※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-15 11:32:08
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [影音] 10/8.10/9訓練後訪問 & Volvo廣告
時間 Wed Oct 10 02:54:38 2012
Jeremy Lin meets with the media following Monday's practice (10/8)
Jeremy Lin: 10/08/2012 | video | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE HOUSTON ROCKETS
Jeremy Lin: 10/08/2012 ...
1.Royce White昨天終於回歸訓練,記者問Lin的感想,
並且大力稱讚他一番~~ 並說 "He is unique." (參考多篇新聞)
2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWJ7dAY7b-w 緯來新聞
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lbl_majs0k ESPN新聞
Jeremy Lin meets with the media following Tuesday's practice (10/9)
Jeremy Lin: 10/09/2012 | video | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE HOUSTON ROCKETS
Jeremy Lin: 10/09/2012 ...
請聽力好的各位解說一下,我只聽得懂一些些,就不獻醜了 = =
補充《Ultimate Rockets》 http://ppt.cc/geT1 其中一小段的訪問內容:
Ultimate Rockets » Lin admits he’s still working his way back from knee injury Lin admits he’s still working his way back from knee injury ...
Though he has not had any setbacks or missed practice time, Jeremy Lin
acknowledged on Tuesday that he is still working his way back from last
season's knee injury.
Lin had always maintained that he was 100 percent healthy, though Rockets
coach Kevin McHale had often spoke about Lin's comeback. On Tuesday, Lin
said he expected to be at full speed in time for the Oct. 31 opener, but was
not there yet and does not expect to play extensively in the preseason opener.
Lin一直保持著100%的健康,雖然火箭隊的總教練Kevin McHale經常談到林的復原情形。
“My speed and my explosiveness and my agility (are not) there yet,” Lin
said. “I'm still trying to recover from knee surgery and get to where I was
pre-surgery. I probably won't get to play too much. Hopefully, as the
preseason goes on I'll get to play more and more to build that endurance.”
***Jeremy Lin為Volvo拍攝的廣告***
"The Unexpected Ones" Jeremy Lin and the Volvo XC60
"The Unexpected Ones" Jeremy Lin and the Volvo XC60 - YouTube Basketball super star Jeremy Lin forges his own path in the bold, Volvo XC60. Learn more about Volvo and Jeremy Lin at:

感謝各位版友提供的連結,我應該沒有洗文章的嫌疑吧...。 (σ。▽。)σ
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推整裡!!!!!!1F 10/10 03:16
推 :推整理!!2F 10/10 09:54
推 :p大~~其實廣告我也有同感,可能看不習慣他成熟的樣子,腦3F 10/10 10:52
→ :海中都是他和kevjumba拍影片時那個死小孩的樣子
→ :海中都是他和kevjumba拍影片時那個死小孩的樣子
→ :對啊~ 感覺跟Kevjumba在一起就會顯露出他的本性 XDDD5F 10/10 11:05
→ :XDDD6F 10/10 11:24
推 :裝酷的臉看起來還是憨憨的..XDDD7F 10/10 11:28
※ 編輯: plzsmile 來自: (10/10 12:08)推 :感謝整理XD 我倒覺得廣告應該再把他拍得帥一點XD8F 10/10 12:13
推 :謝謝整理^^9F 10/10 12:52
推 :謝謝整理 不過我看緯來的重播都沒看到那則新聞 好怪10F 10/10 14:10
→ :感謝整理 10/9那段影片剛開始記者問林知不知道輪值11F 10/10 14:57
→ :林說他大概可以猜到(這裡笑得超可愛) 但不確定教練的想法
→ :林的笑容永遠是影片的亮點啊 :D
→ :林說他大概可以猜到(這裡笑得超可愛) 但不確定教練的想法
→ :林的笑容永遠是影片的亮點啊 :D
→ :感謝n大解說! 他笑到臉都皺起來了說XDDDDDD14F 10/10 15:04
推 :記者還問他說就算知道也不會告訴我們對吧?他笑得超靦腆XD15F 10/10 15:41
推 :廣告也笑了........16F 10/10 22:56
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 77
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