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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-23 17:28:39
看板 Gossiping
作者 CobeBryant (老大-摳比布萊恩)
標題 [新聞] 英穆斯林嗆要強姦所有想改信的穆斯林女人
時間 Sun Dec 23 16:34:19 2018


'WE'LL F*** YOU UP' Taxi driver threatens to ‘rape Muslims who want to
convert to Christianity’ in shocking rap video
"我會強姦你們!" 計程車司機威脅會強姦所有想改信基督的穆斯林

A TAXI driver is being quizzed by cops for allegedly threatening to rape
Muslim converts to Christianity in a video that’s gone viral.

The 41-year-old man from Preston was responding to the story of a Muslim man
who had broadcast his baptism and conversion to Christianity on Facebook.

In his original WhatsApp video that was posted online he said: "Any
motherf***er who wants to convert to Christianity we are going to f*** you up
the a***."

Within hours of the video going viral the cabbie issued an apology.

Lancashire Police launched an investigation and arrested the taxi driver on
suspicion of racially aggravated harassment.

He remains in custody and an investigation is ongoing.

In his apology the man said the first video was intended as “banter between

He said: "I've come to realise that I made several obnoxious, crude comments
which I shouldn't have made.

"I'm really sorry for the offence caused.

"I've got nothing against Christians. I've got a lot of Christian friends. I
was brought up with Christians.

"I went to school with Christian friends and I play football with them on a
regular basis.

"They will vouch for me, that I've never done anything like this before.

"I sincerely apologise. I've always tried to be good to all people. I know
some of you won't see it that way but I do ask for forgiveness.

"I take all the comments back. Every single one of them. Forgiveness from all
Christians for a start.

"I think I've upset a few Muslims as well. And I apologise for that from the
bottom of my heart.

"People who know me know that I'm a happy chappy and I think my comments have
gone out of context.

"I will not be making this mistake again. I apologise to everybody who has
been affected by this."

He added: "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

A spokesman for Lancashire Police said: “As soon as this video came to our
attention we launched an investigation and we have today arrested a
41-year-old man from Preston on suspicion of religiously aggravated

“He remains in custody and our investigation is on-going.

“We recognise the distress the comments have caused to a number of people
and we hope they are reassured by the action we have taken.”

Preston City Council said they were aware of the video and confirmed they had
received a complaint from a member of the public.

A spokesman for the licensing department said: "We are aware of the video in
question and we can confirm that we have received an informal complaint from
a member of the public.

"We recognise the man in the video and we are liaising with police on this
issue and will follow their lead in respect of the need for an investigation.

"If police confirm that this is a criminal offence, Preston City Council will
review whether this individual is deemed a fit and proper person to serve as
a licence holder.

"But in the event that police do not find grounds to proceed with a criminal
investigation, Preston City Council still has the option to review whether
someone is considered suitable to hold a licence and we can revoke that
licence if necessary."









4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Taxi driver threatens to 'rape Muslims who want to convert to Christianity' in shocking rap video
THE 41-year-old man from Preston was responding to the story of a Muslim man who had broadcast his baptism and conversion to Christianity on Facebook. ...



挪威伊斯蘭領袖:只有普通穆斯林! 沒有溫和極端穆斯林。
[問卦] 挪威伊斯蘭領袖抗議! 沒有溫和.極端穆斯林 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
 挪威伊斯蘭宗教領袖聲明抗議 看得出他真的已經覺得,每次他們邀請人演講都被指控

2018 國際齋戒月炸彈松 第9屆 Final Score  
https://imgur.com/Rdtm34c 恭喜伊斯蘭教 蟬聯九屆冠軍 九連冠!!
http://imgur.com/JU2Vb5b  各地穆斯林認為改信必須死的比率
http://imgur.com/idrg6Sq  44.85%穆斯林認為改信者該被殺死
目前穆斯林擁有改信自由的伊斯蘭國家: 0 個

