作者 w790818 (科怪)
標題 [閒聊] 班艾佛列克說 他不會為岡恩執導DC電影
時間 Thu Mar 16 22:11:16 2023

BREAKING: Ben Affleck says he will never direct a DC movie for James Gunn:

“I have nothing against James. Nice guy, sure he’s going to do a great job.
I just wouldn’t want to go in and direct in the way they’re doing that. I’m
 not interested in that.”

最新消息:班· 艾佛列克表示他不會為詹姆斯· 岡執導DC電影:



Ben Affleck on Air, Production Company, Grammys Memes, Justice League – The Hollywood Reporter
Ben Affleck on the disruptive production company he launched with Matt Damon, why he’s done with D.C., 'Air' and those Grammys memes. ...


So if DC came to you now and said, “Do you want to direct something?”

I would not direct something for the [James] Gunn DC. Absolutely not. I have
nothing against James Gunn. Nice guy, sure he’s going to do a great job. I
just wouldn’t want to go in and direct in the way they’re doing that. I’m
not interested in that.

我不會為[James] Gunn的DC導演任何東西。絕對不會。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: w790818 2023-03-16 22:11:16
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1678975882.A.66A.html
winklly: 笑死1F 03/16 22:13
sinnerck1: 怎麼搞到一堆人不爽他2F 03/16 22:14
wenku8com: 繼續重開機阿3F 03/16 22:15
gaym19: 大概是回應前陣子的傳聞吧4F 03/16 22:16
dreamersin: 岡恩被炎上後就想靠蹭亨超班蝙止血,但都不甩他5F 03/16 22:17
gaym19: 前陣子就有人放話說班會導岡恩宇宙的蝙蝠俠啊
而且班原本不打算續演蝙蝠俠 閃電俠開頭就是他最後的鏡頭是後面傳出亨利有望回歸他才回去水行2客串
結果岡恩上任後直接說全部打掉重做 狗才繼續幫他打工6F 03/16 22:18
ja1295: 可悲岡恩,那個電影風格就是跑去當小丑耍寶的10F 03/16 22:22
gaym19: 查導版JL還是靠查導的面子果實能力才讓原演員抽空補拍
當初拍完溫登接手的JL後新聞訪談上他超級厭世的11F 03/16 22:22
Ishtarasuka: 可憐哪13F 03/16 22:29
dreamersin: 班蝙在兩個版本的JL裡的表現真的天差地遠14F 03/16 22:30
h75311418: 岡恩也太固人怨了吧15F 03/16 22:34
eva05s: 可惜,班蝙打鬥戲是我評價最高的阿蝙...
他跟阿福的互動也是最酸的一個XDD16F 03/16 22:37
cat05joy: 不算是剛恩顧人怨 是DC高層前面說好又找人空降19F 03/16 22:49
protess: 小班:沒有就是沒有,別再cue了20F 03/16 22:53
tyifgee: 岡恩放話想幹大事 呵呵
結果還回去蹭亨利真的很難看21F 03/16 23:08

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