※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-22 20:37:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 穆斯林強暴法少女 被以文化不同無罪釋放
時間 Sat Dec 22 19:26:56 2018
Muslim rapes teen girl, acquitted due to 'cultural norms'
A French court acquitted a refugee from Bangladesh for the rape of a
high-school girl after the defense argued the immigrant had “different
cultural norms” that may have caused him to misinterpret his contact with
the girl.
The refugee also was charged with sexually assaulting another young girl.
Both incidents happened in 2015. He was given a suspended sentenced of two
years in prison for the sexual-assault charge, reported Voice of Europe,
citing the French news site La Manche Libre.
The report said experts who investigated the refugee, who was not named,
pointed out that in the male culture of Muslim-majority Bangladesh, “women
are relegated to the status of sexual object.”
Voice of Europe said the accused, age 18 at the time of rape, went for a walk
with a 16-year-old girl who attended the same high school in Saint-Lô,
The teen kissed the woman and groped her genitals, according to the
complaint, and she managed to leave the room. She reported the incident to
the principal of her school who informed police.
Police closed the case after the refugee insisted the girl was consenting.
She later attempted suicide and was hospitalized for a week.
Four months after the initial incident, the refugee was arrested again.
Whose ‘norms’ will be enforced?
Commenting on the case, Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer said the refugee’
s “cultural norms” indeed are “different,” noting they are rooted in
“Why can’t France enforce its own ‘cultural norms’?” he asked. “Why can
’t any Western country?”
Spencer cited the survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the U.K. who said her
rapists quoted the Quran to her, believing their actions were justified by
Spencer noted the Quran “teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken
for sexual use.”
Several passages allow for a man to take “captives of the right hand”
(Quran 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).
The Quran says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women
of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That
is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah
Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59)
Spencer commented: “The implication there is that if women do not cover
themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that
such abuse would be justified.”
‘Passed around’
Last month, an 18-year-old girl was raped outside a disco in Germany by eight
men, including seven Syrians.
In September, in the latest trial in England of the widespread problem of
Muslim “grooming gangs,” a woman testified via video that she was “passed
around” beginning at age 13 by about 100 men.
The British government’s senior legal adviser charged last year that judges
were giving lighter sentences to Muslims convicted of raping young girls
because of “political correctness.”
At the time, the city of Newcastle Upon Tyne was the center of a child
sexual-abuse scandal, with 17 Muslim men and one woman convicted of raping
more than 100 underage white girls, some as young as 13.
In June, as WND reported, the arrest of an Iraqi immigrant in the murder of a
14-year-old Jewish girl in Germany stoked criticism of Chancellor Angela
Merkel’s immigration policy, including a call from an opposition party for
her to resign.
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said such case “seem to be adding up.”
In March, BBC News noted, an Afghan asylum seeker was sentenced to life
imprisonment for the rape and murder of student Maria Ladenburger.
Last December, an Afghan migrant was arrested on suspicion of stabbing his
15-year-old ex-girlfriend to death.
(古蘭經4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30)
上個月, 一名18歲女性在德國被8位敘利亞人強姦。
上個月, 一名18歲女性在德國被8位敘利亞人強姦。
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Muslim rapes teen girl, acquitted due to 'cultural norms' - WND
A French court acquitted a refugee from Bangladesh for the rape of a high school girl after the defense argued the immigrant had "different cultural n ...
古蘭經4:3 4:24 表示可以跟女奴性交
23:6 70:30 表示與女奴性交不受譴責
Islamic scholar allegedly says allah allows Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women | World | News | Express.co.uk
AN ISLAMIC professor has allegedly claimed Muslim men are allowed by Allah to rape non-Muslim women in order to “humiliate” them. ...
2018 國際齋戒月炸彈松 第9屆 Final Score
https://imgur.com/Rdtm34c 恭喜伊斯蘭教 蟬聯九屆冠軍 九連冠!!
