作者 fr75 (阿巴 )
標題 Re: [討論] 軟工末班車是不是開走了
時間 Mon Oct  7 07:14:00 2024


The Rise of Tech Layoffs

- Over 386,000 tech jobs were lost in 2022 and the first half of 2023.
- 80% of Twitter employees left or were laid off.
- 50,000 H1B holders lost their status due to unemployment.
- LinkedIn laid off nearly 700 employees.
- Qualcomm is planning to cut more than 12,200 jobs.
- The number of job posts containing "gen AI" terms has increased by 500%.
- The demand for AI professionals is 6,000% higher than the supply.
- Tech companies are looking to cut costs by laying off workers and investing in AI.
- The average salary for a tech worker in the US is $120,000.
- The unemployment rate for tech workers is currently around 3%.
- The number of tech startups has declined by 20% in the past year.
- The number of tech unicorns has declined by 30% in the past year.
- The amount of venture capital invested in tech startups has declined by 40% in the past year.
- The number of tech IPOs has declined by 50% in the past year.
- The number of tech mergers and acquisitions has declined by 60% in the past year.
- The number of tech layoffs in the US has increased by 20% in the past year.
- The number of tech layoffs in Canada has increased by 30% in the past year.
- The number of tech layoffs in Europe has increased by 40% in the past year.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: fr75 2024-10-07 07:14:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d0ncwPD (Soft_Job)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1728256442.A.64D.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [討論] 軟工末班車是不是開走了
10-07 07:14 fr75
B0988698088: ?1F 10/07 07:25
ss77995ss: 老哥你要不要解釋一下2F 10/07 07:33
jobintan: 是呀,樓主考慮下用ChatGPT翻譯後,再post上來。3F 10/07 07:35
glory5566: 這英文沒很難吧...多益650的程度4F 10/07 07:49
abc21086999: 我只看到AI相關的暴增5F 10/07 08:03
Muma5566: AI暴增是沒錯 但看內文也是僧多粥少 搞AI的人數也暴增6F 10/07 09:52
mozzan: 沒有吧 內文說 AI 領域是 demand 大過 supply
而且還 6000%7F 10/07 10:34
ccas: 主要是2022,2023剛好科技業在谷底,看起來數字才會很恐怖但這就像景氣循環一樣,一波一波的,而且別忘了2020、2021的科技業大爆發,使得22~23變得很像是在重整9F 10/07 10:46
hegemon: 現在要擔心的是ai這波除了賣鏟子鐵鍬的老黃跟炒作股價的投資圈外沒有人賺到錢,能夠持續多久還要觀察12F 10/07 10:47
ccas: 整體看起來,應該很多科技業的工作會轉換到AI相關14F 10/07 10:47
B0988698088: 這裡是台灣的論壇你就給我翻中文 管你幾百分 懶得翻你可以去reddit討論15F 10/07 11:24
GuYueHu: 不知道有沒有薪資水平低的國家的數據
短期內偏向跟大量高薪國家就業機會外移有關  WFH踢到自己的腳了17F 10/07 11:59
AudiA4Avant: 至少也來點心得吧20F 10/07 12:03
burgess: 台灣有適用嗎?21F 10/07 12:54
chchwy: 給推22F 10/07 12:55
Harlequin727: 所以就說了啊 已全球角度來看 黃金時代已過23F 10/07 14:37
Lhmstu: 下降本來就合理,高利率時代很難有新創,沒錢融資啦24F 10/07 17:52
a731977: 尊重25F 10/07 22:09
viper9709: 至少給個結論吧...26F 10/07 22:34
VScode: 哪來的統計27F 10/08 09:07
Yan5566: 複製貼上也發一篇28F 10/08 12:55

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