推 Bf109G6: Q: Why do stealth submarines have 7 blades instead of 5? A: Because they are quieter. https://reurl.cc/L6NVd7 這篇我理解是說艦體後面四個尾舵會有四條尾流(懇請對船舶或相關流力知識比較熟稔不吝指正) 基數車葉可以使得同一時間切到尾流的機率只有一片 然後車葉數量增加也降低單一車葉的工作負載 *奇數車葉3F 09/30 22:00
Answer (1 of 3): More blades mean you can turn the propeller more slowly to move a given amount of water. The slower the propeller speed, the better, ...