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作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 獵人休刊卻想畫新的! 冨樫義博挨轟裝病瞧不起人
時間 Wed Sep 7 16:45:58 2016
※ 引述《comicreader (燃燒的狐狸)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《MagicMoney (魔法洗錢靈)》之銘言:
: 原文
: http://i.imgur.com/RMKU73V.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/bCjUmm1.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/V06vvD9.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/4MRotx7.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/0y1Z50J.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/yF1Jf29.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/AoovMIJ.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/WzqShNp.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/B8suK0f.jpg
: http://yonkouprod.com/yoshihiro-togashi-x-masashi-kishimoto-interview/Yoshihiro Togashi x Masashi Kishimoto Interview. - YonkouProductions Blog
In the latest issue of Shonen Jump GIGA, (formerly Shonen Jump Next!!), The magazine published a creators cross talk between authors Masashi Kishimoto ...
: thinks it is not an issue since Akira Toriyama’s characters’ names are
: also sloppy such as Bulma and Trunks.
: Kishimoto was scolded by his audience when he specified his characters’
: names based on adjectives such as “Darui”, “Omoi” and “Karui”.
: Togashi keeps it in mind that he should make a specific personality of a
: character rather than just “he has a bright personality”. For example,
: he specifies “when” his character gets pissed off.
岸本曾被讀者責備用日文形容詞來取名,像達魯依 (だるい,怠い) ,
奧摩伊 (おもい,重い)和卡魯依 (かるい,軽い)。
: Kishimoto specifies his characters’ weak points, which enables his
: audience to feel sympathy toward him/her.
: Togashi thinks it is hard to draw special ability based battle manga
: such as Hunter x Hunter and Naruto these days since audience consider
: characters’abilities in details and sometimes end up finding its
: contradictions.
: Togashi decides to make many characters appear in Black Whale arc since
: he’d like to know what will happen in a chaotic situation. He refers to
: Oda, who also introduced many characters in one arc (probably implying
: Marineford Arc). Togashi thinks it is important to read many mangas/novels
: to draw a good manga. He also says that they should read/watch it again
: and again until they can completely assimilate it.
: He says that those who want to become a good mangaka should also read and
: analyze mangas he doesn’t like.
: Kishimoto reads his favorite mangas/films again and again such as “Akira”,
: “Ghost in the Shell”, “The Usual Suspects”, “Forrest Gump” and
: “Little Miss Sunshine”.
: Togashi’s favorite film is “Alien”, but the film he watches most
: frequently is “Prince of Darkness” by John Carpenter. He also likes
: “28 Days Later”.
冨樫最喜歡的電影是"異型",但他最常看的作品是 John Carpenter 執導的
: Question from sandman@APForums (which was selected as a fan question):
: Which do you like better, drawing or making a story?
從 sandman@APForums 來的提問
: Togashi says those who want to become mangaka should focus on making a good
: story rather than drawing since their drawing skills automatically improve
: if they make a debut as a weekly mangaka.
: Togashi is impressed at Kishimoto’s drawings since they are well-composed
: despite the deadlines every week.
: Kishimoto is exhausted due to Naruto, so he doesn’t want to draw anything
: for the time being.
: Kishimoto thinks it is important whether or not his audience can feel
: sympathy toward characters in manga. For example, Naruto didn’t have
: parents and friends. Protagonist suffering just because Dark King is
: strong is not a good idea.
: Togashi warns that those who love pure fantasy video game such as Medieval
: Europe in which sword and magic are drawn tend to fail to attract audience.
: https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/4y76kc/yoshihiro_togashi_x_masashi_kishimoto_creators/
Yoshihiro Togashi x Masashi Kishimoto Creators Interview. : manga
reddit: the front page of the internet ...
: They were talking about how to mix elements of reality in the fictional
: worlds (e.g. telephone poles in Naruto), and how to convey worldbuilding.
