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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-14 16:38:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 j5163124 (Little Y)
標題 [爆卦] 瑞德西韋小樣數據出來了
時間 Sat Apr 11 06:09:17 2020





April 10, 2020

Data on 53 Patients Treated With Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir Through
the Compassionate Use Program Published in New England Journal of Medicine
-- Remdesivir treatment resulted in clinical improvement in 68 percent of pati
ents in this limited data set --

FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 10, 2020-- Gilead Sciences, Inc. (N
asdaq: GILD) today announced results from a cohort analysis of 53 patients hos
pitalized with severe complications of COVID-19 who were treated with the inve
stigational antiviral remdesivir on an individual compassionate use basis. The
 majority of patients in this international cohort demonstrated clinical impro
vement and no new safety signals were identified with remdesivir treatment. Co
mpassionate use data have limitations and multiple Phase 3 studies are ongoing
 to determine the safety and efficacy of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID
-19. The detailed results of this analysis were published today in The New Eng
land Journal of Medicine.

Remdesivir is not yet licensed or approved anywhere globally and has not been
demonstrated to be safe or effective for the treatment of COVID-19.

Nearly two thirds of patients (64 percent, n=34/53) in this cohort were on mec
hanical ventilation at baseline, including four patients also on extracorporea
l membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Treatment with remdesivir resulted in an improv
ement in oxygen support class for 68 percent of patients (n=36/53) over a medi
an follow-up of 18 days from the first dose of remdesivir. More than half of p
atients on mechanical ventilation were extubated (57 percent, n=17/30) and nea
rly half of all patients (47 percent, n=25/53) were discharged from the hospit
al following treatment with remdesivir. After 28 days of follow-up, the cumula
tive incidence of clinical improvement, defined as discharge from the hospital
 and/or at least a two-point improvement from baseline on a predefined six-poi
nt scale, was 84 percent according to Kaplan-Meier analysis. Clinical improvem
ent was less frequent among patients on invasive ventilation versus noninvasiv
e ventilation (HR: 0.33 [95 percent CI 0.16, 0.68]) and among patients at leas
t 70 years of age (HR vs < 50 years: 0.29 [95 percent CI 0.11, 0.74]). Compass
ionate use data have limitations due to the small size of the cohort, the rela
tively short duration of follow-up, potential missing data due to the nature o
f the program and lack of a randomized control group.

“Currently there is no proven treatment for COVID-19. We cannot draw definiti
ve conclusions from these data, but the observations from this group of hospit
alized patients who received remdesivir are hopeful," said Jonathan D. Grein,
MD, Director of Hospital Epidemiology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angele
s, and lead author of the journal article. “We look forward to the results of
 controlled clinical trials to potentially validate these findings.”

The overall mortality rate in this cohort was 13 percent (n=7/53). The mortali
ty rate was higher in the subgroup of patients on invasive ventilation (18 per
cent, n=6/34), compared with patients on noninvasive oxygen support (5 percent
, n=1/19). Factors associated with an increased risk of mortality included age
 greater than 70 years (HR vs < 70 years: 11.34 [95% CI 1.36, 94.17]) and high
er baseline serum creatinine levels (HR per mg/dL: 1.91 [95% CI 1.22, 2.99]),
indicating reduced kidney function.

Mild to moderate liver enzyme (ALT and/or AST) elevations (23 percent, n=12/53
) were observed in this cohort. No new safety signals were detected during sho
rt-term remdesivir therapy.

Given the limitations of this data set and analysis, data from ongoing, random
ized clinical studies of remdesivir are needed to provide a scientifically rob
ust understanding of the clinical impact of remdesivir treatment.

“While the outcomes observed in this compassionate use analysis are encouragi
ng, the data are limited,” said Merdad Parsey, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer
, Gilead Sciences. “Gilead has multiple clinical trials underway for remdesiv
ir with initial data expected in the coming weeks. Our goal is to add to the g
rowing body of evidence as quickly as possible to more fully evaluate the pote
ntial of remdesivir and, if appropriate, support broader use of this investiga
tional drug.”

