作者 hh123yaya (好難)
標題 Re: [情報] 賀  魔影墓場喜提最爛賽季
時間 Tue Apr  2 09:22:09 2024

※ 引述《westwade (秋思化刃滿了嗎...?)》之銘言:
: http://i.imgur.com/RV5NmlW.jpg
: 留存率突破下限  擊敗熔爐
: 一堆智障負面詞  獎勵跟沒有一樣
: 作裝機制鳥
: 屍體還只能保留64格
: 1000小時測試團隊?
: 這季根本是把以前被唾棄的要素集合起來吧
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro.
官方跳出來公告要改進了 這次也是燒的不小

台服這次第一次參與公測 謝謝你GGG給我們良好的遊戲體驗 :)


Announcements - What We're Working On - Forum - Path of Exile
Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. ...


一樣做懶人包 不做翻譯

: Hi everyone,
: Thanks for all the feedback and bingo cards.

Zizaran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERKd5KzcSi8

: To get straight to the point of the improvements to the league, here's what
: we're currently doing today in the studio. Our hope is to get each change out
: as soon as it is ready.

還沒確定patch釋出日期 會盡快

: Area to Area or Map to Map gameplay:
圖內的機制相關改動(開燈籠 掉屍體等)

: We will be allowing you to itemise corpses as they drop, so you can choose to
: collect the corpse or itemise it for free. As a result itemising corpses in
: all contexts will now be free, as opposed to the 1 Chaos Orb it currently
: costs.


: Each of the downsides from area to area will now display the increase to the
: amount of Collectable Corpses and Allflame Embers they cause.


: We will be increasing the amount of Collectable Corpses and Allflame Embers
: dropping relative to difficult mods substantially.
: We will be further increasing the amount of Allflame Embers dropping
: additionally to the above.
: We will be adding new Allflame Ember packs that are more rewarding.
: We will be revising the rewards and pack sizes from existing Allflame Ember
: packs in Endgame to make them substantially more rewarding also.
: We will be making the Devoted Modifiers more rewarding, notably the ones that
: are granting Currency Items.

更多屍體 餘燼掉落(會根據詞綴難度增加),更多種類的餘燼,更多獎勵

: We are lowering the danger of the more dangerous modifiers especially at
: Endgame.


: Grave-Crafting:

: You will now be able to select the Base Type of the item you want to craft.


: As such, we are removing some of the Crafts that allow you to influence
: Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence armour types, as they will no longer be
: necessary since you can just freely select the base type. Note that special
: base types will still need to be obtained through certain corpses, such as
: Atlas Base Types, and League Base types like Stygian Vise.

不會有力量/敏捷/智力裝備需求類詞(因為可以直接選基底了 不是沒有能力詞)

: We are increasing the chances of many of the rarer crafts like Fractured
: Modifiers and Mirrored outcomes significantly.

增加破裂 複製詞的機率

: We've removed the "Tiers" from most of the crafts. They'll now have the
: values of the existing highest tiers always. For example, instead of being
: able to get 200% or 500% increased chance for Lightning Modifiers, it will
: now always be 500%.

移除屍體詞綴中的Tier 本來有200%~500%增加機率 現在只會有500%

: We have taken all the crafts that affect the Modifier Rating and compressed
: it into a single craft that affects all modifiers, instead of being type
: specific. This will not affect existing crafts you have, those will stop
: dropping and the new one will start dropping once it's deployed.


本來可能是+50/+100物理詞綴T 現在就是+50/+100詞綴T

: You will be able to directly use Coffins on your List of corpses in your
: Morgue panel instead of trying to find them within the Morgue.
: Ctrl+F will go to the Search (Currently must be clicked).
: We will be sorting crafts by their type, instead of by level, making it much
: easier to find crafts that affect a specific type of modifier, like Fire
: Modifiers.



ctrl+f會跳到搜尋 & 會自動排序

: The grave-crafts that reroll Sockets and Links have been significantly buffed.

骰洞骰連線的詞綴會BUFF (沒講怎改)

: There is a lot more happening in between the cracks but instead of me getting
: into all of that I am focusing my attention towards getting the fixes ready
: faster as that's what is more important! I will update more as we are making
: more changes.
: This is just what we're immediately working on and will do more as soon as
: it's needed and we have resources available. The long weekend here
: unfortunately cost us the capability to respond to larger changes as fast as
: we'd like and a huge lesson going forward is to make sure we don't deploy
: expansions on public holiday weekends as we don't have the personnel
: available to make changes as fast as we want.


