作者: changyiyao ( 再堅持一下 ) 頻道連結: 簡短敘述: 複習【那些難忘的 NBA 時刻】#1 可愛用一記瘋狂的絕殺結束七六人的球季 He needed to get to a spot where he could elevate and get his shot off. Game 7 was tied and there were 4.2 seconds left to play.
作者: thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶) (頻道: Golden State Warriors) Stephen Curry Splashes in 57 Points in Dallas | Feb. 6, 2021 柯瑞在今天單場11記三分球, 還有投進大號 Logo Shot,狂飆全場最高的57分
作者: kiminn (maxter) 頻道名稱:Hoopmixtape 頻道連結: 簡短敘述: Here is Kobe Bryant dropping 45 points at the Drew League back in 2011. James Harden was the 2nd leading scorer with 44. Players included DeMar DeRozan,