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※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-17 23:17:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 ternway (do my part)
標題 [新聞] 經濟學人對台菲事件的報導
時間 Fri May 17 09:20:15 2013




Seas of troubles

Taiwan and China share the same maritime claims, but have very different


IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a
bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to
the many territorial disputes. But the fatal shooting on May 9th of a
65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine coastguard has shifted
Taiwan to centre stage. The killing provoked a crisis in its relations with
an important economic partner that happens also to be a treaty ally of America
—the ultimate guarantor of Taiwan’s own defence. In the bigger picture, its
involvement in such disputes inevitably draws attention to the island’s
unsettled international status, and to the future of its relations with China.


Because China bars Taiwan from international treaties, Taiwan cannot ratify
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). But it follows
the convention’s principles. The shooting took place 164 nautical miles
(about 300km) south-east of Taiwan, where the “exclusive economic zone” it
would be entitled to under UNCLOS overlaps with that of the Philippines.


Taiwan’s fishing fleet has a reputation as voracious, and in this incident
the Philippines said its coastguard was acting against illegal fishing; it
opened fire to disable the engine of a Taiwanese vessel after it tried to ram
a Philippine cutter. Taiwanese officials said the dead man was unarmed, and
his boat was riddled with bullet holes. The public, whipped up by a
tub-thumping press, was outraged. The government demanded an apology, an
inquiry and compensation and imposed tough sanctions, including a freeze on
the hiring of Filipino workers and the recall of ambassadors. It has
conducted a naval drill in the contested waters. Meanwhile, hackers from both
countries mounted cyber attacks on the other’s official websites. The
Philippines’ first apologies were rejected as “insincere”, though one came
from an envoy appointed by President Benigno Aquino and seemed abject.



China helped fan Taiwan’s fury. Its foreign ministry was quick to condemn
the “barbaric act”. The reliably bellicose Global Times, a Communist Party
paper, dutifully recalled that Taiwan is in China’s eyes a
province-in-waiting, deserving of its protection. The paper quoted Zhuang
Guotu of Xiamen University, just over the strait from Taiwan: “China has
reiterated over time that Taiwan is an integral part of China. Now is a good
opportunity to show that China will not tolerate the shooting of our
fishermen, whether they are from the mainland or Taiwan, and that our
government is determined to protect the life of its people.”


Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has presided over a big improvement in
relations with China, through increased trade and tourism. But that has not
brought much sympathy in Taiwan for any kind of Chinese security umbrella,
let alone unification. And in another dispute—over the five,
Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku
islands in Japanese and the Diaoyu in Chinese—Taiwan has incurred China’s


In China’s view, the uninhabited islands are a historical part of what was
the Taiwan prefecture of Fujian province (and, from 1887-95, the province of
Taiwan). Taiwan and the islands it controlled were snatched from the
declining Qing empire in 1895 as war booty by an ascendant Japan. China
argues the islands should have been returned to it on Japan’s defeat in
1945. Japan, however, regards the Senkakus as part of the Okinawa (formerly
the Ryukyu) chain, and says they were unclaimed by any power until it “
discovered” them in 1884. (China’s People’s Daily has raised doubts as to
whether even this interpretation of history would give Japan sovereignty,
questioning its claim to all the Ryukyus, the modern-day Okinawa prefecture).


So Taiwan was among the fiercest opponents of the Japanese government’s “
nationalisation” last year of three of the islands by buying them from their
private owner. Last September the Taiwanese coastguard fought a rather silly
water-cannon battle with Japan’s near the islands. But last month, to China’
s fury, Taiwan cut a deal with Japan, allowing both countries’ fleets to
fish in the waters round the islands. It was a reminder that, for all its
ardent nationalism, Taiwan has close ties to Japan—which occupied it for 50
years—and also that it pursues its own interests, not those of the Chinese “


My country, which is thee?

Worryingly for China, the emotions now on display are driven by patriotism
for Taiwan, not China. The biggest reason the first apologies from the
Philippines were dismissed was that they did not formally come from the
government, because of its “one China” policy of recognising only the
government in Beijing. Resentment at this in Taiwan unites both Mr Ma’s
relatively pro-China ruling party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and the opposition
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favours formal independence for
Taiwan. The DPP also supports the government’s claims to territory that
historically had nothing to do with Taiwan, except as the seat of the KMT
government after it lost the civil war to the Communists in 1949. Taiwan
adheres to the same vague “nine-dashed line” claim as China, asserting
sovereignty over almost all the South China Sea. It has a garrison on the
largest island in the Spratly chain in that sea. Last year, the DPP accused
Mr Ma of a wimpish reaction when China declared that it had set up an
administrative structure for the sea.


