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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-08-19 18:26:24
看板 Gossiping
作者 hazel0093 (heart-work.info)
標題 Re: [問卦] 華盛頓虐待黑奴,為何沒黑人維權團體抗議
時間 Sat Aug 19 16:01:31 2017


左媒Vice Magazine最近號召民眾去炸總統山,一次炸四個,華盛頓傑佛遜林肯老羅斯福

VICE Magazine Tweet Calls for Blowing Up Mount Rushmore | Trending
On the same day as a deadly incident in Barcelona that police have confirmed as a terrorist attack, a tweet published by VICE (whose website PJ Media  ...


Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far
In the wake of the violence that took place in Charlottesville over the weekend, liberals have called for the destruction of more historical monuments ...


"Let's Blow Up Mount Rushmore"由於標題太過豪小,沒多久就改成

"Let's Get Rid of Mount Rushmore"並被迫道歉

Let's Get Rid of Mount Rushmore - VICE
Donald Trump says removing confederate statues is a slippery slope that could get out of control. Maybe he's right—would that be such a bad thing? ...




Believe, believe, there's magic here tonight...
Believe, believe!


※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Pb_1Vwq (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1503129695.A.EB4.html
※ 編輯: hazel0093 (, 08/19/2017 16:02:44
Tapqou: 大躍進XDDDD1F 08/19 16:02
angellll: 就紅衛兵。共產黨那套2F 08/19 16:02
wedwu: 因為華盛頓小時候就有辦法砍倒櫻桃樹!!長大誰敢惹,尤其是3F 08/19 16:03
wedwu: 黑人!!
angellll: 當然很合希迷口味5F 08/19 16:03
laba5566: 民主黨智障抄共產黨6F 08/19 16:03
Tapqou: 養太多文組的下場7F 08/19 16:04
meredith001: 左蠢只能這樣刷存在感8F 08/19 16:12
grandwar: 所以說左膠行為模式都差不多9F 08/19 16:21
HyperPoro: 跟紅衛兵程度差太多惹10F 08/19 17:01

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