※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-16 09:25:15
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Pekovic 灰狼5年6仟萬美元
時間 Thu Aug 15 21:33:50 2013
Pekovic, Timberwolves agree on new 5-year deal | NBA.com
Nikola Pekovic didn't want to leave Minnesota, and the Timberwolves weren't about to let him go. ...
Nikola Pekovic didn't want to leave Minnesota, and the Timberwolves weren't about to let him go. ...
內容:Pekovic, Timberwolves agree on new 5-year deal
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Nikola Pekovic didn't want to leave Minnesota,
and the Timberwolves weren't about to let him go.
After weeks of negotiations, waiting and watching,
the two sides came to agreement on Wednesday
on a new five-year contract that could be worth more than $60 million
after incentives.
waiting and watching - 觀望
come to agreement - 達成協議
"Retaining Pek was our No. 1 priority this offseason and
we're very excited that he's chosen to continue his career in Minnesota,
" Wolves president of basketball operations Flip Saunders said
in a statement issued by the team.
"Thanks to a lot of hard work and determination,
Pek has developed into one of the NBA's premier centers and
is entering the prime of his career."
灰狼總裁Flip Saunders發表聲明。
priority - 優先
ex : Getting a girlfriend is not my priority. 我不急著交女友
determination - 決心
ex : Your determination to succeed is not strong enough. 你求勝心不夠強
premier - 首位、第一的
prime - 全盛時期
in a statement issued by the team
in a statement (which was) issued by the team 省略which was
After posting a career-high 16.3 points and 8.8 rebounds
per game last season, the 27-year-old
Pekovic was a restricted free agent when the NBA's fiscal year
opened on July 1.
That meant the Timberwolves had the right to match any offer
he received from another team, and Saunders made it clear from
the start that they would do whatever it took to keep him in Minnesota.
restrict - 限制
ex : restricted area, authorized personnel only
In the end, that included adding a fifth year on the initial four-year,
$48 million offer they presented Pekovic and his agent, Jeff Schwartz,
a few weeks ago.
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◆ From:
推 :看外電學英語1F 08/15 21:36
推 :長人好貴2F 08/15 21:37
→ :樓上認真的嗎?看看其他隊的中鋒..3F 08/15 21:39
推 :你現在當我看不懂就是了4F 08/15 21:42
推 :多了單字加深學英語動力 推XDD5F 08/15 21:43
推 :推6F 08/15 21:44
推 :高中程度的單字也要列喔7F 08/15 21:47
推 :推8F 08/15 21:47
推 :看外絮 學英語!9F 08/15 21:51
推 :搞笑喔XD10F 08/15 21:56
推 :新版奢侈稅效力已經出來了,不可能在2哥也1400起跳了11F 08/15 21:58
推 :推12F 08/15 22:02
推 :很用心推一個13F 08/15 22:10
推 :順便學英文,給推!14F 08/15 22:25
推 :XDDDDD16F 08/15 22:28
推 :有英文解析XD17F 08/15 22:30
推 :讚歐,還可以學英文18F 08/15 22:31
推 :XD 太用心了,幫本版鄉民增加英文程度~!19F 08/15 22:32
推 :學英文大推20F 08/15 22:37
推 :真的看外電學英文 真棒21F 08/15 22:38
推 :用心 很棒22F 08/15 22:44
推 :有笑有推23F 08/15 22:46
→ :推英文解晰XD24F 08/15 22:47
推 :還要造個例句啊25F 08/15 22:52
推 :推!!!!!!26F 08/15 22:59
推 :哈哈水喔27F 08/15 23:03
推 :太棒了 以後多發ㄚ大大28F 08/15 23:11
推 :文法解析是蝦餃啦XDDDD29F 08/15 23:17
推 :推......看外電學英語 XD30F 08/15 23:21
推 :還有文法講解,推31F 08/15 23:24
推 :多發這種文好嗎 其他發廢文的學著點32F 08/15 23:24
推 :推解析33F 08/15 23:25
推 :good job34F 08/15 23:26
推 :++35F 08/15 23:29
推 :推專業,看個外電也能學英文!36F 08/15 23:34
推 :推這篇 太棒了37F 08/15 23:34
→ :這種文章還不錯啊XDDD38F 08/15 23:40
推 :推用心 灰狼果然屈服了 優質內線難尋阿39F 08/15 23:40
推 :推一個40F 08/15 23:41
推 :讚41F 08/15 23:42
推 :這篇外電我笑好久 XDDDDDDDD43F 08/15 23:45
推 :好用心XD44F 08/15 23:46
推 :太用心了 推~~y45F 08/15 23:48
推 :用心推46F 08/15 23:48
推 :我也是靠翻外電學英文 真的有差 推!47F 08/15 23:51
推 :o.048F 08/15 23:59
推 :我學英文也是為了看這些外絮和小八卦49F 08/16 00:02
推 :很棒耶!!!50F 08/16 00:02
推 :真棒! 非常用心, 有這種文章真好 !51F 08/16 00:06
推 :認真給推52F 08/16 00:14
推 :超推53F 08/16 00:14
推 :有單字片語給推54F 08/16 00:14
推 :希望以後有多一些這種用心的文章!! 推!!55F 08/16 00:14
推 :學英文?????56F 08/16 00:17
推 :good57F 08/16 00:19
推 :用心推58F 08/16 00:25
推 :good59F 08/16 00:25
推 :推用心!!真的有學習到!!60F 08/16 00:26
推 :用心推61F 08/16 00:27
推 :推~ 我也常看外電學英文說 哈哈62F 08/16 00:30
推 :超認真!63F 08/16 00:36
推 :用心推! 希望常看到這類文章64F 08/16 00:40
推 :推65F 08/16 00:47
推 :用心推66F 08/16 00:48
推 :推67F 08/16 00:53
推 :因為英文解析太獨出讓我笑了,但很用心!! 請繼續下去68F 08/16 00:55
推 :推解析69F 08/16 01:01
推 :用心 推70F 08/16 01:03
推 :哈哈哈哈哈哈71F 08/16 01:16
推 :這篇屌!!! 該推爆!!!72F 08/16 01:25
推 :推!!!73F 08/16 01:32
推 :有教學就給推 希望能多點這種好文74F 08/16 02:40
推 :推75F 08/16 02:42
推 :不錯推76F 08/16 03:33
推 :推學英文77F 08/16 04:21
推 :推 這篇有當年SLAM的fu啊78F 08/16 05:01
推 :Push push79F 08/16 05:05
推 :推!!80F 08/16 05:14
推 :太用心了81F 08/16 05:50
推 :這篇好 雙重學習82F 08/16 05:55
推 :推!!!83F 08/16 07:06
推 :推沙丁解析英語84F 08/16 07:33
→ :看外電長知識85F 08/16 07:58
推 :推阿XD86F 08/16 08:13
推 :感動 以後外電文請比照87F 08/16 08:13
推 :讚88F 08/16 08:17
推 :感謝89F 08/16 08:25
推 :推 (其實想給箭頭,當我看不懂啊!!!XDD) 看不懂90F 08/16 08:33
推 :91F 08/16 08:42
推 :推~~~以後外電文請比照92F 08/16 08:45
推 :大推,看外電學英文,希望之後可以多發類似文93F 08/16 08:50
推 :XDD94F 08/16 08:56
推 :95F 08/16 08:57
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 140
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