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作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 獵人休刊卻想畫新的! 冨樫義博挨轟裝病瞧不起人
時間 Wed Sep 7 01:58:47 2016
※ 引述《MagicMoney (魔法洗錢靈)》之銘言:
: http://star.ettoday.net/news/770416
《獵人》休刊卻想畫新的! 冨樫義博挨轟裝病瞧不起人 | 娛樂星光雲 | ETtoday東森新聞雲
日本漫畫家冨樫義博連載《獵人》10幾年,卻因為數度暫停連載,被眾人稱為「休刊王」。而他長年腰疾纏身,日前提筆再畫新劇情掀起轟動,3個月後又休息,近日和《火影忍者》作者岸本齊史雜誌對談,被主持人問起新作品的構想,回答「我有很多想畫的!」沒想到這段發言引發網友不滿。 ...
: 日本漫畫家冨樫義博連載《獵人》10幾年,卻因為數度暫停連載,被眾人稱為「休刊王」
: 。而他長年腰疾纏身,日前提筆再畫新劇情掀起轟動,3個月後又休息,近日和《火影忍
: 者》漫畫家岸本齊史對談,被主持人問起新作品的構想,回答「我有很多想畫的!」沒想
: 到這段發言引發網友不滿。
: 據《日刊CYZO》報導,冨樫義博自1998年開始連載《獵人》,相較於晚一年展開連載的《
: 火影忍者》,對方共發行72集,他則連載至33集,且進入休刊狀態。他在對談中表示對新
: 作很有想法,被網友批評「是厭倦連載《獵人》了吧」、「應該要跟《烏龍派出所》的秋
: 本治學習。」連漫畫編輯也表態:「怎麼能這麼說,現在連載中的作品都還沒完成,還好
: 意思說下一個作品,有點瞧不起讀者。」現在連腰疾都被懷疑是裝病。
: 冨樫義博和岸本齊史的雜誌對談備受關注,他除了提到有畫新作品的構想,還談到想畫一
: 個卡片競鬥的故事,被網友聯想起《遊戲王》,有部分粉絲仍感覺期待,不過網友認為「
: 有新想法可以,至少先把《獵人》畫完吧!」
: http://i.imgur.com/h9DWePJ.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/rl6twBZ.jpg
: ▲《獵人》進入休刊狀態,漫畫家冨樫義博在雜誌對談中透露想畫新的,引起網友反彈。(
: 圖/翻攝自推特)
: http://i.imgur.com/l1GQMes.jpg
: ▲冨樫義博提到想畫卡片競鬥的故事。(圖/翻攝自推特)
Yoshihiro Togashi x Masashi Kishimoto Interview. - YonkouProductions Blog
In the latest issue of Shonen Jump GIGA, (formerly Shonen Jump Next!!), The magazine published a creators cross talk between authors Masashi Kishimoto ...
Togashi sometimes specifies his characters’ names based on TV show. He
thinks it is not an issue since Akira Toriyama’s characters’ names are also
sloppy such as Bulma and Trunks.
Kishimoto was scolded by his audience when he specified his characters’
names based on adjectives such as “Darui”, “Omoi” and “Karui”.
Togashi keeps it in mind that he should make a specific personality of a
character rather than just “he has a bright personality”. For example, he
specifies “when” his character gets pissed off.
Kishimoto specifies his characters’ weak points, which enables his audience
to feel sympathy toward him/her.
Togashi thinks it is hard to draw special ability based battle manga such as
Hunter x Hunter and Naruto these days since audience consider characters’
abilities in details and sometimes end up finding its contradictions.
Togashi decides to make many characters appear in Black Whale arc since he’d
like to know what will happen in a chaotic situation. He refers to Oda, who
also introduced many characters in one arc (probably implying Marineford Arc).
Togashi thinks it is important to read many mangas/novels to draw a good
manga. He also says that they should read/watch it again and again until they
can completely assimilate it.
He says that those who want to become a good mangaka should also read and
analyze mangas he doesn’t like.
Kishimoto reads his favorite mangas/films again and again such as “Akira”,
“Ghost in the Shell”, “The Usual Suspects”, “Forrest Gump” and “Little
Miss Sunshine”.
Togashi’s favorite film is “Alien”, but the film he watches most
frequently is “Prince of Darkness” by John Carpenter. He also likes “28
Days Later”.
Question from sandman@APForums (which was selected as a fan question):
Which do you like better, drawing or making a story?
Togashi says those who want to become mangaka should focus on making a good
story rather than drawing since their drawing skills automatically improve if
they make a debut as a weekly mangaka.
Togashi is impressed at Kishimoto’s drawings since they are well-composed
despite the deadlines every week.
