看板 Military
作者 dennis99 (dennis99)
標題 [分享] 〈俄羅斯為何將輸掉這場戰?〉-2.烏克蘭部
時間 Mon Feb 28 13:47:46 2022




Nothing motivates as hard as an existential threat. First, Ukrainians
admitted the truth:

"I'll be frank. Today we have no army. Now we can assemble a group of 5
thousand capable soldiers max [out of 125 on paper]"

- reported minister of defence in 2014



 2014 年烏克蘭國防部長的報告

In 2014 Ukrainian equipment was awful. Almost 100% vehicle and ammunition
were 25+ year old Soviet stocks. Moreover, most of it just expired. Like
vehicles existed on paper but were never checked or used since 1991. Their
radiators, accumulators all rotten and unrepairable.

2014 年,烏克蘭的設備很糟糕。幾乎 100% 的車輛和彈藥都是 25 年以上的蘇聯庫存。
而且,大部分剛剛過期。就像帳面上雖然有車輛,但自 1991 年以來從未檢查或使用過。

FSB colonel who led pro-Russian insurgency in 2014 admitted it created
problem for him, too. He wanted to restock from the Ukrainian military
warehouses, but that stuff just didn't work. Like they took 28 anti-tank
missiles and fired them all during Nikolaevka battle. None worked。

2014 年領導親俄叛亂的 FSB 上校承認,這也給他帶來了麻煩。他想從烏克蘭的軍事倉庫
補貨,但那東西沒用。就像他們在尼古拉耶夫卡戰役中拿走了 28 枚反坦克導彈並全部發

Judging by the interviews with insurgents who were disappointed to find that
rockets, shells, grenades taken from Ukrainian warehouses were 99%
dysfunctional (ofc, they were 25+ years old) it's not surprising Ukraine lost
to Russia in 2014. It's surprising they could fight at all.

 99% 都無法正常工作(當然,它們製造日期都超過 25年了),烏克蘭在 2014 年輸給

Even the ancient soviet radio machines didn't work. Ukrainian soldiers had to
communicate with SMS and since network was often awful they had to throw
their mobile phones up in air in a hope may be it will catch radio signal few
meters over the ground.


That's how Ukrainian army looked back then. No wonder it was immediately
crushed by Russian regulars in Debaltsevo and Ilovaysk and Putin had every
reason to believe that resistance will be broken the moment he launches his
regular army en masse.


A lot has changed. First, Ukraine has had six drafts. Men were drafted and
sent to Donbass. Then most demobilised and returned to civilian life. This
Donbass contingent was around 60 thousand soldiers and constantly rotated. So
now Ukraine has 400 000+ veterans of Donbass war.


Many of them were in combat. Thus Ukraine has huge number of veterans with
combat experience. Probably more than Russia. Yes, Russia has been fighting
in Syria. It never published the size of its force but it's estimated to be
2-3 thousand. Most Russian soldiers have not seen war.

羅斯。是的,俄羅斯一直在敘利亞作戰。它從未公佈其部隊的規模,但估計為 2-3 千人

Furthermore, combat they've seen is different. Russian soldiers are used to
fighting only when they total superiority. In Syria they would just level
cities to the ground with bombers. Meanwhile, Ukrainian soldiers have fought
only against far stronger and better equipped enemy.


Equipment-wise this war took Ukrainian army half-resupplied. It developed
many innovative weaponry of its own, but almost none of it was produced on
large scale. In most cases soldiers have only few prototypes of new,
Ukrainian-produced weaponry。


Ukraine ordered 48 Turkish Bayraktars TB2 drones. That's not bad - more than
twice what Azerbaijan had in Karabakh. But only 12 of them got to the troops
by now. Ukraine is also developing new, stronger drone Bayraktar Akinci
together with Turks, but it's too late for this war。

克蘭訂購了 48 架土耳其 Bayraktars TB2 無人機。這還不錯——是阿塞拜疆在卡拉巴赫
更強大的無人機 Bayraktar Akinci,但這場戰爭為時已晚。

However, Ukrainians got a number (unpublished) of American-produced Javelins
and M141 Bunker Defeat Munition, & British-Swedish produced MBT LAWs.
Together with Ukrainian produced anti-tank weaponry such as "Stugna-P", RK-3
"Corsar" and "Barrier" it helps to fight Russian tanks.

