※ 本文為 scarfman 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-05-24 20:12:12
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] 消失的324
時間 Thu Apr 10 23:39:18 2014
※ 引述《shawn1116 (大同)》之銘言:
: https://www.facebook.com/Taiwanese.united/posts/626738260741539
: 我的塗鴉牆真的完全消失!!
MU Folder : http://bit.ly/1dGYFmd
好讀版 : http://bit.ly/1eBR5wR
PS : 為了謝謝沉默努力的「周倪安」立委,為了大家衝第一陣線
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1qLwSHo
MU : http://bit.ly/Qfv91C
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到場支援(側方) - YouTube 2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到場支援(側方)
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1kfyWqN
MU : http://bit.ly/1kEtQao
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到場支援(正方) - YouTube 2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,盾型強行擠壓,警察開始強行拖人,「周倪安」立委到場支援(正方)
0324行政院後門 鎮暴警察粗暴對付非武力抗爭群眾(1分38秒開始,3分30秒時被夾進去)
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/OJPBq8
MU : http://bit.ly/1mqzgFB
政院驅離昏迷送醫 周倪安心有餘悸-民視新聞
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1hvOwPG
MU : http://bit.ly/1iy22O0
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1gRiVSG
MU : http://bit.ly/1jx1OtH
2014.03.24 - 【三立新聞】警察驅離政院學生,指揮官:「部隊前進」
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/RbGosU
MU : http://bit.ly/1hzzeJM
莫再扯謊!323那一夜 醫師躺地抽搐畫面曝光
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1lMZZK2
MU : http://bit.ly/1iAzjt2
那一夜警狂毆 醫倒地抽搐 「我們身體記住了 讓傷痕刻在心臟」
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1sGotIY
MU : http://bit.ly/1qkYfJY
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1hDFURj
MU : http://bit.ly/1oQ6SyT
0324行政院後門 鎮暴警察粗暴對付非武力抗爭群眾
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/OJPBq8
MU : http://bit.ly/1mqzgFB
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1hl66oo
MU : http://bit.ly/1qkYuVv
中研院研究員 疑似被警察拖進去打的畫面
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1sGproB
MU : http://bit.ly/1i55qDs
警棍K頭 《蘋果》找到被害人了
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/R61gBP
MU : http://bit.ly/1etZ7Vn
Civil Disobedience in Taiwan - 【二十四年後.野百合再現】2014-03-23
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1eoDewg
MU : http://bit.ly/1jwotq6
Civil Disobedience in Taiwan - 【二十四年後.野百合再現】2014-03-23 - YouTube 資料來源 : 各位鄉民, 小弟需要大家幫忙。 行政院那晚我十二點騎車回家,沒碰上鎮暴警察, 在師大的早餐店看到ptt推文。我整個人呆在鐵板麵前面要掉淚。 這兩天上班,無能如我,想來想去也只有剪影片這個貧弱技能, 感謝網友們的整理...
絕不河蟹!警察打人影片 《蘋果》幫你備份了
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1iAAt84
MU : http://bit.ly/1gd1CiY
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/PUGxA1
MU : http://bit.ly/1jwoCtI
【封殺的真相】死守政院 糾察跪謝60勇者
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1qkYW60
MU : http://bit.ly/R61XuS
2014 03 24 警察驅離民眾 打很兇
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1eF5Mzh
MU : http://bit.ly/1psdDlj
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1mqlYJ8
Dropbox - 2014.03.24 警察驅離民眾 打很兇.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1oUgBAX
MU : http://bit.ly/1m2eedz
