隱藏 ✕
※ 本文為 yeary2k 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-02 11:54:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 jevin (帥到不行)
標題 [爆卦] 台灣之光! 基隆巨石上了FOX福斯新聞!!
時間 Sun Sep  1 23:29:05 2013


Video shows giant boulder nearly crushing car | MyFOX8.com
A motorist in Keelung City, Taiwan came mere inches away from being crushed by a giant boulder -- and it was all captured on video. Video of the driver’s close call is going viral after being uploaded to the video sharing website LiveLeak.com and YouTube. ...

Video shows giant boulder nearly crushing car

Undated Google Street View image shows the boulder perched atop a mountain in
the Badouzi Yugang, Zhongzheng District, Taiwan (Google)
Undated Google Street View image shows the boulder perched atop a mountain in
Keelung City, Taiwan (Google)

A motorist in Keelung City, Taiwan came mere inches away from being crushed
by a giant boulder — and it was all captured on video.
Video of the driver’s close call is going viral after being uploaded to the
video sharing website LiveLeak.com and YouTube.
Mirror News reported that the incident was filmed in Taiwan.
The footage shows an enormous rock crashing down a hill toward a driver who
swerves and stops to avoid falling dirt.
At 0:03, you can see the boulder (at the top of the frame) detach from the
mountain. The boulder crashes on the road below at around 0:22.
The rock looks like it’s about to crush the car when it suddenly stops mere
inches away.
The front of the car was smashed, but the driver was not injured, according
to China Post.

福斯引用英國鏡報 我就去找到鏡報這篇

VIDEO: Watch moment motorist has narrow escape after car is almost crushed by GIANT BOULDER - Mirror Online
Footage shows the huge rock crash down a hill amd into the road as the driver is passing ...

VIDEO: Watch moment motorist has narrow escape after car is almost crushed by

A motorist had a narrow escape after his car was almost crushed by a GIANT

Footage shows the bus-sized rock crash down a hill and into the road just as
the driver is passing.

The motorist swerves to try and avoid the falling dirt and then stops his

The boulder then comes into view and looks set to topple onto the car before
stopping inches away.

