※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-16 08:55:05
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作者 標題 Re: [情報] Patch 3.7 Notes 更新日誌
時間 Thu May 16 08:10:27 2013
※ 引述《a2364983 (可憐的小孩)》之銘言:
: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/24262-patch-3-7-notes-custom-item-sets
Patch 3.7 Notes - Custom Item Sets! - News - Reign of Gaming
Patch 3.7 Notes - Custom Item Sets! Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source) Akali
These two changes are intended to give Akali's kit so... ...
: http://youtu.be/Od10884Mv7M
3.7 Patch Preview - YouTube
Break out the nerf guns and buff pads: it's time for another round of the Patch Preview. Click here to sign up and play League of Legends for free:
Break out the nerf guns and buff pads: it's time for another round of the Patch Preview. Click here to sign up and play League of Legends for free:

: 好像是可以自訂快速買裝那排
: Akali
: These two changes are intended to give Akali's kit some utility. With
: Twilight Shroud now granting vision where it's placed, Akali can perform
: interesting jungle and lane jukes by first casting Twilight Shroud to gain
: vision of an enemy or jungle monster, and then using Shadow Dance as an
: escape tool. Overall, it should be a cool little trick that adds some depth
: to this ability.
: Twilight Shroud
: Now grants vision in the area of effect
: Shadow Dance
: Essence of Shadow charge time reduced to 30/22.5/15 seconds from
: 35/25/15
: Caitlyn
: Caitlyn was crowding out a lot of other AD champions with her potent siege
: capabilities and strong lane trading potential. We wanted to highlight her
: weakness to extended trades as a sniper by reducing her base attack speed.
: Additionally, by removing the accrual of headshot stacks when attacking
: turrets, it'll be a little more difficult for Caitlyn to perpetually siege
: towers in early game while zoning out enemies with the threat of a headshot.
: Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.668
: Attack Speed per level increased to 4% from 3%
: Headshot
: No longer gains stacks when attacking structures
弱點,因此降低了她的基礎攻速。被動的修改是為了避免她一邊點塔一邊Zoom out對手。
: Cassiopeia
: Twin Fang
: Now counts as a single target spell for the sake of items like
: Rylai's Crystal Scepter
: Diana
: As a melee champion, Diana should have an inherent weakness to lane harass.
: These changes are to reduce some of the safe and efficient wave clear Diana
: was getting from auto-attacking with her shield up in lane.
: The shield change will help Diana in mid- to late-game team fights when she
: needs to dive into multiple enemies to engage. Before the changes, Diana's
: shield refreshed almost immediately and she got no benefit from the first
: stack unless she took damage very quickly upon initiating. Now with her
: shields stacking on top of each other, Diana will gain a little more
: survivability in these kind of engagements.
: Moonsilver Blade
: Damage reduced to
: 20/25/30/35/40/50/60/70/80/90/105/120/135/155/175/200/225/250 (+0.6 Ability
: Power) from 20/25/30/40/50/65/80/95/110/125/140/155/175/195/215/240/265/290
: (+0.6 Ability Power)
: Range of the cleave behind Diana reduced
: Pale Cascade
: Total damage changed to 66/102/138/174/210 from 60/105/150/195/240
: Shield reduced to 40/55/70/85/100 (+0.3 Ability Power) from
: 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45 Ability Power)
: The second application of the shield now stacks with the first shield
: instead of replacing it
傷害從 20/25/30/40/50/65/80/95/110/125/140/155/175/195/215/240/265/290 (+0.6 AP)
下修成 20/25/30/35/40/50/60/70/80/90/105/120/135/155/175/200/225/250 (+0.6 AP)
總傷害從 60/105/150/195/240 改動成 66/102/138/174/210
護盾值從 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45 AP)下修成40/55/70/85/100 (+0.3 AP)
: Elise
: Removing the bonus Armor and Magic Resist in Spider Form while increasing the
: ability power ratio on Skittering Frenzy will better position Elise's
: offensive capabilities and vulnerabilities. Elise continues to be a very
: strong lane bully; she will just need to think carefully about when she can
: win a trade.