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1gikBZJ
Dropbox - 警察暴力!這樣打會打死人的!阿童到最前面邊保護學生,邊搜證,也被盾牌撞,拖去打.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1sGqYuU
MU : http://bit.ly/1oQ8mcg
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1fUpG5u
MU : http://bit.ly/1lgzZcl
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1h1lNR9
Dropbox - 流血的真相.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
2014.03.24 警察驅趕媒體
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1dir07K
MU : http://bit.ly/1lgA2F4
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1iuhvkO
Dropbox - 2014.03.24 警察驅趕媒體.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
馬英九血腥鎮壓 全記錄
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/R62lK2
MU : http://bit.ly/Q9z3ZK
20140324 行政院台灣警察打人,非常暴力
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/NJWG9N
MU : http://bit.ly/1pse3Z5
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1h1m6LA
Dropbox - 20140324 行政院台灣警察打人,非常暴力.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
千警清空政院後門 52學生受傷
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1h1m868
MU : http://bit.ly/1faqlk1
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1psebYq
Dropbox - 千警清空政院後門 52學生受傷.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1gtKA1u
MU : http://bit.ly/1kXK37i
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1hfGIfs
Dropbox - 林森北路與北平東路口有警備車駛入,警察強行前進。.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/NJXawM
MU : http://bit.ly/1oUhXLS
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1iuhYDC
Dropbox - 拍到警察故意用盾牌打了,從2_01開始.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1jvMD2S
MU : http://bit.ly/ONKUfL
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1iui4eo
Dropbox - 這就是馬英九對學生訴求的回答.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Anti riot police HIT the protest people !!! 警察以盾打手無寸鐵民眾!!!(高調
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1rnLQGA
MU : http://bit.ly/1iui8Lq
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1jmC8mH
Dropbox - Anti-riot police HIT the protest people !!! 警察以盾打手無寸鐵民眾!!!(高調).mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1fUqvLS
MU : http://bit.ly/1m2eJ7a
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1iUpCIn
Dropbox - 警察用盾打人跟學生踢警盾的誰對誰錯請自行判斷.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1hfHAkr
MU : http://bit.ly/1rnMnbB
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1jmCuJT
Dropbox - 【行政院現場】稍早後門第一波清場畫面.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/ORBcc5
MU : http://bit.ly/1hUAKlL
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1nTPQiN
Dropbox - 行政院介於後門與側門的民眾進入最後的驅離。鎮暴警察先是衝撞,接著再拉出民眾。雙方在拉扯過程中,開始零星對話,雙方都很無奈。.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
行政院介於後門與側門的民眾進入最後的驅離。鎮暴警察先是衝撞,接著再拉出民眾。雙方在拉扯過程中,開始零星對話,雙方都很無奈。 - YouTube 行政院介於後門與側門的民眾進入最後的驅離。鎮暴警察先是衝撞,接著再拉出民眾。雙方在拉扯過程中,開始零星對話,雙方都很無奈。
Democratic country Taiwan
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/ORBijL
MU : http://bit.ly/1eF7hNT
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1gilW2F
