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看板 BoardGame
作者 Allen1110 (Allen)
標題 [交易] 1月份新北市板橋區賣團購遊戲
時間 Sun Jan  5 21:55:11 2014







也不是所有桌遊店家 和 團購者都有能力可以全部買到!


就是要先在GOOGLE文件上登記,如右表 http://ppt.cc/NQHq
交易的遊戲數量和金額都以 Google文件 登記為主!
問題咨詢請E-MAIL為主 <Allenlinbg@gmail.com> ,站內信會比較晚才回覆!


Dropbox - 中文化分享區
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...



1. 進口遊戲雖然保護週全,但團購量大難免盒損破膜,只收集"完美盒子"的朋友,

2. 如果跟我購買的商品發生瑕疵缺件時,
Dropbox - 補缺件參考範例.pdf
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

3. 買遊戲面交都在板橋區南門街30號2樓(務必請自備零錢和袋子),

4. 為了避免我囤積太多未出售的現貨遊戲,以致我常搞錯哪些訂單是否可以出貨,

5. 交易文中有提到提供的中文卡表或規則,若在中文化分享區中沒有找到,

6. 進口的遊戲我只想賣一般玩家,請店家或團購主不要為了中文規則和卡表來買遊戲,

7. 最後在結算金額時,我也有可能會算錯錢,請購買者幫忙糾正我,

8. 限定折扣,板橋團長期跟團者 或 布落格長期編寫桌遊介紹者(20篇以上),


1.旋轉猴賽雷 Spin Monkeys   600元(大盒)   最後1盒
BGG 排名 4836
Spin Monkeys | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Spin Monkeys, one of four winners in Rio Grande Games' 2009 game design competition, you are a monkey in the jungle when one day a wayward carnival makes a stop. You and your fellow monkeys jump in the bumper cars and away you go. You have no idea why there is fruit all over the arena floor, but  ...

2.石油危機 Crude: The Oil Game  1000元  1盒
BGG 排名 1044
Crude: The Oil Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Crude: The Oil Game, players take on the role of oil company CEOs, seeking to expand their companies into multi-national energy mega-corporations. Just as with real world energy companies, player will setup facilities for oil drilling, oil pumping, oil refining into gasoline, and gasoline selling ...

3.蟻國霸王 (原蟻菇樂翻天) Myrmes   1250元   3盒
參考人氣小柴介紹 http://bghut.pixnet.net/blog/post/37513490
【開箱+規則】Myrmes 蟻國霸王 @ 卡牌屋桌遊誌 BoardGame Hut 桌上遊戲 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
本介紹文由小柴大大所撰寫&amp;授權使用, 原文刊載於 (圖片來源:ht ...
BGG 排名 253
Myrmes | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Myrmes, originally shown under the name ANTerpryse, players control ant colonies and use their ants to explore the land (leaving pheromones in their wake); harvest "crops" like stone, earth and aphids; fight with other ants; complete requests from the Queen; birth new ants; and otherwis ...

4.金星商人 Merchant of Venus   1450元    2盒
BGG 排名 319 http://ppt.cc/r28U
Merchant of Venus (second edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Merchant of Venus uses many elements which come together to form a very interesting game. Players take on the roles of space traders who move their ships through interconnected systems discovering new alien worlds to trade with. As players start to make money delivering commodities in a unique suppl ...

5.蘇拉 Sylla           只有1盒    750元
BGG 排名  641
Sylla | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Sylla was the name of a Roman Consul and dictator; the name of the game is a reference to his person. The designer tried to bring together "Res Publica Romana" and "Saint Petersburg," furthermore playable in one hour.
The players will try to become the premier Consul of Rome. Eac ...

6.地城領主 Dungeon Lords   1500元
BGG 排名 86
Dungeon Lords | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Dungeon Lords, you are an evil dungeonlord who is trying to build the best dungeon out there. You hire monsters, build rooms, buy traps and defeat the do-gooders who wish to bring you down.
From the publisher's webpage:
Have you ever ventured with party of heroes to conquer dungeons, gain pride,  ...

7.銀河商人 Starship Merchants   750元    2盒 
BGG排名 1610
Starship Merchants | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
4049: The galaxy hums with prosperity and peace two millennia after the dawn of space travel. But as mankind and its neighbors colonized the stars, the burgeoning need for resources was apparent. One by one, new geological discoveries revolutionized terraform, construction and energy technology. The ...

8.符文諭令 TALISMAN 真龍擴充 (德版)   400元  (當初買1200左右)
Talisman (fourth edition): The Dragon Expansion
主遊戲 的 BGG 排名 639 (只買模型和名信片都值得)
Talisman (fourth edition): The Dragon Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Description from the publisher:
Playing with The Dragon expansion for Talisman, players will encounter even more choices and strategic challenges, including a new, dual-sided Inner Region for their heroes to conquer. The alternate sides allow players to face familiar terrain along a path that requir ...

10.鐵道任務-歐洲  Ticket To Ride: Europe 1400元
   鐵道任務-北歐地區  Ticket To Ride: Nordic Countries 1400元
   鐵道任務(任務擴充)  Ticket To Ride: Europe 1912 Expansion  550元
   鐵道任務(怪獸擴充)  Ticket To Ride: Monster Expansion 400元
BGG 排名 63
Ticket to Ride | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
With elegantly simple gameplay, Ticket to Ride can be learned in under 15 minutes, while providing players with intense strategic and tactical decisions every turn. Players collect cards of various types of train cars they then use to claim railway routes in North America. The longer the routes, the ...

11.符文之戰 Runewars   1850元
BGG 排名 51
Runewars | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Runewars is an epic board game of conquest, adventure, and fantasy empires for two to four players. Runewars pits players against each other in a strategic game of battles and area control, where they must gather resources, raise armies, and lay siege to heavily fortified cities.
Runewars takes plac ...

12.物種優勢 (卡牌版) Dominant Species:The Card Game  600元  1盒
BGG 排名 1800
Dominant Species: The Card Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
40,000 B.C. &ndash; a great ice age is ending. Another titanic struggle for global supremacy has unwittingly commenced between the animal species.
Dominant Species: The Card Game is a fast-playing game that abstractly recreates a tiny portion of ancient history: the ponderous rescinding of an ice ag ...

13.殭屍之城 City of Horror  1300元  只有1盒
(英文版)遊戲是很吃人品PARTY GAME ,機制大體和前作很像,

BGG 排名 717
City of Horror | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
City of Horror is a backstabbing survival-horror game. As in classic zombie movies, a shambling horde is invading the city. The goal is to survive the assault. (Un)fortunately, surviving often means sacrificing some of your fellow players to the undead...
Each player controls several characters with ...

14.魔法戰爭 Mage Wars Core Set + 擴充1 + 擴充2  2500元
BGG 排名 24
Mage Wars | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
What would it be like for Mages of vastly different schools and philosophies of magic to come together in an arena and fight to the death? How would an Illusionist battle a Druid? Or a Warlock fight a Beastmaster? Or a Priestess fare against a Wizard?
Mage Wars pits powerful Mages against each other ...
 擴充1 http://ppt.cc/H8qM 擴充2 http://ppt.cc/gtl7
Mage Wars: Core Spell Tome | Board Game Accessory | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Do you have what it takes to enter the arena and battle to the death with the most powerful Mages in the world? Mage Wars combines the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniatures games to create a unique, fast-paced, strategic fight to the fi ...
Mage Wars: Core Spell Tome 2 | Board Game Accessory | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Do you have what it takes to enter the arena and battle to the death with the most powerful Mages in the world? Mage Wars combines the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniatures games to create a unique, fast-paced, strategic fight to the fi ...
Mage Wars: Forcemaster vs. Warlord  大擴充   900元
Mage Wars: Forcemaster vs. Warlord | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Mage Wars: Forcemaster vs. Warlord is the first two-mage expansion set for Mage Wars, focusing on two schools of magic not emphasized in the core set: the Mind School and the War School.
The Forcemaster is a master of telekinetic force and mind magic. With her keen intellect and supreme control over ...
Mage Wars: Conquest of Kumanjaro Spell Tome Expansion  700元
Mage Wars: Conquest of Kumanjaro - Spell Tome Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Far to the south, the Johktari tribes of Kumanjaro have thrived for hundreds of years. Now the peace of a century has turned to conflict as the forces of Westlock carve out their own territories for the good of the crown and the glory of Asyra.
In the Mage Wars: Conquest of Kumanjaro - Spell Tome Ex ...
Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer 大擴充  1000元
Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer is a two-mage expansion set for Mage Wars, focusing on two schools of magic not emphasized in the core set.
The Druid is schooled in Nature magic and is the undisputed master of plants. She also favors the Water school, using it to heal, restore, and grow her plants, ...

15.武裝飛艦-首發出擊 Gunship: First Strike! 1400元 +KICKSTARTER 擴充PROMO
BGG 排名 3567
Gunship: First Strike! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Gunship: First Strike! is Escape Pod Games' core release in a planned series of tactical space combat games. Players fight to win battles in a futuristic civil war with a variety of ship types. From the agile and speedy Fighters, to lethal Gunships and intimidati ...

16.深水城領主 Lords of Waterdeep     1450元   3盒
大鐵開箱文 http://synn-solis.blogspot.tw/2012/04/lords-of-waterdeep.html
BGG 排名 28
Lords of Waterdeep | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors &ndash; the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resour ...

17.遺蹟之城 City of Remnants  1550元
配件http://ppt.cc/Tlne  BGG 排名 1025
City of Remnants | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Hot rain falls down upon a cold, rotting city. Here the Yugai, a species of militant humanoids, leave the survivors of the worlds they have ransacked and destroyed. It is a prison and a work camp, a place for those who lived through Yugai invasion to live out their remaining years as slaves. This is ...

18.維京人與啤酒 Beer & Vikings  600元   1盒
(英文版)作者Matteo Santus ,3-8人遊戲,中世紀維京人主題,
有點黑色幽默的卡牌對戰遊戲,在德國的評價很好的PARTY GAME,

BGG 排名 6263
Beer & Vikings | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A few viking warriors sit at a table in smoky long hall, talking and bragging about war axes, women and pillages. Beer flows freely, but not even the cellars of Byggvir, the God of Beer, could quench the thirst of Nordland's greatest warriors. Servants run for cover, knowing full well where all this ...

19.武士與清酒 Sake & Samurai     600元   最後1盒
(英文版)作者Matteo Santus ,2-4人遊戲,日本武士主題,

BGG 排名 4079
Sake & Samurai | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A few samurai warriors are sitting at a table in a small inn, talking and bragging about swords, women and honor. Sake flows freely, but not even the cellars of Bishamon, the God of War, could quench the thirst of Japan's greatest swordsmen. Servants run for cover, knowing full well where all this i ...

20.皇帝 Autokrator + Autokrator Mini Expansion  1150元  1組
可以參考阿鴻的開箱+規則 http://ppt.cc/TsyN
[桌遊開箱+規則分享] Autokrator @ 寶貝的遊戲室 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Autokrator 皇帝 autokerator 是2012Essen所入手的唯一戰爭遊戲,也是小弟唯一擁有的戰爭遊戲, 在遊戲性與歡樂性來說,超乎第一次初跑團友們的預期,歡笑聲不斷, 為紀 ...
BGG 排名 3843
Autokrator | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Autokrator (a.k.a. emperor) is a medieval Euro/wargame about the wars from the 7th to the 11th century between Christians and Muslims. In Autokrator, you control one of the major kingdoms/Caliphates of the Medieval Age &ndash; the Franks/Holy Roman Empire, the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Emp ...
Autokrator Mini Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This expansion contains 6 new cards for use in Autokrator.
The 6 battle cards of the Neutral Generals.
These cards are used for the attacks (raids) of the Neutral Generals.
The 6 battle cards of the Neutral Areas. (already in the base game)
These cards are used for the defense of the Neutral Areas. ...

