看板 Military作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)標題 [情報] 拜登稱計畫運送更多火炮給烏克蘭時間 Wed Apr 20 02:52:51 2022
Kaitlan Collins
President Biden says he plans to send more artillery to Ukraine.
President Biden says he plans to send more artillery to Ukraine.
Lucas Tomlinson
Biden says he plans to send more artillery to Ukraine. Yesterday, former CIA director David Petraeus says problem is “We do not have the ammunition that they need.” Ukrainians fire 152mm rounds. The U.S. fires 155mm.
不過前任CIA局長David Petraeus指出美規火炮是155mm口徑,
Dan Lamothe
A background briefing with a senior U.S. defense official concluded a bit ago. It’s Day 55 since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Some takeaways:
Paul McLeary
The massive artillery and rocket barrage across eastern Ukraine last night was "prelude" to what the US thinks will be a larger Russian offensive, a US defense official said today. More from the briefing in a
Jack Detsch
Senior U.S. defense officials wrapped up a briefing a while ago describing how the Pentagon sees Russia's war in Ukraine on day 54.
Here are some of the highlights, including Russia's military footprint in Donbas and the latest shipments of U.S. weapons to Ukraine.
You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and
air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to
wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and
lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.
~ Winston Churchill, Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, 5/13/1940
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[情報] 拜登稱計畫運送更多火炮給烏克蘭
04-20 02:52 jimmy5680
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/20/2022 02:56:57
推 Schottky: 不是已經給了四萬發砲彈,繼續送應該不會不夠吧?1F 04/20 02:57
→ Schottky: 還是他是指後勤的分配運送問題3F 04/20 02:58
→ chenry: 美國拔根毛世界第二就快被搞死了4F 04/20 02:58
推 Smoltzy: 美國輸血的速度再快一點,烏克蘭加油殺爆半獸人!5F 04/20 02:59
推 jawbone: 集中幾個戰線提供 原有的用完 全換成美械6F 04/20 02:59
推 jabari: 過期聖杯表示9F 04/20 03:05
推 semind: 絕不提供「過期品」10F 04/20 03:06
推 birdy590: 美式火砲從烏南開始供應就好 烏東應該屯積不少砲彈13F 04/20 03:08
推 Schottky: 不用去教烏克蘭怎麼做啦,他們手上的機密情報比
你我多,相信參謀本部15F 04/20 03:15
The United Kingdom and Canada have both announced today that they will soon provide the Ukrainian Military with Heavy Combat Equipment including Artillery Systems, the Systems that both Countries as well as the United States appear to be sending is the M777 155mm Howitzer.
推 li118: 美國果然世界大哥,那兩隻整天叫板的小丑真的欠教訓21F 04/20 03:34
推 jess730612: 有錢就是任性 美國總統其實滿好做的
前CIA局長說這口徑會造成困難喔 全數送新的就解決了22F 04/20 03:41
推 aprilsheep: 若沒美國大哥……靠德法,可能不只烏克蘭,連東歐北歐一整圈都要被俄國蠶食吃完了@@+德國馬上投降24F 04/20 03:49
推 muncheberg: 美國的補給能力實在太變態,鵝軍光吃火炮就吃到飽了26F 04/20 04:10
推 opthr1215: 東歐北歐美英加拿大就算不論援助力度,至少態度有出來。西歐戰後我看要被美國冷落了,比青春期少年還難搞。責任感低、沒經濟能力但又叛逆。27F 04/20 04:10
推 Bf109G6: 西歐不會沒經濟能力,但好像太忘記居安思危 唇亡齒寒了…31F 04/20 04:31
推 cruise: 照這態勢看來,美英扶持東歐,德法長期將被邊緣化目前人口不足,但是只要重點科技樹點在東歐,將來後市看漲。前提示把普丁弄走,鵝國去軍事化...33F 04/20 04:36
推 opthr1215: 等被美國冷落之後你就知道西歐有沒有經濟能力了。36F 04/20 04:50
推 wulaw5566: 東歐金主還是西歐各國,不是美國,德國本來就沒主權不說,法國一向以自主的外交政策為傲,重演戴高樂退出北約的時刻不遠了。37F 04/20 04:56
推 TAKANA: 我今年報稅報得特別爽快!40F 04/20 05:11
推 PePePeace: 只要東歐擋得住之後的俄羅斯就值了 還有個敵人呢42F 04/20 05:22
推 pcfox: 反觀類軸心國43F 04/20 05:26
推 dragon159: 是說有方法可以讓155火炮發射152彈藥嗎45F 04/20 05:44
推 tsgd: 會提供過期品的只有我大德意志 好得意!46F 04/20 06:07
推 leesbo: 好想知道到底俄國有多少導彈47F 04/20 06:09
推 Schottky: 不行,155 和 152 並不只有口徑不同
火砲的狀況差不多等於整座砲換掉就沒問題了48F 04/20 06:12