Dropbox - Democratic country Taiwan.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1mqmDdz
MU : http://bit.ly/1eF7hNT
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/Q7u2Sd
Dropbox - 警察在門口圍起人牆不讓媒體拍攝,行政院內外大喊讓媒體進去、媒體監督。.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1eF7tNj
MU : http://bit.ly/ORBDTz
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1hfIqxq
Dropbox - 在外頭鎮暴都還沒派來之前,裡頭的警察就先動作打人了.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1farXKz
MU : http://bit.ly/1eF7BMD
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1fUr4VS
Dropbox - 中山南路與忠孝東路交岔口的行政院,院內已經開始將水柱噴向民眾了,現場傳出一股刺鼻氣味,民眾不斷驚恐尖叫.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
中山南路與忠孝東路交岔口的行政院,院內已經開始將水柱噴向民眾了,現場傳出一股刺鼻氣味,民眾不斷驚恐尖叫 - YouTube 中山南路與忠孝東路交岔口的行政院,院內已經開始將水柱噴向民眾了,現場傳出一股刺鼻氣味,民眾不斷驚恐尖叫
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1m2f2ix
MU : http://bit.ly/ONM3nt
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1eF7OPZ
Dropbox - 行政院側門部分聲援民眾撤出,一路高喊「馬英九下台、江宜樺下台、退回服貿」往立法院走,他們決定要回去守護立法院。但正門部分仍有聲援民眾與警方拉扯。.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
行政院側門部分聲援民眾撤出,一路高喊「馬英九下台、江宜樺下台、退回服貿」往立法院走,他們決定要回去守護立法院。但正門部分仍有聲援民眾與警方拉扯。 - YouTube 行政院側門部分聲援民眾撤出,一路高喊「馬英九下台、江宜樺下台、退回服貿」往立法院走,他們決定要回去守護立法院。但正門部分仍有聲援民眾與警方拉扯。
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/ORC6oO
MU : http://bit.ly/1rnNU1h
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1nTQvAL
Dropbox - 行政院驅離現場紀錄.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/ONMezl
MU : http://bit.ly/1gtMAXy
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1psfMxs
Dropbox - 行政院驅離現場紀錄2.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1mqmV4d
MU : http://bit.ly/1jmDHRD
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1gimHJg
Dropbox - 警察持續噴辣椒水區離.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
3/24 凌晨1240 警察打人畫面
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1hfJmlA
MU : http://bit.ly/1iUqMUc
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1jmDRIL
Dropbox - 3_24 凌晨12_40 警察打人畫面.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1fasNXE
MU : http://bit.ly/1mqmZAW
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1dGW77S
Dropbox - 警察持警盾惡意狂歐靜坐無攻擊動作學生!!.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1dGWdwe
MU : http://bit.ly/1iujmX0
Dropbox : http://bit.ly/1hfJKjR
Dropbox - 我多麼希望這不是真的.mp4
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1gtS2JQ
MU : http://bit.ly/1iUv3XJ
0324行政院後門 - 鎮暴警察粗暴對付非武力抗爭群眾
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/OS0vL9
MU : http://bit.ly/1mqzgFB
台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 1:學生攻陷│What happened in Taiwan last
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1eFwpnL
MU : http://bit.ly/1eFwrvL
台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 1:學生攻陷│What happened in Taiwan last night - YouTube 台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 1:學生攻陷│What happened in Taiwan last night
台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 2:警察驅離│What happened in Taiwan last