http://imgur.com/JU2Vb5b 各地穆斯林認為改信必須死的比率
http://imgur.com/idrg6Sq 44.85%穆斯林認為改信者該被殺死
目前穆斯林擁有改信自由的伊斯蘭國家: 0 個
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1S7X-AFa (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1545478026.A.3E4.html
推 : 臺男最愛1F 12/22 19:27
噓 : 垃圾渣國2F 12/22 19:27
→ : 如果在台灣可能也會這樣判3F 12/22 19:27
推 : 以下開放轉教服務4F 12/22 19:27
→ : 三小5F 12/22 19:27
噓 : 梅克爾欣喜若狂6F 12/22 19:28
推 : 太長了 哪國的法院?7F 12/22 19:28
推 : 法官準備感受黃背心的憤怒了嗎?8F 12/22 19:28
推 : 國情不同,誤會殺人是無罪的9F 12/22 19:28
噓 : 覺青理想國度10F 12/22 19:28
推 : Kobe 就是 Kobe 不管是不是穆斯林11F 12/22 19:28
→ : 梅克爾大概每天都被小狼狗三門齊開12F 12/22 19:29
推 : 左膠誤國13F 12/22 19:29
噓 : 再收難民R14F 12/22 19:29
噓 : 有病的教義15F 12/22 19:29
→ : 如果今天是法官的女兒再來這樣判吧
→ : 如果今天是法官的女兒再來這樣判吧
推 : 根本邪教17F 12/22 19:30
→ : 伊斯蘭教徒還是殺光的好18F 12/22 19:30
噓 : 這也要扯覺青,樓上有事嗎19F 12/22 19:30
→ : 順便送一下敵對長官的頭20F 12/22 19:30
推 : 祝法官的女兒 老婆 孫女 親戚 被強姦21F 12/22 19:31
推 : 食人族:文化不同無罪喔22F 12/22 19:31
推 : 魯肥宅我現在改信伊斯蘭教來得及嗎?到街上去KOBE異教正妹23F 12/22 19:31
→ : 會不會被判無罪?
→ : 會不會被判無罪?
推 : 沒事兒沒事兒 綠教難民才是法蘭西斯坦的主人25F 12/22 19:32
推 : 我也要當穆斯林26F 12/22 19:32
推 : 這真的智障...27F 12/22 19:32
→ : 法院認證的強暴教 強暴國28F 12/22 19:33
推 : 這三小法官,宗教凌駕憲法是三小29F 12/22 19:33
噓 : 低能30F 12/22 19:33
噓 : 邪教31F 12/22 19:33
→ : 強暴還有分文化32F 12/22 19:34
→ : 希望伊斯蘭世界跟支那人開幹 地球兩大毒瘤33F 12/22 19:34
→ : 兩敗俱傷還地球一個乾淨的環境
→ : 兩敗俱傷還地球一個乾淨的環境
推 : 伊斯蘭國家本來就是伊斯蘭教義大於憲法 樓上還不懂?35F 12/22 19:35
推 : 邪教無誤Y36F 12/22 19:35
噓 : 法國是伊斯蘭國嗎?37F 12/22 19:36
推 : 我覺得應該要因地制宜,既然地點在法國,就應該要39F 12/22 19:37
→ : 符合法國的文化及法律,除非法國法律有此開例
→ : 符合法國的文化及法律,除非法國法律有此開例
推 : 阿拉花瓜教真D牛41F 12/22 19:38
→ : 台灣法官不意…咦?42F 12/22 19:38
推 : 智障43F 12/22 19:38
推 : 看看這位法官的名字是不是也有穆汗默德44F 12/22 19:39
推 : 經文腦補?45F 12/22 19:39
推 : 已入教46F 12/22 19:40
噓 : 馬克宏47F 12/22 19:40
→ : 其實應推廣男生穿布卡48F 12/22 19:40
推 : 中國沒有豬瘟情報 台灣不能罰錢的概念49F 12/22 19:40
推 : 靠我以為他們是下半身思考 結果只是虔誠教徒50F 12/22 19:40
推 : 讚讚 大家快去信伊斯懶叫51F 12/22 19:40
→ : 可蘭經內容真的是很狂52F 12/22 19:41
噓 : 智障,那這樣食人族去法國大吃特吃法官是不是也要自己送上?53F 12/22 19:41
噓 : 扯,宗教殺人54F 12/22 19:42
噓 : 鼓勵大家改信教去法國玩55F 12/22 19:43
噓 : 低能法官 引用教義就可以合法56F 12/22 19:43
推 : 下個世代 法國就靠這些「新生」 創新的穆斯林國家57F 12/22 19:43
噓 : 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔正港邪教58F 12/22 19:43
→ KangSuat …
推 : 阿拉花瓜60F 12/22 19:44
推 : 這真的是垃圾 !可悲的是 連法國都是垃圾!61F 12/22 19:45
→ : 暴動啊幹 這三小法官62F 12/22 19:45
→ KangSuat …
推 : 黃背心都還沒擺平 這下更多人囉64F 12/22 19:46
噓 : 低能左膠法官65F 12/22 19:46
→ KangSuat …
