看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 情報數則:奧地利外長反對烏克蘭入歐盟
時間 Sun Apr 24 14:42:00 2022

Euromaidan Press
Austrian Foreign Minister Schallenberg said Ukraine should not be offered membership in the EU

He called for a "different way" for Ukraine than full membership and said that Balkans have come a longer way. He said this in a speech at European media summithttps://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2022/04/23/7138301/ …

Euromaidan Press
Russia launched missile strikes on Odesa today.

Part of the missiles was downed. At the same time, videos by locals showed explosion in residential areas. Official information about victims is yet to come.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is reporting that Russian Forces are preparing for a Large-Scale Assault in the next 24 hours, involving Armor and Air Assets, on the City of Severodonetsk in the Eastern part of the Country, Ukrainian Forces are being reinforced accordingly.

Euromaidan Press
Polish military aid for Ukraine is worth US$1.6 billion in total, Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki said during the conference. This is half of what the United States has provided and probably the second biggest supply from individual country.https://twitter.com/PiotrMuller/status/1517862593834192898 …
Poland has provided Ukraine with weapons worth around 7 billion PLN - announced Prime Minister @MorawieckiM during the conference for the initiative #StopRussiaNOW. This is over 1.6 billion dollars to defend Ukrainian, Polish and European sovereignty!

Samuel Ramani
Russia says it cancelled its planned assault on Azovstal steel in Mariupol to prevent the West from using WMDs

Phil Stewart
(Reuters) - Russia resumed its assault on the last Ukrainian defenders holed up in a giant steel works in Mariupol, a Ukrainian official said on Saturday, days after Moscow declared victory in the southern port city and said its forces did not need to take the plant.

Samuel Ramani
Mikhail Mizintsev, the “Butcher of Mariupol” claims that Ukraine and Britain are planning to fake a massacre Bucha style in Lisichansk, Luhansk

This will feed into Russia’s Donbas genocide conspiracy

Samuel Ramani
Russian state media is now accusing Poland of involvement in the creation of bioweapons labs in Ukraine

Samuel Ramani
The Russian Ministry of Defence warns that the U.S. and NATO could use nuclear weapons in Ukraine and frame Russia

The aim would be to expel Russia from the UN Security Council and convince China and India to sanction Russia

Samuel Ramani
Russian MP Leonid Babashov says that Russia will aim to place Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv and Odesa under its "protection" in phase two

Babashov openly called for a landlocked Ukraine and Ukraine's cession of Odesa port to Russia. Brazen imperial rhetoric.

Samuel Ramani
Russian MP Evgeny Popov claims NATO operatives are in Mariupol and their discovery will sink Macron:

“For Macron to lose in the elections we need to get those NATO’s people out of there—specifically the French ones—in the next two days.”

Samuel Ramani
Gerhard Schroder sticks to the party line:

"A country like Russia cannot be isolated in the long term, either politically or economically. German industry needs the raw materials that Russia has"

德國前副總理Sigmar Gabriel威脅要提告紐約時報,
Franziska Davies  🇺🇦
Erkenntnisse aus dem Text über G. Schröder in der @nytimes: er ist größenwahnsinnig, narzisstisch, empathielos, korrumpiert, gierig - nichts neues. Interessanter: @sigmargabriel ist in Panik, droht der NYT mit rechtlichen Schritten, wenn sie seine -Besuche "falsch" darstelle.