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1lgT8e5
MU : http://bit.ly/1dpJ8g7
台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 2:警察驅離│What happened in Taiwan last night - YouTube 台灣行政院昨晚發生了什麼事?PART 2:警察驅離│What happened in Taiwan last night
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/R62InG
MU : http://bit.ly/1hl86wU
For the Sake of Taiwan's Future
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1gbLUB3
MU : http://bit.ly/1jwpeiX
服貿/抬人、水柱猛攻! 行政院7波驅離全記錄|三立新聞台
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1gPTkte
MU : http://bit.ly/1gPToJx
第二度驅離 員警、民眾再爆衝突-民視新聞
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1kNVg9u
MU : http://bit.ly/1lT5xp0
今早空拍最新 警驅離政院旁民眾
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1qy3qof
MU : http://bit.ly/1qkZZTv
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動,鎮暴水車將水柱噴向民眾
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1qpDL2G
MU : http://bit.ly/QfuwoC
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動:「保一的請把媒體請出去」,學生民眾:「媒體留下!
Google Doc : http://bit.ly/1jzsB8X
MU : http://bit.ly/1iFcEvC
2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動:「保一的請把媒體請出去」,學生民眾:「媒體留下!媒體留下!」 - YouTube 2014.03.24 - 行政院驅離行動:「保一的請把媒體請出去」,學生民眾:「媒體留下!媒體留下!」
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1397144377.A.38A.html
推 :推高調1F 04/10 23:40
推 :XD2F 04/10 23:40
推 :推高調3F 04/10 23:40
推 :小心查水表4F 04/10 23:40
推 :高調5F 04/10 23:40
推 :高調~大家一起備份!6F 04/10 23:41
推 :高調!!!!!!!!!!7F 04/10 23:41
推 :GOOD8F 04/10 23:41
推 :高調9F 04/10 23:41
推 :高調10F 04/10 23:41
推 :今日茂名 明日台灣11F 04/10 23:41
推 :跪著高調12F 04/10 23:42
推 :高調13F 04/10 23:42
推 :水啦14F 04/10 23:42
推 :哈哈哈哈哈15F 04/10 23:42
推 :高調16F 04/10 23:42
推 :太酷啦~17F 04/10 23:42
推 :高調18F 04/10 23:42
推 :推19F 04/10 23:42
推 :早就被丟到雲端了,根本刪不了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20F 04/10 23:42
推 :21F 04/10 23:43
推 :22F 04/10 23:43
推 :推23F 04/10 23:43
推 :高調24F 04/10 23:43
推 :水啦!25F 04/10 23:43
推 :26F 04/10 23:43
推 :!27F 04/10 23:43
推 :28F 04/10 23:43
推 :這只能推了29F 04/10 23:43
推 :幫高調30F 04/10 23:43
推 :高調!!!31F 04/10 23:43
推 :讚32F 04/10 23:43
推 :幫高調!33F 04/10 23:44
推 :推!34F 04/10 23:44
推 :高調!35F 04/10 23:44
推 :36F 04/10 23:44
推 :水啦37F 04/10 23:44
推 :幫高調38F 04/10 23:44
推 :推!39F 04/10 23:44
推 :這太扯了XDDDD40F 04/10 23:44
→ :現在馬正腐就裝死不認加上統媒幫忙掩飾,要船過水無痕了41F 04/10 23:44
推 :高調!!!!!!!!!!!!!!42F 04/10 23:45
推 :高調!43F 04/10 23:45
推 :幫高調44F 04/10 23:45
推 :強者就是強啦~幹拎娘河蟹啦~45F 04/10 23:45
推 :高調!!46F 04/10 23:45
推 :47F 04/10 23:45
推 :48F 04/10 23:45
推 :推啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49F 04/10 23:45
推 :帥50F 04/10 23:45
推 :快發不自殺宣言(51F 04/10 23:45
推 :繼續備份到電腦~52F 04/10 23:45
推 :高調 等等CD完沒爆就繼續推!53F 04/10 23:45
推 :推54F 04/10 23:45
推 :高調啊55F 04/10 23:45
推 :高調56F 04/10 23:45
推 :57F 04/10 23:45
推 :(  ̄□ ̄)/ <( ̄ㄧ ̄ )<( ̄ㄧ ̄ )<( ̄ㄧ ̄)58F 04/10 23:45
推 :59F 04/10 23:45
推 :幫高調!勿忘歷史呀!60F 04/10 23:46
推 :已下載61F 04/10 23:46
推 :+111111162F 04/10 23:46
推 :幹! 高調推!!!!y63F 04/10 23:46
推 :謝整理64F 04/10 23:46
推 :好文65F 04/10 23:46