Just as it has long tolerated Taiwan’s control of tiny islands just off the
mainland, so China probably welcomes Taiwan’s bizarre claim to the South
China Sea. Taiwan’s government has long discarded most of the fictions that
used to sustain its claim to legitimacy over all of China: parliamentary
seats for mainland constituencies, government bodies planning for the
reconquest, and so on. That Taiwan and China make the same territorial claims
is a last vestige of a shared “one China” outlook. Yet its handling of the
row with the Philippines shows how even a “pro-China” government in Taiwan
in fact believes in “one China, one Taiwan”.


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Banyan: Seas of troubles | The Economist
IN THE convoluted dramas in the seas around China, Taiwan is often cast as a bit player, the optional extra to the lengthy lists of contending parties to the many... ...




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◆ From:
valenci:你才奇怪,經濟學人:甘我啥事1F 05/17 09:21
xxxg00w0:瞎扯一堆想把中國拖下水來給台灣壓力叫台灣閉嘴嗎?2F 05/17 09:21
valenci:有沒有紐約時報、Cnn、華爾街日報、讀賣新聞、朝日新聞...3F 05/17 09:22
nightwing:又是被一中原則給害死 = =4F 05/17 09:22
acebruce:因為稿是菲菲給的5F 05/17 09:22
zeze:就是被一中原則害死阿 還一堆人很白痴6F 05/17 09:22
floyyed:馬更正表示:7F 05/17 09:23
revorea:主題是一中跟台灣主權意識,菲律賓只是引子。8F 05/17 09:23
MadStanley:問國際公法權威馬總統感想啊...他的專業說9F 05/17 09:23
valenci:半島電視台…不叫菲律賓道歉的八卦?10F 05/17 09:23
LeonardoChen:什麼狗屁?講得好像漁民被濫殺不是什麼要緊事一樣?11F 05/17 09:23
lapentti:『台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲』12F 05/17 09:23
jukada:還蠻持平的報導阿....13F 05/17 09:24
HarryHTC:經濟學人懂什麼政治!14F 05/17 09:24
momocom:推翻譯15F 05/17 09:24
gasbomb:這篇頗中肯啊16F 05/17 09:25
HinaTomo:有沒有人要寫文章給各大國際媒體17F 05/17 09:25
EvilPrada:果然又是一中原則被拿來作文章  689應該爽死了18F 05/17 09:25
wegoodlife:又在亂寫~  這下被菲菲錶了19F 05/17 09:26
pkmu8426:不談經濟談主權 可笑20F 05/17 09:26
yoyotv5566:菲律賓故意的啦 它就是沒誠意解決 才拿一中在東拉西扯21F 05/17 09:27
noabstersion:推翻譯  這篇明顯以菲立場思考,同時挑撥兩岸關係22F 05/17 09:28
ainor:....都翻成中文給你看了還在說亂寫 = =23F 05/17 09:28
valenci:這篇是客觀報導的典範吧。你國內媒體看多了?以為經濟學人24F 05/17 09:28
noabstersion:完全就是按照菲的推拖拉戰略目標發聲26F 05/17 09:28
qaz545rain:菲裔美國籍主編?27F 05/17 09:28
nintendose1:結尾: 台灣中國 一邊一國 !28F 05/17 09:29
tcancer:比國內媒體強上800倍29F 05/17 09:29
cblin0605:台灣 中國 一邊一國到底有甚麼不好啊!30F 05/17 09:30
xxKWANxx:一中原則只是小因素 最大因素是菲律賓覺得台灣是地方政府31F 05/17 09:30
thesearcher:一邊中國一邊台灣啦32F 05/17 09:31
HinaTomo:光第四段就不客觀了,貪婪名聲的來源?33F 05/17 09:31
noabstersion:本文都說台灣漁民是非法捕魚了,明顯幫菲說話34F 05/17 09:31
EvilPrada:樓樓上廢話  就是因為一中原則  才讓菲理所當然把你當地35F 05/17 09:31
query:這篇中肯 所謂的一中原則 本來就不該把台灣牽涉進去36F 05/17 09:31
tws80531:689才不信這本 之前罵水母是幫博37F 05/17 09:31
EvilPrada:方政府38F 05/17 09:32
goshfju:這篇很OK了39F 05/17 09:32
cblin0605:總比一中各表好多了 結果大多數國家只認一中40F 05/17 09:32
blablalol:台灣不是個能跟菲律賓對等的國家,大家準備好要吞了嗎?41F 05/17 09:32
blue999:問題是不管一中兩中 就算我們是大陸的 往外畫也是200哩阿42F 05/17 09:34
sznrain:笑死人 歐盟都快倒了 來自歐洲的經濟學人有個屁44F 05/17 09:35
kudo0930:中肯啊,生氣的不是死了人,是毫無誠意45F 05/17 09:35
cblin0605:經濟學人就是罵The Bumbler Ma 難怪蛆蛆要生氣了46F 05/17 09:38
kudo0930:台灣漁民一天到晚越界捕魚被日本驅離,扣船。不貪婪嗎47F 05/17 09:38
yago:這篇很中肯48F 05/17 09:38
mmes:中肯。 尤其是最後一句, 一邊中國,一邊台灣49F 05/17 09:38
MarcoLou:有講到重疊海域啊50F 05/17 09:39
guidex:中肯,建議可以回頭看ceca的那篇文51F 05/17 09:40
ienari:這篇不錯啊52F 05/17 09:41
valenci:那個是講台灣漁船有些臭名,又不是講這次的53F 05/17 09:42
sulaman:經濟學人很中肯啊 不論是這篇還是上次的馬邦博54F 05/17 09:42
stevenkuo:當年國際抗議禁台漁民用流刺網 因為台漁民太厲害了55F 05/17 09:43
justadog:果然國際上都是關心對中國的影響較多56F 05/17 09:43
stevenkuo:以前撈過界被扣船罰錢很正常 這次死了人+政府太軟57F 05/17 09:44
valenci:大國呀,最近又在釣島跟南海步步外逼58F 05/17 09:44
yuchuan0521:誰跟你非法捕魚59F 05/17 09:45
higamanami:台灣漁民那樣會造成海洋生態浩劫60F 05/17 09:46
scarpa:這篇腦袋滿清楚的 沒台灣或菲菲這麼腦充血61F 05/17 09:46
FIRZEN45:"台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲"  搭配菲方說法會令人誤解62F 05/17 09:49
godnessman:這篇不錯啊 對方利用一中原則派小咖道歉 就看我們政府63F 05/17 09:49
valenci:有什麼好誤解的,啊就有說「菲律賓說」了65F 05/17 09:50
ArthurDX:寫的很全面且中肯了67F 05/17 09:51
Galm:至少經濟學人看這報導是很明顯的研究過現況 而非人云亦云68F 05/17 09:52
njnw:這篇很客觀阿69F 05/17 09:56
swpoker:兩岸都說一個中國,菲律賓當然承認聯合國常任理事國的中國70F 05/17 09:57
nicayoung:這篇看起來蠻中立的71F 05/17 09:58
swpoker:台灣是中國的一部份,就是中國的省或是地區或是特區之類72F 05/17 09:58
yahootony:推認真翻譯74F 05/17 09:59
swpoker:這篇點出一個重點,台灣在國際公法是沒有地位的75F 05/17 10:00
FIRZEN45:"台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲"=>先入為主認為漁船素行不良76F 05/17 10:01
bnnann:感覺蠻客觀的,新聞稿一定要偏頗某方嗎,這附註寫太爛了吧77F 05/17 10:01
doordie25:感謝翻譯78F 05/17 10:02
FIRZEN45:搭配"菲方說法"=>這次該不會也是台灣漁船有錯在先吧?79F 05/17 10:02
bobohorn:挺客觀的80F 05/17 10:03
nektsu2:推結論的 一中一台81F 05/17 10:04
linderberg:西方思考 即使各自宣稱 先理後情 我們是無法接受82F 05/17 10:05
ternway:假設有錯也不能殺人啊,更何況此假設很可能不成立83F 05/17 10:05
hsien1105:政府該澄清的要去程清84F 05/17 10:08
lisy1991516:這是冷靜的分析85F 05/17 10:09
CaLawrence:這篇寫得很好啊86F 05/17 10:10
waqw:這篇寫的真的不錯,有看到重點87F 05/17 10:11