You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory. Victory at all
costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the
road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
        ~ Winston Churchill, 13 May 1940

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cuteSquirrel: 又想搞共和國公投了 = =1F 04/24 14:45
Rivendare: 又一個在烏研究化武 XDDDD2F 04/24 14:46
shadow0326: 核武那條....怕3F 04/24 14:46
MarchelKaton: 法國大選明天凌晨結果就出來了,要影響早就來不及了,那些俄國議員還是去睡覺做夢吧4F 04/24 14:47
Leo4891: 屠殺是烏軍幹的  核彈是美國丟的  都別人的臭啦6F 04/24 14:47
tedpc: 德奧一家親不ey7F 04/24 14:48
rommel1: 俄軍打的爛    俄國國會議員卻一直在嘴8F 04/24 14:48
vicklin: 這些不出人命的囉哩囉嗦9F 04/24 14:50
Edison1174: 不愧是納粹入侵後第一個喜迎王師的國家10F 04/24 14:50
cwjchris: 奧匈帝國2022 神聖羅馬帝國202211F 04/24 14:50
wulaw5566: 歐盟本來就經濟聯盟,烏克蘭戰前就歐洲最窮國了,英國不想出錢補貼東歐國家所以退歐盟,讓烏克蘭加入歐盟是想逼西歐國家(尤其是荷蘭為首的節儉國家)放棄歐洲共同體願景吧。12F 04/24 14:52
hahabis: 鵝國還有飛彈可以打敖德薩?真的嫌飛彈太多16F 04/24 14:53
starport: 鵝螺絲同盟國吧17F 04/24 14:54
laeva75: 當下有沒有歐盟對戰事有什麼影響嗎?18F 04/24 14:55
cwjchris: 華沙公約組織(新)(2022)19F 04/24 14:55
nalthax: 說美國會栽贓俄羅斯丟核武,應該也是在宣告自己要丟核武了吧20F 04/24 14:56
nctudog: 每次看到這些俄軍聲明的笑話都會覺得是不是翻譯
的人在抹黑俄軍...22F 04/24 14:56
gunng: 奧地利外長這話按歐盟流程來講也沒錯 不是快速通關 而是給予類似觀察員的定位24F 04/24 14:58
laeva75: #有沒有加入歐盟26F 04/24 14:58
gunng: 畢竟歐盟講求經濟跟法律制度面27F 04/24 14:58
juunuon: 前副總理大人真擔心俄國被孤立呢
   前總理才對28F 04/24 14:59
tsumari68710: 第九條是不是在暗示俄羅斯打算往烏克蘭丟核武了,怕30F 04/24 15:06
rommel1: 俄國投核彈栽贓給北約?31F 04/24 15:09
juunuon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x25yKasPGo
日本媒體進入布查獲得民眾拍攝的影片照片證據32F 04/24 15:10
yinaser: 奧是因為烏條件這麼差假如也能入那其他的就不用審35F 04/24 15:15
kuma660224: 人均3000美元進歐盟 真的問題不小
應該是先協助他重建並改革體制36F 04/24 15:16
yinaser: 先不談補貼光是放烏國勞工到會員國就足夠引發革命了38F 04/24 15:17
GaryMatthews: 有波波這樣的鄰居真好 收難民也是燒錢 還送武器39F 04/24 15:18
getosuguru: 誰來阻止俄國 媽的40F 04/24 15:21
laeva75: 也不是波波多好,只是有點常識的都知道烏克蘭倒了下一個就是波蘭了…41F 04/24 15:21
s81048112: 俄羅斯真的想丟核武43F 04/24 15:25
HarukaJ: 俄羅斯想要丟烏克蘭核武然後栽贓北約栽贓俄羅斯使用核武?(繞口令?)44F 04/24 15:30