21.小世界  Small World  1400元    3盒

BGG 排名 80
Small World | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Small World, players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate them all.
Designed by Philippe Keyaerts as a fantasy follow-up to his award-winning Vinci, Small World is inhabited by a zany cast of characters such as dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, an ...
小世界(擴充)不要害怕  Be Not Afraid  Expansion 600元
Small World: Be Not Afraid... | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Small World, players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate them all. Small World: Be Not Afraid... adds five new races to this game &ndash; Barbarians, Homunculi, Pixies, Pygmies, and Leprechauns &ndash; along with five new special powers; the races and p ...
小世界(擴充)貴婦人 Small World: Grand Dames  Expansion  300元
Grand Dames of Small World | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Grand Dames of Small World is the first expansion for Days of Wonder's Small World board game released in 2009. The Grand Dames includes 3 new powerful female race banners - Gypsies, Priestesses and the ghostly White Ladies. It also includes 2 new Special Power Badges - Historian and Peace-Lovin ...
小世界(擴充)領土 Small World: Realms Expansion 950元
Small World Realms | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Small World Realms includes scores of puzzle-like geomorphic Terrain regions that are assembled into variously sized and shaped board maps. Map designs are based on any of the 12 preset Scenarios created by the game's designer, Philippe Keyaerts. Players can also ...

22.小世界-地底世界 Small World Underground  1400元    3盒
BGG 排名 137

Small World Underground | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"This world's not big enough for all of us, so it's time you step aside to make room for me."
That's the spirit of Philippe Keyaerts' award-winning Small World, and the 2011 release Small World Underground is a standalone game that keeps that spirit intact, while putting a new spin on the  ...

23.俱樂部 Clubs 350元     1盒
BGG 排名 1818
Clubs | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Clubs is a card game about taking calculated risks. The goal is very simple: win as many club cards as possible - that's the only suit that scores points. The lower the club card you take, the more points you could win. But there's a catch: The last player to go out for the round does not score ANY  ...

24.魔戒-骰子現身 Lord of the Ring (Dice Building Game) 1100元  最後1盒
BGG 排名 3925 http://ppt.cc/3GQV
The Lord of the Rings Dice Building Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Dice-building comes to Middle-earth! In The Lord of the Rings Dice Building Game, which uses the dice-building game engine from Quarriors, players lead an army of brave men, wise elves, battle-hardened dwarves, and even the short-statured but stout-hearted hobbit ...

25.大漠商豪  Targi  800元   2盒
BGG 排名 331
Targi | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Theme and overview:
Unlike in other cultures, the desert Tuareg men, known as Targi, cover their faces whereas women of the tribe do not wear veils. They run the household and they have the last word at home in the tents. Different families are divided into tribes, headed by the &lsquo;Imascheren&rs ...
封面 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1629318/targi

26.村莊 (農村出歹誌) Village  1200元   最後1盒
   (擴充)村莊 - 旅館 Village INN 750元   2盒
多次最佳遊戲大獎提名! 也是2012 Deutscher Spiele Preis 最佳家庭遊戲,
BGG 排名 62
Village | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Life in the village is hard &ndash; but life here also allows the inhabitants to grow and prosper as they please. One villager might want to become a friar. Another might feel ambitious and strive for a career in public office. A third one might want to seek his  ...
Village Inn | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Village Inn, the first expansion for the award-winning game Village, adds two new buildings to the village: the brewery and the inn.
The brewery is a new craft building where you can acquire a new good: beer. In the inn you can meet a lot of influential people (in the form of cards), and you can acq ...

27.矩陣潛襲 (網路行者) Netrunner 1000元
BGG 排名 5
Android: Netrunner | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher
Welcome to New Angeles, home of the Beanstalk. From our branch offices in this monument of human achievement, NBN proudly broadcasts all your favorite media programming. We offer fully comprehensive streaming in music and threedee, news and sitcoms, classic movies ...

28.銀河競逐 (銀河路跑) Race for the Galaxy  850元
(擴充) Race for the Galaxy : The Gathering Storm Expansion (2008) 650元
(擴充) Race for the Galaxy : Rebel VS Imperium Expansion (2009)  650元
(擴充) Race for the Galaxy : The Brink of War Expansion (2010)   650元
(2013全新擴充) Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts(可預訂)
BGG 排名 21
Race for the Galaxy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the card game Race for the Galaxy, players build galactic civilizations by playing game cards in front of them that represent worlds or technical and social developments. Some worlds allow players to produce goods, which can be consumed later to gain either card draws or victory points when the a ...

30.獵魔戰士 Quarriors! 角鬥士任務 (擴充) 850元
Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator Expansion
(2012年英文大盒版) http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1499955/quarriors
主遊戲 BGG 排名 319
Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
In Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator, the third expansion for Quarriors!, you have been selected to compete in the Qladitorial Games! Quadrennially, Empress Quiana calls together the mightiest Quarriors across the land to compete in the great Quolosseum. Will you ...

31.深入絕地 Descent  1850元

BGG 排名 32

Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) is a board game in which one player takes on the role of the treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the roles of courageous heroes. During each game, the heroes embark on quests and venture into d ...

32.里程碑 Milestones 1000元
(英文版)有豐富的配件和不錯的農村建設主題,作者是Stefan Dorra,
BGG 排名 1516
Milestones | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
The settlement of the country is the work of the players in their role as noble builders in Milestones!
In this game, players work together to build roads, create marketplaces, and erect houses. With each milestone set along the way, they move further into the co ...

33.符文時代-誓言與鐵砧 擴充 Rune Age: Oath and Anvil  400元
(英文版)符文時代的主遊戲擴充,遊戲是DOMI LIKE的機制,
Rune Age: Oath and Anvil | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Oath and Anvil, an expansion for Rune Age, adds two new playable races to the game: the dwarves of Dunwarr and the orcs of the Broken Plains. These proud factions each bring their own unique style of play to Rune Age. With their penchant for mining and love of we ...

34.長老  IL VECCHIO   1150元  2盒
BGG 排名 878
Il Vecchio | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Il Vecchio is set in the 15th century, when Cosimo de Medici &ndash; also called "Il Vecchio" ("the Elder) &ndash; and his family ruled over Tuscany and its capital Florence. The players represent the heads of Florentine families trying to rise their families to power. To achieve this ...

35.移匹哥 Epigo   800元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 2663
Epigo | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Epigo is a new two or four player strategy game that should feel both fresh and familiar. Epigo's simultaneous action selection makes every round of the game exciting, even though Epigo features relatively simple rules and mechanics. Epigo is also modular - the boxed game includes rules for 21 varia ...

36.進擊的寶石 Puzzle Strike (Third Edition)   1450元  最後2盒
遊戲像是DOMI LIKE 的DBG類型,但是把紙牌改變成圓型的版塊,


BGG 排名 526
Puzzle Strike (Third Edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Puzzle Strike is a card game played with cardboard chips instead of cards that simulates a puzzle video game such as Puzzle Fighter or Tetris.
It's a deckbuilding game, which means you build your deck *as* you play the game. Every game is different because the bank starts with a different set of chi ...

37.進擊的寶石 - 暗影陽版 Puzzle Strike: Shadows  1450元  最後2盒
而且有團隊2對2的機制,另外可以和基本遊戲(進擊的寶石 Puzzle Strike 第三版)
BGG 排名 877
Puzzle Strike Shadows | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Puzzle Strike Shadows is the standalone expansion to Puzzle Strike (3rd Edition). You can play it by itself or combine it with the base set. The expansion contains 10 new characters, 24 new puzzle chips, as well as:
Panic Time rule to prevent games from going too long
A 3-player and 4-player mode wi ...

38.暗影獵人 Shadow Hunters   900元
BGG 排名 419
Shadow Hunters | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Shadow Hunters is a survival board game set in a devil-filled forest in which three groups of characters &ndash; the Shadows, creatures of the night; the Hunters, humans who try to destroy supernatural creatures; and the Neutrals, civilians caught in the middle of this ancient battle &ndash; struggl ...

39.瘋狂農場 Farmerama  700元  1盒
BGG 排名 4000
Farmerama | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Based on the popular videogame and designed by Uwe Rosenberg, players in Farmerama use action cards to sow and harvest crops (carrots, hay, oats, corn) to feed their livestock (sheep, pigs, cow, horse) and earn victory points. On each player's board, a rotating wheel indicates where and when actions ...

40.高樓平地起 Ground Floor   1450元    3盒
(英文版)Kickstarter 贊助成功的新遊戲,盒重版塊多,評價很好,
BGG 排名 562
Ground Floor | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The day has come. The paperwork is complete, the registration filed, and the business cards purchased &ndash; you're open for business! So now what? Where do you spend your time? Where do you spend your money? Which tasks are most important? What should take priority? Should you hire new employees?  ...

42.俗語論 De Vulgari Eloquentia    1250元   2盒
BGG 排名 386
De Vulgari Eloquentia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Italy, late Middle Ages. The fabric merchants need to write down their contracts in a language that everyone can understand and the literates are looking for an alternative to the elite of the traditional Latin language. So, the Volgare, the language spoken by the common people, taken from the diale ...

43.你爭我奪 Smash Up    800元   2盒
BGG 排名 385
Smash Up | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up starts with a simple premise: Take the twenty-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a forty-card deck, then compete to smash more Bases than your opponents! Each faction brings a different game mechanism into play &ndash; pirates move cards, zomb ...

44.群島爭霸 Cyclades  1600元
BGG 排名 99
Cyclades | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In this latest collaboration between Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc, players must buy the favor of the gods in their race to be the first player to build two cities in the Ancient Greek island group known as the Cyclades.
Victory requires respect for all the gods - players cannot afford to sacri ...

45.黑貨船 Cargo Noir  1450元  2盒
美術我很喜歡,2011 澳洲最佳國際桌遊大獎
BGG 排名 971
Cargo Noir | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Serge Laget's Cargo Noir &ndash; his fourth standalone box game from Days of Wonder &ndash; players represent "families" that traffic in smuggled goods in a 1950s noir setting. Each turn, you'll set sail to various ports where cargo is known to get "lost" for the right price & ...

46.砰!子彈豪華版  Bang! The Bullet!  1300元
(英文3版)內含道奇市擴充(Dodge City) 2版,重新設計角色牌可以讓8人進行遊戲。
還有日正當中擴充(High Noon) 2版、一大票幫手擴充(A Fistful of Cards) 2版
喜歡陣營類型的Party Game 好選擇,可以吹牛、嘴泡心機的經典!
BGG 排名 545
Bang! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"The Outlaws hunt the Sheriff. The Sheriff hunts the Outlaws. The Renegade plots secretly, ready to take one side or the other. Bullets fly. Who among the gunmen is a Deputy, ready to sacrifice himself for the Sheriff? And who is a merciless Outlaw, willing to kill him? If you want to find out, ...
Bang! The Bullet! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Bang! The Bullet! is the deluxe version of Bang! and its expansions. Coming in a deluxe bullet-'box' it contains:
- Bang! - Third Edition with reworked cards and rules
- Dodge City - Second Edition with reworked cards and characters
- High Noon - Second Edition
- High Noon II (A Fistful Of Cards) -  ...

47.地球上的最後一夜 Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game  1500元
BGG 排名 247
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game is a survival horror board game that pits small-town Heroes head-to-head against a horde of Zombies. A team of four heroes is chosen by one set of players, and the Zombies are controlled by 1 or 2 players. Each hero has its own special abilities. The board is mod ...

48.英雄守護者 Hero versus Guardian: A Game of Dungeon Craft  650元
HERO versus GUARDIAN: A Game of Dungeon Craft | Board Game | BoardGameGeek HERO versus GUARDIAN: A Game of Dungeon Craft is a 2-4 player card- and dice-based strategy game that takes 45-90 minutes to play. The game has two distinct roles: the role of the Guardian who builds a dungeon and the role of the Hero who builds a party of adventurers to loot the dungeon built by th ...

49.蒸氣行星 Planet Steam 1450元
BGG 排名 325
Planet Steam | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Welcome, dear Imperialists. It's the year 2415. The interplanetary federation (IPF) has done a great job in the last centuries. All necessary precautions have been taken to conquer this planet named "Steam". The core of the planet consists of a 6,500&ordm; Celsius hot source containing dif ...