然而,烏克蘭人獲得了一些(未公佈的)美國生產的標槍和 M141 掩體擊破彈藥,以及英
國-瑞典生產的 MBT LAW。連同烏克蘭生產的反坦克武器,如"Stugna-P", RK-3
"Corsar" 和 "Barrier"。它有助於對抗俄羅斯坦克。

Ukrainian troops hadn't received many new tanks by the time Putin attacked.
But they got new armoured vehicles, such as domestic-produced Cossack-2 with
Turkish produced Aselsan fighting modules and a number of American armoured
vehicles, humvees, etc.


Finally, Ukraine created a new type of troops - the troops of territorial
defence, whose number is estimated in 60 000. It's a copy of the Polish troop
type. These are civilians who get military training and can be mobilised in a
day to fight only in their own town and region.

最後,烏克蘭創建了一種新型部隊——領土防禦部隊,其人數估計為 60 000 人。這是波

Why? Well, that's pretty obvious. If Russia made a proper Blitzkrieg with
several echelons of attack, Ukraine would lose anyway. But Russia didn't. And
Ukrainians bet that they wouldn't. First - it's costly and difficult for a
state security regime which isn't landmaxing。


Second, Putin expected Ukrainian army to run away or surrender in the first
day. Like most of foreign observers expected. Now they're of course changing
the narrative, but if you look at their posts few days ago they didn't
believe that Ukrainians would make any real resistance.


So Putin attacked with only one echelon. Troops pushed forward leaving many
non-destroyed Ukrainian regulars and levy behind. In a proper Blitzkrieg a
second and third echelon would have come to finish Ukrainian defenders. But
they didn't. These additional echelons didn't exist.


Which immediately created the supply and replenishment problem. The first
echelon pushed forward. It needs a supply in ammo, in fuel and well, in
people. But these supply convoys are being attacked by the regulars and
territorial defence troops left behind.


And reportedly by the levy whom the government just distributed guns. These
people would be unable to stand against the Russian columns but they can
attack convoys. Consider that Ukraine has many veterans with combat
experience among civilians.


Strelkov, who led pro-Russian insurgency in 2014 confirms this version in his
telegram. Supply columns are being destroyed because there's no second echelon.

2014 年領導親俄叛亂的 Strelkov 在他的電報中證實了這一說法。補給線被摧毀,因為

Putin is apparently concerned. In the video of 25 Feb he called for Ukrainian
military to do a coup d'erat. He wouldn't need it if his plan worked in the
first place.

普京顯然很擔心。在 2 月 25 日的影片中,他呼籲烏克蘭軍方發動政變。如果他的計劃

What does it mean? Putin's plan didn't work. Cuz he didn't plan for war. He
never fought a war and has no idea how to fight them. He has been always
doing Special Operations and this is a Special Operation, too. They should
have just run away or surrender, but they keep fighting.


The defeat in this operation will inflict enormous consequences for Putin and
his regime. They are unlikely to survive this defeat. Meanwhile, it's
unlikely that Putin wins by the same methods.


It's not that Russian morale is low, it's rather that it depends on how hard
the war is.Most Russian troops would be enthusiastic or wouldn't mind against
a small foreign vacation with fun and adventures. Fighting a hard long war
with real possibility of death is another matter.


Morale of Russian troops is widely overestimated. According to sociological
studies the main motivation to enlist is usually to get an apartment. They
are usually young men from underprivileged background with no real prospects
in life. That's a chance to get a housing from state.


Now if you are dead, you can't get a housing. Perhaps those already in
Ukraine have little choice but the very fact that resistance continues, war
is bloody and casualties are real would hugely demotivate those back at home.
Expect no enthusiasm to go there on Russian side.


What Putin can do?

1. Start destroying infrastructure (done)
2. Blockade cities (done)
3. Simply level cities with bombers and artillery like in Chechnya or Syria
(may be)

The first two would inflict humanitarian catastrophe and as he hopes break
the will.


