※ 本文為 vanBomme17.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-23 09:44:37
作者 標題 Re: [情報] 英國國奧隊-正式球衣!!!
時間 Fri Mar 23 09:39:50 2012
: 推 djcowboy:比較像是田徑隊的......( ̄﹁ ̄||) 03/23 00:57
Stella McCartney's London 2012 kit aims for aesthetics gold | Sport | The Guardian
The Team GB look is a bit of a winner compared to past offerings, writes Hadley Freeman ...
http://tinyurl.com/6q66ztf (Andy Murray 網球服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
http://tinyurl.com/785ghps (Victoria Pendleton 女版自由車服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
http://tinyurl.com/6rb4vgb (Phillips Idowu 男版跳高服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
(Jessica Ennis 女版田徑服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
(Chris "Hoy" 男版自由車服) <--之前被誤認是 Foy而在twitter上被臭罵的那一位...lol
http://tinyurl.com/7jpvoma (Lizzie Armitstead 女版自由車服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
http://tinyurl.com/6m6hayc (Drew Sullivan 男版籃球服)
Team GB Olympic kit launch - in pictures | Fashion | guardian.co.uk
The official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Team GB kit, designed by Stella McCartney and created by Adidas, has been launched. Hadley Freeman casts an expert eye over the outfits ...
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