看板 Military
作者 STAV72 (刁民黨黨務主委)
標題 [新聞] 特拉維斯空軍基地對外動線被造城計畫封鎖
時間 Sat Aug 26 19:10:59 2023






加州Solano County價值近 10 億美元的土地收購侵擾特拉維斯空軍基地的神秘傳奇已經

周圍幾乎所有可用土地。此外,ABC7 News I-Team 獲悉,Flannery在一個關鍵通信中隊

與此同時,本周向居民發出了一項調查,當地官員就 2018 年以來徵用的超過 55,000 英

Zook 表示,Flannery 的收購在 2018 年開始緩慢,但在過去兩年大幅增加。

區域(恰好位於空軍基地周圍)之外,似乎沒有這樣的目標,”Zook 說。

I-Team 獲得的公開記錄顯示,Flannery購買了靠近基地內第 60 通訊中隊的土地。據特
拉維斯介紹,該中隊負責保衛、操作和控制 58 架軍用飛機的關鍵通信和網絡基礎設施,



EXCLUSIVE: Mysterious firm purchases more land
near Travis AFB, communication facility: officials
Stephanie Sierra Image
ByStephanie Sierra KGO logo
Saturday, August 26, 2023 9:00AM

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Sources tell the ABC7 News I-Team that a group of
Silicon Valley investors are behind the land purchases around Travis AFB.
Their plan? To build a new city. GO HERE for the latest on this developing

The previous report can be found below.

The mysterious saga of a nearly $1 billion worth of land acquisition in
Solano County encroaching Travis Air Force Base has entered a new chapter.

Local and federal officials are concerned that Flannery Associates, the
investment firm behind the purchases, has acquired nearly all the available
land immediately surrounding Travis Air Force Base. Furthermore, the ABC7
News I-Team has learned Flannery has purchased specific plots of land near a
critical communication squadron that is privy to sensitive information tied
to U.S. National Security.

This comes as a survey was sent out to residents this week prompting more
questions from local officials as to what may happen with more than 55,000
acres of dry farmland that's been acquired since 2018.

Zook says Flannery's acquisitions started slow in 2018 but significantly
ramped up over the past two years.

"We see a lot of investors. There's usually a target, a plan, but there
doesn't seem to be that in this case, other than targeting the specific area,
which happens to be around the Air Force Base," said Zook.

Public records obtained by the I-Team show Flannery has purchased land close
to the 60th Communication Squadron that's housed on the base. According to
Travis, this squadron defends, operates, and controls critical communication
and network infrastructure for 58 military aircraft - including some of the
largest in the world used for rapid delivery of troops.

There's a reason Travis is known as the Gateway to the Pacific. The U.S. Air
Force says it stands ready to provide refueling, cargo and medical evacuation
support to our military personnel and allies worldwide.

"And that could be a very dangerous thing to have any communications
intercepted," Moy said. "We're obviously connected to other bases that have
fighter jets that will be here in minutes to help protect if there's some
kind of an issue. But again, any kind of those communications, the most high
security communications that happen at the Pentagon, they also happen at
Travis. Now, not all bases have that."




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: STAV72 2023-08-26 19:10:59
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1awTt6pv (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1693048262.A.CF9.html
ticy: 可能有陸資背景?1F 08/26 19:32
chauan: 背後大機率是某國吧....2F 08/26 19:35
gmkuo: 侵門踏戶3F 08/26 19:38
sas1942: 真的很可疑欸,那些矽谷投資者把空軍基地周圍的土地全買下來,是要幹嘛啊?4F 08/26 19:44
LOVEMS: 蓋航空城吧?6F 08/26 19:45
tyifgee: 這種明目張膽的行為真的很囂張7F 08/26 19:49
HarukaJ: 先好好調查是不是有中資吧 國安問題8F 08/26 20:15
ARCHER2234: 誰批准的,怎麼這麼久才發現,這豈不可笑9F 08/26 20:15
sank: 日本也一直有中國人買軍營附近的土地10F 08/26 20:21
panzerbug: 哇......11F 08/26 20:22
hpk89: 搞笑嗎? 再徵收不就好了12F 08/26 20:23
SRNOB: 偷家蓋塔13F 08/26 20:29
s8018572: 聯邦政府不能阻止購買案嗎..14F 08/26 20:49
DorkKnight: 奇怪,美軍從來沒想過周圍土地可能會被收購嗎?15F 08/26 20:53
et803: 應該沒想過 就無恥沒下限~16F 08/26 20:55
a5mg4n: 怕的話可以先買起來吧?17F 08/26 21:13
EBVirus: 看成特斯拉空軍 以為來到股版18F 08/26 21:20
f1731025: 那些只能從根源金流斷掉 防不完的19F 08/26 21:26
cwjchris: 敢惹到聯邦政府可以直接查水表充公吧?20F 08/26 21:48
LOVEMS: 聯邦政府能將私人財產查水表充公的法律是那一條?21F 08/26 21:57
jerrylin: 看他們到底想搞啥啊
真的想搞事用國安法處理掉就好  看他們要不要跳坑22F 08/26 21:57
tsgd: 應該是想不到竟然有這麼愚蠢的智障吧
真要出大事 臥榻之側豈容他人酣睡24F 08/26 22:11
ayaneru: 美國對私人財產是很保護的 連要徵收都很難26F 08/26 22:14
LOVEMS: 不是很重要但還是想說美國國安法傳統是指1947軍事以及情報機構確立的法律 要處理人那種是指間諜法之類的27F 08/26 22:14
weimr: 背後的資金流向可要細細的查,感覺很毛啊!30F 08/26 23:21
SILee: 其實收購土地問題不大,私人財產本來就阻止不了。政府的殺手鐧就是不給發任何建照,讓你在上面做什麼都不行。空有土地但啥都不能做。31F 08/27 03:37
miragejames: 空軍基地附近通常都有限建高度,所以地價房價都會低,只是沒想到有可疑企業收購這種事
扣掉已經在市區的,美國的機場周邊通常要嗎風景優美觀光餐廳區,不然就是修車廠、工廠之類的34F 08/27 13:39
SpiritDodge: 然後指責養豬養雞臭味四溢,請搬走廢養?這是我們標準乞丐趕廟公的步驟…..38F 08/27 14:35

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