: Skittering Frenzy
: Ability Power ratio increased to 0.04 from 0.02
: Spider Form
: No longer grants bonus Armor and Magic Resist
掠食者的狂喜(W) 蜘蛛型態
: Jarvan IV
: Demacian Standard
: Vision radius of the Standard reduced to 700 from 850
旗子所獲得的視野半徑從 850 減少為 700
: Karma
: Inner Flame
: Mantra Bonus - Soulflare
: Slow area now spawns directly under the primary target
生靈火魂 (R-Q)
: Miss Fortune
: Miss Fortune excels at trading in lanes, but her Impure Shots were building
: too quickly and dealing too much burst damage with the use of Double Up. With
: this change, Miss Fortune loses some of her burst potential, but will do
: around the same damage in extended trades.
: Impure Shots
: Passive
: Max stacks increased to 5 from 4
: Damage per stack reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/8/10/12/14
每一層所造成的額外傷害從 6/8/10/12/14 降低到 4/6/8/10/12。
: Mordekaiser
: Recommend items updated
: Nami
: These general usability buffs are for Nami to feel more impactful in team
: fights and skirmishes. In particular, with Surging Tides giving more movement
: speed and Aqua Prison having a longer stun duration, Nami players should feel
: better about playing aggressive in a lane.
: Basic Attack Missile Speed increased to 1500 from 1350
: Surging Tides
: Bonus Movement Speed increased to 40 from 30
: Aqua Prison
: Stun duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.25
普攻動畫的速度從 1300 加快到 1500
被動的跑速增益從 30 增加為 40
禁錮水牢(Q) 的暈眩時間從 1.25 秒增加為 1.5 秒。
: Nunu
: Nunu naturally fits in the jungle with his strong objective control and high
: map mobility - these changes should add more depth within that role. Above
: all, we want Consume to be a cool spell -Consume has traditionally languished
: in late game for everything besides objective control, so making it an
: attractive spell with these changes adds more depth and rank-up incentive.
: Consume
: Damage increased to 600/700/800/900/1000 from 500/600/700/800/900
: Healing reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 125/180/235/290/345
: Healing ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.0
: Consume now grants bonuses for 120/150/180/210/240 seconds based on
: the type of monster consume was used on:
: Golem-type monsters grant 10% increased size and maximum Health
: Lizard-type monsters grant Nunu's attacks and spells additional
: magic damage equal to 1% of Nunu's maximum Health
: Wraith or Wolf-type monsters grant 15% movement speed for 3
: seconds after Nunu kills a unit
傷害從 500/600/700/800/900 提高到 600/700/800/900/1000
生命回復從 125/180/235/290/345(+1.0 AP) 降低為 90/130/170/210/250(+0.75 AP)
現在努努可以藉由吞噬來獲得一個持續 120/150/180/210/240 的 Buff
如果咬了石像類的野怪(藍buff、雙石),你會增加 10% 的最大生命和體型
你的普攻跟技能會造成額外的魔法傷害,等同於 1% 努努的最大血量
如果你咬了幽靈,你每次擊殺一個單位都會在三秒內獲得 15% 的跑速增益。
: Quinn
: Vault
: Fixed a bug where Vault failed to interrupt targets that were immune
: to slows
: Rammus
: Puncturing Taunt
: Can no longer target minions
: Rumble
: We did tone down some of Rumble's overall damage, but we also took this
: opportunity to make Danger Zone more impactful in Rumble's overall play. Here
: we've decided to increase his benefits for staying in the Danger Zone, so
: Rumble players will have more incentive to carefully manage their abilities.