Gilead is conducting two Phase 3 clinical trials of remdesivir, the SIMPLE stu
dies, in countries with high prevalence of COVID-19. Data from the SIMPLE stud
y in patients with severe disease are expected this month, followed by data fr
om the SIMPLE study in patients with moderate disease in May. In addition, Gil
ead is supporting multiple clinical trials led by other organizations, includi
ng two studies conducted in Hubei Province, China. Gilead has been informed th
at the study in China in patients with severe disease was terminated early due
 to low enrollment; the company awaits the publication of these data to enable
 an in-depth review of the results. The study in China in patients with mild-t
o-moderate disease is ongoing. A global study of remdesivir led by NIAID conti
nues to enroll patients and data from this study are anticipated in May. Final
ly, additional studies of remdesivir and other investigational treatments for
COVID-19, based on a master protocol by the World Health Organization, have al
so begun to enroll patients in countries around the world.

About the Compassionate Use Cohort Analysis

Since January 25, 2020, Gilead has been providing emergency access to remdesiv
ir for qualifying patients with severe complications of COVID-19 who are unabl
e to enroll in ongoing clinical trials. More than 1,800 patients have been tre
ated with remdesivir through individual compassionate use protocols.

This cohort evaluated data from 53 patients in the United States, Europe, Cana
da and Japan who received at least one dose of remdesivir on or before March 7
, 2020, through Gilead’s compassionate use program. All patients were hospita
lized with severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and e
ither an oxygen saturation of 94 percent or less, or a need for oxygen. The me
dian duration of symptoms before initiation of remdesivir was 12 days. The maj
ority of patients (75 percent) were men over the age of 60 years with comorbid
 conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and asthma. Comb
ined, all three of these factors have been associated with adverse outcomes of

The planned treatment was a 10-day course of remdesivir, consisting of a 200 m
g loading dose administered intravenously on day 1, followed by 100 mg daily f
or the remaining nine treatment days. Of the 53 patients included in the analy
sis, 75 percent received the full 10-day course of remdesivir, 19 percent rece
ived 5-9 days of treatment, and 6 percent received fewer than 5 days of treatm
ent. Follow-up continued through 28 days after initiation of remdesivir treatm
ent. Four patients discontinued remdesivir prematurely, one due to worsening o
f pre-existing renal failure, one due to multiple organ failure and two due to
 elevated liver enzymes, including one patient with a maculopapular rash.

There were no prespecified endpoints for this program. As part of the analysis
, rates of key clinical events were quantified, including change in oxygen sup
port requirements, hospital discharge, reported adverse events leading to disc
ontinuation of remdesivir treatment and mortality. In addition, the analysis e
valuated the proportion of patients with clinical improvement, defined as live
 discharge from the hospital and/or a clinical improvement of at least two poi
nts from baseline on a six-point scale reflecting hospitalization and oxygen s
upport status, as recommended by the World Health Organization R&D Blueprint G


