※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-18 16:59:58
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [問卦] 台灣沒啥人討厭俄羅斯??
時間 Tue Feb 18 12:18:49 2014
1.烏克蘭和白俄羅斯的文化跟俄羅斯比較接近嗎? 俄羅斯人如何看中亞(哈薩克烏茲別克
The most close to Russia countries are Ukraine and Belorussia. I see no differe
nce between our peoples and our culture.
Ukraine is the cradle of Russian culture. Kiev was the first capital of Russia
over 1100 years ago, long before Moscow.
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kirghiz is our neighbors
too, ex-members of The Soviet Union.But their culture is not close to Russian
culture at all. It's Central Asia and these countries are poor, economy is weak
There are a lot of people from these countries (especially from Uzbekistan, Tu
rkmenistan, Tajikistan) who come to Russia for work.And often they come here il
legally. 70% of all crimes here is made by this people.Kazakhstan is the most p
owerful country from all of this. And They don't like Russian who live there.
Hmm,.. different commodities. Generally for girls, of course, it’s clothes,
cosmetics, bags. For man it’s computer, yes. But wait… I bought Samsung Galax
y to myself as a New Year’s gift. xDD Breaking the rules. xD
In Russia New Year holidays are the main and long -from 1st till 8th of January.
I like New Year. The magic of childhood. ^_^
But this night ends so fast. =((
There are some photos of holiday Moscow. =)) It was taken near my office.
Also we have holidays in May - from 1st till 3d.And 9th of May,the Victory day.
Some Russians celebrate the Chinese New Year too. =))
Now I watch soccer only if it's some big competition like FIFA World Cup or Eu
ropean Football Championship.Earlier I've rooting for the Lokomotiv Russian so
ccer team. =))
Spartak is a well-known soccer team too. And Zenit. It's St.Petersburg's soccer
5. 俄羅斯的學生通常會學兩種以上的外國語言嗎?
Well, in Russia we usually learn two foreign languages at school. First of all
it’s English. And then German, French, Spanish. Location is an important thing
too. For example, to the North, at territory that is close to Scandinavia, chil
dren learn Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian. At the Far East it’s Chinese, Japan
ese and Korean.
人家至少還會每天回信交流啊 幹嘛要討厭俄羅斯呢?
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