50.獵殺代理人 Agent Hunter 300元   (小盒)
(英文版)這個是雷霆之石 + 獵魔戰士(骰)的作者,2人進行的對戰遊戲,
BGG 排名 3484
Agent Hunter | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Agent Hunter, two players act as rival agents attempting to eliminate their opponent's safe houses, which are represented by face-down cards; the cards range in value from 0 to 9. The closer you get to uncovering your target, however, the more you risk compromising your own position. Stealth and  ...

51.哥布林有限公司  Goblins, Inc.  1350元 送9張PROMO卡!
BGG 排名 1375
Goblins, Inc. | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Goblins, Inc. is a corporation dedicated to building unstoppable giant doomsday robots, and it's looking for a new Boss. Do you have what it takes?
Team up with your greed-driven fellow goblins and build the ultimate doomsday robot. Meet other teams in epic battles and blow them up, but always remem ...
Goblins, Inc.: Promo cards | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This promo expansion consists of 9 cards.
Single card: New (empty) robot blueprint "Custombot"
The following cards exist twice (two per color).
4 cards of bookie / gambler
4 cards of collector ...

52.聖域 Kemet   1650元
BGG 排名 151
Kemet | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Kemet, players each deploy the troops of an Egyptian tribe and use the mystical powers of the gods of ancient Egypt &ndash; along with their powerful armies &ndash; to score points in glorious battles or through invasion of rich territories. A game is typically played to 8 or 10 victory points, w ...
大鐵開箱文:http://ppt.cc/i9W7 戰報:http://ppt.cc/Tg2P

53.里亞爾托 Rialto   1200元
(飛馬英德合版)Stefan Feld 去年的四款遊戲之一,遊戲有英文規則,
BGG 排名 474
Rialto | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the card-driven board game Rialto, the goal is to earn the most victory points (VPs), which are awarded for a variety of things. The game board displays the six districts of Venice, and players earn VPs for placing council members into these, for building bridges and placing gondolas to connect t ...

54.頂級偵探 Ace Detective  1000元  2盒
BGG 排名 4762
Ace Detective | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The year is 1941. Within eight months, the United States will join in the war raging in Europe and brewing in the Pacific. However for the moment, the lives of most Americans continue in relative peace...unless you live in the City by the Bay.
In San Francisco crimes, mysteries, and good old-fashion ...

55.航空霸業 Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant  1100元  2盒 (+2 PROMO 150元)
(PROMO Aeroplanes: PWS-24 & Aeroplanes: Charters)共2個
BGG 排名 1432
Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant explores the dawn of commercial aviation, an exciting era between 1919 and 1939. Experience the difficulties and triumphs of commercial airlines in Europe, pioneering airports and service in continental Europe and around the world!

56.戰爭之道 BattleLore  全新絕版 (組合不分售)  14000元
BGG 排名 106
BattleLore | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This game is based upon Richard Borg's Command and Colors system. The world of BattleLore meshes history and fantasy together - putting players in command of an array of miniature troops on the battlefields of a Medieval Europe Uchronia at the outset of the Hundred Years War.
Drawing on the strength ...
BattleLore: Bearded Brave (2010) 1300元
BattleLore: Code of Chivalry (2011) 1300元
BattleLore: Call to Arms (2007) 650元
BattleLore: Creatures (2010) 1250元
BattleLore: Dragons (2010) 1250元
BattleLore: Dwarven Battalion Specialist Pack (2007) 1000元
BattleLore: Epic BattleLore (2007)  500元
BattleLore: For Troll and Country (2008) 600元
BattleLore: Goblin Marauders Specialist Pack (2007) 1200元
BattleLore: Goblin Skirmishers Specialist Pack (2007) 1200元
BattleLore: Horrific Horde (2010) 1350元
BattleLore: Scottish Wars (2007)  1200元
BattleLore: Earth Elemental
BattleLore: Heroes Expansion
BattleLore: The Hundred Years' War – Crossbows & Polearms

58.銀河衝突戰 Cosmic Encounter  (擴充)
主遊戲 的 BGG 排名 79
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Alliance 650元 1盒
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Conflict 650元 1盒
Cosmic Encounter | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the Manufacturer
Build a galactic empire... In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp. Players choose from dozens of alie ...

59.地城冒險者 Dungeon Venture  1200元  只有1盒
Dungeon Venture | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
You stand before Velkan the White, the world's most powerful archmage. "Welcome, heroes," he says. "You have been chosen to defend the weak and to battle the darkness. You now serve the forces of the Light." Velkan chants arcane words whisper soft and suddenly your bodies envelop ...

60.修女也瘋狂 Nuns on the Run  850元
BGG 排名 732
Nuns on the Run | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From BoardgameNews.com:
Fr&eacute;deric Moyersoen presents a new take on the us-versus-them genre with Nuns on the Run, published by Mayfair Games. Most of the players are novices who are eager to secretly explore the grand abbey at night in order to fulfill their &ldquo;secret wish.&rdquo; They sne ...

61.龍王荒谷 Dragon Valley   1300元

BGG 排名 2302
Dragon Valley | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Times are dire here around Dragon Valley. We're fighting off waves of orc armies, goblin war machines and even the flying lizards themselves. For now the mountain pass remains secure but our scouts have reported large gatherings in the valley and we're expecting a full scale assault before the seaso ...

62.星際大爭霸 Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak Expansion  破曉擴充 900元
主遊戲 BGG 排名 22
Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
The Battlestar Galactica, humanity's last beacon of hope, falters and crumbles. A tenuous solidarity between human and Cylon wavers under overwhelming desperation and doubt. For those seeking the promise of peace, a single vessel guards the future. The Demetrius, ...

63.果阿  GOA  1450元
BGG 排名 41
Goa | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Goa, a strategy game of auctions and resource management, is set at the start of the 16th century: beautiful beaches, a mild climate, and one of the most important trading centers in the world. Competing companies deal in spices, send ships and colonists into the world, and invest money. Are you on  ...

64.聖殿春秋 Pillars of the Earth 1350元
BGG 排名 159
The Pillars of the Earth | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Die S&auml;ulen der Erde / The Pillars of the Earth is based on the bestselling novel by Ken Follett and the 2006 game in the Kosmos line of literature-based games.
At the beginning of the 13th century, construction of the greatest and most beautiful cathedral in England begins. Players are builders ...

65.凱呂斯 Caylus    1450元
BGG 排名 14
Caylus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Once upon a time ...
1289. To strengthen the borders of the Kingdom of France, King Philip the Fair decided to have a new castle built. For the time being, Caylus is but a humble village, but soon, workers and craftsmen will be flocking by the cartload, attracted by the great prospects. Around the b ...

66.蒸氣之王 Kings of Air and Steam  1650元        最後1盒



BGG 排名 801
Kings of Air and Steam | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
On the cusp of the twentieth century, America is the undisputed land of industry. Factories fire their machines twenty-four hours a day, and demand is skyrocketing in the cities. A small but fierce rivalry of shipping barons must manage their amazing airships and the extensive railroad system in ord ...

67.疫症危機 (擴充)
(擴充1)一觸即發 Pandemic : On The Brink Expansion  1000元
(擴充2)實驗室 Pandemic: In The Lab Expansion  1000元
主遊戲 BGG 排名 48
Pandemic: On the Brink | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Pandemic: On the Brink includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty of the Pandemic base game. These new challenges, which can be used individually or combined for even more difficult play, are as follows:
The Virulent Stra ...
Pandemic: In the Lab | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Pandemic: In the Lab, the second expansion for Pandemic, you will use a new game board that allows you to move the pawns in a laboratory. The goal of this activity is the same as in the base game &ndash; finding cures for diseases &ndash; but this time in a new way. Behind sealed bio-hazard doors ...

68.老鼠與神秘客 Mice and Mystics     2100元  
BGG 排名 65
Mice and Mystics | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
In Mice and Mystics players take on the roles of those still loyal to the king &ndash; but to escape the clutches of Vanestra, they have been turned into mice! Play as cunning field mice who must race through a castle now twenty times larger than before. The cast ...

69.火車快飛 Trains  1600元  (此遊戲重達4.4磅)  最後1盒
BGG 排名 251
Trains | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the 19th century, shortly after the industrial revolution, railways quickly spread over the world. Japan, importing Western culture and eager to become one of the Grand Nations, saw the birth of many private railway companies and entered the Golden Age of railways. Eventually, as a result of the  ...

70.UNO 豪華鐵盒版    250元

71.下水道海賊王 Sewer Pirats  1200元
BGG 排名 1655
Sewer Pirats | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Translated from the publisher's website:
Deep below the world of wasteful humans lies another yet uncharted world, oblivious of the ado of surface dwellers. Only the most courageous creatures from the world above will descend to the mysteries of the underground and board one of the legendary sewer f ...

72.生化奇兵- 無限之城 Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia  2250元
(英文版) 電玩改編的桌遊評價難得的好,Plaid Hat Games 出版的品質都很棒,
有美術極佳的卡片和圖版 和 52個細緻的微縮模型,配件豐富極具收藏價值,
BGG 排名 1728

BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In the tabletop game BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia, players will play as either the Founders or the Vox Populi and will build up an army to fight for control of Columbia by taking ground and completing important objectives. At the same time, they'll be using their influence to sway variou ...

73.龐貝城的殞落 The Downfall of Pompeii    950元   4盒
BGG 排名 289
The Downfall of Pompeii | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The year is 79 A.D. Pompeii, sitting at the foot of Vesuvius, is at the high point in its development. People come to the city from far and wide to try to make their luck in the city. So far nobody has dreamed of the danger that will bury all of their dreams under mountains of ash just ten years lat ...

74.奧古斯都 Rise of Augustus  1050元
(英文版)這款是Lewis & Clark的美術畫師,美術很棒,是一款2-6人的遊戲,
BGG 排名 563
Augustus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Augustus, you vie with your fellow players to complete "objective" cards for special powers and ultimately for victory points. Each card has 2-6 symbols which you must populate with legionnaire meeples in order to complete the card. These symbols are drawn one at a time from a bag, with ...

75.圓桌武士 Shadows Over Camelot  1600元
BGG 排名 234
Shadows over Camelot | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Shadows over Camelot is a cooperative/semi-cooperative hand management and deduction-based board game for 3-7 players.
Each player represents a knight of the Round Table and they must collaborate to overcome a number of quests - ranging from defeating the Black Knight to the search for the Holy Grai ...

76.文明帝國 (擴充) Civilization: Wisdom and Warfare 智慧與戰爭  1000元
(英文版) 文明帝國的第2個擴充,多了12片地圖,6個新的文明和94張進程卡,

主遊戲 BGG 排名 56
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game - Wisdom and Warfare | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game - Wisdom and Warfare, six new civilizations join in the battle for supremacy: Aztecs, English, French, Japanese, Mongols, and Zulu &ndash; each with its own special powers. Along with the new civilizations comes new technologies, relics, wonders, and cultu ...

77.波拉波拉島 Bora Bora   1500元
(英文版)Stefan Feld 另一款骰子聖品,透過擲骰的動作選擇,
BGG 排名 96
Bora Bora | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Stake your fortunes in the mysterious island world of Bora Bora. Journey across islands, building huts where the resilient men and women of your tribes can settle, discovering fishing grounds and collecting shells. Send priests to the temples, and gather offerings to curry favor with the gods.
In Bo ...

78.要塞島 Island Fortress  1400元  (送KS的PROMO)  最後1盒
Kickstarter 贊助而成的遊戲,當時贊助金額1款遊戲就要100鎂以上!
BGG 排名 2593
Island Fortress | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Island Fortress, you play a master builder chosen by Governor Cortland Hansen to help construct the mighty Fort Aldenford using the penal colony on Alcott Island. Your goal is to become the most distinguished architect with the help of your Taskmaster, Workers, and the Governor himself!
In the ga ...
Island Fortress Promo Cards | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
These Promo Cards will be available with each copy of the game offered through Preview Nights (at participating stores) as well as at select conventions.
The cards add more scoring opportunities to Island Fortress. Included in the set are 11 Secret Scoring Cards, 8 Community Scoring Cards, and 1 Ins ...