: Flamespitter
: Damage decreased to 75/135/195/255/315 (+1.0 Ability Power) from
: 90/160/230/300/370 (+1.35 Ability Power)
: Danger Zone damage bonus increased to 50% from 25%
: Electro-Harpoon
: Damage decreased to 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4 Ability Power) from
: 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5 Ability Power)
基礎傷害從 90/160/230/300/370 (+1.35AP)下修成 75/135/195/255/315 (+1.0AP)
危險禁區加成的額外傷害從 25% 增加到 50%。
傷害從 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5AP) 下修成 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4AP)
: Syndra
: Scatter the Weak
: Improved detection of Dark Spheres at longer ranges
: Twisted Fate
: With his huge global map pressure in early and mid-game, we wanted to reduce
: Twisted Fate's overall power without hitting the core components that make
: him fun. We're changing the passive cooldown reduction on Stacked Deck to
: attack speed to take out some of the free power he was getting without much
: gameplay interaction. Additionally, given Destiny's high impact, we've
: brought it more in line with other global ability cooldowns
: Pick a Card
: Blue card now restores 50/75/100/125/150 Mana instead of
: 26/39/52/65/78 (+0.6 total Attack Damage)
: Stacked Deck
: No longer grants Cooldown Reduction
: Bonus Attack Speed increased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 3/6/9/12/15%
: Destiny
: Cooldown increased to 180/150/120 seconds from 150/135/120
: Tooltips updated
,但又不損及這角色的核心樂趣。拿掉 E 的降冷卻是為了讓他更困難,你會需要主動
藍牌現在只會回復固定 50/75/100/125/150 魔力。
不載降低冷卻時間,但提供的攻速從 3/6/9/12/15% 增加到 10/15/20/25/30%。
冷卻時間從 150/135/120 秒增加為 180/150/120
: Udyr
: Tiger Stance
: Fixed a bug that caused Tiger Strike to only apply in the first 5
: seconds of the stance
: Varus
: Hail of Arrows makes Varus very strong in lane trades and zoning enemies out,
: but the strength of this ability was crowding out the intended use of
: Piercing Arrow as a high-damage snipe. With these changes, Hail of Arrows
: still has its strength in area control but it no longer completely trumps
: Piercing Arrow as a method of proccing Blighted Quiver and dealing high burst
: damage.
: Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 335
: Piercing Arrow
: Minimum damage increased to 10/47/83/120/157 from 10/43/77/110/143
: Maximum damage increased to 15/70/125/180/235 from 15/65/115/165/215
: Improved hit detection at the end of the missile
: Hail of Arrows
: Damage reduced to 65/100/135/170/205 from 65/105/145/185/225
: Chain of Corruption
: Improved hit detection at the end of the missile
腐敗箭雨(E)讓法洛士在壓線時可以很輕鬆的換血並 Zone out對手。
但她過高的傷害搶掉了破甲箭(Q)應該要有的光采,這次的調整保留了 E 的控場效果。
但我們希望玩家更有使用破甲箭(Q)的動力,讓破甲箭(Q)不只是一個觸發 W3的工具,
但我們希望玩家更有使用破甲箭(Q)的動力,讓破甲箭(Q)不只是一個觸發 W3的工具,
基礎跑速從 335 降低為 330
最低傷害從 10/43/77/110/143 增加為 10/47/83/120/157
最高傷害從 15/65/115/165/215 增加為 15/70/125/180/235
傷害從 65/105/145/185/225降低為 65/100/135/170/205
: Warwick
: These are mostly quality of life changes for Warwick, who actually spent more
: time channeling Infinite Duress than he spent suppressing his target.
: Additionally, the fact that Warwick will now always place himself in front of
: the target rather than in a random location around them should add a little
: more strategic depth to who he suppresses and when.
: Infinite Duress
: Channel time reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.1 (the target is still
: suppressed for the full 1.8 seconds)
: Infinite Duress now always places Warwick in front of the target
: rather than a random spot around the target
: Zac
: For all of the utility and sustain he brings, Zac was just a little too
: strong across the board. These changes should tone him down in places where
: he had excessive power - reducing the burst power of his ultimate and his
: already unusually high sustain from bloblets.
: Base Health Regen reduced to 7.0 from 12.5
: Let's Bounce!
