※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-26 17:44:27
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 9/25 Q&A
時間 Thu Sep 26 15:07:39 2013
- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit
up) by someone else and not you
- Storm on 8.8 MM balancing issues: “It has confirmed that the waiting times
are longer and that the matchmaker tends to compose the teams with different
MM weights within the 10 pecent difference limit, depite being able to make
the team MM weight difference smaller.”
Storm 回答 8.8 分房平衡的問題: "已經確定排隊等待時間較長,而且即便可以將差距
更小的隊伍分在同一場遊戲, MM 娘更傾向於將兩隊權重相差最大達 10% 的隊伍分在
更小的隊伍分在同一場遊戲, MM 娘更傾向於將兩隊權重相差最大達 10% 的隊伍分在
- three new city maps are planned (“Will tell when the time is right” –
SS: possibly Minsk, Kharkov and Moscow/Stalingrad)
計畫做三張新的城市地圖 ("在適當的時間會說明" - SS: 有可能是 Minsk、Kharkov
和 Moscow/Stalingrad)
- high tier battle dynamic and battle duration has not changed in last 6
months, devs are okay with this situation
- T110E3 and T110E4 historical data can be found in Hunnicutt: Firepower
T110E3 和 T110E4 的歷史資料可以在 Hunnicutt: Firepower 裡找到
- British premium tier 8 vehicle? “If we add it, we’ll tell you”
英國 T8 金幣車? "如果我們加進去,我們會告訴你"
- it’s likely that the tier 9 Object 430 prototype turret traverse will be
the same as Object 416 has now
有可能 T9 Obj.430 prototype 的砲塔迴轉限制會與目前的 Obj. 416 一樣
- bot player bans are not being published (SS: that does not mean they are
not getting banned. Without any details or names, I had two player writing me
for being banned for botting)
不會公布被鎖帳號的外掛玩家名單(SS: 這並不代表他們沒被鎖。有兩位玩家告訴我他
- FV215b rebalance? “Wait for test patchnotes”
重新平衡 FV215b? "等測試服的改版資料"
- Chinese Type 79 (Type 69 with L7 gun) won’t appear in the game, it’s too
中國 Type 79 (Type 69 + L7 砲)不會在遊戲內出現,它太先進了
- historical battles will not come this year
- Russian “proposal” forum section has pre-moderation (SS: proposals have
to be allowed by a moderator), because (SerB) “Most of the proposals were
either proposed before, or they are…eeeee…. not very smart”
俄國的 "提案" 論壇上有做預先審核的動作 (SS: 提案必須先被仲裁者允許),因為
- there have been no major changes in battle dynamic since the arty nerf
according to SerB
根據 SerB 所說,戰鬥動態在 nerf 自走砲之後並沒有太大的改變
- WoWp light attack planes nation characteristics according to SerB:
Germans – “one pass haul ass”
British – universal
American – many bombs and rockets
根據 SerB 所說,WoWp 各國家的輕型攻擊機特點為:
德國 - "飛的超快"
英國 - 全能
美國 - 炸彈跟火箭很多
- WG tanks and planes on one map playing with each other? “Theoretically,
yes. Practically, I think it’s pointless. A tank cannot harm an airplane,
unless it reaches the airport. Considering the speed of the airplanes, to
place airfiends a few kilometers from one another makes no sense.
Accordingly, the tanks would have to travel at least 10 kilometers under fire
from air. That’s garbage” – the same goes for ships and airplanes on one
map: “And would you like to be cannon fodder in your airplane? Because one
capital ship generally carries dozens of airplanes – that’s also garbage.”
