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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] CNN: 貿易戰如何令中國更加強大
時間 Wed Oct 17 13:49:25 2018
Washington Post、LA Times等都是明顯的極左派。
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現在福斯新聞 FOX News早就超越了CNN。甚至全美兩家最大家的
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Fox News Crushes CNN And MSNBC In Ratings, Has More Viewers Than Both Networks Combined | The Daily Caller
Fox News maintained its position as "King of Cable" last week during the dramatic confirmation hearings and vote for Supreme Court Justice B ...
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Fox News新聞是CNN加上MSNBC的黃金時段和總時段的收視人數的兩倍…
※ 引述《ilyj2012 (麒麟才子)》之銘言:
: CNN: 貿易戰如何令中國更加強大
: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/business/us-trade-war-impact-china-economy/index.html
How the US-China trade war could help Chinese businesses - CNN
The US-China trade war is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to speed up changes that could make the economy more competitive. ...
How the US-China trade war could help Chinese businesses - CNN
The US-China trade war is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to speed up changes that could make the economy more competitive. ...
: 贸易战如何令中国更加强大
: Hong Kong (CNN Business)At a machinery firm near Shanghai, China's sprawling
: business capital, engineers rely on the United States for parts they need to
: make precision measuring equipment for automakers and other industries.
: 在位於中國商業中心上海附近的一家機械製造公司里,工程師以前依賴美國的零部件
: 來為汽車和其他行業製造精密測量設備。
: But the company, Suzhou Osaitek Photoelectric Technology, is now speeding up
: plans to produce the components itself, according to He Zhongya, its chief
: engineer.
: 但是根據該公司首席工程師He Zhongya的說法,這家公司,蘇州奧弗斯萊特光電技術
: 公司,現在開始加速推進自主生產。
: The reason? New tariffs in the trade clash between the United States and
: China have made the American-made parts too expensive.
: 為什麼? 因為大陸同美國之間的貿易戰讓美國造的產品變得太貴了。
: The company, which employs about 100 people, would have made the shift to
: local production eventually, but "the trade war accelerates the transition,"
: He told CNN.
: 這家僱傭了100人的公司,將會徹底轉向到本地生產的產品。只是貿易戰加速了這個
: 過程,他如是告訴CNN。
: The world's top two economies have imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions of
: dollars of each other's goods. The measures are expected to take a heavier
: toll on China's economy, which relies more on exports and has already started
: losing steam this year.
: 全世界前兩大經濟體陷入貿易戰,針對對方千億的產品征收關稅。美國希望這些措施
: 能讓中國經濟受更大的傷害,因為中國更依賴出口。
: But the conflict is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to
: move ahead with changes that could eventually make the economy more
: competitive and more appealing to foreign investors.
: 但是這場衝突正在鼓勵中國政府和企業勇於向前走並做出改變,這會讓中國經濟更
: 具有競爭力,對外國投資者來說更具有吸引力。
: "The crisis incentivizes China to develop faster," said He.
: 這場危機正激勵著中國更快速地發展,他說到。
: The US Commerce Department starkly exposed China's reliance on American
: technology this year when it blocked US companies from selling vital
: components to Chinese telecommunications hardware maker ZTE, forcing it to
: halt almost all of its operations.
: In China, ZTE's crisis reinforced the belief that the country needs to become
: more self-sufficient.
: "You're going to see probably more intensive efforts at domestic innovation,"
: said Scott Kennedy, an expert on the Chinese economy at the Center for
: Strategic and International Studies.
: 美國商務部制裁中興通訊,加固了中國人認為國家需要變得更自立的信仰。你將看到
: 中國在國內創新方面更加投入。Scott Kennedy如是說。他是戰略與國際研究中心的
: 中國經濟問題專家。
: But developing advanced tech industries, such as semiconductors, while
: cutting dependence on the United States "will be difficult" in the short
: term, he cautioned. That's because Chinese companies rely heavily on
: American-made chips to build smartphones and mobile networks.
: 在芯片方面,短期內的發展將會非常困難。中國公司依賴美國公司的芯片來生產智能
: 手機和移動網絡。
: Beijing's aggressive campaign to build more sophisticated manufacturing
: industries is one of the US government's main grievances in the trade war.
: The Trump administration has accused China of using unfair practices, such as
: intellectual property theft, to get hold of American tech secrets. The
: Chinese government disputes the allegations.
: 中國打造高端製造業,正是美國政府在貿易戰里提出的最主要的不滿。川普政府指責
: 中國剽竊美國智慧產權,但是中國政府完全反對。
: The deteriorating relations with the United States may prompt China to step
: up cooperation on advanced technology with Japan, South Korea, Israel and
: European countries, Kennedy said.
: Beijing has been pushing through reforms in areas like intellectual property
: protection in recent months as it seeks to encourage the development of more
: homegrown technology, according to Kenny Liew, an analyst at research firm
: Fitch Solutions.
: "The government is doubling down," he said. "The trade war will definitely
: accelerate these kinds of reforms."
: 'China is no longer a cheap place'
: China has already come a long way. Over the past 20 years, its giant export
: machine has shifted away from goods such as clothes and toys toward
: electronics and smartphones.
: "China is no longer a cheap place to produce low-end goods," said Xu Bin, a
: professor of economics and finance at the China Europe International Business
: School in Shanghai.
: Chinese companies are "very responsive to changing environments" and tariffs
: add "an additional force to push Chinese private companies to upgrade," he
: added.
: Will it open its markets?
: The waves of new tariffs are also raising questions about China's appeal as a
: manufacturing hub. Companies say they are considering shifting production to
: other countries to avoid the extra costs, putting pressure on the Chinese
: government to find ways to offset the damage.
: Beijing has long been criticized for restrictive economic policies that shut
: foreign companies out of large swathes of its economy and favor local
: businesses, particularly big state-owned enterprises. Chinese leaders insist
: they are committed to gradually opening the economy at a suitable pace.
: The trade war could speed up that process.
: Analysts and business leaders have in the past questioned China's commitment
: to reforms that make it easier for foreign investors to do business there,
: but some think it now faces little choice.
: "China must open the market," Jack Ma, the executive chairman of Alibaba
: (BABA), said last month.
: Beijing has already taken a series of steps recently to help the slowing
: economy, including tax cuts. Premier Li Keqiang last month pledged more
: pro-business measures.
: If that includes allowing greater competition from foreign companies, it
: could force Chinese companies to up their game and become more productive.
: Such changes "will boost the competitiveness of the economy in the long run"
: and help China to "generate better quality of growth," said Aidan Yao, senior
: emerging markets economist at asset management firm AXA Investment Managers.
: Julia Horowitz, Serenitie Wang and Joseph Kleinhenz contributed to this
: report.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1539755368.A.87E.html
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不管美國各個新聞怎麼說、評論怎麼寫,就是不會說 他【支持共產黨】。 看看腦殘支持共產黨的9.2吧。