: Damage reduced to 140/210/280 from 160/240/320
: Fixed a bug where Let's Bounce! was applying a 0.25 Ability Power
: ratio on every bounce rather than 0.4 on the first bounce, halved on
: subsequent bounces
: Tenacity reduced to 50% from 75%
基礎回血HP5從 12.5 調降為 7.0
基礎回血HP5從 12.5 調降為 7.0
基礎傷害從 160/240/320 降低為 140/210/280,同時修正活蹦亂跳對四個目標都只造成
0.25 AP傷害的錯誤。(原本應該對第一個目標造成0.4AP 的傷害。)
施放R時的控場減免從 75% 降低為 50%
: Zed
: As a resourceless champion, Zed was able to farm efficiently and safely
: without giving his opponent much opportunity for interaction. These changes
: should hit his wave clearing efficiency, especially at early levels. The
: vision reduction on Zed's Living Shadow was just to bring it more in line
: with other abilities of this type.
: Razor Shuriken
: Damage dealt to secondary targets reduced to 45/69/93/117/141 (+0.6
: bonus Attack Damage) from 60/92/124/156/188 (+0.8 bonus Attack Damage)
: Living Shadow
: Vision radius of the Shadow reduced to 700 from 1300
: Shadow Slash
: Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3
對於第二個目標的傷害從 60/92/124/156/188 (+0.8 額外 AD)減少為 45/69/93/117/141
(+0.6 額外 AD)。
分身的視野從 1300 下修成 700
冷卻時間從 3 秒增加為 4 秒
: Zyra
: Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now correctly display their bonus
: damage from Ability Power
: Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now benefit from Banner of Command's
: minion damage aura
: Items
: Mana Manipulator
: Recipe changed: Faerie Charm + 120 gold = 300 total gold
: Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6
: Mikael's Crucible
: Mikael's Crucible is a very strong item for supports who want to stay on the
: back line out of harm's way. Most supports, however, opt for Philosopher's
: Stone in early game, which makes them adverse to buying another high-sustain
: item like Mikael's Crucible. These changes also open up more diversity for
: supports when upgrading their Philosopher's Stone - Shurelya's offers more
: offensive and defensive disengage, but Mikael's Crucible offers more in-fight
: potential.
: Recipe changed: Philosopher's Stone + Chalice of Harmony + 920 gold =
: 2500 total cost
: Grants 7 Health Regen per 5 seconds from 0
: Grants 18 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 9
: No longer grants Mana
: Active Heal changed to "Heals for 150 + 10% of the target's Maximum
: Health" from "Heals for 150 + 15% of the target's Missing Health", Cleanse
: effect unchanged
: Active travel time changed to 0.2 seconds from variable with distance
: Fixed an issue with the hit effect particle
: Shard of True Ice
: Total cost reduced to 1600 gold from 1700
: Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6
: Summoner's Rift
: While this change doesn't seem significant, it will help auto-attack reliant
: laners when trading against ability-based laners. Champions who rely on lane
: harassment through abilities typically don't draw minion attacks as much as
: auto-attack champions, and this disparity was forcing a lot of champions to
: opt for high-sustain starts in order to compensate. This change will have a
: larger overall effect on lane trading as the game progresses.
: Caster Minions
: Base Attack Damage reduced to 23 from 25
: Howling Abyss
: High Winds duration and intervals tweaked to match the pace of the music
: Statue destruction algorithms tweaked to become more consistent
: throughout the match
: Game Interface
: Loss of Control UI
: Loss of control indicators now appear underneath a player's nameplate
: when the player's champion is afflicted by a crowd control effect
: A unique icon is displayed for each type of effect, and a shrinking
: progress bar indicates time remaining on the effect
: When multiple, unique crowd control effects are active:
: An additional icon is displayed for each unique effect type
: The progress bar represents whichever effect has the longest
: remaining duration
: Icons are removed as their associated effect type becomes inactive
: Indicators are visible to the afflicted player, that player's team
: and the player who inflicted the crowd control effect
: Co-op vs. AI
: Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award
: more IP/XP than intended for games under 20 minutes
: Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award
: less IP/XP than intended for games over 20 minutes
: League System
: Fixed a number of cases where icons on the league view were not showing
: up correctly
: General
: Custom Item Sets
: Custom item sets can now be created and edited in the summoner
: profile.
