※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-23 09:42:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 法務部:保障隱私 可制止對警察錄影
時間 Tue Jan 22 20:59:26 2013
最後波市頓政府付出 USD 170K 和解金收場。
即 2007年10月1日 Simon Glik 在10英呎外,
警察們說 Glik 違法拍攝,並逮補了 Glik,
並指控 Glik. 三項罪名 1. 竊聽 2. 擾亂秩序 3. 協助嫌犯逃跑
上法院後,警察對 Glik的一切指控,皆被法院駁回,
然後 Glik 控告 警察侵害他的公民權,
法院說 "this First Amendment right publicly to record
the activities of police officers on public business is established."
即 "憲法第一修正案授權公開地攝錄警察的公開事務"
結果: 波士頓市府付 USD 170,000 和解金給 Glik,並準備處分那一群警察
Glik v. Cunniffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glik v. Cunniffe, 655 F.3d 78 (1st Cir. 2011) was a case at the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that held that a private citizen has the right to videotape public officials in a public place, and that the arrest of the citizen for a wiretapping violation violated the citizen's F ...
Glik v. Cunniffe, 655 F.3d 78 (1st Cir. 2011) was a case at the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that held that a private citizen has the right to videotape public officials in a public place, and that the arrest of the citizen for a wiretapping violation violated the citizen's F ...
Boston PD admits arrest for cell phone recording was a mistake | Ars Technica
The Boston Police Department has finally admitted that its officers should not … ...
The Boston Police Department has finally admitted that its officers should not … ...
ps. Glik 是法律系的高才生
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: flylee 來自: (01/22 21:00)
推 :雖然很振奮人心 但鬼島說不定有鬼島的玩法...1F 01/22 21:00
推 :一定有黨證 才敢這麼邱丟2F 01/22 21:00
推 :鬼島玩法不同 你以為會有這種事情麼?3F 01/22 21:02
推 :鬼島的玩法可能不適用人類法律 XDD (我胡扯的~~~4F 01/22 21:04
→ :鬼島黨最大 打狗不看主人該死5F 01/22 21:04
※ 編輯: flylee 來自: (01/22 21:08)推 :條子就是怕出包才不讓人拍攝6F 01/22 21:07
→ :就算他不是 在美國應該也很多人願意幫他打這官司?7F 01/22 21:10
推 :等你給台灣的警察擁有米帝條子的權限 再來討論這個吧8F 01/22 21:11
→ :但是我也認為法務部這樣的解釋不合理.....9F 01/22 21:18
推 :很簡單 法務部就讓台灣的警察通通戴面罩執勤就好10F 01/22 21:24
→ :不敢讓百姓拍是因為心虛還是動手腳被蒐證?
→ :警察就能對你從頭到腳拍 百姓就不能拍警察?
→ :不敢讓百姓拍是因為心虛還是動手腳被蒐證?
→ :警察就能對你從頭到腳拍 百姓就不能拍警察?
推 :美國警察的權力大責任當然大13F 01/22 21:31
→ :不然你逮捕小屁還 小屁還把手機放在離你50cm的地方是不是
→ :挑性?
→ :不然你逮捕小屁還 小屁還把手機放在離你50cm的地方是不是
→ :挑性?
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 601