Kishimoto is exhausted due to Naruto, so he doesn’t want to draw anything
for the time being.
Kishimoto thinks it is important whether or not his audience can feel
sympathy toward characters in manga. For example, Naruto didn’t have parents
and friends. Protagonist suffering just because Dark King is strong is not a
good idea.
Togashi warns that those who love pure fantasy video game such as Medieval
Europe in which sword and magic are drawn tend to fail to attract audience.
Yoshihiro Togashi x Masashi Kishimoto Creators Interview. : manga
reddit: the front page of the internet ...
I thought this part sounded funny, so I tried hunting for the specific
excerpt in the interview scans.
They were talking about how to mix elements of reality in the fictional
worlds (e.g. telephone poles in Naruto), and how to convey worldbuilding.
Togashi admits liking walls of explanatory text on the first page (世界説明の
文章が詰まっているやつ), surprising no one. Kishimoto talks about how H× H is
connected to reality through elements such as mailboxes, and Togashi says
that's the idea, but – I'm having a little trouble with this part, but
unless I'm misreading – the consistency of this realism isn't something to
stress to much about; for example, H× H started modeled on the real world of
Togashi's childhood, but then he introduced cellphones, and then smartphones;
so it's not chronologically perfect, but that's not a problem. He wonders
whether this advice should also go to aspiring manga authors who like hard
fantasy (ゴリッゴリのファンタジー).
Interviewer: "By 'hard fantasy' do you mean worlds modeled on medieval Europe
—swords clashing with magic and so on?" Togashi implies yes, and says that
the danger is that gamers who like this genre may want to express the same
world on manga; but without leaving behind a gamer's sensibilities (ゲーム感覚
), it's hard to draw out (a sense of) reality/verisimilitude in a story.
Pressed for more details, he says it's because the source of fun is different
in a game; and if you confuse the two when drawing a manga, it's hard to make
readers empathize with the story. "I love games too, so I understand very
well the desire to write manga based on them, but…"
Kishimoto (bleh) says that, in a game, the characters are a part/avatar of
the player; so the events are fun because you experience them. However, that
doesn't mean they'd be fun if you watched them happening to someone else,
such as a manga character in a page. Togashi says that "participation" and
"empathy" are distinct things. Kishimoto says that in a game the drama arises
from the flow of play itself; which equipment you choose, how you improve it,
your story choices etc.; while in manga the drama is someone else's, and thus
you need literary devices to convey the emotional world of the characters.
Consequently, if too much focus is given to complex worldbuilding, it may end
up standing on the way of characterization and narrative, which is bad.
Jump editor interrupts and says that lately there's been way too many novices
submitting stories like "we ended up inside the videogame world!", all of
them following standard fantasy clichés and being too boring. Kishi &
Togashi talk a bit more about how you may enjoy a game's system (its fantasy
mechanics etc.), and while that's fun in a manga too, you can't really
participate in that world to explore the mechanics, so the most important
part are the human relationships and conveying empathy.
When Togashi was a boy, it was not until his teacher submitted his drawing to
an art exhibition that he realized he was good at drawing. Kishimoto had the
similar experience when he was in an elementary school.
Togashi is impressed at Hayao Miyazaki’s great drawing skill of clothes
Togashi has many things he wants to draw. He didn’t imagine the
serialization of Hunter x Hunter has lasted so long.
Kishimoto is now preparing for his next manga. He has been collecting
materials. He didn’t let his editor know about it so far. Kishimoto says he’
d like to announce something about it in 2016.
Togashi wants to draw a card battle manga like Yu-Gi-Oh after he finishes
Hunter Hunter although he already drew it in Greed Island arc.
Togashi didn’t specify the finale of the dodgeball game in Greed Island arc
at the beginning. He believes the chapter in which Hisoka lost and survived
were convincing due to his gum ability.
Togashi is impressed at Hirohiko Araki’s drawing skill and great
After Togashi was about to get tendinitis, he specified the design of the
clothes of Zodiacs and his assistants dew them.
Togashi says that manga begginer tends to think it is important to draw
realistically, but actually it is not a big issue and he says it is more
important for the audience to grasp what is going on.
Togashi says another himself scolds him “You can draw better than this.”
while he is drawing.
Togashi advises those who want to become mangaka to replicate.
Togashi didn’t intend to make Hiei into Yusuke’s friend in “Yu Yu Hakusho”
. It was due to advice from his editor. Togashi laughs and says if he
intended to do so from the beginning, Hiei wouldn’t have been full of eyes.
Togashi loves “Reiko the Zombie Shop” by Rei Mikamoto.
Kishimoto is cheered up by watching the trailer of “DmC Devil May Cry”
again and again.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1473184732.A.CC9.html
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