: Saved item sets appear as an option in the Recommended tab of the
: in-game item shop
: Item sets can be associated with a specific champion, multiple
: champions or all champions
: Item sets can be associated with a specific map, multiple maps or all
: maps
: Silence, Taunt, Stun, Fear and Suppress effects have been updated with a
: new, consistent visual
: Karthus' Requiem should no longer have a major FPS performance hit across
: all maps.
: Rerolls in the ARAM queue will now prefer champions not being played by a
: member of the other team.
: The 'Random Champion' option is no longer available in ranked game
: champion select.
: Players who fail to connect to the game will now be granted the same
: bonus Magic Resistance/Armor that disconnected players receive.
: Fixed a bug with certain AMD Radeon video cards when playing Dominion.
: Players may now disable moving their champion via right-clicking on the
: minimap in the options menu.
: Logitech G-Key, LED, and LCD technologies are now supported.
: Fixed: Players joining private custom games in the PvP.net client were
: not able to submit passwords using the Enter key.
: Adobe AIR no longer uses the Debug Launcher and has been updated to
: version 3.7. This should result in increased client stability.
: 先搶先報一下
: 等等說不定有機會翻譯
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◆ From:
推 :推個~1F 05/16 08:10
→ :這個有英雄更動的原因說明!
→ :這個有英雄更動的原因說明!
推 :有翻譯給推 辛苦了3F 05/16 08:12
→ :不過他更動原因翻的不完整或是不合原意4F 05/16 08:13
我有些是翻我自己的理解,如果有錯請直接說 :)
推 :op雙z gg5F 05/16 08:16
推 :大nerf時代回來了6F 05/16 08:17
推 :3.6沒什麼大NERF 這回一次補回來XD7F 05/16 08:21
→ :cait那邊原意沒說要用技能換血8F 05/16 08:23
→ :MF沒有說要打得更侵略,只是騷擾或是換血的時間拉長9F 05/16 08:27
→ :以後傷害會跟修改以前差不多
→ :以後傷害會跟修改以前差不多
推 :爽!!!11F 05/16 08:27
推 :凱特琳真的很OP啊 我免費週立馬拿去打NG 狂勝!12F 05/16 08:28
推 :所以NUNU可以狂吃石頭疊血量??13F 05/16 08:29
推 :nunu那邊說希望讓人有升級Q的動力,還有增加英雄深度14F 05/16 08:29
→ :你嘉文那個似乎是翻錯了15F 05/16 08:30
推 :翻譯推16F 05/16 08:31
推 :用力推 !17F 05/16 08:31
推 :varus從頭到尾只有提到W蓋過Q,沒有說希望Q怎樣18F 05/16 08:34
※ 編輯: iamalam2005 來自: (05/16 08:45)
→ :zoooooom?19F 05/16 08:35
推 :阿卡利在ARAM很強了...這樣改感覺頗OP20F 05/16 08:35
推 :有真知精華給你喝 還怕什麼阿卡利21F 05/16 08:37
推 :這次的調整應該會讓他得到應有的位置(冰箱?) lol22F 05/16 08:37
推 :劫這一刀好重阿 不會是必BAN角了23F 05/16 08:39
推 :zoooooooooooooooooooom out24F 05/16 08:45
※ 編輯: iamalam2005 來自: (05/16 08:46)
推 :蛇女終於BUFF了!!!再來遠古也吃單體好不好(喂25F 05/16 08:50
推 :藍寶真可憐...一直被砍26F 05/16 08:52
推 :蜘蛛是增加w的AP ratio27F 05/16 08:52
推 :蛇女那邊...應該是連遠古也都有吃了@@28F 05/16 08:53
→ :of items "like"所以以前把毒牙當群體的道具都
→ :of items "like"所以以前把毒牙當群體的道具都
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 217