The incident was filmed in Taiwan and the video went viral today after being
uploaded to video sharing website, LiveLeak.com.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
s4340392:巨石強森1F 09/01 23:29
huo70:臺灣之光未免也太多了2F 09/01 23:29
tn00270144:新台灣之光!3F 09/01 23:29
VVW:這影片我第一次看到時 就知道在國際上一定會紅 太恐怖了4F 09/01 23:29
cccooler:張通榮:基隆這個地方就是這個樣子5F 09/01 23:29
screwer5566:台灣悲哀 QQ6F 09/01 23:29
Eric0605:台灣之光?7F 09/01 23:30
abian:台灣之光!!!!8F 09/01 23:30
gamertwo:台灣悲哀之光9F 09/01 23:30
a901999:台灣什麼事上國際媒體好像就變台灣之光10F 09/01 23:30
wzj001:自己人的災難,不懂你在爽啥?11F 09/01 23:30
Imhuang:生死一線間 會不被引用才怪...12F 09/01 23:30
yspen:張通榮:我們走入國際了13F 09/01 23:30
s866217:台灣之光14F 09/01 23:30
Homeparty:那大陸新聞應該每天都有台灣之光15F 09/01 23:31
huart:張通榮:基隆就是這樣一個地方16F 09/01 23:31
ilace5566:光個毛17F 09/01 23:31
jarr:不是什麼大不了的事情。18F 09/01 23:31
bala73:影片下面評論突然出現一堆英文0.019F 09/01 23:31
tsioge:國外最愛生死一瞬間的節目了20F 09/01 23:31
DASHOCK:奇蹟沒錯阿21F 09/01 23:31
master56:台灣之光啦  讚22F 09/01 23:31
rrrrmmmm999:就叫你們不要隨便人肉石頭了 你看現在國外新聞都報了23F 09/01 23:31
OoJudyoO:台灣之光,巨石已經很努力沒砸死人了24F 09/01 23:31
DASHOCK:又拍的很好25F 09/01 23:32
hipocritos:機掰喇 要跟麥當當收廣告費喇26F 09/01 23:32
VVW:一天就240萬人次 真強28F 09/01 23:32
abian:gif都有了29F 09/01 23:32
rotusea:張通榮:基隆就是這樣一個地方30F 09/01 23:33
jakevin:到底法國人講了什麼 讓地下評論出現反制的評論31F 09/01 23:33
sorrywow:========================驕傲個屁=====================32F 09/01 23:33
DSSS:溫馨~33F 09/01 23:33
timeaftime:這下出名了34F 09/01 23:34
plum306:一天240萬人次  應該可以收廣告費了35F 09/01 23:34
euphoria01:這的確蠻震撼的啊 唉.....可以上驚悚一瞬間36F 09/01 23:34
lonelynight:真的很恐怖耶37F 09/01 23:34
flux:石頭中的霸主38F 09/01 23:35
timeaftime:行車記錄器剛好拍到整個過程39F 09/01 23:35
gunfighter:當初爆卦就跟原PO說影片可以賣錢 現在少賺幾十萬40F 09/01 23:35
litthe:youtube下面的評論又吵起來了...41F 09/01 23:35
pigboss:那youtube也是轉FB來的 還收廣告費42F 09/01 23:35
timeaftime:很震撼43F 09/01 23:35
mtvabc:240萬人次!!! 宣揚台灣 這石頭真是台灣之光了44F 09/01 23:35
pita30:再多翻一點就RIP了45F 09/01 23:35
euphoria01:這有什麼好吵的46F 09/01 23:35
flamedevil:以為是巨石強森47F 09/01 23:36
cloud7515:比較好奇法國人講了啥被公幹48F 09/01 23:36
DASHOCK:華碩品質49F 09/01 23:36
bbbruce:the Rock50F 09/01 23:37
kusami:難怪被人肉51F 09/01 23:37
kyogoku:                   我問你怕不怕阿52F 09/01 23:37
jakevin:第二秒上方 已經看到石頭掉下來了 超可怕53F 09/01 23:37
SentoS:麥當勞超爽的,免費廣告54F 09/01 23:37
VVW:...........好像仙劍裡 施展召喚山神泰山壓頂55F 09/01 23:37
MetalRose:看到 China Post 就不爽56F 09/01 23:38
timeaftime:麥當當:被發現了57F 09/01 23:38
realgenius:底下再打筆戰就是了.....@@58F 09/01 23:38
zukidelko:馬英九:巨石元年59F 09/01 23:38
mtvabc:第二秒上方 已經看到石頭掉下來了 超可怕+160F 09/01 23:38
DASHOCK:外國人人看完會不會以為台灣的麥當勞附近都這樣61F 09/01 23:38
higameboy:提升台灣國際能見度62F 09/01 23:39
timeaftime:台灣之石63F 09/01 23:39
stta:危險旅遊國家!64F 09/01 23:39
ppp122333333:這有啥值得驕傲的65F 09/01 23:39
torrid:麥當勞廣告打很大66F 09/01 23:40
Imhuang:非雨季倒是還好 不過地震是不定時炸彈67F 09/01 23:40
OoJudyoO:有人知道他們在戰什麼?68F 09/01 23:41
Zeroyeu:看在沒有出人命的份上,大家當茶餘飯後話題聊聊還不錯玩~69F 09/01 23:42
boyo:那顆石頭砸到麥當勞起碼死二十個70F 09/01 23:42
MetalRose:麥當勞:再險惡的環境我們都有分店!!71F 09/01 23:42
doofus531:麥當勞蓋在那裡當然有通過環評72F 09/01 23:42
orze04:沒放廣告真是太可惜了73F 09/01 23:43
mmes:強運 bj474F 09/01 23:46
catclan:災難當台灣之光???75F 09/01 23:47
acharles01:光你老母76F 09/01 23:47
YuenYang5566:光你啊罵77F 09/01 23:47
timeaftime:生死一瞬間啊78F 09/01 23:48
SentoS:司馬:網路類格啦,淦79F 09/01 23:48
sillywhoever:天啊 我沒電視, 現在才看到.. 好可怕!!!80F 09/01 23:49
jimcheer:美國一堆種族歧視的人渣廢物81F 09/01 23:51
yor:比英國的巨石陣還出名了y82F 09/01 23:54