改動整理來說給正面評價 但是能不能救起整個機制還很難說

但還是沒有解決機制會強暴人的問題== 為何不讓詞綴也像餘燼一樣要拉進去才有效果

一開始開圖保持沒詞綴的樣子 想跳過的人就不用管了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: hh123yaya 2024-04-02 09:22:09
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c2rt5K7 (PathofExile)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1712020933.A.507.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [情報] 賀 魔影墓場喜提最爛賽季
04-02 09:22 hh123yaya
※ 編輯: hh123yaya ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 09:24:33
amsmsk: 沒完全改到點上 應該說這機制就這樣了1F 04/02 09:24
ss900065: 感謝翻譯!送一件基底感覺對拓荒就不錯了耶2F 04/02 09:25
ljh109: 是不是每次都要先爛掉才要救,GGG真的學不乖欸3F 04/02 09:25
zxcchiou: 這改動可以取消這個機制嗎? 剛進圖不想打這個機制欸4F 04/02 09:25
BinarrY: 改來改去就是比較爛的花園 = =5F 04/02 09:26
rr856658: 覺得還行6F 04/02 09:28
IAmLaguna: 詞墜過濾共用我覺得會影響不小  拓荒裝好做很多7F 04/02 09:29
MoneyBlue: 首先,做不出帶法壓的好詞頭手腳身體。8F 04/02 09:30
amsmsk: 先扛著這機制怪做拓荒裝 好像哪裡怪怪的9F 04/02 09:32
MoneyBlue: 唯一有看頭的是近複製裝武器,但是造價來說我不如找破碎底+精髓+工藝。法術類的很多強力傳奇,再說破城斧升級其實也沒弱到哪裡,還可以解決魔力問題。10F 04/02 09:32
hh123yaya: 法壓真的沒啥救 連防禦詞綴都沒有13F 04/02 09:32
MoneyBlue: 至少還要再弄一些破格的詞吧。
但是目前看來還要等1-2天qaq14F 04/02 09:33
wedman: 做裝就算了 進圖前那個機制可以搞好嗎 根本沒獎勵19F 04/02 09:49
tung3567752: 我唯一想到的就是做血抗屬性戒指可能還算好做,這季挑戰自己做畢業戒指好了,不然完全沒動力20F 04/02 09:54
scott414: 直接選基底感覺好很多了22F 04/02 09:58
a05150707: QOL第一條是 棺材可以直接從列表裝屍體,不用再進入停屍間找屍體裝23F 04/02 10:00