推 :高調!!66F 04/10 23:46
推 :高調67F 04/10 23:46
推 :高調68F 04/10 23:46
推 :Wow69F 04/10 23:46
推 :70F 04/10 23:46
推 :整理推71F 04/10 23:46
推 :推72F 04/10 23:46
推 :73F 04/10 23:46
推 :高調~下載~分享!!!74F 04/10 23:46
推 :高調 備份中75F 04/10 23:47
推 :76F 04/10 23:47
推 :大推77F 04/10 23:47
推 :媽的高調 從雲端打政府的臉78F 04/10 23:47
推 :推周倪安 真的很認真在當立委79F 04/10 23:47
推 :(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ 哈哈哈~你看看你~80F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調81F 04/10 23:47
推 :82F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調83F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調推,推高高84F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調85F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調86F 04/10 23:47
→ :GJ87F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調!!88F 04/10 23:47
推 :高調89F 04/10 23:48
推 :推!90F 04/10 23:48
推 :爛政府91F 04/10 23:48
推 :好棒92F 04/10 23:48
推 :高調93F 04/10 23:48
推 :再一次94F 04/10 23:48
推 :可以M了95F 04/10 23:48
推 :已備份96F 04/10 23:48
推 :我看見神了97F 04/10 23:49
推 :讚讚讚 有本事來刪阿!!!98F 04/10 23:49
推 :高調,老人不會電腦還在掩耳盜鈴99F 04/10 23:49
→ :超完整的啊!!!!100F 04/10 23:49
推 :這太強大了 有點完整101F 04/10 23:49
推 :推每個都放到外國雲端 刪光啊 刪了就再拿出來!!!!102F 04/10 23:49
推 :高調!!!103F 04/10 23:49
→ :每次選舉就拿出來強力放送104F 04/10 23:49
推 :高調105F 04/10 23:49
推 :高調~106F 04/10 23:49
推 :高調107F 04/10 23:49
推 :推..一定要記下馬江這些大小魔頭的惡績108F 04/10 23:49
推 : copy109F 04/10 23:50
推 :高調推!110F 04/10 23:50
推 :太強大了!!!111F 04/10 23:50
推 :推112F 04/10 23:50
推 :推113F 04/10 23:50
推 :媽的~會不會太誇張!114F 04/10 23:50
→ xiao801201 …
推 :挖靠~娘子快看 !有神116F 04/10 23:50
推 :完整高調117F 04/10 23:50
推 :推118F 04/10 23:50
→ :M文拉119F 04/10 23:50
推 :推120F 04/10 23:50
推 :推!! 選舉時要強力播放阿!!121F 04/10 23:50
推 :幫++122F 04/10 23:50
推 :123F 04/10 23:51
推 :讚,下載備份中。124F 04/10 23:51
推 :125F 04/10 23:51
推 :GOOD JOB!126F 04/10 23:51
推 :推127F 04/10 23:51
推 :推啦128F 04/10 23:51
推 :129F 04/10 23:51
推 :推130F 04/10 23:51
推 :馬政府真的很下流!131F 04/10 23:51
推 :高調132F 04/10 23:51
推 :推133F 04/10 23:51
推 :推134F 04/10 23:51
推 :高調阿!!!!135F 04/10 23:51
推 :高調136F 04/10 23:52
推 :讚啦!!137F 04/10 23:52
推 :你太棒了!138F 04/10 23:52
推 :幫高調139F 04/10 23:52
推 :好威XDDDD140F 04/10 23:52
推 :這是歷史!!! 要保存!141F 04/10 23:52
推 :拎北要世世代代的傳下去142F 04/10 23:53
推 :推143F 04/10 23:53
推 :竟然沒爆。高調!144F 04/10 23:53
推 :高調145F 04/10 23:53
→ :高調!!!!!!!!!!146F 04/10 23:53
推 :勿忘歷史!!147F 04/10 23:53
推 :這醜惡的一面一定要保存下來148F 04/10 23:53
推 :真正男子漢!!!!149F 04/10 23:53
推 :這篇好可怕150F 04/10 23:53
推 :推。151F 04/10 23:53
推 :推152F 04/10 23:54
推 :153F 04/10 23:54
→ :雲端這時候派上用場了 這就是為什麼政府一直龜速上網154F 04/10 23:54
推 :推155F 04/10 23:54
推 :推拉 幹 這些人歷史定位就是中共走狗156F 04/10 23:54
推 :推 重要紀錄一定要保存157F 04/10 23:54
推 :隨手打包推一個158F 04/10 23:54
推 :神備份XD159F 04/10 23:54
推 :我要怎樣才能整包一起下啊160F 04/10 23:55
推 :快備份161F 04/10 23:55
推 :完全神備份162F 04/10 23:55
推 :推推推163F 04/10 23:55
推 :高調啊!!!164F 04/10 23:55
推 :推!165F 04/10 23:55
推 :推166F 04/10 23:55
→ :高調!167F 04/10 23:55
推 : 1168F 04/10 23:55
→ :挖 你好神169F 04/10 23:56
推 :高調推啦 !讓真相永遠留傳170F 04/10 23:56
推 :SHIFT+左鍵把全部檔案選取 然後下載有一個選項可以集合成171F 04/10 23:56
推 :高調推172F 04/10 23:56
推 :高調!173F 04/10 23:56