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arrenwu: ....你全部上紫色,不如不上色?1F 04/11 06:09
idam1983: 師爺翻譯翻譯2F 04/11 06:10
kis28519: 等翻譯3F 04/11 06:11
koster: 我早上看的結論 感覺有效 但因為非隨機非雙盲 所以不肯定4F 04/11 06:11
omit18: 幹 專業畫重點欸  meeting都這樣搞得好像自己很認真讀一樣5F 04/11 06:11
wwewcwwwf: ........6F 04/11 06:11
d841129: 你好棒喔 都是紫色7F 04/11 06:12
robbieulb: 眼睛痛QQ8F 04/11 06:12
brefey: 你乾脆截圖9F 04/11 06:12
koster: 如果要有更詳細的數據 請等之後的隨機雙盲結論10F 04/11 06:12
wwewcwwwf: 我是看得懂 但這排版...根本不想看11F 04/11 06:12
qn: 有啦白字部分是重點12F 04/11 06:13
julia66: 這顏色很傷眼13F 04/11 06:13
qn: wwe大身體好一點嗎?英國災情慘重14F 04/11 06:13
rosydark: 全部上色不如不上色15F 04/11 06:14
koster: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa200701616F 04/11 06:14
koster: 如果有人想看期刊的話可以看一下 總之還是要等解盲
rei196: 馬的都是丁丁色,你是丁丁?18F 04/11 06:15
※ 編輯: j5163124 ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 06:21:41
wwewcwwwf: 這3天又開始好天氣 我改吃中藥了 有取得對岸小道配方19F 04/11 06:17
yorkyoung: 眼睛好痛 給箭頭20F 04/11 06:18
BBQ2591: 啊...我的眼睛....我的眼睛21F 04/11 06:18
wwewcwwwf: 天氣越好 救護車越忙ㄏㄏㄏ22F 04/11 06:18
wwewcwwwf: 現在對岸大使館都發一堆藥和口罩給沒回國的留學生
qn: 小道配方?希望你一切平安啊24F 04/11 06:20
wwewcwwwf: 剛好認識一個常被台灣室友洗腦的留學生 昨天給我消息25F 04/11 06:20
wwewcwwwf: 對岸3/23 有出一種可緩解症狀的藥 我剛好一年前有帶來
wwewcwwwf: 之前半信半疑消息 所以之前沒吃 看了配方 開始固定吃
wwewcwwwf: 其中一種成分拉 反正吃心安的
qn: 症狀有獲得緩解嗎29F 04/11 06:24
andyal: 小樣是什麼? 你哪裡人30F 04/11 06:24
※ 編輯: j5163124 ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 06:25:46
wwewcwwwf: 不知道 只感覺 有曬太陽 身體就會比較好31F 04/11 06:26
yha: 這個初步結果算是非常好 這是用在compassionate use 的病人32F 04/11 06:26
yha:  這結果很不錯
wwewcwwwf: 對岸政府給的官方用藥 自己去買要40鎊34F 04/11 06:27
A80211ab: 簡單說就是對重症有明顯效果35F 04/11 06:27
wwewcwwwf: 這周1發了2盒給留學生 下周還下下周會再發一次36F 04/11 06:28
melovejunki: 對重症病患真的好消息37F 04/11 06:28
wwewcwwwf: 這是前天打聽的 而台灣學生只獲得台灣私人協會3片口罩38F 04/11 06:29
wwewcwwwf: 這台灣私人協會 上週給一堆物資給當地醫院
melovejunki: 下禮拜股市繼續漲吧40F 04/11 06:30
wwewcwwwf: 而我們外交部駐外單位... 算了 不想講了41F 04/11 06:31
yha: 一般而言 抗病毒藥是越早給越好 拖到重症效果會很差 在這種42F 04/11 06:32
yha: 情況下有這個結果令人振奮
koster: 可惜這個要是注射不是口服 無法像克流感一樣快篩就給藥吃44F 04/11 06:37
Despairile: 算了我要刪文了 我看完內文沒這麼樂觀45F 04/11 06:40
wwewcwwwf: 我有打電話回台灣奎寧怎麼買 說這是處方藥 沒得買...46F 04/11 06:40
yha: 這組病人是症狀後12天才給藥 超過一半插管接呼吸器 條件非常47F 04/11 06:41
※ 編輯: j5163124 ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 06:42:05
yha: 差 這種結果算不錯48F 04/11 06:41
OSDim: 令人驚艷的比例49F 04/11 06:42
wwewcwwwf: 建議你砍文 重發拉... 用word排版吧50F 04/11 06:46
※ 編輯: j5163124 ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 06:47:09
※ 編輯: j5163124 ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 06:47:53
kuroro94:  重症反映率三分之二  第三期即使掉也是目前實驗藥中最51F 04/11 06:54
kuroro94: 最傑出
kuroro94: 支那政府在爆發前就已經註冊瑞得西韋治療武漢病毒專利..
kuroro94: .越來越像生化恐攻...支那賤畜...
ECZEMA: 有效有推55F 04/11 07:11
SRadiant: 沒有對照組很難說,一樣有效但不知道多有效啊56F 04/11 07:14
switch: 有57%的插管病患投藥後拔管,對比之前金銀潭院長該院插管57F 04/11 07:20
switch: 病患幾乎零拔管,看起來還是好很多,當然還是要等解盲才能
switch: 確定多有效。
SRadiant: 零拔管是死光了喔?還是掛在那邊當活屍?60F 04/11 08:10
sl11pman: 60歲憨粉青年繼續感恩中國防疫貢獻61F 04/11 08:32
kevin31a2: 五毛一直自言自語像個白癡62F 04/11 09:24
yeltek: 哈哈樓上63F 04/11 09:37
TobyH4cker: to;dr64F 04/11 09:48
TobyH4cker: tl
devirnt: 幾乎沒效吧66F 04/11 09:49
gwenwoo:  勤洗手  戴口罩  別恐慌  小心五毛67F 04/11 09:57
SantaNM: 這效果作為解藥其實不高,只能說比沒有好68F 04/11 10:10

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