 3. 簡單地用轟炸機和大砲將城市夷為平地,例如車臣或敘利亞(有可能)


Third one is more problematic. Unlike Chechnya or Syria where you could
easily justify the open genocide with "fighting jihadees" which is a fair
play in the "war on terror", here it would be more difficult and actually
might draw the NATO response. Still, I can't exclude this.


So my prognosis is: if the fight continues and victory is not achieved
Russian ability and willingness to fight will be disappearing quickly. Putin
doesn't have a choice but many of his subordinates do.


Even in case when Russia doesn't technically lose and some source of
armistice/agreement is achieved, Ukraine already won. Why? Many describe this
conflict as kinetic. Bullshit. Human conflicts or interactions are not
kinetic. They are mythological and run by myths.


Money is a myth. It exists only because we believe so. Power is a myth.
Nation is a myth. Institutions are purely mythological. Consider the story of
the burning of Moscow in 1572. Ivan the Terrible divided his country to
Zemschina (land) and Oprichnina (taken apart).

純粹是神話。想想 1572 年莫斯科大火的故事。伊凡雷帝將他的國家劃分為 Zemschina(
職轄區)和 Oprichnina(特轄區).


autoexecbat: 伊凡後來創建了特轄區(Oprichnina)與原本的國土
(Zemschina)相對 特轄區內不受國法拘束 特轄區軍
(Oprichniks)是伊凡的打手 那段就講述神話包裝下
特轄軍可以屠殺東正教徒 因為沒人會有組織性的抵抗但當克里米亞汗國打來時這群人卻戰力大不如前 因為對手已經不是會相信沙皇天下無敵的東正教徒 這時連特轄軍才發現自己是人並落荒而逃 莫斯科陷落02/28 14:29


Theorists of war of the bygone age understood it. Clausewitz pointed out that
it's important not only if you lost independence but *how* you lost it. If
you submitted without a fight, you saved lives. But you killed your mythos.
You'll be digested by the conqueror


But if you lost after the brutal and bloody fight your mythos is alive. The
memory of the last battle will live through the ages. It will shape the
mythological space your descendants live in and they'll attempt to restore
independence at the first opportunity.



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TheoEpstein: 推翻譯1F 02/28 13:49
NewCop: “根本可以戰鬥”那句的意思是“能戰鬥才奇怪”2F 02/28 13:50
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:53:13
jyekid: 歷史不就這樣打造的3F 02/28 13:52
WTF55665566: 翻譯語法怪怪的但看得懂4F 02/28 13:55
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:55:53
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:57:41
teren: 翻譯很怪 12"架"無人機服役5F 02/28 13:57
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 13:58:49
NewCop: 前面“令人驚訝的是”可以刪掉,我只得是那一整句話的意思6F 02/28 14:00
Tung2463: 很多人也是認爲首戰即終戰 一天烏克蘭就投降亡國了 普丁會這麼想也不奇怪8F 02/28 14:00
jyekid: break the will = to lose your confidence10F 02/28 14:01
frozenmoon: 推薦這篇文章11F 02/28 14:01
jyekid: determination, or ability to control yourself,12F 02/28 14:01

frozenmoon: 難得在現在的軍武版看到真正有價值的文章13F 02/28 14:02
WTF55665566: 所以2014普丁入侵克里米亞時沒有順便趁勢把烏克蘭吃下來反而錯失良機
跟烏東分離主義者得內戰反而讓烏克蘭練出可能是世界上最大批擁有時戰經驗的後備部隊14F 02/28 14:02
teren: 期待沒有熱情-> 應該是俄羅斯軍沒有熱情去進軍18F 02/28 14:03

WTF55665566: 他們長期都用次等裝備打同等甚至高一等的敵人 難怪可以支撐這麼久19F 02/28 14:03
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:11:01
jamie81416: 烏克蘭政府也是出乎意料的硬,沒有在頭兩天逃跑21F 02/28 14:06
adrien1018: out of 125 應該是指 12.5 萬裡面的 500022F 02/28 14:06
potato300: 如果封城 烏克蘭還有辦法補給武器嗎 俄羅斯會不會這樣耗23F 02/28 14:07
jamie81416: 開戰頭兩天是軍心最不穩的時刻,很容易連鎖效應25F 02/28 14:07
nanalia: 俄羅斯那方(軍人)預計會沒有熱情去那裡(烏克蘭)26F 02/28 14:08
jamie81416: 烏西接壤波波,後勤是源源不絕,照這樣看烏克蘭也有能力組織後備軍和俄軍玩圍城-解圍的戲碼27F 02/28 14:10
calase: 烏克蘭這波出乎全世界意料,俄羅斯可能也不例外29F 02/28 14:11
Olentangy: ofc=當然30F 02/28 14:11

※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:14:57
jimmy8019: 推翻譯31F 02/28 14:11
Robben: 歐美一開始不挺烏就是怕烏克蘭瞬間被崩盤32F 02/28 14:11
teren: 南邊跟烏東比較危險 被包住沒補給就慘了33F 02/28 14:12
frozenmoon: 烏克蘭人若沒有抵抗意志,給再豪華的武器都沒用34F 02/28 14:12
notd481: 總統戰死殉國 東正教會封聖嗎35F 02/28 14:12
autoexecbat: Oprichnina 是指恐怖伊凡直轄的特轄區36F 02/28 14:12

jyekid: 指的是 他希望透過1 2摧毀烏克蘭人民的抵抗意志37F 02/28 14:13
jamie81416: 講真的,就算那個戲子總統現在離開基輔,只要他沒離開國內就無關大局。畢竟在最危急的時候他沒跑38F 02/28 14:14
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:17:08
nanalia: 應該是說俄軍很多參軍 為了拿到免費房子 覺得只是去郊遊演習 但是前線傳來傷亡 後面就不會想去 畢竟死了就沒房子40F 02/28 14:15
goddarn: 主要就是戰鬥意志吧  前線士兵沒看到打烏克蘭到底有甚麼好處 為什麼要這樣做43F 02/28 14:16
catlazy42120: 俄軍前線士氣極低落,補給又掉鍊,整個國家只有布丁想打仗45F 02/28 14:17
GroveStreet: 老話一句,俄軍先把各路戰線的補給搞定再說
二十萬兵力的軍需不是開玩笑的47F 02/28 14:18
KurtCobain: 推51F 02/28 14:22
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:25:30
Bf109G6: 推翻譯 然後覺得我國要重視實際訓練那塊…52F 02/28 14:26
autoexecbat: 伊凡後來創建了特轄區(Oprichnina)與原本的國土
(Zemschina)相對 特轄區內不受國法拘束 特轄區軍
(Oprichniks)是伊凡的打手 那段就講述神話包裝下
特轄軍可以屠殺東正教徒 因為沒人會有組織性的抵抗53F 02/28 14:29
pig0038: “為何?這很明顯,如果俄軍啟動了幾次適當的閃擊戰,烏軍無論如何都會輸,贏家會是俄軍. 但烏軍首先把賭注放在在國土防衛部隊,只要沒有被趕出他們的防衛區塊的時候,俄軍閃擊戰最後將會失敗並且耗費巨大”57F 02/28 14:29
autoexecbat: 但當克里米亞汗國打來時這群人卻戰力大不如前 因為對手已經不是會相信沙皇天下無敵的東正教徒 這時連特轄軍才發現自己是人並落荒而逃 莫斯科陷落62F 02/28 14:29

※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:33:15
BLUEPLUTO88: 有內涵的分析文 待戰爭結束 再回看 應會有更深感想65F 02/28 14:31
autoexecbat: 大致就是拿現在俄軍在舒適圈待太久類比以前吧66F 02/28 14:33
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:34:38
eowynknight: 「過去時代的戰爭」這段的原文好像沒有貼上來?67F 02/28 14:33

joeliu1015: 戰爭本來就代價高昂,不順利就是成本等比堆疊68F 02/28 14:34
kimball: 「烏克蘭有六份草案」 ->「烏克蘭已經徵兵六次」69F 02/28 14:37
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:43:10
sugoichai: 是的,澤倫斯基疌在創造化的神話,無論他是否能活著看到......70F 02/28 14:41
aegis43210: 烏克蘭是靠北約這半年來的軍援才能守那麼久,現在可能俄系武器比例不到一半了72F 02/28 14:44
arashiverve: 推翻譯,收穫良多74F 02/28 14:45
tony160079: 車輛存在於紙上=>像是帳面上有載具75F 02/28 14:46