推 :推174F 04/10 23:56
推 :推175F 04/10 23:57
→ :高調176F 04/10 23:57
→ :高調推177F 04/10 23:57
推 :高調178F 04/10 23:57
推 :推179F 04/10 23:57
→ :一個壓縮檔180F 04/10 23:57
推 :推181F 04/10 23:57
推 :高調~~182F 04/10 23:57
推 :幫備份,讓後代見證這個無能的暴政政府183F 04/10 23:58
推 :anti-riot police HIT 警察以盾打手無寸鐵 無法下載184F 04/10 23:58
推 :幹你娘再刪阿 推!185F 04/10 23:58
推 :186F 04/10 23:58
推 :187F 04/10 23:58
推 :高調188F 04/10 23:58
推 :先下再說 幹你娘的189F 04/10 23:58
推 :神高調!!190F 04/10 23:58
推 :幫高調191F 04/10 23:58
推 :就不信MU他們也能刪192F 04/10 23:59
推 :補推193F 04/10 23:59
推 :備份+1194F 04/10 23:59
推 :推195F 04/11 00:00
推 :高調196F 04/11 00:00
推 :推197F 04/11 00:00
推 :!198F 04/11 00:01
推 :幫高調 強大199F 04/11 00:01
推 :幫高調200F 04/11 00:01
推 :高調 備份201F 04/11 00:01
推 :1推202F 04/11 00:01
推 :高調203F 04/11 00:04
推 :推204F 04/11 00:04
推 :推205F 04/11 00:04
推 :感謝備份206F 04/11 00:05
推 :太屌了!207F 04/11 00:05
推 :到處都備份!!!208F 04/11 00:05
推 :高調209F 04/11 00:06
推 :可以燒成光碟拿去發嗎210F 04/11 00:06
推 :高調211F 04/11 00:07
推 :整理推212F 04/11 00:08
推 :213F 04/11 00:08
推 :高調 !! 謝謝你!214F 04/11 00:08
推 :有沒有把影片整個壓縮成一個檔 這樣比較好下載215F 04/11 00:08
推 :太扯了吧....216F 04/11 00:08
推 :一千萬個讚!!!!!!217F 04/11 00:08
推 :大家記得備份~~~218F 04/11 00:09
推 :推!219F 04/11 00:09
推 :高調!! 整理推220F 04/11 00:10
推 :高調!!221F 04/11 00:10
推 :推!!222F 04/11 00:10
推 :看第一個影片就覺得很憤怒223F 04/11 00:11
推 : 高調224F 04/11 00:11
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD225F 04/11 00:12
推 :做成光碟小蜜蜂比較實用226F 04/11 00:12
推 :傻了!政府完全不懂這個時代,難怪會一敗塗地227F 04/11 00:13
→ :推228F 04/11 00:13
推 :高調!229F 04/11 00:14
推 :...230F 04/11 00:14
推 :推231F 04/11 00:14
推 :232F 04/11 00:15
→ :KMT手法跟CCP愈來愈像了,真是可悲啊233F 04/11 00:15
推 :高調!!!234F 04/11 00:15
推 :高調推!!!感謝整理~響應幫備份!!235F 04/11 00:16
推 :高調236F 04/11 00:16
推 :雲端備份正夯237F 04/11 00:16
推 :政府現在連遮掩都不遮掩 唉...238F 04/11 00:17
推 :推239F 04/11 00:18
推 :全民大備份240F 04/11 00:18
推 :太神啦!241F 04/11 00:19
→ :高調242F 04/11 00:19
推 :高調243F 04/11 00:19
→ :推,電資技術都不懂而賣台的腦殘政府還想出糗244F 04/11 00:19
推 :大家要備份喔!245F 04/11 00:20
噓 :給我打包 RAR246F 04/11 00:20
推 :高調推~247F 04/11 00:20
推 :推拉 建議大家多多備份248F 04/11 00:21
推 :看了心好痛....又想哭了249F 04/11 00:21
推 :250F 04/11 00:22
推 :251F 04/11 00:22
推 :高調 歷史總是向前走,並永遠年輕.252F 04/11 00:23
推 :推253F 04/11 00:23
推 :高調254F 04/11 00:24
推 :有下有推255F 04/11 00:27
推 :這款政府 全民悲哀256F 04/11 00:28
推 :希望有人可以製成光碟,讓人收藏257F 04/11 00:28
推 :一定要備份258F 04/11 00:29
推 :推259F 04/11 00:35
推 :幫高調! 備份!260F 04/11 00:35
推 :推!!261F 04/11 00:35
→ :推推!!262F 04/11 00:35
→ brella …
推 :阿哈哈哈 凡走過必留痕跡264F 04/11 00:40
噓 :265F 04/11 00:42
推 :高調!!!!266F 04/11 00:44
推 :高調! 也謝謝周倪安委員267F 04/11 00:46
推 :感謝,歷史得以傳承268F 04/11 00:50
推 :讚269F 04/11 00:50
推 :水啦!暴君,獨裁廢物270F 04/11 00:54
推 :高調!!271F 04/11 00:54
→ :讚272F 04/11 00:55
推 :不要臉的髒東西273F 04/11 00:57
推 :274F 04/11 01:03
推 :高調275F 04/11 01:07
推 :太強大了276F 04/11 01:08
推 :高調!!277F 04/11 01:08
推 :278F 04/11 01:13
推 :高調~279F 04/11 01:13
推 :推280F 04/11 01:13
推 :太棒了感謝科技感謝鄉民 垃圾政府奧步無所遁形281F 04/11 01:15
推 :幫忙備份中282F 04/11 01:17
推 :推啦283F 04/11 01:19
推 :不得不推~且不得不說~我愛你!! >< 高調!!284F 04/11 01:19
推 :感謝 周倪安委員285F 04/11 01:20
推 :專用奧步,你當這裡是中共專區?286F 04/11 01:21
