DOMI LIKE卡牌遊戲,主題是超人英雄合作遊戲!
BGG 排名 3241
DC Comics Deck-Building Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Batman! Superman! Wonder Woman! Aquaman! The Flash! Green Lantern! Cyborg! The Justice League of America is ready for action – are you? Fight the never-ending battle for truth, justice, and peace in the DC Comics Deck-Building Game!
To start the game, each  ...

54.夢想天行者 Fantastiqa   1600元    只有1盒
(英文版)KICKSTARTER 募資成功的行動點數及卡牌,無PROMO卡,美術很棒,
BGG 排名 3625
Fantastiqa | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Welcome to the wild, weird world of FANTASTIQA!
Fantastiqa is a deck-building board game set in a fantastical landscape of dark forests, mist-shrouded highlands, and frozen wastes. As you and your foes journey around the board, you will subdue strange creatures and fulfill fabulous quests.
Each crea ...

(售出暫無)55.超人特攻隊 Legendary Marvel (DBG) 1600元
(英文版)美術極佳的DOMI LIKE卡牌遊戲,主題是超人英雄合作遊戲!
BGG 排名 637 http://ppt.cc/1RyS
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is set in the Marvel Comics universe. To set up the game, players choose a number of hero decks – Spider-Man, Hulk, Cyclops, Wolverine, etc. – and shuffle them together; since players use only a handful of hero decks out of the fifteen included, the ...

(售出暫無)56.海盜骰 Pirate Dice      1100元
(英文版)KICKSTARTER 募資成功的骰子冒險遊戲,無PROMO,遊戲很有意思!
BGG 排名 3445 http://ppt.cc/ngza
Pirate Dice: Voyage on the Rolling Seas | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Ready for a taste of high adventure on the rolling seas? In Pirate Dice, you are the captain of a pirate ship, racing through the Caribbean against your fellow pirates. You must navigate the seas, obtain the buried treasure, and return safely to your port. But beware – many hazards await on th ...

57.曼哈頓計劃 The Manhattan Project   1450元  3盒
BGG 排名 285
The Manhattan Project | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the back of the box:
Global Power Struggle Begins
Which nation will take the lead and become world's dominant superpower?
The Manhattan Project makes you the leader of a great nation's atomic weapons program in a deadly race to build bigger and better bombs. You must assign your workers to mult ...

58.超級地城探險 Super Dungeon Explore   2000元
BGG 排名 613

Super Dungeon Explore | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Super Dungeon Explore (SDE)
Super Dungeon Explore is a dungeon crawler inspired by old Japanese console RPGs. The miniatures are done in a cute / chibi / super-deformed style, which means the head is roughly the same size as the rest of the body.
One to five players take the role of classic fantasy  ...

(預訂暫無)59.夏洛克-福爾摩斯 Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective  1000元
BGG 排名 344
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Have you ever had the desire to walk the streets of Victorian London with Sherlock Holmes in search of Professor Moriarty? To search the docks for the giant rat Sumatra? To walk up Baker Street as the fog is rolling in and hear Holmes cry out, "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot!"? Now  ...

60.四季交馳 Seasons   1350     最後1盒
BGG 排名 188
Seasons | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Seasons is a game of cards and dice which takes place in two phases:
The first phase consists of a draft: the goal during this phase will be to establish a strategy for the rest of the game with 9 cards that can be selected (Each card has a specific effect and earns victory points).
Once the draft i ...

61.抵抗組織-阿瓦隆  700元 2盒
BGG 排名 600
The Resistance: Avalon | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but ha ...
轉錄”OneGameClub的桌遊世界提供介紹” http://ppt.cc/Lx0R

62.澳門 Macao  1100元   剩1盒
BGG 排名 123
Macao | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
At the end of the 17th century, Macao – the mysterious port city on the southern coast of China – is a Portuguese trading post in the Far East. The players take on the role of energetic and daring adventurers. Many exciting tasks and challenges await the players, whether they are a capta ...


1.歐洲航空-禁飛令(擴充)Airlines Europe: Flight Ban   只有1組 150元
Airlines Europe: Flight Ban | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Airlines Europe: Flugverbot – a free expansion distributed at Spiel 2011 – provides players a blocking variant for Alan R. Moon's 2011 release Airlines Europe that, in the words of Abacusspiele's Matthias Wagner, "should make the board/routes slightly tighter".
Airlines Europe: ...

2.羅賓森的詛咒 Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island  150元
Promo cards  http://ppt.cc/Dc6~
Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island - Promo cards | Board Game | BoardGameGeek This promo expansion consists of 5 promo "trait" cards for Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island.
These are:
The Bull
All cards can be included into the base game. Players choose a trait at game start if they like to; each one gives a disadvantage, but al ...

