※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-15 07:49:49
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 1/13 Q&A
時間 Tue Jan 14 11:10:35 2014
- it’s “completely possible” that historical battles mode will bring
battles that took place between 1945-1960 (with T-54, Patton etc.)
- for now, it’s not planned for small and medium stones to be destuctable
- Storm states that if the gold shells get nerfed (for examply their damage),
their price will not be reduced
Storm 表示,如果金彈被nerf了(比如說降低傷害),它價格依然不會改變。
- there are no plans to remove the “tent” that is located inside the base
- there are no plans to introduce special crew bonus (like the one given by
improved ventilation) to open-topped vehicles, the fact they are open-topped
is already taken into account when they are created (SS: as in, in their
basic characteristics)
Overlord on special tanks being CW and mission rewards:
I agree that unique tanks can and should be used as a reward for
completing some complex missions. This, however, doesn’t mean that CWs
shouldn’t have their own unique content. Global map is quite time- and
effort-consuming game mode. Rewards should be respective.
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推 話說今天的內容好少?1F 01/14 11:26
昨天完全沒有…推 :倒覺得佔領圈內的帳篷可以視地圖增多....2F 01/14 11:29
→ :那一點點物資養15臺坦克哪夠阿...然後開場的樂趣就是
→ :碾掉帳篷...萬一回防時,敵人就少一個擋的東西....
娛樂用~→ :那一點點物資養15臺坦克哪夠阿...然後開場的樂趣就是
→ :碾掉帳篷...萬一回防時,敵人就少一個擋的東西....
推 :所以史實戰鬥可以作出六日戰爭 T54打百夫長?5F 01/14 11:36
若以蘇聯的作戰思維來佈局,北約戰車可能得一打五…推 :現在沒差了 躲後面一樣穿6F 01/14 11:37
推 :史實的話是很多t-54打輸較少的百夫長7F 01/14 11:38
推 :最後一段的respective應該是指獨特的意思 不是被尊重8F 01/14 11:38
感謝指正→ :這沒道理啊!9F 01/14 11:38
推 :等, 那個帳篷是臨時揮部啊,上一次我碾掉帳篷...結果10F 01/14 11:41
拔階關禁閉 www→ :被洞八11F 01/14 12:22
推 : 洞洞 洞拐兩 洞洞洞12F 01/14 12:27
推 :建生中醫 關心您的健康 O_OP13F 01/14 12:40
推 :好少 很多問題也都是廢話14F 01/14 12:42
不開心?換你去問!(買奶雞坐等~)噓 :幫忙測試(cb ob)就不辛苦 獎品就隨便15F 01/14 12:43
此話怎講?推 :如果金彈 少字16F 01/14 12:56
感謝~推 :之前說會移除帳篷的17F 01/14 13:01
推 :之前也說要nerf fuk155現在變成美國td也沒說原因....18F 01/14 13:21
只說可能nerf美帝,沒說不動法國佬啊推 :我都習慣把基地內和附近的帳篷房子輾一輾 不給對方躲19F 01/14 13:46
推 :還是有差 HE和HEAT打不穿帳篷20F 01/14 13:53
→ :之前就靠躲帳篷擋掉砲車的HE彈佔點贏了
※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (01/14 15:01)→ :之前就靠躲帳篷擋掉砲車的HE彈佔點贏了
推 :CB OB獎品拿出來賣阿...22F 01/14 15:12
推 :Define the "unique tanks" pls.23F 01/14 15:32
→ :帳篷不能擋吧?24F 01/14 16:57
→ :不能擋AP/APCR 可以擋HEAT HE/HESH要看暴風範圍25F 01/14 17:06
→ :AP/APCR可穿透障礙物是在8.10版新增的機制
→ :在此之前版本帳篷的確可以擋AP/APCR一炮
→ :AP/APCR可穿透障礙物是在8.10版新增的機制
→ :在此之前版本帳篷的確可以擋AP/APCR一炮
推 :高階TD大根的都會nerf,不是動特定誰28F 01/14 18:04
→ :高階TD alpha850的 都會被NERF29F 01/14 18:19
噓 :兩萬四千場的猴王 幹30F 01/14 23:06
推 :那我會錯意了 美驅逐op rating都平平 甚至平均以下31F 01/14 23:51
→ :還要nerf很慘阿
推 :跟著別人抱怨 原po都ㄧㄧ回我真是受寵若驚A..A
→ :還要nerf很慘阿
推 :跟著別人抱怨 原po都ㄧㄧ回我真是受寵若驚A..A
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 157