推 :推287F 04/11 01:21
推 :推周倪安委員288F 04/11 01:22
推 :水289F 04/11 01:29
推 :太屌了XDDDDDDDDDDDD290F 04/11 01:30
推 :高調!拒絕白色恐怖291F 04/11 01:32
推 :292F 04/11 01:36
推 :很傷心293F 04/11 01:37
推 :太神啦294F 04/11 01:40
推 :超強!!295F 04/11 01:43
推 :高調 推296F 04/11 01:47
推 :推297F 04/11 01:48
推 :備份備份備份備一百萬年的份298F 04/11 01:50
推 :大家快備份299F 04/11 01:51
推 :幹 搞白色恐怖喔300F 04/11 01:54
推 :推301F 04/11 01:56
推 :高調!我知道超氣阿!-_-#302F 04/11 01:57
推 :高調303F 04/11 02:03
→ :水啦!!304F 04/11 02:23
推 :305F 04/11 02:27
推 :幹!!!!!306F 04/11 02:28
推 :幹!!!!!!!!!!307F 04/11 02:32
推 :超誇張 臉書到底為什麼要配合這無理的要求啊308F 04/11 02:34
推 :推!若要人不知,除非己莫為309F 04/11 02:36
推 :高調310F 04/11 02:44
推 :高調311F 04/11 02:44
推 :這備份實在是太誇張了 XDDDDDDDDDDDD312F 04/11 03:00
推 :313F 04/11 03:30
推 :高調314F 04/11 03:30
推 :幫高調!!!!!315F 04/11 03:34
推 :316F 04/11 04:27
推 :太強大了!317F 04/11 05:26
推 :幫高調,記者快來抄318F 04/11 06:29
→ :我猜馬狗政府開始叫狗養娘的外交部寫信到google/MU要319F 04/11 06:32
→ :求下架,或是拜託支那的駭客駭進google/MU將資料刪掉
→ :求下架,或是拜託支那的駭客駭進google/MU將資料刪掉
推 :推啦!321F 04/11 06:34
推 :高調 補充一下MU空間用MIPONY等小工具下載可輕鬆一次打包322F 04/11 06:35
推 :嗯,先推再看幫高調323F 04/11 07:03
推 :嗯…324F 04/11 07:17
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 整理好猛325F 04/11 07:20
推 :愈蓋彌章326F 04/11 07:28
推 :先容我罵一聲馬政府吃屎再推327F 04/11 07:38
推 :高調!!!328F 04/11 07:49
推 :推!!!329F 04/11 07:50
推 :推!!330F 04/11 07:51
→ :高調推!日後起訴馬江的重要證據!331F 04/11 08:00
推 :推332F 04/11 08:07
→ :辛苦ㄌㄜ333F 04/11 08:07
推 :幫高調 不要臉的馬政府 想要傳過水無痕334F 04/11 08:12
推 :幹 推335F 04/11 08:22
推 :高調 推336F 04/11 08:36
推 :…337F 04/11 08:38
推 :推338F 04/11 08:42
推 :高調339F 04/11 08:48
推 :大推備份,歷史的痕跡不能被髒手抹滅!340F 04/11 09:13
推 :高調341F 04/11 09:19
推 :推342F 04/11 09:32
推 :推343F 04/11 09:39
推 :高調344F 04/11 09:45
推 :345F 04/11 09:53
推 :高調346F 04/11 10:05
推 :備份347F 04/11 10:15
推 :高調!348F 04/11 10:15
推 :晚上來備份349F 04/11 10:20
→ :好物感謝分享,影片吃飯時看可以多吃好幾碗350F 04/11 10:21
→ kaku216 …
→ :高調,你們的噁心事蹟絕對無法抹滅352F 04/11 10:26
推 :高調353F 04/11 10:44
推 :已備份!354F 04/11 11:02
推 :推355F 04/11 11:05
推 :高調,推!356F 04/11 11:08
推 :我不會忘記曾經幫助過太陽花學運的人們!!357F 04/11 11:14
推 :推!!358F 04/11 11:15
推 :高調359F 04/11 11:16
推 :推360F 04/11 11:17
推 :361F 04/11 11:33
推 :高調推!362F 04/11 11:43
推 :垃圾政府再刪啊 無恥363F 04/11 11:43
推 :備份!!!以後建太陽花記念館時,這是重要歷史記錄!!!364F 04/11 11:50
推 :大推啦365F 04/11 11:50
推 :淚推!!366F 04/11 11:52
推 :馬政府:討厭的網路科技367F 04/11 12:04
推 :推368F 04/11 12:12
推 :太神啦 高調推369F 04/11 12:38
→ :CDing...e04 8 太強大XDD370F 04/11 12:48
推 :推整理留檔371F 04/11 12:58
→ :已備份 感恩372F 04/11 13:22
推 :推373F 04/11 13:28
推 :讚374F 04/11 13:36
→ :強375F 04/11 13:45
→ :騎,我就來了376F 04/11 13:47
→ :推377F 04/11 14:01
推 :推378F 04/11 14:32
推 :推379F 04/11 14:58
推 :讚380F 04/11 15:14
推 :推381F 04/11 15:14
推 :幹,推爆了啦382F 04/11 15:45
噓 :紅的明顯,等補推。消失的324才是該買報紙頭版的事情,要383F 04/11 15:54
→ :讓民眾知道政府所掩蓋的真相
→ :政府所掩飾的每件事情都應該在頭版放大檢視
→ :就像政府對我們做的事情一樣,但他們是抹黑,我們是事實
推 :推
→ :讓民眾知道政府所掩蓋的真相
→ :政府所掩飾的每件事情都應該在頭版放大檢視
→ :就像政府對我們做的事情一樣,但他們是抹黑,我們是事實
推 :推
推 :推388F 04/11 16:01
推 :推389F 04/11 16:16
推 :推推~希望不會被黑掉390F 04/11 17:23
推 :幫高調。如果備份在百度雲會消失嗎391F 04/11 17:46
推 :推392F 04/11 17:51
推 :高調393F 04/11 18:01
推 :好球!394F 04/11 18:55
→ :幫高調!395F 04/11 19:33
→ :補推!
