※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-09-18 23:02:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有研究八卦版發paper的八卦?
時間 Mon Sep 14 19:42:55 2015
9/10才剛刊出 作者是來自 中研院統計科學研究所 的團隊
Research Article
Analysing the Unequal Effects of Positive and Negative Information on the
Behaviour of Users of a Taiwanese On-Line Bulletin Board
PLOS ONE: Analysing the Unequal Effects of Positive and Negative Information on the Behaviour of Users of a Taiwanese On-Line Bulletin Board
The impact of social influence causes people to adopt the behaviour of others when interacting with other individuals. The effects of social influence can be direct or indirect. Direct social influence is the result of an individual directly influencing the opinion of another, while indirect social ...
摘要落落長 直接貼結論
Using the PTT gossiping data, we have found some interesting findings for the
effect of social influence on users’ decisions on showing approval or
disapproval towards posted messages. We see that as long as decisions are
made in a sequence and observable, individuals tend to use this information
to help them make their choices.
Our results suggest that such influence occurs at the local level, implying
on-line users tend to adopt such information to conform to the majority of the nearby individuals. Moreover,
when more local information is available, its impact also increases.
Interestingly, even in an anonymous environment where individuals are unknown
to each other, there is still a tendency for everyone to follow the present
popular trend. If previous information is not revealed to users such that
they have little idea on what others have been doing, then whether social
influence still plays a role in users’ behaviour in an on-line community
remains an elusive question and experiments need to be conducted to
investigate this issue.
Moreover, the global and local measures in our models assumed independent
effects and each comment has an equal weight. In reality, some users
may be perceived to be more important (or more prestigious) than others
in a community, and their comments may consequently influence others
more strongly.
All these can be interesting questions and give directions to future research
on this particular topic.
真的不簡單 我看八卦版只能浪費生命而已 竟然有人可以發篇期刊
看來以後研究生在實驗室看八卦板 有新的藉口了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LzhB4EV (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1442230980.A.39F.html
推 : 丞相 起風啦1F 09/14 19:45
推 : 所謂的 死魚噓 就要推?2F 09/14 19:45
→ : 這樣也可以混一篇期刊喔3F 09/14 19:45
→ : 這是政客必讀的好不好? 得八卦者得天下4F 09/14 19:45
推 : 專業給推XDDDDDDDDDD5F 09/14 19:45
→ xzcb2008 …
→ : 我倒是有興趣看看研究方式7F 09/14 19:46
推 : XDDDD8F 09/14 19:46
→ : 另外我覺得一般來說標題或作者的影響力更大9F 09/14 19:46
推 : 不錯阿 一樣看廢文人家看出心得10F 09/14 19:47
推 : 直接下載就好 這是公開期刊11F 09/14 19:47
→ : 帶風向12F 09/14 19:47
推 : 現實的風向早就變了14F 09/14 19:48
推 : 用機器看新聞15F 09/14 19:49
推 : 這有論文XDD 太有趣了16F 09/14 19:50
噓 : 早就有一堆研究生在看PTT做輿情分析的相關研究了好嗎17F 09/14 19:50
推 : 中研院智庫XDDD18F 09/14 19:52
→ : 不就是從眾行為嗎???19F 09/14 19:52
推 : 好啦 推 好不好20F 09/14 19:53
推 : 推!!21F 09/14 19:54
推 : Acknowledgments They would...special thank you to22F 09/14 19:56
→ : the participants in the gossiping board. XDDDDd
→ : the participants in the gossiping board. XDDDDd
→ : 可是現實的風向表示....24F 09/14 20:00
推 : 可是沒有討論到分身帳號的問題32F 09/14 20:21
→ : 應該說不知道有沒有討論到
→ : 應該說不知道有沒有討論到
推 : 就無腦啊 說話還要先看別人說什麼34F 09/14 20:34
→ : reference:北連中胡35F 09/14 20:39
→ : 好前幾年就有研究文章了,只是不知道重要性,獨見性到哪裡36F 09/14 21:15
推 : 幹 早知道碩士論文就寫這個 我就能每天正大光明的在教37F 09/14 21:47
→ : 授面前上PTT
→ : 授面前上PTT
推 : 有創意 XD39F 09/14 23:00
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 286
作者 wts4832 的最新發文:
- 1.媒體來源: 自由時報 2.記者署名: 記者劉慶侯/台北報導 3.完整新聞標題: 錢櫃大火》早在2月施工時 就陸續關閉消防設施 4.完整新聞內文: 〔記者劉慶侯/台北報導〕台北市林森錢櫃KTV惡火5 …183F 65推 13噓
- 看板 Gossiping作者 wts4832 (住在海邊的地瓜)標題 有沒有研究八卦版發paper的八卦?時間 Mon Sep 14 19:42:55 2015 這應該是第一篇(?)專業研究八卦版帶 …39F 19推 1噓