作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] Gerrit Cole初步檢查:韌帶沒有撕裂
時間 Thu Mar 14 01:24:13 2024

Gerrit Cole out at least 1-to-2 months, Yankees ace visits noted surgeon
Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extended period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a cha ...


Yankees ace Gerrit Cole will be out at least one-to-two months and will head to
Los Angeles for an appointment with noted sports surgeon Dr. Neal ElAttrache, Th
e Post has learned.



Several Yankees doctors and ElAttrache have viewed Cole’s preliminary film, and
 while none has detected a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament, there’s enoug
h concern about the ligament that ElAttrache has suggested an in-person visit.


Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extende
d period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a chance to r
eturn sometime in May or early June


The initial readings of Cole earlier in the week were optimistic, with the belie
f the issue could be resolved with rest and other conservative treatments, but E
lAttrache has recommended more testing, raising the level of worry




Source says no tear for Gerrit Cole shown on MRI but there was inflammation/sore
ness and that Cole wanted to get a deeper look at the elbow to figure out what’
s going on.

Not the worst news for the Yankees.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-03-14 01:24:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1byU4_N4 (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1710350655.A.5C4.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:26:13
jack34031: 慘1F 03/14 01:36
laking: 買Snell了吧感覺芒果也不想來2F 03/14 01:37
ashilol: 這樣開幕誰投啊3F 03/14 01:49
zxc906383: Stroman吧4F 03/14 01:49
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:55:36
polanco: 還好5F 03/14 02:02
Burtgang: 可能性很多,flexor tendinitis很像他的症狀
Ulnar Neuritis則是投球瞬間會有像是電到的不適感6F 03/14 03:50
fan0226: 別勉強,至少休個2-3個月個觀察吧11F 03/14 06:04
Asucks: 覺得他無法健康撐完本季12F 03/14 08:36
daniel0202: 還好不用開TJ13F 03/14 08:37
saiulbb: 好險 希望能盡快復原14F 03/14 08:52
Derp: R扣加油啦 洋基這樣就不用盤蝸牛了15F 03/14 09:28

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