79.翡冷翠 Firenze   1450元
BGG 排名 583
Firenze | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the Florence of the 12th-14th centuries, the city&rsquo;s powerful and influential families don&rsquo;t just compete with each other in trade and politics. They also try to outdo one another by building tall, mostly square-based tower homes as status symbols. In this game, you are master builder ...

80.雪地悍將 A Few Acres of Snow   1200元

BGG 排名 103
A Few Acres of Snow | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A Few Acres of Snow is a two-player, card-driven game about the French and British conflict in North America.
The card-play contains a focus on a deck-building mechanic similar to Dominion, and like many card-driven war games, each card will have multiple uses. The players have to choose only one as ...

81.非關人物 Nothing Personal  1650元
   (擴充)青年黨派 Young Turks Expansion 450元
(英文版)KS贊助而成的遊戲,是3-5人的黑幫遊戲,也是Tom Vasel的第一款遊戲,
BGG 排名 914
Nothing Personal | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Capo is getting old and about to retire. You think. Maybe it's time for you to make your moves from behind the scenes, to put the gangsters into play that support your goals. Will you gain the most respect?
Nothing Personal is a game for 3-5 players. Players attempt to gain the most respect in f ...
Nothing Personal: Young Turks Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Young Turks Expansion adds three extra card sets of gangsters (Historical, Game Designers and Expansion) to the game Nothing Personal. Each card of the new 54 gangsters has their own abilities/stats. ...

82.文明對決 Clash of Cultures  2300元
BGG 排名 162
Clash of Cultures | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From Christian Marcussen, the creator of Merchants and Marauders, comes Clash of Cultures, a civilization game in which each player leads a civilization from a single settlement to a mighty empire. Players must explore their surroundings, build large cities, research advances and conquer those who s ...

83.夏威夷 Hawaii    2盒   1200元
有小柴分享的全彩中文規則 和 玩家幫助卡可以參考!
BGG 排名 283 

Hawaii | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Don't expect to lie around the sun, lazily sipping cocktails and passively watching hula dancers, because the tactical game Hawaii is not a paradise for idlers, but rather for bold, active strategists. Restlessly, they'll move their pieces on the game board, faci ...

84.烈日風暴 Exile Sun  1200元 只有1組 (KS版)
Exile Sun: Race for the Gate Expansion
Exile Sun: Tech Interrupt Cards
BGG 排名 6222
Exile Sun | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game Play Description
Exile Sun combines some of the most compelling strategic mechanics in a way that delivers a streamlined, integrated, and fast-paced game of competition and conflict. Simplified deck building, hand management, simultaneous hidden worker placement, a card draft, 6 unique player a ...

85.魔法塔防戰 Mage Tower  1150元

有納吉姆的開箱文可以參考 http://ppt.cc/gad8
BGG 排名 3143
Mage Tower, A Tower Defense Card Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Mage Tower is a tower defense card game for 2-4 players that combines the frenzy of tower defense games with the replayability and customization of fantasy card games. Each game you make a unique deck from over 170 different spells and abilities. You and opponents pick from a selection of cards to b ...

86.地城骰 Dungeon Roll  600元
BGG 排名 1069
Dungeon Roll | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Dungeon lies before you; you&rsquo;ve assembled your party of hearty adventurers and have a few tricks up your sleeve. How far will you go to seek glory and fame? Will you risk losing everything?
In Dungeon Roll the player's goal is to collect the most experience points by defeating monsters, ba ...

87.港都情濃 Le Havre  1950元
提供繁中全彩原圖卡表 + 全彩中文規則書檔案!
BGG 排名 10
Le Havre | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Le Havre, a player&rsquo;s turn consists of two parts: First, distribute newly supplied goods onto the offer spaces; then take an action. As an action, players may choose either to take all goods of one type from an offer space or to use one of the available buildings. Building actions allow play ...

88.卡齊納 Kachina       600元
(英文版)(推薦)絕版的神秘宗教版塊擺放桌遊,遊戲類似QWIRKLE 形色棋,
BGG 排名 2101
Kachina | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the mythology of the Hopi Native American tribe, the world is ruled by kachinas (or spirits) of many different types. Children of the tribe learn about these different spirits through the use of kachina dolls. To illustrate the tension of different spirits in the world, the tribe elders created t ...

89.權力鬥爭 Power Struggle  1100元  1盒
BGG 排名 414
Power Struggle | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
This description was originally based on a review from BoardgameNews.com.
In this corporation-themed game, players compete to be the first to acquire four out of six possible victory points. You earn a point by reaching certain numbers along tracks, such as at least 7 on the influence track or 8 on  ...

90.鄉村公會 Guildhall   800元
BGG 排名 461
Guildhall | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Progress! That's what these Dark Ages need, someone with a little get-up-and-go. You've been a serf in this one-pig town long enough, and it's time to shake things up. You've opened a guildhall for like-minded professionals from all over Europe to work together, build their trades, and get some econ ...

91.公會 - 自由業  Guildhall: Job Faire  800元
BGG 排名 1398
Guildhall: Job Faire | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
The not-so-Dark Ages is blowing up! Skilled workers clamor to get into your Guildhouse. Organize them into chapters and put them to work. Each additional worker you add to a chapter provides a bigger bonus to the workers you play in the future &ndash; but look ou ...

92.咖啡萬歲 Viva Java  1500元


有小眼睛作的中文規則 和 幫助卡可參考
BGG 排名 896
VivaJava: The Coffee Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
VivaJava: The Coffee Game is all about finding that perfect blend of beans to create the next best-seller in the coffee houses and kitchens of the world.
In the game, players send their researchers to hot spots around the globe to gather the perfect bean. This may bring them into contact with other  ...
南瓜妹的介紹文 http://ppt.cc/3knA
縱橫咖啡市場的桌上遊戲:Viva Java 咖啡萬歲 @ 南瓜妹的桌上遊戲練功坊 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌
Viva Java是很少見的咖啡主題桌上遊戲,出版商的名稱挺逗趣的叫做「Dice Hate Me」(骰子討厭我),影射在玩運氣重的擲骰遊戲時,點數老是和自己做對時的複雜心境。 遊戲為獨立出版,銷售方式透過Kickstrater群眾募資進行,單價高約合台幣1600元仍能獲得網友青睞,主要原因是美工設計帶有復古色系,木頭配件也和一般普遍的方塊米寶很不一樣,特別依照咖啡豆的樣式訂製了蘑菇造型的豆子。 &nbsp; 我在募資平台沒有出手,因為有點擔心獨 @ @ abc.bbs ...

93.飛越薩摩亞 Hotel Samoa  700元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 1578
Hotel Samoa | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Samoa. A popular vacation resort, where groups of tourists arrive every week. The hotel owners&rsquo; only care is to give these tourists the stay of their life - and of course to rid them of as much money as possible.
Each round, new tourists of various nationalities will arrive at the island, and  ...

94.圖拉真 Trajan  (典藏版)  1600元
(英文版)(推薦)Sten Feld 的經典遊戲,遊戲很好玩,以羅馬帝國為主題的遊戲,
BGG 排名 36
Trajan | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Set in ancient Rome, Trajan is a development game in which players try to increase their influence and power in various areas of Roman life such as political influence, trading, military dominion and other important parts of Roman culture.
The central mechanism of the game uses a system similar to t ...

95.鐵路快遞 Railways Express  950元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 8300
Railways Express | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
In the dice-rolling race game Railways Express, 2-4 players travel around the USA and through parts of southern Canada and northern Mexico, building track as in the related Railways of the World game series from their individual starting city across plains, water ...

96.魔戒2版  War of the Ring (second edition) 2100元  最後1盒
BGG 排名 19  http://ppt.cc/DTHz
War of the Ring (second edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In War of the Ring, one player takes control of the Free Peoples (FP), the other player controls Shadow Armies (SA). Initially, the Free People Nations are reluctant to take arms against Sauron, so they must be attacked by Sauron or persuaded by Gandalf or other Companions, before they start to figh ...

與龍共舞 A Game of Thrones Board Game: Dance with Dragon   450元
群鴉盛宴 A Game of Thrones Board Game: A Feast For Crows   450元
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) - A Feast for Crows Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek A Feast for Crows is the second expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition). This four-player scenario includes setup instructions and adds house cards for House Arryn. Also introduced is a deck of Objective cards and four Special Objective cards, one for each House, that alter  ...

100.七大奇蹟 版塊擴充 7 Wonders: Wonder Pack   400元
7 Wonders: Wonder Pack | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
As the name suggests, 7 Wonders: Wonder Pack includes new wonders for use with the 7 Wonders base game, with the wonders in question being:
The Great Wall of China, with the owner being able to build the stages of this wonder in any order (since the wall is, of course, a long horizontal wonder and n ...
    七大奇蹟 : 城市擴充 7 Wonders: Cities        750元
7 Wonders: Cities | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
7 Wonders: Cities, the second expansion for 7 Wonders, includes optional team rules, a new type of card (black, representing the remains of cities), and new cards of old types (two new wonders: Petras and Byzantium, new guild and leader cards associated with black cards). This expansion is more aggr ...
    七大奇蹟 : 領袖擴充 7 Wonders: Leaders       750元
7 Wonders: Leaders | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
7 Wonders: Leaders adds 42 new cards to the base game of 7 Wonders, comprising four new guilds, one new wonder card, and 36 (+1 blank) white "Leader" cards. At the start of the game, each player takes a hand of four leaders and may play one at the start of each of the three Ages. Unlike th ...

101.鯊口餘生 (豪華鐵盒版) Get Bit! Deluxe       700元   最後1盒
BGG 排名 1236
Get Bit! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"You don't have to be faster than the shark, just faster than your friends!"
Get Bit! is a card game where players are competing to stay alive as the others are being eaten by the shark.
The order of the swimmers is determined by simultaneously playing cards face-down then revealing the va ...

102.魔法騎士 MAGE KNIGHT (全套)4200元
*魔法騎士 MAGE KNIGHT  2300元
*失落軍團 擴充 The Lost Legion 1350元
*角色擴充 Krang Character Expansion 600元
BGG 排名 9
Mage Knight Board Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Mage Knight board game puts you in control of one of four powerful Mage Knights as you explore (and conquer) a corner of the Mage Knight universe under the control of the Atlantean Empire. Build your army, fill your deck with powerful spells and actions, explore caves and dungeons, and eventuall ...
特約作者:熊貓介紹文 http://ppt.cc/g5GZ
MyFun 文章專區 - 【桌遊】魔法騎士(Mage Knight)開箱 http://myfun.gamedb.com.tw/TextContent.aspx?cid=1354
10 月10日肥肥終於玩到這款BBG排名第九名的《魔法騎士》之前一直有聽到朋友說這款教學時間挺長的所以一直遲遲沒去接觸,不過在朋友天狼盛情的邀約之下終 於在雙十節時玩了10小時《魔法騎士》(約2小時都在教學),由於這款遊戲太符合肥肥的菜了,在隔天肥肥就和Allen立馬買了這一盒準備在過年時大玩特 玩,沒辦法過年就是要殺時間呀…!為了招募更多的勇者陪肥肥入坑所以... ...

103.眾神之選 Asgard's Chosen 1200元
提供2-4人遊戲,還有2種玩法,有紙牌版本 和 玩家合作版本。
BGG 排名 6066
Asgard's Chosen | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
It is the end of the Bronze Age! A new era begins. Only recently have you discovered how to extract iron from the ore in the peat bogs, and it's best to use your new discovery before others use it against you. As a Teutonic lord, your duty is to ensure your family line is preserved and that your lan ...

104.貪吃哥布林 之 精靈的守則 Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule 600元
Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! 規則 @ 宅貓的桌遊櫃 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! 規則 推坑用文章 - Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! 規則 完全不知道這遊戲該叫啥名字? 鬼怪流口水,妖精守規則!  ...
BGG 排名 2724
Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
For a long, long time, goblins and fairies have lived in a magical world right beneath our noses. If you look hard enough, you can find rings of mushrooms, called "fairy rings", which act as doors between their world and ours. Today, a gang of mischievous goblins escaped from the fairy rin ...

105.急流木泛舟 Fast Flowing Forest Fellers   850元
BGG 排名 1079

Fast Flowing Forest Fellers | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A fast river rafting game:
Courageous lumberjacks are gathering at the river for their traditional river rafting race. With help of clever maneuvers they try to outsmart their opponents to get the decisive head start in this eventful race down the river.
There is a lot of pushing and blocking, as al ...

106.魔戒 - 雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers  1050元
(英文版)電影版改編的DOMI LIKE的遊戲,這款是DC COMMIC 超人聯盟的作者,

BGG 排名 2638
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Deck-Building Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Deck-Building Game, players take on the role of Frodo, Legolas, Aragorn, or one of their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron! While you begin armed only with basic combat maneuvers, you'll add new, more powerful  ...

108.星光好萊塢 Hollywood 1100元    2盒  (贈送1張Promo卡)

BGG 排名 5364
Hollywood | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the movie-making game Hollywood, each player is a studio boss who tries to produce the most successful blockbuster. Players construct movies from game cards that they draft or purchase. Players compete to get the most popular stars to perform in their movies because this brings them more money an ...

109.大術士 Warlock (典藏版) 1100元  最後2盒
BGG 排名 4434
Warlock | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A curse is cast on you, which transports you to the magical land of Norkobia. You wish to return to your earthly existence, but Lord Maldorf, ruler of Norkobia, will not let you go unless you meet his demands and build him an enormous empire.
In Warlock, you must use the skills and powers of mythica ...

110.特修斯:黑暗軌跡 Theseus: The Dark Orbit 1600元
送PROMO(Space Station cards)
BGG 排名 1488
Theseus: The Dark Orbit | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Theseus: The Dark Orbit puts players in the heart of a conflict between five factions trapped on a space station in deep space. Only one can survive...
Command the marine forces! Use deadly weaponry, setting traps and mines in corridors to defend the human race.
Command the alien race! Use secret pa ...

112.維京人–北方勇者 Vikings: Warriors of the North 1400元 (送PROMO小拼圖)
BGG 排名 7668
Vikings: Warriors of the North | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Vikings: Warriors of the North, players take the roles of Viking jarls, fighting for control over the North and the Konung Crown. The first one to pillage all of the villages and take the daughters of their thanes to his home port as warranty of recognition of jarls authority will be declared the ...

114.卓爾金曆:馬雅曆法 Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar  1450元 
有小柴分享的全彩中文規則 和 玩家幫助卡可以參考!

BGG 排名 13
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement.&nbsp;Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots.
During a turn, players can either (a) place one ...

115.地城寵物(擴充):黑黑小巷 Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys 1150元
(送小PROMO)(Dungeon Petz: Bob the Blob Promo Pet)
BGG 排名 108
Dungeon Petz | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Become the leader of an imp family that has just started a new business &ndash; breeding and selling petz. Sound simple and safe? Well, we forgot to mention that those petz are for Dungeon Lords. This means magical, playful, sometimes angry monsters that constantly desire attention and at the very m ...
Dungeon Petz: Bonus Pets | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Two more Petz for Dungeon Petz.
Yummy (German: Mampfi): Easy to care for, only wants to eat and eat and eat and for change: eat. Either eats meat or vegetables, depending on the turn. has rainbow coloured requirements, the owner must choose a colour a playing a card facedown before drawing cards, th ...

116.極地探險:西北航道 Expedition: Northwest Passage 1450元
(英文版) 2010年推出的PNP版塊拼放的遊戲,我玩過一次很好玩!

有小柴分享的全彩中文規則 和 玩家幫助卡可以參考!
BGG 排名 1917
Expedition: Northwest Passage | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In 1845, Sir John Franklin led an expedition on behalf of the British Royal Navy to find and explore the last portion of the Northwest Passage, regardless of the cost. The Royal Navy gave Franklin two heavy Ships (HMS Terror and HMS Erebus) filled with scientific equipment, 1000 books, a crew of 128 ...

117.冒險之王 Corto  1350元 送PROMO (4個杯墊)
BGG 排名 5372
Corto | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Enter the magical world of adventure of Corto Maltese, the hero from the fertile imagination of Hugo Pratt. Choose your adventures, then live through them as the game unfolds. Aided by Corto and resisting Rasputin's attempts to thwart your plans, recruit your own bands of adventurers and get your ha ...

118.密探水晶  Spyrium  950元
BGG 排名 322
Spyrium | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Spyrium is set in an alternate world, an England set in a steampunk-based universe. Players build factories, needing workers to manage the production of a commodity previously unknown to us called "Spyrium". Producing Spyrium in one factory, then processing it in the next results in victor ...

120.古文物爭奪戰 Artifact 1350元
BGG 排名 7356
Artifact | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
It is the early 20th Century, and the great museums of Europe and America compete for artifacts from around the world in order to fill their museums with the most prestigious exhibitions. In Artifact, players are archaeologists researching sites around the globe to search for artifacts, which are th ...

121.帕莎 Pasha  900元
(英文版) Stefan Dorra  是我最喜歡的作者之一,他的作品大多簡單易懂,
BGG 排名 4617
Pasha | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A pasha (a.k.a., padisha) is a powerful governor. In Pasha, all players try to roll the best combination with five dice to become a Pasha and capture the most valuable card. Those who use their action cubes smartly will have good chances to win the game.
Play a card to determine the points that can  ...

122.戰場榮光 Field of Glory: The Card Game 800元
BGG 排名 3351
Field of Glory: The Card Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Field of Glory: The Card Game is a quick-playing game for two players inspired by Field of Glory, the miniatures rule system designed by Richard Bodley Scott for ancient and medieval tabletop battles.
The game is split into two parts. You first decide with which units to fight, constructing a deck o ...

124.拜占庭 / 尼肯  Byzantio / Nekken   1550元
BGG 排名 3807
Byzantio | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Byzantio is a game of medieval intrigue in the east in which players take the role of the heads of the main Byzantine dynasties, and scheme to choose the successor to the imperial throne.
In the 11th century A.D. the empire is torn between four factions, two of them provincial, military aristocracie ...

125.新阿姆斯特丹 Nieuw Amsterdam  1450元

小柴部落格參考網址 http://ppt.cc/OBBW
BGG 排名 778
New Amsterdam | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Nieuw Amsterdam was founded by the Dutch West Indies Company in order to encourage the lucrative beaver pelt trade with the local Native American hunters along the Hudson River. To establish a trading post there, they needed a town and a fort, which was built on the tip of Manhattan Island. To encou ...

126.砰!西部無間 - 骰子版 Bang! The Dice Game  500元
BGG 排名 1976
Bang! The Dice Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the U.S. wild west, the eternal battle between the law and the outlaws keeps heating up. Suddenly, a rain of arrows darken the sky: It's an Indian attack! Are you bold enough to keep up with the Indians? Do you have the courage to challenge your fate? Can you expose and defeat the ruthless gunmen ...

127.馬德拉 Madeira  1750元
但加上Stefan Feld的機制,因為是用骰子數字去作工人擺放的航海遊戲,
BGG 排名 924
Madeira | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Madeira is an island officially discovered early in the 15th century by Portuguese seafarers. Madeira, the Portuguese word for wood, refers to the dense forest that covered its wild, fertile landscape. This, and its strategic position far into the Atlantic Ocean made the island one of the most signi ...

128.不萊梅港  Bremerhaven  1750元   最後1盒
(英德合版)一個港口經營的遊戲,配上 Le Harve的畫師,
BGG 排名 3745
Bremerhaven | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Bremerhaven is a clearly structured but complex economic game about the famous harbor town in the north of Germany. Each player builds his own unique harbor and tries to reach the highest combination of money and prestige by the end of the game.
Each round, playe ...

129.鼠役危機 Rattus 900元
鼠役危機(擴充):阿拉伯商人 Rattus: Arabian Traders  500元
BGG 排名 462
Rattus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Europe, 1347. A disaster is about to strike. The Black Death reaches Europe, and during the next 4-5 years, the population of Europe will be halved.
The players settle in the various regions of Europe, while the plague spreads throughout all of the continent. The players gain help from the various c ...
Rattus: Arabian Traders | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Rattus: Arabian Traders, a mini-expansion that requires both Rattus and Rattus: Mercatus, includes four new class cards. If you add in the Rattus: Africanus expansion as well, you can play with up to six players and use the new Islamic class cards. ...

130.鼠役危機 (卡牌版) Rattus Cartus 1050元
BGG 排名 2429
Rattus Cartus | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In 1347, The Black Death ravages Europe. The ruler of your land has just succumbed to the plague, and now you, the princes of the land, compete against one another in a struggle to replace him. To do this you travel around the land to gather loyal supporters from among the various classes of the mid ...

133.展衛文明 Uchronia 750元   只有1盒
(英文版)羅馬榮耀的作者Carl Chudyk 在2012年的作品,
BGG 排名 1639
Uchronia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Uchronia, you are the patriarch of a great Uchronian noble house, competing with the other houses that commit their wealth to building the city, enriching it with new constructions, and striving to win over the people.
In game terms, players start with six resource cards in hand, then each discar ...

134.總督出巡  The Doge Ship  750元  只有1盒
BGG 排名 5085
The Doge Ship | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Venice, five centuries ago &ndash; In order to celebrate the glory of Venice, the Doge, the maximum authority of the Republic, ordered the construction of a new state ship.
In The Doge Ship, the players play the role of the most skilled shipbuilders of Venice who are called by the Doge to cooperate  ...

135.大黃蜂 Hornet  700元  最後1盒
BGG 排名 2095
Hornet | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Hornet is an area control game with simultaneous action selection and a dual-layered resource system. The game board is a modular board built of hex tiles representing a landscape with fields of flowers and hornet nests of various sizes. The players have an identical deck of action cards and each ca ...

136.金蛙鐵路 Bullfrog Goldfield 1200元
BGG 排名 3293
Bullfrog Goldfield | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In 1905, the last great North American gold and silver rush took place near Death Valley, in Nevada. Bullfrog Goldfield is a stock trading game in which players attempt to cash in on the discovery of this ore. Players must develop mines to acquire the ore, construct towns to support the miners, and  ...

137.刺殺領主 Kill the Overlord  750元
網路上有同好製作的全彩中文規則和卡表 可以參考!
BGG 排名 3628
Kill the Overlord | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
It's good to be the Overlord. You have minions to grovel at your feet, limitless wealth, and absolute power over all the lands &ndash; but you know that your subjects are plotting. They envy your wealth and hope to steal it for themselves, specifically by removing you from the picture.
So you've dec ...

138.城堡骰 Castle Dice   1750元
BGG 排名 1708
Castle Dice | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Castle Dice is a light worker-placement, dice-drafting game in which the players have been ordered by the king to build castles along the borders of the kingdom. The player who can create the greatest castle will become the new heir to the throne. Players will explore the land by rolling the dice, a ...

139.遺跡 - 時光機器(主遊戲)  Legacy: Gears of Time   1450元
    遺跡 - 禁制的機器 (擴充) Legacy: Forbidden Machines Exp 750元
BGG 排名 1034
Legacy: Gears of Time | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Legacy: Gears of Time is a strategic card game, mechanically rooted in its time travel theme. Players each play cards from their own hand, draw from a central draw pile, move and play technologies on a single timeline, while placing their influence cubes on existing technologies.
Legacy is played on ...
Legacy: Forbidden Machines | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Legacy: Forbidden Machines is the forthcoming full expansion for Legacy: Gears of Time. All information provided is subject to change.
In the world of Legacy, the course of history is maintained by the operators of the Ancient Machine, fueled by mysterious forces. As an Antiquitect, the machine bind ...