WG 坦克和飛機在同一張地圖對戰? "理論上可以,實際上我覺得這是無意義的事情。一
到空中攻擊的狀態下開至少 10 公里。這樣設計根本就是垃圾" - 這個道理同樣可以套
用在船艦和飛機在同一張地圖戰鬥的構想: "你想在你開飛機的時候被當成砲灰嗎? 一
艘主力艦基本上都會載幾十架飛機阿 - 這個同樣的也是很爛的設計"
到空中攻擊的狀態下開至少 10 公里。這樣設計根本就是垃圾" - 這個道理同樣可以套
用在船艦和飛機在同一張地圖戰鬥的構想: "你想在你開飛機的時候被當成砲灰嗎? 一
艘主力艦基本上都會載幾十架飛機阿 - 這個同樣的也是很爛的設計"
- it’s possible the developers will implement the track links hanging on the
hull acting as temporary armor (falls off when hit) (SS: this is tied to the
Havok physics I think)
我想這跟 Havok 物理引擎有關)
- historical battles will work as random battles at first and if that works
fine, historical company battles will be implemented
- Storm confirms that client physics (Havok) will use all the cores of
multicore processors
Storm 確認客戶端物理模擬(Havok)會用到多核心處理器所有的核心
- (if I understand it correctly) the scouting damage (you scout, allies
damage) will be added to the achievement table
- lighting on all maps will be strongly reworked in 0.9.0
所有地圖的打光效果會在 9.0 重作並且強化
- it will not be possible to select one light filter for all the maps (SS:
for example so all the maps have the same brightness as South Coast)
未來不可能能為所有的地圖選擇同一個打光遮罩(SS: 舉例來說像是讓所有的地圖和
South Coast 有一樣的亮度)
- Q: “Has the whining about 15:0 wins/losses intensified?”
A (Storm): “There is such a whine for two years already.” SerB: “Four
Q: "抱怨 15:0 打輸/打贏的聲浪有變大嗎?"
A:(Storm): "這樣的抱怨已經持續有兩年了" SerB: "四年"
- live and dead tanks do not act as line of sight (spotting) obstacles
- tanks are buffed/nerfed according to statistics.
Q: “What statistics?”
A: “Combat statistics.”
車輛要不要 buff/nerf 是根據它的統計資料
Q: "甚麼統計資料?"
A: "戰鬥統計資料"
- SerB regarding one site that sells accounts: “It’s a database of accounts
we’ll ban for account trading”
SerB 提到一個賣帳號的網站: "那會是個我們拿來鎖違規交易帳號的資料庫"
- more realistic tank movement (for example the tank tilting slightly
backwards when accelerating) will be added gradually
更真實的車輛動作(像是車輛加速時稍微傾向後方) 會被漸漸加進去
- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible
to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :戰鬥動態指的是哪樣?如果是玩家行徑的話很顯然不同1F 09/26 15:12
推 :不要再MM惹....剛剛一場對面Kv-1s,TOGII各兩台(戰車2F 09/26 15:13
推 :翻車會增加遊戲體驗XD3F 09/26 15:13
推 :"甚麼統計資料?" SERB:我被那台車打爆的次數統計資料4F 09/26 15:13
→ :排)我們只有一台M6重坦其他中坦打Mine打到快哭出來了5F 09/26 15:14
推 :如果跟飛機同場 誰會玩坦克 www6F 09/26 15:16
→ :這鬼東西8.7就有了 你在胡扯什麼...8F 09/26 15:18
旋風式防空戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
四號「旋風式」防空戰車(德語:Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind)是第二次世界大戰後期德軍以四號戰車底盤研製出的自走防空砲,因此亦被叫作「旋風式自走防空砲」,於1944年研製作為傢具車式防空戰車的替代品。 ...
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/26 15:25)
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/26 15:27)
推 :想要參在一起打的直接去玩戰地風雲比較快10F 09/26 15:26
→ :修正一些文章縮排11F 09/26 15:27
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/26 15:28)→ :這篇太溫和了...一點都不SerB12F 09/26 15:29
推 :開玩笑 打時速幾十公里的輕坦都很頭大了 打時速幾百13F 09/26 15:34
→ :公里的飛機....實際遊戲中誰打得到 前置量不可能抓到
→ :公里的飛機....實際遊戲中誰打得到 前置量不可能抓到
→ :可能要改裝機砲 看見飛機就在那邊答答答狂射 賭賽到15F 09/26 16:14
→ :翻車會增加遊戲體驗.... 成為No comment的素材嗎?16F 09/26 16:23
→ :以後ELC不只會飛高高還會空中轉體360度 這樣?17F 09/26 16:24
推 :8.8後就沒德國消息了 這是好事18F 09/26 17:30
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 130