assanges: 感謝搬運和翻譯普及
draft 是 AmEn 美語
也就是 conscription 徵兵
所以那一句應該是指烏國已徵兵6次76F 02/28 14:49
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:54:53
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 14:55:36
assanges: 然後補充有關於烏克蘭國產裝甲車KOZAK 2
MYTH建議您改翻譯成「迷因」…呃…「迷思」80F 02/28 14:58
但考慮到這位作者提到「Money is a myth. It exists only because we believe so.」

jaguars33: 看完推85F 02/28 15:03
s9234032: 土地最大化翻成陸軍最大化比較適宜吧86F 02/28 15:04
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 15:08:56
teren: 翻成神話感覺更貼切
說錯 傳說87F 02/28 15:08
assanges: 哦 傳說 不錯89F 02/28 15:11
可是後面的一段有But you killed your mythos.
              You'll be digested by the conqueror

※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 15:18:22
t4i5m6: 推90F 02/28 15:13
aliceyjl: 謝謝分享91F 02/28 15:17
belister: 欸如果真的這樣 那排名第22的軍力怎排出來的,怎麼看國軍都還比烏克蘭強欸92F 02/28 15:26
EvilPrada: 被陸軍拖累的94F 02/28 15:30
reyes2222: 推95F 02/28 15:31
hauntingly: 俄向歐洲各國撤僑了 普說任何國家發射飛彈要入侵全歐洲了96F 02/28 15:37
andykimo123: Bullshit翻胡扯會比較好98F 02/28 15:38
Girls2fan: 看來 自封聖帝的傢伙看著成為神話的領導人應該更眼紅 愈發瘋狂99F 02/28 15:41
AdventurerCC: 最後兩段很有啟發意義101F 02/28 15:51
Fukudome: 最後兩段很有啟發意義+1102F 02/28 15:54
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 16:04:48
ja23072008: 推103F 02/28 16:10
chocopie: 普丁現在有一個很大的敵人,叫做時間104F 02/28 16:21
RusevDay: 補給柱被摧毀-->補給線?
如果他的計劃「奏效」一開始他就不需要它。(缺字)105F 02/28 16:34
herculus6502: 推,但太長107F 02/28 16:35
RusevDay: 不得不通過短信進行通信-->簡訊
辛苦了,謝謝108F 02/28 16:35

cipc444: 淺見 所謂的神話 在此應該是指「被建構的共同記憶」 作者想要表達不論金錢體系或國族的認同 地域的劃分 都是因為被多數人認同且記憶後才建構而成的
所以當你不反抗 任何征服者入侵 那你也只能被征服者定義 而失去自己建構概念的能動性 舉一個經典的反例 中國人縱使被蒙古人征服 但他們仍然可以用建構的方式 把蒙古帝國定義成元朝110F 02/28 16:45

iwinlottery: 也難怪普欽本來那麼有信心了117F 02/28 17:05
lc85301: 如果他的計劃一開始他就不需要它 ->
噢上面有人寫了,可以刪掉這三行推文118F 02/28 17:09
※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 17:29:51
pups914702: 推翻譯121F 02/28 17:38
BlackCoal: 最後那段神話論很好笑
現在社會和中世紀其實差不多,只是信仰的神明換個名字罷了122F 02/28 18:06
chuegou: 用傳承這個字如何?125F 02/28 18:47
但這種故事是是解釋「the early history of a group of people or about natural
events and facts」,中文語境中大概就只有神話比較符合。

後面又提到克聖曾說過But you killed your mythos,

※ 編輯: dennis99 ( 臺灣), 02/28/2022 19:38:26
peanutman: 推好心翻譯126F 02/28 22:51
helixc: 感謝127F 02/28 23:59
nojoewu: 2022的烏軍不是2014的烏軍 不可同日而語 普丁錯估了128F 03/01 07:35
newgunden: Myth就是迷思 意思跟神話差不多129F 03/01 12:59

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