valenci:關於台灣漁船,就真有有某些很...呀,有幾次那不是爭議海88F 05/17 10:19
songsi:這個才叫做報導,像這種東西我在台灣沒看過91F 05/17 10:23
Sanco:這篇新聞很持平的報導  雙方觀點都有納入92F 05/17 10:23
etcover:難得93F 05/17 10:30
inking:問題是台灣並沒有貪婪的名聲,在東南亞漁業爭權上,菲律賓94F 05/17 10:30
AAPL:寫的不錯96F 05/17 10:31
inzoo10:客觀報導97F 05/17 10:32
pandafish:這篇專業中肯 反觀國內媒體的水準...98F 05/17 10:32
lX:他說台灣漁船貪婪  怎不說阿賓勒索我們?99F 05/17 10:32
compassk:國際現勢就是如此 已經很平恆了100F 05/17 10:34
waterdolphin:到底關大陸啥是阿喵的101F 05/17 10:35
joyc06u6:這篇不錯102F 05/17 10:37
fallen1:理性中肯103F 05/17 10:40
EvilPrada:很多人可能太年輕吧  台灣漁船長久以來  的確在歪果人眼104F 05/17 10:41
EvilPrada:中很貪婪  例如早就禁用多年的趕盡殺絕補魚方式--流刺網
EvilPrada:台灣方面仍偷用多年直到被公開譴責  時至今日  仍有不少
EvilPrada:漁船在偷用被抓包的案例  貪婪這一點倒是沒冤枉台灣
teamax:非法你娘108F 05/17 10:53
billy5983298:算很客觀吧109F 05/17 10:53
teamax:越你家界線?110F 05/17 10:54
kenl:中英文差異太大了,過濾了很多內容111F 05/17 11:06
planda:這篇格局太大,果然有些PTT會噓,眼光只放在便當和道歉112F 05/17 11:10
xflies:有好多段沒翻113F 05/17 11:11
darit:中肯114F 05/17 11:14
duolon:         光看這篇 感覺 台灣變成中國的特殊工具啦115F 05/17 11:15
duolon:        不過我說實話 變成中國的特殊工具也沒啥不好
karater:可以把祖國兩字改成中國嗎 看到就不爽117F 05/17 11:16
duolon:          大概就DPP那一方的人奇蒙子會不爽而已118F 05/17 11:16
Anor:這篇很客觀,也點出台灣與中國利益不同之處119F 05/17 11:16
duolon:       事實上 "台灣這個鬼島本來就沒啥國際權力"120F 05/17 11:16
karater:有人想當中國的按摩棒自己去啦 智障121F 05/17 11:17
duolon:        意思是說"就算中國完全不存在" 難道你台灣就122F 05/17 11:17
duolon:       不會跟日本跟菲律賓產生漁權糾紛嗎-->照樣會有阿...
karater:然後呢? 遇到事情不拿出實力 就是被看輕而已124F 05/17 11:19
duolon:而且就算中國不存在 "台灣的糾紛"一樣會像今天這樣 菲律賓125F 05/17 11:19
god2:同意,這篇中肯126F 05/17 11:19
duolon:    菲律賓利根川政府照樣會有別的方法來跟你鬼島玩阿127F 05/17 11:19
duolon:    台灣人就是膚淺 平常自己人對自己人膚淺 就算了
duolon:   今天這是國際對國際 菲律賓利根川的程度練得非常老辣
duolon:我這麼講吧 "就算今天台灣是完全主權國家" 這群膚淺的台灣
duolon:人難道你們還是會這麼膚淺的認為 菲律賓就會做出更大讓步?
duolon:---1.照樣會有別的理由調查不公開  2.照樣會說台灣漁船是B
duolon:AD GUY(注意---菲殺害中台等地漁船人 不是第一次發生)
duolon:菲律賓本身就是利根川等級的老辣對手(更具體的說法是 你們
duolon:遇到的菲律賓領導者本身就曾經身中五槍 其中一發子彈現在都
for103you:蠻中肯的136F 05/17 11:25
duolon:還卡在他頸部內 除非你能證明他這是造假的WIKI造神說法)137F 05/17 11:26
duolon:本神人還是保持不介入 因為台灣人開漁船到處跑本來就也有錯
duolon:魚源跟魚量本來就有限...那如果你平常就想要求政府護漁 你
mapple9:"台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲" 純噓這句140F 05/17 11:32
duolon:本身就一定要把賺到的東西 拿出等價的投資到政府上 政府本141F 05/17 11:32
mapple9:台灣漁船走到哪都被欺負 別人有比較不貪嗎143F 05/17 11:33
duolon:菲律賓人手法比較野蠻  台灣人相對比較文明 但是這種情況下144F 05/17 11:34
duolon:台灣這種虛假和平主義者 碰上玩真的野蠻的菲律賓人 反而顯
duolon:得"嫩嫩" 完全拿菲束手無策......現實就是如此!
duolon:    然後你又不像靠真正大尾的中國給菲威脅 那麼請問
