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作者 標題 [新聞] CNN: 貿易戰如何令中國更加強大
時間 Mon Oct 8 11:27:31 2018
CNN: 貿易戰如何令中國更加強大
How the US-China trade war could help Chinese businesses - CNN
The US-China trade war is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to speed up changes that could make the economy more competitive. ...
How the US-China trade war could help Chinese businesses - CNN
The US-China trade war is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to speed up changes that could make the economy more competitive. ...
How the trade war could make China even stronger
Hong Kong (CNN Business)At a machinery firm near Shanghai, China's sprawling
business capital, engineers rely on the United States for parts they need to
make precision measuring equipment for automakers and other industries.
But the company, Suzhou Osaitek Photoelectric Technology, is now speeding up
plans to produce the components itself, according to He Zhongya, its chief
但是根據該公司首席工程師He Zhongya的說法,這家公司,蘇州奧弗斯萊特光電技術
The reason? New tariffs in the trade clash between the United States and
China have made the American-made parts too expensive.
為什麼? 因為大陸同美國之間的貿易戰讓美國造的產品變得太貴了。
The company, which employs about 100 people, would have made the shift to
local production eventually, but "the trade war accelerates the transition,"
He told CNN.
The world's top two economies have imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions of
dollars of each other's goods. The measures are expected to take a heavier
toll on China's economy, which relies more on exports and has already started
losing steam this year.
But the conflict is encouraging Chinese companies and government officials to
move ahead with changes that could eventually make the economy more
competitive and more appealing to foreign investors.
"The crisis incentivizes China to develop faster," said He.
The US Commerce Department starkly exposed China's reliance on American
technology this year when it blocked US companies from selling vital
components to Chinese telecommunications hardware maker ZTE, forcing it to
halt almost all of its operations.
In China, ZTE's crisis reinforced the belief that the country needs to become
more self-sufficient.
"You're going to see probably more intensive efforts at domestic innovation,"
said Scott Kennedy, an expert on the Chinese economy at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies.
中國在國內創新方面更加投入。Scott Kennedy如是說。他是戰略與國際研究中心的
中國在國內創新方面更加投入。Scott Kennedy如是說。他是戰略與國際研究中心的
But developing advanced tech industries, such as semiconductors, while
cutting dependence on the United States "will be difficult" in the short
term, he cautioned. That's because Chinese companies rely heavily on
American-made chips to build smartphones and mobile networks.
Beijing's aggressive campaign to build more sophisticated manufacturing
industries is one of the US government's main grievances in the trade war.
The Trump administration has accused China of using unfair practices, such as
intellectual property theft, to get hold of American tech secrets. The
Chinese government disputes the allegations.
The deteriorating relations with the United States may prompt China to step
up cooperation on advanced technology with Japan, South Korea, Israel and
European countries, Kennedy said.
Beijing has been pushing through reforms in areas like intellectual property
protection in recent months as it seeks to encourage the development of more
homegrown technology, according to Kenny Liew, an analyst at research firm
Fitch Solutions.
"The government is doubling down," he said. "The trade war will definitely
accelerate these kinds of reforms."
'China is no longer a cheap place'
China has already come a long way. Over the past 20 years, its giant export
machine has shifted away from goods such as clothes and toys toward
electronics and smartphones.
"China is no longer a cheap place to produce low-end goods," said Xu Bin, a
professor of economics and finance at the China Europe International Business
School in Shanghai.
Chinese companies are "very responsive to changing environments" and tariffs
add "an additional force to push Chinese private companies to upgrade," he
Will it open its markets?
The waves of new tariffs are also raising questions about China's appeal as a
manufacturing hub. Companies say they are considering shifting production to
other countries to avoid the extra costs, putting pressure on the Chinese
government to find ways to offset the damage.
Beijing has long been criticized for restrictive economic policies that shut
foreign companies out of large swathes of its economy and favor local
businesses, particularly big state-owned enterprises. Chinese leaders insist
they are committed to gradually opening the economy at a suitable pace.
The trade war could speed up that process.
Analysts and business leaders have in the past questioned China's commitment
to reforms that make it easier for foreign investors to do business there,
but some think it now faces little choice.
"China must open the market," Jack Ma, the executive chairman of Alibaba
(BABA), said last month.
Beijing has already taken a series of steps recently to help the slowing
economy, including tax cuts. Premier Li Keqiang last month pledged more
pro-business measures.
If that includes allowing greater competition from foreign companies, it
could force Chinese companies to up their game and become more productive.
Such changes "will boost the competitiveness of the economy in the long run"
and help China to "generate better quality of growth," said Aidan Yao, senior
emerging markets economist at asset management firm AXA Investment Managers.
Julia Horowitz, Serenitie Wang and Joseph Kleinhenz contributed to this
真正的歷史:https://goo.gl/hYgKvP 台大歷史學報第37期 高野孟矩、兒玉源太郎:
之意在於只有以殺伐才能治理台灣土人; 軍夫等下等日本人胡亂翻弄戰勝者之
女; 台灣統治的目標是使新領土的人民“浴於皇化,成為真的忠義之民”但“這
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6樓 時間: 2018-10-08 12:31:34 (台灣)
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當吸血鬼就沒本事養出一隻實心的牛了,現在還要先會種草,技術還偷不到了,我讓你強大給我看,就憑你們那支那基因,我呸!! 先出幾個待宰的貪官是真的
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