LOVEMS: 觀察員比較好46F 04/24 15:30
s8018572: 俄國高層的外宣是壞掉了? 怎麼一直在放廢到笑的陰謀論47F 04/24 15:30
pcfox: 講德語的 沒一個讓人看得起49F 04/24 15:33
tetani: 看來真的要核戰了?50F 04/24 15:35
chewthelife8: 同意 講德語的沒一個讓人看得起51F 04/24 15:36
tsgd: 歐盟申請書只是給世界一個象徵歐盟不會放棄烏克蘭的意向 加入歐盟 烏克蘭條件不夠 再說了 他們想被德法尤其德國高高在上指指點點嗎? 希臘:同感52F 04/24 15:36
tetani: 如果俄國丟核武 然後又要推給美國、北約 要如何投射55F 04/24 15:44
quarda: 為啥有種在看平行世界的發言的錯覺...56F 04/24 15:45
LOVEMS: 要嘴所有講德語的人先查查那些國家把德語當母語/官方語言/次要官方語言....57F 04/24 15:48
geesegeese: 東歐還是要聯合西歐,中歐最廢59F 04/24 15:50
s8018572: 德奧盧列比瑞納 想得到只有這些 德國的殖民地太短暫 語言政策都還沒出來60F 04/24 15:52
fragmentwing: 波蘭和英國是在爭誰第二嗎XD
烏克蘭慈善大會62F 04/24 15:54
saccharomyce: 那麼多國家排隊等進歐盟 要烏克蘭直接插隊也是不好其實東歐如果不滿西歐指指點點又要當肉盾 可以退出沒人逼東歐一定要入歐盟 反正有北約64F 04/24 15:56
s8018572: 巴爾幹諸國 波,塞,蒙,科,馬,阿 我覺得塞可以不用考慮了67F 04/24 15:58
hanslins: 奧地利不反對才怪,烏克蘭進歐盟其他國家大概要破產才能幫他,經濟規模差太多,這等於是叫菲律賓跟台灣合成經濟聯邦資助其重建,台灣要嗎?69F 04/24 15:59
hanslins: 現在如果北韓金政權下臺直接要跟南韓合併,你看南韓到底會多痛苦?真的差距太大了73F 04/24 16:02
zonbytai: 這次奧德薩空襲的受害者之一,看到消息真的心痛75F 04/24 16:02
s8018572: 哪會到破產 別鬧== 北韓南韓差距還有可能 整個歐陸的話哪有可能76F 04/24 16:03
tetani: 幫助烏克蘭的經濟沒好處 到時候一堆呆帳而已78F 04/24 16:08
hanslins: 拿希臘來講好了,希臘靠做假帳進入歐盟,後來政府破產後直接搞到歐盟快要解體。希臘人口一千萬,人均至少破15000美元都搞到歐盟快收拾不了,一個四千萬人口3000美元國家直接進歐盟,絕對找死79F 04/24 16:08
jabari: 歐盟經濟線靠俄羅天然氣不是嗎? XD83F 04/24 16:11
hanslins: 烏克蘭要進歐盟至少要有兩個先決條件,一是政治經濟制度跟西方接軌,戰前那種貪污腐敗要先處理,二是人均要上15000美元,這樣對其他國家衝擊沒有那麼
烏克蘭一個靠天然資源國家,人口又多,會搞到只有3000美元自己政治經濟也很有問題84F 04/24 16:12
wulaw5566: 歐盟當初金援希臘是千億歐元等級的,搞到歐元差點破裂,再加入個人口是希臘數倍、人均不如越南的烏克蘭,這景象太美,負責拿歐盟補助的東歐各國現在支持烏克蘭入歐盟,之後歐盟大概就退成東歐盟了。
蘇聯解體後外債全部由俄羅斯承擔,烏克蘭有東部工業基礎、港口,更有俄羅斯提供20幾年的廉價石油天然氣,能把人均搞這麼低真的是第聶伯河奇蹟。90F 04/24 16:14
tetani: 看來烏克蘭的貪汙也是超嚴重97F 04/24 16:18
Howard61313: 程度上跟俄羅斯差不多,只是俄羅斯排名更後面一點不過烏東屠殺,俄國幹嘛特別點名英國?俄方的舉動太匪夷所思98F 04/24 16:20
Wall62: 俄國又把自己想做的事都說出來了
施羅德真不愧是普丁的狗204F 04/24 18:55
MoneyMonkey: 幫奧地利說句話:
歐盟是德國當老大,沒錯吧?206F 04/24 21:07
DDG114514: 分類五國家208F 04/24 21:39
aa384756: 德奧匈 日耳曼大團結209F 04/24 23:23

作者 jimmy5680 的最新發文: