看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 捷克開始運送2S1 Gvozdika自走炮給烏克蘭
時間 Sat Apr 23 01:01:08 2022

Visegrád 24

Czechia has started sending 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine.

A convoy with the heavy weapons has been spotted in Olomouc.

Czechia has previously sent T-72 tanks to Ukraine.


捷克被確認到已經開始運輸 2S1 Gvozdika 自走炮前往烏克蘭


Visegrád 24
Ukrainian soldiers are training in the UK, learning how to use 120 British armoured vehicles before returning with them to fight in the war against Russia.

British forces are also training Ukrainian counterparts in Poland on how to use anti-aircraft missiles.


Visegrád 24

Boris Johnson confirms Great Britain will hand over Challenger 2 tanks to Poland in a backfill that will allow Poland to send even more of its T-72s  to Ukraine.

Great news. There was talk of tank parity between UA and RU in Ukraine.

Now, it might become superiority!


Visegrád 24
The UK embassy will reopen in Kyiv next week.



Visegrád 24
In an interview for @ouestfrance, Macron reveals that France will provide Ukraine with the truck-mounted 155 mm howitzer CAESAR.

40 Ukrainian soldiers are on their way to France to start training on the new equipment.

Good job Macron!




分 類 五 某 國:  這樣 太 危 險 了,怎麼不和我們同步呢

There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only
one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next
second — surrender.
        ~ Ronald Reagan, 1964

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YOjzStI (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1650646876.A.DD2.html
barbarian72: 真的是挑戰者二?!1F 04/23 01:02
rt3648yth: 看來波蘭不只送T72 可能連PT91都送過去了2F 04/23 01:04
Hyasui: 給波蘭挑戰者二 不是給烏克蘭3F 04/23 01:04
ashrum: 法國看完風向了4F 04/23 01:04
cwjchris: 波波要成為同時裝備豹二挑二M1三種MBT的太陽系最強陸軍大國了5F 04/23 01:05
DorkKnight: 波蘭這樣後勤大丈夫嗎…7F 04/23 01:07
Howard61313: 裝甲車內附泡茶設備8F 04/23 01:11
roseritter: 不送給烏克蘭 也是三種阿XD9F 04/23 01:12
alwayshigh: 這批挑二如果波波買夠了M1應該可能是墊檔10F 04/23 01:12
aicassia: 我看以後不止北約重心,連歐盟重心都要往東移了
德國只是有錢但欺軟怕硬又摳門難擔起國際組織大責11F 04/23 01:13
cwjchris: 原本同時裝備豹二和艾布蘭就已經是地球僅有了,現在還多挑戰者二
按到噓等下推回來13F 04/23 01:14
kuma660224: 德國:欸 鼬鼠補T72就好了 英國幹嘛給這麼好16F 04/23 01:15
Khadgar: 波蘭應該有機會,人均也快20k了,重心東移讓亞利安17F 04/23 01:19
cwjchris: 挑戰者二此前唯一的海外用戶只有阿曼18F 04/23 01:19
Khadgar: 人就老死在汽車機電大國的夢裡就好19F 04/23 01:20
aegis43210: 反正德國又不是常任理事國,忽略他們吧20F 04/23 01:20
mekiael: 英國真的猛21F 04/23 01:21
aegis43210: 2S1自走炮對轟?真的夢幻對決22F 04/23 01:21
z23061542: 德國納粹:不要特立獨行 這樣顯得我很特例23F 04/23 01:21
Crazyfire: 挑2英國應該可以馬上補足波蘭的陸軍需求空窗期 挑2給波蘭拿去波白邊界 還是足以威壓白羅斯了XDDD24F 04/23 01:21
dslite: 戰爭結束要還嗎?26F 04/23 01:23
leesbo: 喔喔??所以現在只剩下頭盔肥宅了?27F 04/23 01:27
longreen: 德國:太危險28F 04/23 01:28
PePePeace: 普魯士臉都腫得跟麵龜一樣了29F 04/23 01:28
PTTJim: 連法國都要支援155mm自走砲了30F 04/23 01:30
andey: 那個PzH2000  萊茵金屬:別說了~~~31F 04/23 01:32
pcfox: 神羅廢邦32F 04/23 01:33
Akitsukineko: 看成Godzilla33F 04/23 01:38
s8626460: 烏軍有八國聯軍的武器要學,好忙,任重道遠34F 04/23 01:40
Pegasi: 這 樣 太 危 險!35F 04/23 01:43
barbarian72: 飛 太 遠36F 04/23 01:44
moonrain: 挑戰者2 豹2 M1A2 這三者性能版友有人能比較嗎37F 04/23 01:51
notd481: 那個,其實現在已經沒有普魯士了。普魯士早輸到內褲都沒啦38F 04/23 01:54
jeff0811: 帥40F 04/23 01:59
FishJagor: 普魯士魂轉生到波波身上了吧41F 04/23 02:01

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