140.明天過後 Tomorrow  1750元
BGG 排名  3024
Tomorrow | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
It is a few years in the future and the nations of the world concur with the opinion of an unprecedented number of leading scientists: a combination of overpopulation, environmental change, and resource depletion has put the human species at imminent and dire risk. Something needs to be done &ndash; ...

141.繁榮之都 Prosperity 1350元
(英文版)兩大作者Sebastian + RK 的結晶,遊戲中你扮演一個國家領導者。
BGG 排名 2086
Prosperity | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
You're the leader of a great nation which is currently expanding. Over the course of the seven decades covered by the game, you will have to invest in infrastructures and industries, provide your country with energy and finance the mercurial forces of research in order to remain competitive.
But pro ...

144.銀河卡車 五週年紀念版 Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition 3200元
*主遊戲 Galaxy Trucker
*擴充 The Big Expansion
*另一個大擴充 Galaxy Another Expansion
還有幾個 1 份遊戲總覽, 1本漫畫書, 5 張事件卡,
BGG 排名 68
Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek In a galaxy far, far away... they need sewer systems, too. Corporation Incorporated builds them. Everyone knows their drivers -- the brave men and women who fear no danger and would, if the pay was good enough, even fly through Hell.
Now you can join them. You will gain access to prefabricated space ...
另有一盒"銀河卡車-另一個擴充" Galaxy Another Expansion 1200元
Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Game description from the publisher:
Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion is just as big as the Big one: New tiles, new support team to be hired to enhance your shipbuilding experience, new ship classes, including huge IVB ships.
Yes, you may also fly round IV, and you can be sure the cards are ext ...

145.尋路者傳奇-符文領主的堀起  1750元
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords - Base Set
全彩原圖中文規則檔案(中文化置底區) + 全卡牌提供全彩中文化卡表
BGG 排名 47
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords - Base Set | Board Game | BoardGameGeek A forgotten evil stirs in the ancient land of Varisia. Dark magic once more thrums amid crumbling ruins, giants gather in titanic armies, cultists murder in the name of foul deities, and maniacal goblins plot a fiery end for the peaceful town of Sandpoint.
Launch a campaign to strike back against th ...
(預訂) Rise of the Runelords Character Add-On Deck  600元
(預訂) Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 1 (已經內建在主遊戲)
(預訂) Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 2: Skinsaw Murders 600元
(預訂) Adventure Deck 3: Hook Mountain Massacre 600元
(預訂) Adventure Deck 4: Fortress of Stone Giants 600元 (2014/2)

147.魔戒 -衝突版 Lord of the Rings - The Confrontation 1000元
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek This Deluxe Edition of Reiner Knizia&rsquo;s acclaimed Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation combines a superb craftsmanship with an exciting expansion for this award-winning game.
The Confrontation is a two-player board game in which players take control of the forces of Sauron, seeking to find thei ...

148.大五月花號:農夫擴充  Keyflower: The Farmers 1200元
*有小柴分享的全彩中文規則 可以參考!
主遊戲 BGG 排名 54
Keyflower: The Farmers | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Keyflower: The Farmers is an expansion for the game Keyflower. In that game, each player develops his own unique village over four seasons by successfully bidding on a variety of village tiles (specialized buildings and boats), skills, resources, and workers ("keyples").
In Keyflower: The  ...

151.城堡 Alcazar  1200元  只有1盒
(德文版)大王的作者,由同作者的老遊戲Big Boss 改編而成,新規則玩法不同,
BGG 排名 3674
配件圖 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/589420/alcazar
Alcazar | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
New game from KOSMOS, for the end of 2009.
The game is about building castles and villas. The bigger the better. The bigger your building is, the more people who can live inside and the more valuable they get. But watch out - the more you build, the more space you need - so it can be possible that y ...

153.戰國武士傳 Samurai Battles  2050元  只有2盒
BGG 排名 2299
Samurai Battles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Samurai Battles puts you in command of brave warriors clashing on the battlefields of feudal Japan! Assemble your army using magnificently detailed and historically accurate miniatures, then face your opponent on an endless variety of battlefields created from beautifully painted terrain and elevati ...

154.戰嚎 - 美國內戰150週年紀念版 Battle Cry  1450元   最後1盒
(英文版)這款也是M'44 和 BattleLores的作者另一款2人戰爭類遊戲,

BGG 排名 559  http://ppt.cc/shkj
Battle Cry: 150th Civil War Anniversary Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek From the publisher
Ready the Cannon, Fix Bayonets, and Prepare to Charge!
Civil War is now upon us, and you must take the field as the leader of the Union or the Confederate forces. Command your generals and direct your infantry, cavalry, and artillery in 30 different scenarios that feature the terr ...

155.雪地甩尾 Snow Tails  1450元  最後1盒
BGG 排名 368
Snow Tails | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Fragor's 2008 Essen release is set in the snowy world of the Arctic Circle, where brave sledders compete in a test of skill and endurance. Action is fast and furious and not all sleds may make it to the finish. Huskies only have one setting and that is full speed! Hang on to your furs, the reins, yo ...

156.克蘇魯的呼喚+銀曉密會(擴充) Call of Cthulhu 合售1450元
BGG 排名 425
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.&uml;
- H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature
Welcome to the world of the Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, a world based on the weird fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and h ...
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game; The Order of the Silver Twilight | Board Game | BoardGameGeek The Order of the Silver Twilight features 3 copies each of 55 never-before-seen cards - 40 for Order of the Silver Twilight, 2 for each of the existing factions, and 1 neutral card - that will permanently change the environment of the Call of Cthulhu metagame. Moreover, from this expansion forward t ...

158.毛納基火山 Mauna Kea 1350元
BGG 排名 8125
Mauna Kea | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Help! Lava is coming!! In Mauna Kea, you're exploring a previously unknown volcanic island in the South Pacific with your research team when suddenly there's a terrible roar: The volcano has come to life! Now, you must find as many artifacts as possible and bring them, along with your researchers, t ...

159.蟲蟲蜂房(口袋版) Hive  750元
BGG 排名 123

Hive | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the Publisher:
Hive is a highly addictive strategic game for two players that is not restricted by a board and can be played anywhere on any flat surface. Hive is made up of twenty two pieces, eleven black and eleven white, resembling a variety of creatures each with a unique way of moving.
Wit ...

161.小小蘭斯洛特 Junior Lancelot  900元
Die kleinen Drachenritter | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The little dragon knight
The cunning dragon, has stolen Nils treasure and brought to his rock. Nils is climbing up the mountain with the help of various objects. But beware: The dragon guarded his sparkling loot carefully. Anyone who gets too close, you must beware of boulders, with which he throws  ...

162.空間邏輯大師 Triovision Master  750元

Triovision Master | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Triovision Master challenges players to move quickly and create certain combinations of shapes.
To start, the nine tokens &ndash; three cubes, three cylinders and three pawns, with red, blue and yellow versions of each &ndash; are placed randomly on the playing area: a field of 17 squares in a rough ...

163.瘋狂辦公室 Crazy Office 750元
遊戲影片 http://vimeo.com/56653748

164.化合物大戰 Compounded 1200元

BGG 排名  1439
Compounded | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Compounded is a game about building chemical compounds through careful management of elements, a fair bit of social play and trading, and just a bit of luck. In Compounded, players take on the roles of lab managers, hastily competing to complete the most compounds before they are completed by others ...

165.雪墩 Snowdonia (主遊戲) + Jungfraubahn & Mount Washingt
(主遊戲) 1500元 + (擴充) 600元  合售2050元

BGG 排名 317
Snowdonia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The peaks of Snowdonia rise before you, encased in mist, their summits barely visible. The highest is Snowdon (Wyddfa) herself at 1,085 metres. The year is 1894, and the Snowdon Mountain Tramroad and Hotels Company Limited has been formed to build a branch line from Llanberis to the summit. You can  ...

166.拯救鐵達尼 SOS Titanic  750元
*有小柴分享的全彩中文規則可以參考!詳細介紹可見 http://ppt.cc/9Jik
BGG 排名 1953
SOS Titanic | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
At 23:40 on April 14, 1912 in the North Atlantic, the R.M.S. Titanic strikes an iceberg. Water immediately floods into the liner's compartments and the ship is listing to starboard in a worrying way. There is no hope about the outcome. On board, there is widespread panic.
Alone, or co-operating with ...

167.幸福之境 Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia 1650元
*有小柴分享的全彩中文規則+全彩卡表可以參考!詳細介紹可見 http://ppt.cc/MYkr
BGG 排名 490
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek You find yourself in a dystopian cityscape with a few workers at your disposal to make your mark on the world. Like most people in dystopian fiction, your workers are oblivious to their situation. This world is all they've ever known, and you may use them at your whim.
The world as we know it has en ...

168.地城英雄 Dungeon Heroes    1000元
BGG 排名 3168
Dungeon Heroes | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Dungeon Heroes is a tile-placement dungeon crawl. One player controls an adventure party of four heroes: a warrior, a wizard, a cleric and a rogue. The other player is the dungeon lord. He creates the dungeon and controls the monsters within. His goal is to construct a layout by placing tiles turn b ...

169.拉波卡 La Boca 1250元
(Z-MAN英文版)一款可以支援3-6人的3D建築Party Game,
BGG 排名 1053
La Boca | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
La Boca, the most famous neighborhood in the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires, was populated by many Italian immigrants when first founded. The area is best known today for its eccentric skyline, with the houses having been built from scrapped fishing boats and the metal being colorfully painted  ...

170.神秘大地 Terra Mystica  2050元
BGG 排名 7

Terra Mystica | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups.
Terra Mystica is a game with very li ...

171.藍圖城市 Blueprints  850元
*有小柴分享的全彩中文規則可以參考!詳細介紹可見 http://ppt.cc/dIYq
BGG 排名 1430
Blueprints | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Blueprints, players are architects who must use different colored dice to build three different structures from blueprints, with the dice providing different advantages to you. In the game, each round progresses like this:
Discover your blueprint.
Each turn, choose a die and place it in your buil ...

---------------------------預訂遊戲 ---------------------------

(即將到貨) 小惡魔      DIAVOLO 350元
(英文版)可以2-6人進行的Party Game ,遊戲簡單富變化性,
BGG 排名 3474 /Party Game Rank: 157
Diavolo | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Sometimes even imps in Hell get to take a break, and if it's a really hot day &ndash; which it usually is since, you know, it's Hell &ndash; the imps head to the bar at the Last Judgment Inn. Rather than each imp paying for its own drink, however, they play a dice game to determine who's buying the  ...

(即將到貨) 全球資源 Rockwell
BGG 排名 2692
Rockwell | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Each player represents a mining company drilling the Earth to get resources. But drilling often request the help of other players (forced or not). Each one therefore moves four drills on the arcs stratum of the planet to successfully implement his mines and extract maximum resources. The Fame points ...

(即將到貨) 奇思妙想 Concept  1350元
BGG 排名 1963
Concept | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Concept, your goal is to guess words through the association of icons. A team of two players &ndash; neighbors at the table &ndash; choose a word or phrase that the other players need to guess. Acting together, this team places pieces judiciously on the available icons on the game board.
To get o ...

(即將到貨) 起源 Origin  1450元
BGG 排名 2851
Origin | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Starting from the heart of Africa, players in Origin will determine the course of mankind's expansion on our planet, with the tribes gradually growing more diversified over time while still maintaining links to their ancestors and to all inhabitants of Earth.
The game tokens in Origin come in three  ...

(即將到貨) 暴走彈彈獸 (怪獸狂暴) Rampage 1600元
(英文版) 七大奇蹟作者Antoine Bauza,當時在艾森展這款很熱門,
BGG 排名 694
Rampage | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Rampage, you arrive in Meeple City as a gigantic, famished, scaly-skinned monster! Your goal: Dig your claws and dirty paws into the asphalt, destroy buildings, and devour innocent meeples &ndash; in short: sow terror while having fun. The monster who has caused the most damage after the carnage  ...