1.卡卡送-新世界 New World: A Carcassonne Game 600元
New World: A Carcassonne Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In New World: A Carcassonne Game, players begin as early settlers of the United States on the east coast of the continent. As in the original Carcassonne game, players lay tiles turn by turn to build towns, roads, and other parts of the countryside. A player can choose to place one of his tokens on  ...

2.現金流 Cashflow 101   (二手)  1800元
Cashflow 101 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Cashflow 101 is a serious game designed by investor, businessman, and self-help author Robert Kiyosaki to serve as a tool for learning basic financial strategies and accounting principles. Cashflow 101 is the first of several games created by Kiyosaki to reinforce the information in his books.
The b ...

3.看門狗 Dog  500元 (還沒玩過這盒;之都玩別人的)
BGG 排名 1531
Dog | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Dog has similarities to the Pachisi / Sorry! family of games, but with a few noticeable twists.
The object of the game is to move own men from home to the target area as fast as possible. They are moved in a clockwise direction along the course according to the value of the cards. The winning player ...

(售出暫無)4.大禹  Ta-Yu  800元  二手1盒
BGG 排名 547

Ta Yü | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Ta Yü, a sumptuously produced game of connections, one side tries to extend from the starting tile in the center to reach the western and eastern edges of the board while the opposing side tries to reach the northern and southern edges. On your turn you simply draw a tile and decide where to ...
圖片 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/377973/ta-yu

(售出暫無)5.DIXIT 旅程 Dixit: Journey  700元
(英文版)DIXIT的盒裝主題版!合計有84張卡,也是歐洲版本的DIXIT 3
可以獨立遊戲!(含有TOKEN 和投票版塊)!只玩過1次!
BGG 排名 990
Dixit: Journey | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Dixit: Journey features the same basic game play as Dixit: Each round one player takes on the role of Storyteller, choosing one card from his hand, then telling a story, singing a ditty or otherwise doing something that in his opinion is associated with the played card. Each other player then choose ...

安道爾傳奇 Legends of Andor 1350元
星蝕-古勢力堀起 Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients Expansion  1350元
農村出歹誌 Village (TMG英文版)內含4個市場版塊擴充  1350元
貴族野望 Noblemen   1950元
鐵道任務-非洲之心 Ticket To Ride: The Heart of Africa Expansion  800元
情書 Love Letter  350元
超時空要塞 Space Cadets 1650元

※面交需配合地點,板橋府中站 或 地址:新北市板橋區南門街30號2樓

 但郵寄會收較高的運費,因為我要花時間找箱子並包裝 (郵寄依款+100元+50+50),

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
selfhsuan:推!!!1F 12/20 11:20
zeldaaa:Allen回來造福桌遊板眾了!(  ̄□ ̄)/敬禮<( ̄ㄧ ̄ )2F 12/20 11:24
zric:welcome back3F 12/20 11:34
twinson:推Allen4F 12/20 11:35
fr014371:先推再看!!!5F 12/20 11:38
kicoomi:大推Allen~6F 12/20 11:39
rayding:Allen大就是要推7F 12/20 11:39
pululala:推Allen大,中文化好困難推,可以分享中文化的心得嗎XD8F 12/20 11:40
laycelin:大推Allen~先推再看XD9F 12/20 11:40
nosbar:實惠熱心給推,希望可以造福更多的人群10F 12/20 11:40
wxoox:推~賣遊戲真的恨累人,價格又低11F 12/20 11:43
oopsbob:佛心推~~我剛買了魔戒的說!!!12F 12/20 11:46
sckirin693:推!:)13F 12/20 11:47
USBv2:寫個信回來 推文數爆增= =14F 12/20 11:47
wxoox:先寫信是正確的15F 12/20 11:51
ShadowKou:推!!16F 12/20 11:57
bbspro:對中文化半價的都有興趣....XDDD17F 12/20 12:06
oktryit:辛苦你了 :)18F 12/20 12:07
cantreadmind:衝個50推啦!19F 12/20 12:09
charity077:推~~20F 12/20 12:14
※ 編輯: Allen1110       來自:       (12/20 12:21)
lovemost:看到第一句先推21F 12/20 12:22
xxx60709:魔戒聖戰好便宜22F 12/20 12:22
nightmare99:太強啦!!桌遊數量八百八23F 12/20 12:24
lovemost:凹烏,我想買Mayan Calendar好久了,早知道就先問了24F 12/20 12:28
andrew910313:推 馬雅曆法被秒殺 沒買到TAT25F 12/20 12:29
IamCLOUD:又有便宜可以撿囉!推推!26F 12/20 12:40
LChuang:耶不用低調推Allen了27F 12/20 12:46
nachimu:推Allen兄!28F 12/20 12:47
zeldaaa:不低調之後遊戲消化得好快!29F 12/20 13:03
AlcoNic:剛買魔戒+1,自己默默中文化中30F 12/20 13:12
minieyecheer:推信用~32F 12/20 13:21

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