→ :補推!
推 :推397F 04/11 19:37
推 :幹的好!!398F 04/11 19:39
推 :為什麼沒推到...399F 04/11 19:40
推 :高調 幹 垃圾政府無恥政黨400F 04/11 19:47
推 :先知受我一拜401F 04/11 19:50
推 :推402F 04/11 19:50
推 :高調啊403F 04/11 20:02
推 :高調!404F 04/11 20:41
推 :可惡405F 04/11 20:53
推 :高調推406F 04/11 21:01
推 :推407F 04/11 21:19
推 :高調 太可怕了!408F 04/11 21:35
噓 :鬧得不夠啊409F 04/11 22:06
推 :推410F 04/11 22:08
推 :高調!!411F 04/11 22:14
推 :高調推412F 04/11 22:31
推 :高調413F 04/11 22:33
推 :厲害414F 04/11 22:36
推 :專業415F 04/11 22:43
推 :推416F 04/11 22:49
推 :push417F 04/11 23:06
噓 :暴民文獻?418F 04/11 23:42
推 :推419F 04/11 23:48
推 :高調420F 04/12 00:05
推 :備份!!421F 04/12 00:34
噓 :怎麼不選放民眾打警察的片?422F 04/12 01:47
推 :高調啊!!423F 04/12 01:48
→ :free你找的到就貼出來啊
→ :free你找的到就貼出來啊
推 :推 高調 讓我們一起在雲端425F 04/12 01:52
→ :你放啊426F 04/12 02:07
推 :強者!讚!427F 04/12 02:13
推 :歡迎有影騙的人PO上學生打警察的影騙428F 04/12 05:02
推 :讚 不知道有沒有官員被打臉的影片429F 04/12 08:06
推 :太強大了!一千萬xN個讚!!!430F 04/12 08:09
推 :幹你媽的不給你推一下不行!431F 04/12 08:10
推 :推432F 04/12 09:04
推 :高調!433F 04/12 09:07
推 :真相不能被隱藏!434F 04/12 09:22
推 :幫高調435F 04/12 09:22
推 :高調帥氣436F 04/12 10:25
推 :高437F 04/12 10:46
推 :Carry太神啦438F 04/12 11:44
推 :推!!439F 04/12 12:09
推 : (σ≧▽≦)σ 喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪440F 04/12 12:15
※ 編輯: coke750101 (, 04/12/2014 12:26:44
推 :Carry~火力強大441F 04/12 12:48
推 :442F 04/12 13:05
推 :專業!!443F 04/12 14:19
推 :高調444F 04/12 14:55
[分享] 如果你未來還想上ptt,fb,youtube... - 看板 FuMouDiscuss - 批踢踢實業坊
如果你覺得可以為了經濟犧牲言論自由與資訊安全,請跳過這篇。 如果你未來還想在 ptt、facebook、youtube...等暢所欲言, 請耐心看完本篇
如果你覺得可以為了經濟犧牲言論自由與資訊安全,請跳過這篇。 如果你未來還想在 ptt、facebook、youtube...等暢所欲言, 請耐心看完本篇
推 :大陸有64 臺灣有324447F 04/12 16:01
噓 :打警察的影片會置底嗎?448F 04/12 16:20
噓 :…449F 04/12 16:32
推 :有點強大!!!450F 04/12 16:47
推 :451F 04/12 17:12
推 :高調452F 04/12 17:56
推 :高調453F 04/12 18:35
推 :38年會被共產黨打退到台灣不是沒原因的454F 04/12 19:06
→ :現在就這樣,服貿過了不就要翻牆
→ :現在就這樣,服貿過了不就要翻牆
推 :推456F 04/12 19:42
推 :QQ457F 06/09 16:08
( ̄︶ ̄)b sahuee2003, yaptoyz 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-04-11 00:12:19 (台灣)
04-11 00:12 TW
轉錄至看板 Bungeechicken (使用複製) 時間:2014-04-11 00:48:14