duolon:你台灣還能玩出什麼名堂? 好吧 我繼續看政府的下步棋 看是
duolon:要繼續陪菲玩下去 看誰贏(中國?) 還是就此打住 微虧收手?
duolon:目前只是死一個台灣人而已 但是鬧大到種族仇恨對立的話
god2:不是這樣講的吧,舉例:別人偷東西不能抹煞我們自己也偷東西151F 05/17 11:39
duolon:到時候就不是死一個台灣人 而是死一堆台灣人(華僑)跟菲律賓152F 05/17 11:39
duolon:人也死(菲勞被殺 因為台灣人 大馬路上本來就一堆飆車流氓)
kelopi:所謂"貪婪的名聲"如果是指Evil大說的 算是中肯 但內文只有154F 05/17 11:46
kelopi:一句"貪婪的名聲"就帶過 沒多加解釋 何況菲律賓也沒好到哪
kelopi:去 更是隻字未提 上下文看起來根本有失偏頗
spfd:除了"貪婪的名聲"以外  其他都還算客觀可接受157F 05/17 12:04
feaheresy:這篇中肯158F 05/17 12:08
Elephant5566:這就是國際現勢啊 台灣就是被一個中國框架綁住159F 05/17 12:23
Elephant5566:很可悲卻也很真實 弱國無外交
ternway:我也覺得voracious這個字不客觀,並且立場有些偏向菲律賓162F 05/17 12:28
silentence:那個字是狼吞虎嚥 欲求不滿的貪婪  很難聽= =163F 05/17 12:36
lance70176:寫的中肯阿...164F 05/17 12:39
ku399999:以客觀事實角度切入有甚麼好酸的?165F 05/17 12:46
gj93jo3:中肯 推166F 05/17 13:04
djyunjie:這篇還可以啦 能接受167F 05/17 13:05
skywind007:噓HarryHTC,你以為經濟學人就只懂經濟不懂政治?笑死168F 05/17 13:13
dotZu:看了原文,寫得蠻有見地的。169F 05/17 13:26
Lxr:"貪婪的名聲"是確實的~ 不過整體而言算是中肯170F 05/17 13:26
sleepyrat:這篇有作到平衡報導171F 05/17 13:30
bundestag:貪婪名聲的另一個原因是台籍漁船漁獲量確實較高172F 05/17 13:39
bundestag:在區域魚權談判(捕撈量)時 台籍常被要求減漁 但我們不肯
aoxalis:算是中肯的報導 沒偏袒任何一方174F 05/17 13:40
blaukatze:台灣漁船本來就很愛越界捕魚 怎麼? 實話不中聽也要罵嗎?175F 05/17 13:48
joeism:這則新聞很中肯,請鄉民別無視第二段...176F 05/17 13:57
ShadowTime:貪婪是................177F 05/17 13:57
kaitouGamer:真的中肯...178F 05/17 14:17
lampmouse:中肯推179F 05/17 14:44
k5a:這篇真的算中肯了,不要把眼睛全部遮起來180F 05/17 15:31
PEA2:這篇報導中肯推,國際需要看的重點真的是這些...181F 05/17 15:33
redorange:還蠻中肯的182F 05/17 17:14
legendrl:他有說到重點,因為"一中",所以台灣不適用"國際海洋法"183F 05/17 18:28
mankaro:真的是有料的媒體 隔那麼遠 看得那麼具體而微又透徹185F 05/17 19:34
thismy:"台灣的漁船有著貪婪的名聲".............186F 05/17 20:36
offdensen:我認為挺客觀的阿,至少沒有搬弄是非187F 05/17 21:05
turbomons:大實話188F 05/17 22:25
mmmbop:這篇說台灣對南海及巴士海峽宣稱主權是莫名其妙 立場偏菲189F 05/17 22:36
mmmbop:說台灣對巴士海峽主權從未有表示 根本胡扯  哪裡客觀
mmmbop:麻煩下評論之前  先用咕狗翻譯看過一次

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( ̄︶ ̄)b mac2009, theoneejun 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-05-17 10:50:48 (台灣)
  05-17 10:50 TW
台灣漁船已貪婪出名 真的嗎?
2樓 時間: 2013-05-17 13:54:01 (台灣)
+3    (編輯過) TW
3樓 時間: 2013-05-17 11:08:06 (台灣)
+1 05-17 11:08 TW
4樓 時間: 2013-05-17 11:24:55 (台灣)
  05-17 11:24 TW
5樓 時間: 2013-05-17 14:07:19 (台灣)
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6樓 時間: 2013-05-17 20:32:57 (台灣)
  05-17 20:32 TW
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