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1S7qYkjn (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1545554094.A.B71.html
seabox: 優質宗教1F 12/23 16:35
js52666: 衝著五樓來啊2F 12/23 16:35
Yuwuen: 我覺得要尊重宗教自由3F 12/23 16:36
SydLrio: 五樓會強姦所有想要治好愛滋病的甲甲4F 12/23 16:36
Ayreon: 只有死掉的穆斯林才是好穆斯林5F 12/23 16:36
Gief: 有啥好意外的7F 12/23 16:37
AndyWT: 用懶叫征服世界的宗教8F 12/23 16:37
ynd: 穆斯林真的該滅種..................9F 12/23 16:37
jamie81416: 穆斯林人多就是激進,人少就是溫和10F 12/23 16:37
LaplaceDemon: 穆斯林沒有分極端溫和的 本來就是長這個樣子11F 12/23 16:37
[問卦] 挪威伊斯蘭領袖抗議! 沒有溫和.極端穆斯林 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
 挪威伊斯蘭宗教領袖聲明抗議 看得出他真的已經覺得,每次他們邀請人演講都被指控
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/23/2018 16:38:47
LaplaceDemon: 聲稱是溫和穆斯林的不是唬爛就是假穆斯林12F 12/23 16:37
makki: 感覺英國穆斯林大多還滿融入英國的,這應該是適應不良該去13F 12/23 16:38
makki: 真正穆斯林國家才對
WeGoYuSheng: 板上伊斯蘭迷嗆:又要藉機污名化穆斯林!!可惡!15F 12/23 16:38
caesst85149: 聖經也是伊斯蘭經典 耶穌也是伊斯蘭教的先知16F 12/23 16:38
judgeGGININ: 伊斯蘭教就是人類宗教毒瘤,應該殺光他們17F 12/23 16:38
tokyoto: 穆斯林會被黑不是沒道理的 偏激狂熱份子那麼多 我不先搞18F 12/23 16:38
edison: 英國小黃執照很難考19F 12/23 16:39
tokyoto: 你還等著你作亂啊20F 12/23 16:39
storyo11413: 等等某教團又要抗議抹黑歧視了~21F 12/23 16:40
Kobelephants: 快來台灣22F 12/23 16:40
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/23/2018 16:41:43
z0953781935: 呵呵,雙重標準23F 12/23 16:42
darkbrigher: 沒有溫和激進 因為可蘭經允許穆斯林在弱勢時說謊24F 12/23 16:43
darkbrigher: 稱為塔基亞 等他們人一多 5% 10% 20%時 就開始說話大
pantient: 大大回歸啦!26F 12/23 16:44
fujimoto: 這發言也太中二27F 12/23 16:44
Molester5566: 你先去強姦中共啦 不要只挑軟柿子28F 12/23 16:44
darkbrigher: 聲 封街祈禱 上街遊行巡邏 宗教法庭開始搞起來了29F 12/23 16:44
MacOSX10: 如果不能全關閉的話,宗教單位至少應該全改成國營才對30F 12/23 16:45
asdf70044: 宗教就是毒瘤 我說完了31F 12/23 16:45
darkbrigher: 英國穆斯林大多還滿融入英國? 他們幾年前還上街遊行32F 12/23 16:46
silentence: 應該處死這些白癡 送牠們去看看有沒有處女33F 12/23 16:46
darkbrigher: 要求全面禁酒 自己不給喝也不讓別人喝的概念34F 12/23 16:46
duece0927: 穆斯林都一個樣35F 12/23 16:46
LeadenLight: 薛丁格的穆斯林36F 12/23 16:46
lance8537: 某垃圾敢不敢去中國吠阿哈哈37F 12/23 16:46
MagniDei: 通通打包送去新疆好不好38F 12/23 16:47
asdf70044: 信個宗教竟然還有說法是溫和的 幹你娘 笑死39F 12/23 16:47
darkbrigher: 然後旁邊全身黑袍的女性穆斯林舉個牌子寫著伊斯蘭是40F 12/23 16:47
amos30627: 炸彈還沒爆炸前 穆斯林都是溫和的41F 12/23 16:48
teddy12114: 這人明明就很好了 強姦就放過你比起死刑好很多了吧42F 12/23 16:48
真的! 差不多比半數穆斯林還溫和了!
darkbrigher: best system in the world43F 12/23 16:49
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/23/2018 16:51:01
tf010714: 突然覺得中共打壓伊斯蘭也還好了44F 12/23 16:50
yyc1217: 請尊重人家的宗教自由!!45F 12/23 16:50
poan2600: 世界亂源 -->  亞伯拉罕諸教46F 12/23 16:50
kiddking: 穆斯林應該全部被充公。47F 12/23 16:51
DarkHolbach: 很多人會說這些激進的都是基本教義派,卻忽略了一件48F 12/23 16:51
DarkHolbach: 事:伊斯蘭本來就很偏激所以基本教義派才這麼恐怖
makki: 但遊行也只是某部分啊,看一下報導英國穆斯林將近300萬人50F 12/23 16:51
makki: 耶,我也說只是感覺而已好嗎?
DarkHolbach: 如果你原本的教義沒那麼恐怖,就算基本教義派也激進52F 12/23 16:52
kobe30418: 看成哥布林53F 12/23 16:52
DarkHolbach: 不到哪去54F 12/23 16:52
kobe30418: 內容也很像哥布林55F 12/23 16:53
love1987817: 管他激進還溫和 都是阿拉花瓜本一家啦56F 12/23 16:53
makki: 2015年是280萬人,真的那麼不融入不就早就跟法國一樣一天57F 12/23 16:54
makki: 到晚擔心恐攻了?
heat0204: 男人不用肛嗎59F 12/23 16:54
luxaky: 伊斯蘭就是邪教 不過是人口多了點60F 12/23 16:54
makki: 他就是要強奸男的啊XD61F 12/23 16:55
應該不是喔 肛交伊斯蘭是死刑

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Silly rules that Muslims live by across the world dictated by their Muslim scholars. Clips used under fair criticism. I do not own clips. Property of HBO The...


DarkHolbach: 伊斯蘭國家沒一個人權像樣的,說都激進派的錯也不對62F 12/23 16:55
ntust661: 優質!63F 12/23 16:56
HwaSIn: 現在倫敦真的很亂  太多穆斯林了  難怪要脫歐64F 12/23 16:56
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/23/2018 17:09:12
Pegasus170: 人蠢沒藥醫65F 12/23 17:08
bestteam: SJW不敢對回教或移民大聲66F 12/23 17:08
HwaSIn: 英國應該要修法了啦67F 12/23 17:10
HwaSIn: 像是祖國荷蘭那種移民法就很好
HwaSIn: 荷蘭用法律規定你必須要融入社會
North4use: 不用懲罰他 只要將他送回他祖先的國家就好70F 12/23 17:11
FertilizerN: 不是不炸 時候未到71F 12/23 17:11
AInnor: ID正確72F 12/23 17:12
ewqewq123123: 司機是溫和穆斯林,無誤。普通穆斯林會殺死叛教者。73F 12/23 17:14
ann90280: 我還以為他要強奸變成穆斯林的女人咧74F 12/23 17:14
armedlove: 恐同也說自己有很多同志朋友w75F 12/23 17:14
mihono: 明明信仰同一個神,卻那麼極端....76F 12/23 17:18
chunfo: 亞伯拉罕諸教全都是邪教 西方也是脫離教廷才開始發展77F 12/23 17:21
qaz223gy: 穆斯林 全都是垃圾78F 12/23 17:25
shiauji: 穆斯林最善良79F 12/23 17:27

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1447 
作者 CobeBryant 的最新發文:
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( ̄︶ ̄)b darkrise1980, sin8143 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2018-12-23 18:11:19 (台灣)
  12-23 18:11 TW
2樓 時間: 2018-12-23 18:53:19 (台灣)
+1 12-23 18:53 TW
邪教無誤, 得靠這種方式增加信徒, 不就是恐怖主義老鼠會?
3樓 時間: 2018-12-23 23:14:34 (台灣)
  12-23 23:14 TW
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