(即將到貨) 洛可可 Rokoko  1750元

BGG 排名 659
Rococo | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Welcome to the Rococo era during the reign of Louis XV when it's safe to say that holding lavish balls is quite trendy. Important personalities wrap up in noble coats and dresses, anxious to outshine one another. As the biggest event is coming up in just a few weeks, everyone is turning to you with  ...

(即將到貨) 末日浩劫 (英文三版) Neuroshima Hex : 3.0   1450元
BGG 排名 161

Neuroshima Hex! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Neuroshima Hex! is a strategy game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Neuroshima, a Polish role-playing game. Each player leads one of four armies: Borgo, Hegemonia (Hegemony), Moloch, and Posterunek (Outpost). Each army deck consists of 34 tiles: soldiers, support tiles, and special actions. You  ...

(即將到貨) 俄羅斯鐵路 Russian Railroads 1650元
美術也非常的好,這款遊戲肯定未來會進BGG 100名!
BGG 排名 199
Russian Railroads | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Russian Railroads, players compete in an exciting race to build the largest and most advanced railway network. In order to do so, the players appoint their workers to various important tasks.
The development of simple tracks will quickly bring the players to important places, while the modernizat ...

(即將到貨) 玻璃之路 Glass Road  1650元
BGG 排名 491
Glass Road | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Glass Road is a game that commemorates the 700-year-old tradition of glass-making in the Bavarian Forest. (Today the Glass Road is a route through the Bavarian Forest that takes visitors to many of the old glass houses and museums of that region.) You must skillfully manage your glass and brick prod ...

(即將到貨) 布魯塞爾1893  Bruxelles  1750元
BGG 排名 708
Bruxelles 1893 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Bruxelles 1893 is a worker placement game with elements of bidding and majority control. Each player is an architect of the late 19th century and is trying to achieve through various actions, an architectural work in the Art Nouveau style. The most successful building yield the most points. Each pla ...

(即將到貨) 銀杏城-專家(擴充) Ginkgopolis: The Experts   1050元
主遊戲 BGG 排名 240
Ginkgopolis: The Experts | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Ginkgopolis: The Experts is an expansion for the board game Ginkgopolis that consists of six modules that can be added to the game individually or in any combination. The modules are:
New buildings (21-23)
Prestige buildings (24-25)
Green Spaces
Keep a card
Also included are five play ...

(即將到貨) 叔叔的遺產(擴充)-炒魷魚  Last Will: Getting Sacked  1100元
主遊戲 BGG 排名 220
Last Will: Getting Sacked | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In Last Will: Getting Sacked, the lawyers have found a hidden clause in your uncle's last will. Spending money faster than all your relatives will not be enough. To inherit your uncle's fortune, you must also lose your job! After all, your uncle's heritage can't go to someone who's employed!
With th ...

(即將到貨) 遺產 - 公爵約定 Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy 1500元
BGG 排名 549
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek It is 1729 in pre-revolution France, a time when the aristocracy has all the power and the means to rule the country. As a wealthy, well-educated aristocrat, you have travelled the world and had the fortune to enjoy your life to the fullest &ndash; but you see that history is about to change course  ...

(即將到貨) 蓋茲堡戰役 Guns of Gettysburg: 150週年 豪華版 (戰棋) 2100元
BGG 排名 1294
The Guns of Gettysburg | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Guns of Gettysburg is a simulation of the largest battle of the American Civil War. Like Bowen Simmons's previous games, Bonaparte at Marengo and Napoleon's Triumph, The Guns of Gettysburg uses a diceless and cardless system for governing movement and resolving combat. Units in the game are repr ...

(即將到貨) 超時空要塞 - 骰子對決 Space Cadets: Dice Duel  1200元
(英文版)Dice Duel中,玩家扮演兩艘戰艦上的艦員並合力操控飛船展開衝突。


BGG 排名 895
Space Cadets: Dice Duel | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Your plan is quickly coming together. Simplicity itself. Just continue to close the gap to the enemy, and launch when within range. Your crew is well-trained and work quickly at their stations, just the edge you need to come out on top.
&ldquo;Engineering, power to Helm. Move forward and close the d ...

(預訂) 深水城領主(擴充)骷髏港的惡棍們 Scoundrels of Skullport 1250元
主遊戲 BGG 排名  29  (擴充配件如下圖)
Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Scoundrels of Skullport adds new content for Lords of Waterdeep. It&rsquo;s not one, but two, complete expansions: the sprawling dungeon of Undermountain and the criminal haven of Skullport.
Each thrilling location has unique characteristics and offers new play options, including new Lords, Building ...

(預訂) 感恩市集 Asante 850元
BGG 排名 2641
Asante | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"Asante", Swahili for "thank you", is something an African merchant might say to you after he has made a good deal, and if you prove to be the better merchant in this game, you might wind up with an "Asante" at game's end.
Asante is a two-player game set in the world of ...

(預訂) 郊外公司 Suburbia Inc. 1000元
主遊戲 BGG 排名 76 評分人數3500人以上,7.72
Suburbia Inc | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Your borough has decided that it's time to incorporate. What does that mean for you, as its city planner? Well, lots more paperwork, that's for sure &ndash; but it also gives you great new possibilities for your little town.
In Suburbia Inc, an expansion for the award-winning Suburbia strategy game, ...

(預訂) 洞穴農夫  Caverna: The Cave Farmers 2600元

BGG 排名 113
Caverna: The Cave Farmers | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Following along the same lines as its predecessor (Agricola), Caverna: The Cave Farmers is a worker-placement game at heart, with a focus on farming. In the game, you are the bearded leader of a small dwarf family that lives in a little cave in the mountains. You begin the game with a farmer and his ...

(預訂) 法蘭西斯公爵 Francis Drake  2150元 
BGG 排名 503
Francis Drake | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Return to a bustling Plymouth Harbor in 1572 as an aspiring Elizabethan captain making preparations for three exciting voyages to the Spanish Main in search of fame and fortune! As captains, players will have to plan their missions and provision their ships accor ...

(預訂) 全球驚悚 Eldritch Horror 1650元
BGG 排名 205

Eldritch Horror | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
Across the globe, ancient evil is stirring. Now, you and your trusted circle of colleagues must travel around the world, working against all odds to hold back the approaching horror. Foul monsters, brutal encounters, and obscure mysteries will take you to your li ...

(預訂) 大首都 The Capitals  1750元
BGG 排名 2015
The Capitals | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The world's most famous capital cities didn't just appear overnight. It took careful planning, resources, and time. Now, new countries seek to build great capitals of their own, and you are challenged to create a city unlike any other &ndash; but with each new era comes new challenges, and you must  ...

(預訂) 英雄對決 Romolo o Remo?  1900元
 小擴充 Romolo o Remo? Hidden Terrain Expansion  400元(現貨)

BGG 排名 2187
Romolo o Remo? | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Central Italy in the year 753 B.C.: Many new villages have been founded in the region of Latium. This land is prosperous and a strong city here can easily control the trades between the Etruscan cities of the North and the Greek colonies of the South. The region is also rich in salt ponds, and the s ...

(預訂) 群島爭霸/聖域 模型轉換擴充 C3K: Creatures Crossover
(英文版)這是我很喜歡的一個PROMO,可以把群島爭霸的模型 用在聖域 的遊戲上,
當然也可以把聖域的模型 用在群島爭霸的遊戲上,同一家公司,模型的細緻度高,

C3K: Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet | Board Game | BoardGameGeek C3K, which stands for "Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet", is a mini-expansion that contains seven cards for Cyclades and six power tiles for Kemet. These components allow you to use the creatures from Cyclades (and the Cyclades: Hades expansion) in Kemet and the creatures from Kemet in C ...

(預訂) 坎特伯里 Canterbury 1750元
BGG 排名 1325
Canterbury | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Toward the end of the 6th century A.D., King Ethelbert of Kent established the old Roman city of Canterbury as his new capital. In Canterbury, 2 to 4 players represent Saxon Lords who are charged with building the city into a prosperous capital. The Saxon Lords must use the city's meager starting re ...

(預訂) 暗夜黑深深 (黑夜暗咪摸) Dark Darker Darkest  2150元
(英文版)KS募資成功,QUEEN 的第一款殭屍遊戲,是合作類型的恐怖生存遊戲,
BGG 排名 1972
Dark Darker Darkest | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Dark Darker Darkest is an intense cooperative survival horror game in which a team of urban survivors try to fight the darkness in an unsettling location: the house of Doctor Mortimer, which holds the antidote to a virus turning the world into an army of undead.
Players must gather the optimal tools ...

(預訂) 靈魂之戰 Battle for Souls   1600元
BGG 排名 2271
Battle For Souls | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Battle For Souls is a card game pitting the seven archangels of heaven versus the seven princes of hell in a fight for the eternal souls of humankind.
In the game, 1, 2 or 4 players choose the side of heaven or the side of hell. Each side will battle for 28 souls, which are worth victory points. Pla ...

(預訂) 綠字的研究 A Study in Emerald   2750元
(英文版)Martin 2013年最佳鉅作,在KS募資成功,

BGG 排名 1046
A Study in Emerald | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A Study in Emerald is a game for two to five players based on the award-winning short story of the same name by Neil Gaiman. In this stylistic mash-up of Sherlock Holmes and H.P. Lovecraft, the worst has already happened and the world is now ruled by the Old Ones. However, a secret war is being foug ...

(預訂) 戰槌: 圓盤戰爭 Warhammer: Diskwars   1050元
BGG 排名 4543
Warhammer: Diskwars | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
"The cost of victory is blood, the cost of defeat is everything." &ndash;The Empire at War
Set amid the constant warfare of the Old World, Warhammer: Diskwars is a game of ferocious, fast-paced tabletop battles for two to four players. At the heart of the game's conflicts are its disks, wh ...

(預訂) 羅賓森的詛咒 Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island 2600元
BGG 排名 23
Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island is another epic game created by Ignacy Trzewiczek, the author of Stronghold. This time Trzewiczek takes the players to a deserted island, where they'll play the parts of shipwreck survivors confronted by an extraordinary adventure. They'll be faced wit ...

(預訂) 惡民昭張 Infamy 1350元
BGG 排名 2847
Infamy | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Game description from the publisher:
In the Martian mining colony of ARES-6, crime pays. Three factions vie for control of this corrupt new world and everything within it. You are a mercenary known as a "freelancer", here to profit off the conflict, to make a name for yourself &ndash; but  ...

(預訂) 和協羅馬 (康可迪亞) Concordia  1600元
BGG 排名 378
Concordia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire ruled the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. With peace at the borders, harmony inside the provinces, uniform law, and a common currency, the economy thrived and gave rise to mighty Roman dynasties as they expanded throughout the numerous cities. Guide one o ...

包括 e-bay 和 Amazon 、CoolstuffInc、Miniaturemarket
以及代訂許多獨家遊戲的 GameSalute http://ppt.cc/r0SE

----------------------推廣卡 和 PROMO -----------------------

1.(PROMO) 歐洲航空 Airlines Europe: New Bonus Connections  擴充 100元
Airlines Europe: New Bonus Connections | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Airlines Europe: New Bonus Connections is a mini-expansion for Airlines Europe that consists of two new bonus connections:
Berlin - Moscow (+4)
Ankara - Paris (+5)
To use these bonus markers, you place them next to the destination city, as with the markers included in the base game. ...

2.(PROMO) 鮭魚快跑 Salmon Run  200元
PROMO 版塊The Fisherman Board + Salmon Run: The Fork/Cataract Falls
Salmon Run: The Fisherman Board | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Fisherman board - is a double sided board expansion to Salmon Run.
From designer: "This additional board introduces an exciting new obstacle, Fisherman! While salmon are free to move onto the Fishermen hex (designated with a Hook symbol) there is a chance of them getting caught! The player  ...
Salmon Run: The Fork/Cataract Falls | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Salmon Run: The Fork/Cataract Falls is an double sided expansion board. One side (easy) features the Fork. The other (hard) features Cataract Falls.
The Fork - features a fork in the road.
Cataract Falls - features a board full of waterfalls. ...