: Togashi admits liking walls of explanatory text on the first page (世界説明の
: 文章が詰まっているやつ), surprising no one. Kishimoto talks about how H× H is
: connected to reality through elements such as mailboxes, and Togashi says
: that's the idea, but – I'm having a little trouble with this part, but
: unless I'm misreading – the consistency of this realism isn't something to
: stress to much about; for example, H× H started modeled on the real world of
: Togashi's childhood, but then he introduced cellphones, and then smartphones;
: so it's not chronologically perfect, but that's not a problem. He wonders
: whether this advice should also go to aspiring manga authors who like hard
: fantasy (ゴリッゴリのファンタジー).
: Interviewer: "By 'hard fantasy' do you mean worlds modeled on medieval Europe
: —swords clashing with magic and so on?" Togashi implies yes, and says that
: the danger is that gamers who like this genre may want to express the same
: world on manga; but without leaving behind a gamer's sensibilities (ゲーム感覚
: ), it's hard to draw out (a sense of) reality/verisimilitude in a story.
: Pressed for more details, he says it's because the source of fun is different
: in a game; and if you confuse the two when drawing a manga, it's hard to make
: readers empathize with the story. "I love games too, so I understand very
: well the desire to write manga based on them, but…"
: Kishimoto (bleh) says that, in a game, the characters are a part/avatar of
: the player; so the events are fun because you experience them. However, that
: doesn't mean they'd be fun if you watched them happening to someone else,
: such as a manga character in a page. Togashi says that "participation" and
: "empathy" are distinct things. Kishimoto says that in a game the drama arises
: from the flow of play itself; which equipment you choose, how you improve it,
: your story choices etc.; while in manga the drama is someone else's, and thus
: you need literary devices to convey the emotional world of the characters.
: Consequently, if too much focus is given to complex worldbuilding, it may end
: up standing on the way of characterization and narrative, which is bad.
: Jump editor interrupts and says that lately there's been way too many novices
: submitting stories like "we ended up inside the videogame world!", all of
: them following standard fantasy clichés and being too boring. Kishi &
: Togashi talk a bit more about how you may enjoy a game's system (its fantasy
: mechanics etc.), and while that's fun in a manga too, you can't really
: participate in that world to explore the mechanics, so the most important
: part are the human relationships and conveying empathy.
編輯打斷說,近來有太多新人提交出像"我們來到遊戲世界了!" 這樣的故事
: When Togashi was a boy, it was not until his teacher submitted his drawing to
: an art exhibition that he realized he was good at drawing. Kishimoto had the
: similar experience when he was in an elementary school.
: Togashi is impressed at Hayao Miyazaki’s great drawing skill of clothes
: fluttering.
: Togashi has many things he wants to draw. He didn’t imagine the
: serialization of Hunter x Hunter has lasted so long.
: Kishimoto is now preparing for his next manga. He has been collecting
: materials. He didn’t let his editor know about it so far. Kishimoto says
: he'd like to announce something about it in 2016.
: Togashi wants to draw a card battle manga like Yu-Gi-Oh after he finishes
: Hunter Hunter although he already drew it in Greed Island arc.
: Togashi didn’t specify the finale of the dodgeball game in Greed Island
: arc at the beginning. He believes the chapter in which Hisoka lost and
: survived were convincing due to his gum ability.
: Togashi is impressed at Hirohiko Araki’s drawing skill and great
: storytelling.
: After Togashi was about to get tendinitis, he specified the design of the
: clothes of Zodiacs and his assistants dew them.
: Togashi says that manga begginer tends to think it is important to draw
: realistically, but actually it is not a big issue and he says it is more
: important for the audience to grasp what is going on.
: Togashi says another himself scolds him “You can draw better than this.”
: while he is drawing.
: Togashi advises those who want to become mangaka to replicate.
: Togashi didn’t intend to make Hiei into Yusuke’s friend in
: “Yu Yu Hakusho”. It was due to advice from his editor. Togashi
: laughs and says if he intended to do so from the beginning, Hiei
: wouldn’t have been full of eyes.Togashi loves “Reiko the Zombie
: Shop” by Rei Mikamoto.