EZX:就下面有個法果人 說繁體中文是醜陋的語言 標題應該改成英文83F 09/01 23:55
pracinverse:84F 09/01 23:56
dick18:石頭:我要告鄉民85F 09/01 23:59
aramaram:台灣之光 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!86F 09/01 23:59
superbatman:發佈對台旅遊紅色警戒87F 09/02 00:02
FSGuitar:...這是災難 打什麼臺灣之光88F 09/02 00:03
gtayu:免費幫麥當當打廣告89F 09/02 00:06
s30175175:我都不敢開濱海了啦   光什麼光90F 09/02 00:07
Q12345Q:這影片真的很驚悚91F 09/02 00:16
tkfc5566:台灣之光92F 09/02 00:21
djyunjie:影片瀏覽人數真的誇張93F 09/02 00:25
mmzznnxxbbcc:好像很多人對於駕駛在那一瞬間就閃紅燈感到很佩服XD94F 09/02 00:28
roy69800:可憐95F 09/02 00:30
gh34163:這樣240萬有點誇張= =96F 09/02 00:31
andante6851:= =這感覺是抄人肉那篇的 算台灣之光嗎?97F 09/02 00:40
chicham:外國人當神蹟在看98F 09/02 00:40
a75267462007:麥當勞都是為你99F 09/02 00:41
sdiaa:其實CAMRY重踩煞車就會自動閃雙黃燈100F 09/02 00:41
oscarss07:光你妹 萬一砸到人看你笑不笑的出來101F 09/02 00:43
a75267462007:底下都在打筆戰,趕快把市長的事蹟告訴全世界102F 09/02 00:44
WeGoYuSheng:Just another ordinary day in Keelung.103F 09/02 00:45
a9220072002:還好不是原po被砸 不然就上福斯了104F 09/02 00:45
vincent120:有拍到第3秒崩塌還滿屌的105F 09/02 00:47
WeGoYuSheng:留言有的老外居然很訝異麥當勞有2層的= =106F 09/02 00:48
a75267462007:所以美國麥當勞都只有一層嗎?太酷了107F 09/02 00:49
WeGoYuSheng:美國都市有二層的吧,感到驚訝的應該是Rednecks(?)108F 09/02 00:50
a75267462007:我忽然想吃大麥克110F 09/02 00:53
jevin:還有一些老外說這是用Photoshop111F 09/02 00:56
mango3888:臺灣光個鬼 悲哀這樣高超112F 09/02 00:57
jeff12280:這光三洨= =113F 09/02 00:59
frankego:光你老X114F 09/02 01:11
sd131420:for every one too lazy to use google translate the115F 09/02 01:15
sd131420:title is "Keelung Badouzi mudslide first scene" XDD
ilohoo:光你媽118F 09/02 01:27
ionchips:一顆大石頭也可以當上台灣之光...119F 09/02 02:05
xunhuiwu:台灣基光台灣基光台灣基光台灣基光台灣基光台灣基光120F 09/02 02:06
qq955166:台灣之光!!!121F 09/02 03:26
corner0111:122F 09/02 03:37
Butcherdon:想要扯神佛引戰 發現被捷足先登了XD123F 09/02 03:41
iamcute:Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!124F 09/02 03:47
showind:市長: 沒想到基隆馬上上國際版面 (笑笑)125F 09/02 03:53
bboyallcome:Badouzi Yugang XDDDDDDDDDD126F 09/02 04:30
salami:記者果然只會超 = = 國外的也一樣127F 09/02 04:39
yethours:小白車主反應超快的 衝擊波之前他車頭就往左邊開了128F 09/02 06:37
richjf:小白車主是被土石衝到左邊去的...129F 09/02 07:27
valemeng:請教yethours怎麼把車以那種方式向左移動...130F 09/02 08:23
giveme520:...有誇張..第一秒山頂的時候就可以看到開始動了...131F 09/02 08:43
losterchen:現在看影片當然很容易注意到第幾秒發生殺小 如果這麼好133F 09/02 08:45
losterchen:注意 這台行車記錄器的車子還會前進嗎?
rossikao:還免費幫麥當當打廣告了@___@a"135F 09/02 08:48
Drysdale:原來是上了國際媒體 難怪這麼多外國的評論136F 09/02 09:07
corlos:台灣最丟臉的水土保持137F 09/02 09:11
DIDIMIN:都沒人關心白車車主 ╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭138F 09/02 09:53
lc301:拍下這影片的車主應該很後悔沒有賣給媒體 而是自己po上去139F 09/02 10:52
coldgotosbb:災難還光勒,腦包140F 09/02 11:26
AllenHuang:Taiwan Rocks!141F 09/02 11:35

※ 看板: yeary2k 文章推薦值: -2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 7829 
※ 本文也出現在看板: Gossiping sayumiQ PttFB traume PttHot
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( ̄︿ ̄)p sheauren, blazeartist 說瞎!
   (編輯過) TW
2樓 時間: 2013-09-02 09:06:45 (台灣)
  09-02 09:06 TW
3樓 時間: 2013-09-02 09:41:17 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
兩套標準一直是支那的強項不是,快叫賴清德出來面對 @@?!
4樓 時間: 2013-09-02 09:48:11 (台灣)
+1 09-02 09:48 TW
ROLLING ROCK SCENE WITH INDIANA JONES THEME - YouTube The incident was filmed in Taiwan. 台灣基隆八斗子土石流第一現場配法櫃奇兵主題曲
5樓 時間: 2013-09-02 15:56:58 (台灣)
  09-02 15:56 TW
6樓 時間: 2013-09-03 22:46:38
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