3.(PROMO) 電力公司 Power Grid 2013 推廣卡 (Taxes) 收稅員  1張  50元
Power Grid: Taxes | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Power Grid: Taxes (Funkenschlag: Steuern) is a promotional card for Power Grid that was first available in October 2013 for a donation at the 2F-Spiele booth during Spiel 2013. The donation was for the children's group Knaddeldaddel, a small playgroup for 1-3 year old children in Bremen. For more in ...

4.漢堡 (擴充地圖+TOKEN) Hamburgum Expansion: Antverpia   700元
Hamburgum Expansion: Antverpia | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Players represent wealthy families in one of the most thriving European cities of the 16th century: Antverpia (=Antwerp in Belgium). They gain wealth by shipping sugar, cloth and beer overseas, construct new buildings, and help building the 6 most important churches of the city by granting donations ...

5.(PROMO) 抵抗組織 (策略卡) The Resistance 2012 Promo 150元
The Resistance: Replacement 15張 Plot Cards

6.(PROMO) 獵魔鬥士 Quarriors! Quaxos 150元
Quarriors! Quaxos Promo Cards | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The release of Quarriors!, WizKids/NECA&rsquo;s exciting new game featuring a revolutionary dice building mechanic, is right around the corner, and to celebrate, we&rsquo;re offering 3 exclusive promotional cards that will only be available for a limited time!
The cards are:
Quaxos&rsquo; Scavenging ...

7.(PROMO) 小老鼠與神秘客 Mice and Mystics : 2 Card Pack 150 元
Mice and Mystics: Needle Rapier | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
From the Card:
"When rolling to defend against an attack, this mouse may spend 1 cheese to add 1 to its defense for that attack"
REQUIRES -- Warrior or Scamp or Archer ...
Mice and Mystics: Tattered Threads of Reason | Board Game | BoardGameGeek From the Card:
"A mouse may only equip this cloak once. Upon equipping , chose an ability card from any mouse class. While this cloak is equipped, this mouse may use that ability"
No Requirements
Body ...

8.(PROMO) 驚恐太空站 Panic Station : Survival Kit mini expansion 150元
Panic Station: Survival Kit Mini Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek This mini-expansion contains 6 cards and can be considered a "Survival Kit" for the Humans in the game.
The cards in "Panic Station: Survival Kit mini-expansion" are:
2 Night Goggles: This allows players to search an already searched room (one time use) without a Parasite spawnin ...

9.(PROMO) 逃出惡魔島 Alcatraz: The Scapegoat Wrong Plan 150元
Alcatraz: The Scapegoat - Wrong Plan | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Alcatraz: The Scapegoat - Wrong Plan, a blackmail card initially available from the publisher at Spiel 2012, reads: "A chosen player discards one element of the plan of your choice." ...

10.(PROMO) 綜合 Z-man Essen Promos 150元

11.(PROMO) 惡靈古堡 Resident Evil DBG-5 new Foil 150 元

12.(PROMO) 電力公司 Power Grid Theme Park (BGG Promo Card Set) 150 元

13.(PROMO) 雲南-寺廟 Yunnan : Tu Di Gong Shrine  100元
Yunnan: Tu Di Gong Shrine | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Promotional item given away at Spiel 2013 for those who bought Yunnan at the fair.
The Tu Di Gong Shrine is a progress building. The progress of the shrine allows you to double the progress of 1 of the other progress buildings you successfully bid on. ...

14.(PROMO) 卓爾金曆:馬雅曆法 - 部落與預言 (小擴充) 180元
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar - Tribes & Prophecies: Mini Expansion 1 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek A new tribe and a new prophecy for Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar - Tribes & Prophecies.
It was given out by Czech Games Edition at Essen Spiel 2013. ...

15.(PROMO) 大五月花號 - 幽靈擴充 Keyflower - Key Celeste 180元
Keyflower: Key Celeste | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Discovered drifting out to sea, unmanned and apparently abandoned, the Key Celeste ship was towed to shore. Her cargo was untouched and the personal belongings of passengers and crew were still in place. What had caused the crew to abandon ship? The terrible truth was soon apparent. The Key Celeste  ...

16.(PROMO) 波拉波拉島 - 橘色神明修正版塊 Bora Bora: Orange God Tiles 180元
Bora Bora: Orange God Tiles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Content: 15 Orange God tiles (expansion can only be played with original Bora Bora game from Ravensburger)
Place the Orange God tiles in the general supply next to the game board.
At the beginning of phase A, if a player rolls two of the same number he receives one Orange God tile from the general s ...

17.(PROMO) 勃根地城堡-擴充地圖 Castles of Burgundy: The 4th Expansion  250元
The Castles of Burgundy: The 4th Expansion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek The 4th Expansion is a new game board with Monasteries printed next to the play area.
It comes with 4 new boards numbered 13a to 13h (back to back 13a-13e, 13b-13f, 13c-13g, 13d-13h)
The following rules are then added to the basic game play of "The Castles of Burgundy":
As soon as a player ...

18.(PROMO) 農家樂-官方資源米寶  800元   只有2組

---------------------- 二手遊戲 -----------------------------

1.(二手) 二氧化碳 CO2     1050元
BGG 排名 321
CO₂ | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In the 1970s, the governments of the world faced unprecedented demand for energy, and polluting power plants were built everywhere in order to meet that demand. Year after year, the pollution they generate increases, and nobody has done anything to reduce it. Now, the impact of this pollution has be ...

2.(二手) 啟蒙之路 Road to Enlightenment 1200元


BGG 排名 4610
Road to Enlightenment | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Road to Enlightenment gives players control of great scientists, artists, philosophers, religious leaders, politicians, and military leaders, bringing them uniquely and individually to life. You play as one of the great monarchs from 17th and early 18th century Europe representing one of the seven t ...

3.(二手) 衣打老鼠 Mausgeflippt 200元
BGG 排名 5754
Mausgeflippt | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
A reaction game, somewhat related to Halli Galli or Jungle Speed. Every round a mouse card is turned face up. The players try to play cards matching the clothing on the mouse, as soon as possible. The first player who manages to slam down a matching card gets a point.
Winner of German BDKJ Kinderspi ...

4.(二手) 電廠經理人 Power Grid: Factory Manager   850元
BGG 排名 353

Power Grid: Factory Manager | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Power Grid: Factory Manager is the new stand-alone game in the world of Power Grid. It was released at Spiel '09 in Essen, Germany.
Each player owns a factory and tries to earn the most money during the game. To be successful, each player must use his workers to buy the best machines and robots at t ...

5.(二手)災難隱現 Disaster Looms   1350元
(含大盒擴充) Disaster Looms!: CEOs & Corporations
BGG 排名 4177
Disaster Looms! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
The Earth is probably doomed, and rumors and speculation run rampant. Newspaper headlines from across the globe stir the populace to desperation:
Disaster Looms!: CEOs & Corporations | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Disaster Looms!: CEOs & Corporations, is the first expansion for Disaster Looms!. In addition to providing pieces necessary to play with five or six people, it introduces two brand new gameplay concepts as well as providing additional tiles and new technologies for Disaster Looms!
The CEO and Co ...

6.(二手) 超級地城探險 Super Dungeon Explore  主遊戲(已拆)+ 擴充(合售) 7300元
BGG 排名 528
Super Dungeon Explore | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Super Dungeon Explore (SDE)
Super Dungeon Explore is a dungeon crawler inspired by old Japanese console RPGs. The 52 included miniatures are done in a cute / chibi / super-deformed style, which means the head is roughly the same size as the rest of the body.
One to five players take the role of clas ...
(已拆)超級地城探險 Super Dungeon Explore  主遊戲 2500元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Von Drakk Manor 1500元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Caverns of Roxor 1500元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Rock Top Gang 850元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Fireflow Denizens 750元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Dragon's Clutch 750元
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Succubus Vandella 450
(未拆)Super Dungeon Explore: Herald of Vulcanis 450

7.(二手) 末日浩劫 Neuroshima Hex!(主遊戲)+雙人對決 1個擴充   合售1850元
(已拆)Neuroshima Hex! Babel13 
(未拆)Neuroshima Hex! Duel (獨立雙人遊戲)
Neuroshima Hex!Babel13 版塊已拆,但未使用過!
BGG 排名 161
Neuroshima Hex! | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Neuroshima Hex! is a strategy game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Neuroshima, a Polish role-playing game. Each player leads one of four armies: Borgo, Hegemonia (Hegemony), Moloch, and Posterunek (Outpost). Each army deck consists of 34 tiles: soldiers, support tiles, and special actions. You  ...

8.(二手) 美國鐵路 American Rails (典藏版)  1150元  

Quined Game 再出典藏版,火車拓荒開發的投資主題遊戲,
BGG 排名 955
American Rails | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
In American Rails, each player assumes the role of a wealthy capitalist managing a portfolio of stocks and bonds in six fictional railroad companies. Through ruthless negotiation and rigorous planning, players struggle to increase the value of their holdings and reap the profits. The player with the ...

9.(二手) 鐵路大亨-卡牌版  Railroad Barons  500元


配件圖 http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/834955/railroad-barons
BGG 排名 2773
Railroad Barons | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Railroad Barons belongs to the family of 18xx games, but raised to the meta-level. Individual companies are no longer the focus, but large holding companies which add more and more new railways to their portfolios. At this abstract level there is no need for the game board and route tiles used in tr ...

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lovejesus:推!!!!1F 01/05 22:03
jjhjjh:推!!2F 01/05 22:04
ingenii:QQ3F 01/05 22:07
squarle:QQ    要先等領薪水才能買啊......4F 01/05 22:08
cantreadmind:又到了眼花撩亂的時刻5F 01/05 22:17
fr014371:看到Allen先推再說!6F 01/05 22:30
inkuang:喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔!!!!!7F 01/05 22:30
ebv:推8F 01/05 22:36
Asadptt:我的荷包啊!9F 01/05 22:45
henrikryan:推!10F 01/05 22:51
ru03m4g0:推!11F 01/05 23:04
jolian76:推!!好多便宜又好玩的新遊戲阿!12F 01/05 23:18
quintis:只要是ALLEN就推13F 01/05 23:46
krc:下單了...荷包哭哭..14F 01/05 23:49
shian0821:推推推!期待會有Rockwell這款遊戲15F 01/06 00:02
zzas:即將到貨!16F 01/06 00:12
MAIORI:我什麼都沒看到! 我什麼都沒看到!!   (關電腦)   >"<17F 01/06 00:39
joaoio:Allen大 上次沒跟您拿M&M的劇本 請問有電子檔可以寄給我嗎?18F 01/06 09:45
ShadowKou:超級地城呀!!!20F 01/06 10:16
allyoung:Allen必推呀!21F 01/06 10:32
zric:推~22F 01/06 12:39
b97505048:哎呀~ 前些日子才去拿貨的說~~~23F 01/06 16:25
issacm31:Allen推推~~一直在等KF:The Farmer和Lewis&Clark24F 01/06 19:49
Lewis & Clark 要3月份才會有了!
NewIdentity:推25F 01/06 20:47
kerrycc:推! 沒時間玩桌遊,但怎樣也要來看Allen介紹遊戲XD26F 01/07 22:11
vensent:推27F 01/08 22:10
carlwang25:Lewis要三月.. 我難過28F 01/09 09:38
twinson:哈問一下即將到貨的這禮拜會到嗎 再想要不要密集複習規則29F 01/09 11:53
inkuang:阿~那下禮拜會到嗎XD? 我現在每天都檢查EMAIL十幾次...>"<30F 01/10 00:04
seccret:Nations有現貨了嗎?那我之前訂的可以拿了嗎?31F 01/16 17:48
seccret:哈,了解,感謝囉!!!32F 01/19 18:22
zzas:又從頭到尾看了一次,發現洛可可出現兩次,是在玩猜謎嗎XD33F 01/21 00:20
噗~已刪,多po一次看會不會像可口可樂置入性行銷的效果!XD (哇!這遊戲常常看到呀!)
laycelin:最近有啥會到嗎@@a34F 01/21 22:10
※ 編輯: Allen1110       來自:        (01/21 22:21)

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