感謝 我還沒包過屍體所以看不懂XDD

lorence810: 這東西就是前期打不過機制或出不了好的屍體,後期做裝比不過舊機制 只能期待還有什麼獨特的詞被挖掘出來25F 04/02 10:01
qd6590: 看起來至少改了會從大便變成 比較難用的做裝機制27F 04/02 10:15
newhand997: 幹 就不能直接弄個預覽成果嗎28F 04/02 10:17
hanmas: 直接選基底很屌欸 拓荒跟神一樣29F 04/02 10:19
andy2626zz: 這季目前看起來實用的就穩定產出85+的暴雪頭基底跟做藥劑腰帶好用,至於專屬詞就不說了....偏廢30F 04/02 10:20
thbygn98: 頭盔沒有保留沒有法壓,能看嗎
他至少要增加法壓詞,保留大概沒機會32F 04/02 10:22
c121125: 就只要基底吧35F 04/02 10:24
amsmsk: 最後會變成拿基底機制嗎36F 04/02 10:33
kingroy: 產基底就賭某一半做好玩EX做裝嗎37F 04/02 10:42
colechen: 我覺得最爛的是掉寶率變很低,這個沒改?38F 04/02 10:54
amsmsk: GGG有說會變好 但是多好就39F 04/02 10:56
colechen: 打寶遊戲為啥要降低掉寶率,很神奇的思維40F 04/02 10:56
TotemArt: 太高就沒打寶的感覺了啊 他們邏輯就長這樣41F 04/02 11:02
※ 編輯: hh123yaya ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 11:05:57
hh123yaya: 可以指定基底+破裂就有一定價值了 就怕他某些基底不給42F 04/02 11:07
cguchen: 機制設定可以開關,回覆正常掉寶率比較實在吧;特定某一群怪可以調寶提升,其餘怪群跟垃圾沒兩樣,這季拓荒掉圖真的很有感的低,都是靠老基在買圖。43F 04/02 11:08
leocolin123: 破裂好出跟指定基底那可以很開心了46F 04/02 11:14
amsmsk: 真的... 爽完開始又在搞拖臺錢機制47F 04/02 11:14
aeolusbox: 掉寶率沒有調降吧,其實上季那個才是異常,從來沒給這麼多稀有度數量的賽季48F 04/02 11:17
stepnight: 有啊,調降後沒提高過了,都是靠機制
掉落依然爛到哭爸,上一季不吸也是垃圾掉率50F 04/02 11:21
sobiNOva: 調寶率變低 但是分到宿敵詞上了 上一季就看出來了吧53F 04/02 11:32
cguchen: 然後這次宿敵獎勵砍掉,就是分批的溫水煮青蛙。看還留存率不早就知道玩家想要的是什麼了。54F 04/02 11:53
c121125: GGG一直都是當季砍的時候會用賽季機制去COVER
等到下一季沒有相關加強的機制才會發現問題,從守望開始就這樣了56F 04/02 11:55
ss900065: 確實 這季卡白圖卡到受不了最後只能靠雞拉克59F 04/02 12:02
PeterHu0827: 我每次開季第一周沒玩 就是等一周BUFF再玩了
第一周固定全民公測60F 04/02 12:11
gustavvv: 還是只有64格 不急62F 04/02 12:14
lys82456: 是玩家學不乖8,大家都罷玩一季你看ggg下次敢不敢不好好做63F 04/02 12:20
y30048: 玩了N季 第一次白圖死爛哈哈哈65F 04/02 12:28
wedman: T16已經穩刷 但卡個T17也沒辦法打王 爆炸箭打階段王死好慘66F 04/02 12:41
su4vu6: 倒是沒啥白圖死不死爛的感覺 怪真的有很強嗎67F 04/02 13:06
gkkcast: 這樣改做裝的煩躁感還是有。應該砍個屍體數量+Buff全權重做個東西要找出20~30個屍體塞進去,然後還要尻賽就煩68F 04/02 13:08
wedman: 骰化石要收四個已經夠煩了 現在一次收幾十個 謝謝喔70F 04/02 13:13
egain: 如果有拍賣場拉一拉就好了 現況是花30分鐘收屍體換來可能和點1C同樣的結果71F 04/02 13:22
RBmonster: 其實檢視頁面左邊有個火焰圖案可以直接燒,不用去停屍間找,但都2024了檢視頁面就不能做一下檢索嗎?沒有統計現在有什麼屍體還要慢慢找有夠智障73F 04/02 13:26
colechen: 要打Uber要先打T17湊門票,偏偏T17比uber還難打76F 04/02 13:36
amsmsk: 直接燒知道阿 可是你要慢慢找 那介面真的破 還以為2.X的77F 04/02 13:44
su4vu6: 搜完不會固定也很麻煩 我想把某些詞一起燒一燒
每燒一次就要從心搜尋一次78F 04/02 13:47
davidliudmc: 一些實用傳奇被綁到uber掉落也很麻煩 三倍杖一把2d80F 04/02 13:53
terasono: 機制怪強度是還好,像肌肉哥說的以前更兇的只是沒秀數值給你看,但那個必暈真的很北七可以拿掉嗎81F 04/02 13:54
bored60606: 最兇狠的應該是宿敵第一次取代黃怪那次的精髓怪83F 04/02 14:02
gkkcast: 怎麼可能只可能跟1C同樣的結果。基底還會錯誤比C還慘 QQ84F 04/02 14:12
kodansha: 以前習慣按V回家 現在直接送你回家85F 04/02 14:23
zeolas: 我也沒啥死爛的感覺,用死靈炸彈客,除了去賣場花20c買一把700dps的弓以外全身都是地上撿的裝+工藝,t16的圖點金+瓦只要不是物反或元反都能打,也不太會死86F 04/02 15:00
zxcchiou: 現在T17 一直在翻車 搞得只能去聖所修練了89F 04/02 15:11
stepnight: 別再聖所了,垃圾書都要15C了q_q90F 04/02 15:12
yabeeboo: 我也沒啥死爛的感覺,但我是萬惡的蜘蛛刀...91F 04/02 15:29
SuperLuffy: 沒啥死爛的感覺,但我上一季閃打開92F 04/02 15:34
su4vu6: 上季吸粉的怪感覺比較強 導致這季很割草感93F 04/02 15:41
gkkcast: 我電烙開一開始覺得很硬。轉屍爆coc之後人生光明。94F 04/02 15:58
whitezzwei: 書15C還是便宜啊,1D換10本,不可能10場都沒D95F 04/02 16:00

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