推 : 德國先進文化67F 12/22 19:48
→ : 強暴異教徒女性是合法的68F 12/22 19:48
→ : 法國先進文化69F 12/22 19:48
推 : 厲害了你的法院70F 12/22 19:48
噓 : 那以後不需要法律了,都拿教義出來講就好71F 12/22 19:48
推 : 假新聞吧???????? 有這麼腦殘法官?72F 12/22 19:48
→ : 低能左膠73F 12/22 19:49
推 : 左膠國家活該74F 12/22 19:49
噓 : 一堆法盲在瞎舉例75F 12/22 19:50
推 : 等著看社會反撲嘍 再怎麼樣穆斯林都是西歐的少數族群 再這76F 12/22 19:51
推 : 這舊聞了啦77F 12/22 19:51
→ : 樣搞下去 養出極右怪物 就穆斯林自己承擔吧78F 12/22 19:51
推 : 哈哈 鼓勵穆斯林強姦本地人了79F 12/22 19:51
推 : 覺青不就最愛這種?? 要尊重他們的文化80F 12/22 19:51
推 : 台男先進宗教 沒包好活該被強81F 12/22 19:51
噓 : 他媽這是已開發國家法國?被害者是沒請律師嗎82F 12/22 19:54
→ lwamp …
推 : 肥宅快改當穆斯林移民法國84F 12/22 19:54
噓 : 這法官是怎樣?85F 12/22 19:55
推 : 有這判例,穆斯林可以買機票去極樂法國86F 12/22 19:56
推 : ???三小87F 12/22 19:57
推 : 林飛帆:下一站 法國88F 12/22 19:57
噓 : 100位是三小89F 12/22 19:57
推 : 浪漫90F 12/22 19:58
推 : 真的很低能91F 12/22 19:58
推 : 誇張92F 12/22 19:58
推 : 靠杯 這法官應該是臥底想害政府吧= =93F 12/22 20:00
噓 : 所以原住民在法國可以合法出草了是吧?94F 12/22 20:02
噓 : 最好是誤解喇 幹95F 12/22 20:03
噓 : 三小96F 12/22 20:06
推 : 傷害別人還躲在宗教的羽翼下97F 12/22 20:07
→ : 幹古蘭經真的夠狂 異教直接幹...98F 12/22 20:08
推 : 希望歐洲女人都能合法被回教徒姦殺99F 12/22 20:08
推 : 法國人也太好笑100F 12/22 20:08
推 : 這真的邪教101F 12/22 20:08
推 : 水,這就是廢死覺青愛的先進國家102F 12/22 20:09
→ : 我猜是情節輕重的問題 陳進興那樣就會死刑 穆斯林如果103F 12/22 20:09
→ : 情節輕微 又有文化影響 法國法官就判無罪
→ : 情節輕微 又有文化影響 法國法官就判無罪
推 : 尊重多元文化的文明國家 讚!希望台灣也能尊重癡漢文105F 12/22 20:11
→ : 化
→ : 化
推 : 這是什麼垃圾文化 噁心的宗教107F 12/22 20:11
噓 : 垃圾宗教108F 12/22 20:12
推 : 法國女高中生 感覺就很正109F 12/22 20:12
推 : 異性戀男表示:揪團老司機們入教囉~110F 12/22 20:13
推 : 感覺是假的 如果是真的 法國大概就..111F 12/22 20:14
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/22/2018 20:19:11→ : 如果這個穆斯林性交後殺法國(女)人 暴動也是情理之中112F 12/22 20:18
→ : 移民啦113F 12/22 20:19
推 : 依我們村莊的傳統,白癡法官都要用狼牙棒捅屁眼114F 12/22 20:19
→ sonyabear …
推 : 曲解經典是最荒謬的事116F 12/22 20:24
推 : 幹你古蘭經的,上面是寫可以性交不是寫可以強姦啊幹!117F 12/22 20:26
推 : 左膠跟穆斯林都是世界毒瘤118F 12/22 20:27
噓 : WND這個美國網站一堆假新聞119F 12/22 20:27
噓 : 原來在法國伊斯蘭教大於自己的法律120F 12/22 20:29
→ cocabell …
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1906
( ̄︿ ̄)p simon9331, leon999su, op20181115 說瞎!
3樓 時間: 2018-12-22 21:23:18 (台灣)
12-22 21:23 TW
來我的國度 就要遵奉我國度的法律 誰理你穆斯林啊 要不然不要逃難啊 再你們的國度當IS啊
6樓 時間: 2018-12-22 22:31:18 (台灣)
12-22 22:31 TW
依照曝露(異教徒)被強暴合乎古蘭經? 相對的異教徒強暴穆斯林是不是也應該合法? 既然暴露是罪,那看到有人穿名牌、戴名表、開跑車, 是不是可以合法搶劫? 所有事應該要相對公平,不能只讓全部的人都遵守古蘭經, 道理都照古蘭經來論吧, 假使古蘭經認定迫害異教徒合法, 那異教徒也擁有合法迫害穆斯林的權力。
7樓 時間: 2018-12-22 22:31:23 (台灣)
12-22 22:31 TW
你允許但是別的宗教不允許啊!! ......突然可以理解一千年前的宗教戰爭是怎麼發生的