像這樣 http://i.imgur.com/6sVhAfA.jpg
冨樫喜歡 三家本 礼 創作的 " ゾンビ屋れい子 "
: Kishimoto is cheered up by watching the trailer of “DmC Devil May Cry”
: again and again.
岸本一看再看 "DmC:惡魔獵人" 的預告,這作品讓他覺得激賞。
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● 09-07 16:45 ■ Re: [新聞] 獵人休刊卻想畫新的! 冨樫義博挨轟裝病瞧不起人
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→ : XD
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推 : 我還以為特南克斯是指很多卡車14F 09/07 17:06
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→ : 有些地方滿有道理的,然而某些地方...富堅你果然欠吐20F 09/07 17:41
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推 : 大推遊戲感那段 把遊戲那套架構整坨拉出來真的很沒22F 09/07 17:42
→ : 故事性 就如編輯所說 無聊透
→ : 故事性 就如編輯所說 無聊透
推 : 推24F 09/07 17:42
推 : 感謝分享。 三家本礼的劇情其實很亂來XD25F 09/07 17:42
推 : 很欣賞的兩位富奸跟荒木 對於細節上不太著重 但是26F 09/07 17:44
→ : 最重要的故事和人物描述立體化 真的做得很到位
→ : 最重要的故事和人物描述立體化 真的做得很到位
推 : 感謝翻譯28F 09/07 17:52
推 : 真的說得TM沒錯 一堆轉生到奇幻世界還帶入遊戲系統29F 09/07 17:52
→ : 那種故事就是作者自己沒什麼閱歷 太多到想吐
→ : 不過 刀劍神域的故事表示:
→ : 那種故事就是作者自己沒什麼閱歷 太多到想吐
→ : 不過 刀劍神域的故事表示:
推 : 還好我寫得夠早...32F 09/07 17:59
推 : 推翻譯33F 09/07 18:00
推 : 岸本後期讓我感受到徹底的自暴自棄34F 09/07 18:01
→ : 富堅就勉強算了 火影的劇情和人設高明到可以以這麼高的35F 09/07 18:05
→ : 姿態評論漫畫吧? 雖然火影的確很紅 但後面真的蠻難看耶
→ : 姿態評論漫畫吧? 雖然火影的確很紅 但後面真的蠻難看耶
→ : 簽名檔GET37F 09/07 18:08
→ : 上面有點推錯 應該是火影的劇情和人設沒有高明到38F 09/07 18:11
推 : 火影到培因之後的反派描寫實在夠爛他還敢講ww39F 09/07 18:17
推 : 岸本認為讀者能不能對角色有認同感很重要,於是鳴人學會40F 09/07 18:41
→ : 了相信我之術
→ : 了相信我之術
推 : 感謝翻譯42F 09/07 18:44
推 : 富堅那個..大概又是編輯吧,想畫短篇畫不到的感覺43F 09/07 18:59
推 : 同意遊戲感那段,不過這類作品攻佔輕小之後好像開始對漫畫
→ : 界進軍了
推 : 同意遊戲感那段,不過這類作品攻佔輕小之後好像開始對漫畫
→ : 界進軍了
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推 : 推翻譯47F 09/07 19:04
→ : 岸本後面是被要求寫長了自然會有點歪了
→ : 岸本後面是被要求寫長了自然會有點歪了
推 : 可是我也覺得西索死念發動合理啊XD49F 09/07 19:09
推 : 可4人家鋼鍊就沒崩潰耶 根本是能力差距50F 09/07 19:51
推 : 不睡覺畫漫畫的規格外人種不能當標準51F 09/07 20:31
推 : 鋼鍊差一倍的話數哎52F 09/07 20:46
※ 編輯: comicreader (, 09/07/2016 22:07:15→ thigefe …
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推 : 可是荒木應該不太欣賞負姦ww58F 09/08 05:58
推 : 石鬼面畫漫畫都不用休息59F 09/08 08:59
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