※ 本文為 kinki999.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-06 10:20:41
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] Linsanity紀錄片募款達標之後......
時間 Tue Feb 5 16:05:37 2013
Project Update #5: BIG THANK YOU!!!
Posted by Linsanity
First off BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported us on Kickstarter! We’ve
hit our goal of $117k and that really really helps us significantly towards
finishing the documentary. So thank you for the support. Please keep spreading
the word! The more backers we have the more awareness and future viewers of
the film we get, so every backer counts!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of Jeremy Lin's breakout game against the New
Jersey Nets. Knowing he was about to be cut, Jeremy went out and played the
game of his life and started a phenomenon called Linsanity. Be inspired again
though this recap video:
Jeremy Lin 25 points vs Nets full highlights (2012.02.04) - YouTube 2011 - 2012 NBA season Nets - Knicks 2012/02/04
同時放上2/4 Jeremy Lin對籃網一戰成名的影片 一同回味林來瘋的起點
We wanted to provide an update on how the project is going. We got back from
Sundance last week... what a high! Watching it for the first time with a live
audience was so rewarding. People interacting with the film, laughing, crying,
cheering... we couldn’t have been happier with the response. Then the miracle
of Jeremy attending, we’re so thankful.
After sleeping for 72 hours we’re back to work. Our Director, Evan, is back
in the edit room. He has pages and pages of notes of things he wants to
change. Hearing it in front of a live audience gave us so much helpful
feedback on timing, emotional engagement, which jokes worked, which didn’t,
etc. We are now also preparing for two more festivals: SXSW and CAAM. Both
great opportunities and we’re super excited. We are looking for corporate
sponsors so if you know of any great companies willing to support us or
donate products to the project let us know so we can incorporate those into
our marketing and promotion. We have lots of creative ideas and need more
great partners! Please have them email us: support@linsanitythemovie.com
Many of you all are asking, “When and where can I see the film?!?” Besides
SXSW and CAAM, we are having active dialogue with various distribution
entities and hope to make an announcement in the near future. Until then,
thanks for being patient and sit tight!
Right now our main goal is outreach and awareness. We know that no matter
what happens with distribution the best way to make this film successful is
to reach out to as many people as possible. First off to get them as backers
for our Kickstarter, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram,
and lastly share their email on our website. These people will be the first
groups that get invited to help us promote the film. We are planning:
contests, giveaways, marketing kits, exclusive clips, etc. All of which we
will share to you all as backers first!
募款的人們,在臉書上按讚,在推特或Instagram follow官方帳號的朋友,在網站留下email
We have a long journey ahead of us, we have been saying, “this is only the
fourth inning.” So hope you’re still as excited as we are to keep growing
this project and finish this to the end!
What's Next!
Blu-Ray DVD option!
Sundance video audience reactions
Director Evan Jackson Leong's personal reflection on the film
Video and photo contests w/ cool prizes
(  ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: silviasun 來自: (02/05 16:08)
推 :頭推..1F 02/05 16:16
推 :頸推..2F 02/05 16:42
推 :肩膀推3F 02/05 16:48
推 : 肋骨推4F 02/05 17:01
推 : 肚臍推5F 02/05 17:03
推 : 肚臍毛推6F 02/05 17:10
推 :該邊推7F 02/05 17:15
→ :對不起沒推齊 orz
→ :對不起沒推齊 orz
推 : 表皮細胞推!9F 02/05 17:32
推 :膝蓋推!10F 02/05 17:35
推 :小腿推11F 02/05 18:00
推 :腳踝推12F 02/05 18:10
推 :腳背推13F 02/05 18:47
推 : 腳皮推!14F 02/05 18:58
→ : 拖鞋推15F 02/05 19:06
推 : 地板推16F 02/05 19:11
推 : 蟑螂蛋推!17F 02/05 19:13
推 : 蟑螂蛋皮推18F 02/05 21:01
→ :呃……一定要推到這種生物嗎?……地板推……19F 02/05 21:11
推 :正經推一下si大。耶!希望趕快上院線,我要在大螢幕看。20F 02/05 21:41
推 :Lin板可以包場嗎XD 如果大家可以一起看 應該會很棒!!21F 02/05 21:45
推 :聽說日舞影展放映時,大家看到三分球絕殺暴龍都在歡呼,等22F 02/05 21:47
→ :林版包場時,是要安靜看?還是跟著歡呼呢?XD
→ :林版包場時,是要安靜看?還是跟著歡呼呢?XD
→ :支持Lin板包場。一定超有fu的。24F 02/05 21:48
→ :當然要包場啦~大家一起噴淚一起歡呼超有FU的^^25F 02/05 21:50
→ :安靜看會得內傷啦!一定要一起大叫歡呼。26F 02/05 21:50
推 :當然是要包場 台灣人看電影都太客氣了 自己的場子high一下27F 02/05 21:51
推 : 對嘛 推y28F 02/05 22:22
推 :包場+球衣日如何?29F 02/05 22:26
推 :支持包場XD30F 02/05 22:35
推 :包場酷耶!球衣日不錯~雖然我只有17號 還太大像睡衣XD31F 02/05 22:39
推 :推32F 02/05 22:41
推 :我也要參加包場看大螢幕Lin33F 02/05 22:43
推 :包場+1 好期待!34F 02/05 22:52
推 :包場!!!35F 02/05 22:53
推 :包場參加+136F 02/05 23:00
推 :YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!37F 02/05 23:06
推 :推~ 希望在台灣也有公映 :)38F 02/05 23:17
推 :推包場+球衣日!!我也要+1 XDD39F 02/05 23:18
→ :球衣太貴的不行40F 02/05 23:28
推 :...P大你就不要來偷摸我的AU!!!XD41F 02/05 23:31
推 :包場+142F 02/05 23:33
推 :我會被抓去關43F 02/05 23:33
→ :我說的是摸球衣好嗎... 是說包場+全部穿球衣或Lin T超酷的!44F 02/05 23:35
推 :看電影順便朝聖版友神衣 無敵了45F 02/05 23:37
→ :哈哈 乾脆包場+球衣日+Lin版小板聚好了LOL46F 02/05 23:39
→ :包場的話會是"小"板聚嗎47F 02/05 23:39
推 :也是 那一定要辦盛大一點的版聚了XDD48F 02/06 00:06
推 :如果是暑假啾咪林回來時順便辦個首映會就更好了!!!!!!!49F 02/06 00:34
→ :他自己也還沒看過完整版的丫…可以順便和小帥哥一起XD50F 02/06 00:38
推 :包場必推!!!!!!!51F 02/06 01:23
推 :請問有贊助這個計畫的鄉民:他有一個步驟是要填信用卡52F 02/06 06:40
→ :住址 要怎麼填阿?我填了好幾遍都有問題 可以填中文住
→ :址嗎?
→ :住址 要怎麼填阿?我填了好幾遍都有問題 可以填中文住
→ :址嗎?
推 :我是去郵局的網頁把地址翻譯成英文55F 02/06 09:41
推 :給他包!56F 02/06 10:15
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 631