※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-20 00:24:03
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] Lin獲得NBA TV首屆社群人氣球員獎
時間 Tue Jun 19 11:36:00 2012
Lin wins 'Social Breakout Player of the Year' - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
On Monday, NBA TV named Jeremy Lin its first-ever Social Breakout Player of the Year, based on his increase in popularity with fans on Twitter and ...
On Monday, NBA TV named Jeremy Lin its first-ever "Social Breakout Player
of the Year," based on his increase in popularity with fans on Twitter
and Facebook this past season.
During roughly the first week of Linsanity, from Feb. 4 to 9, when he became
the first NBA player to record at least 20 points and seven assists in each
of his first five starts, Lin:
-Had more Twitter mentions than LeBron James and Blake Griffin
(Lin: 189,004, James: 185,847 and Griffin: 19,964), and he had 1,643,284
tweets talking about his performances through Feb 9 at midnight.
-Had a 20,000 to 30,000 daily follower increase on Twitter.
-Went from 190,000 fans to 250,000 on Sina, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
The inaugural Social Media Awards airs this Wednesday on NBA TV at 9 p.m. ET.
美國時間週一NBA TV宣布林書豪因為過去這一季在推特和臉書上引發的超高人氣,
獲得首屆社群人氣球員獎(Social Breakout Player of the year)
頒獎典禮將在美國時間週三晚上9點於NBA TV播出
恭喜Lin(拍手) 然後...說好的自拍影片咧?
我想看a day in life part2 >皿<(敲碗)
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: silviasun 來自: (06/19 11:37)
推 :不知道會不會出席頒獎典禮~希望可以看到西裝Lin1F 06/19 11:56
推 :恭喜Lin啦!XDDD 同敲碗,我也想看訓練影片啊 ><2F 06/19 12:02
推 :訓練影片+1 T皿T3F 06/19 12:11
推 :恭喜 :D4F 06/19 12:15
推 :我想看a day in life part2 >皿<(敲碗)5F 06/19 13:55
→ :恭喜啊6F 06/19 15:28
推 :恭喜!!!!!!!7F 06/19 16:32
推 :恭喜!!!!8F 06/19 17:59
→ :恭喜! :)9F 06/19 19:03
推 :恭喜啾咪~~~~10F 06/19 20:22
→ :恭喜=^__^=11F 06/20 00:03
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