※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-27 12:30:10
看板 joke
作者 標題 [影片] 中邪的貓&一些貓影片
時間 Wed Nov 27 02:52:17 2013
[影片] 中邪的貓&中邪的狗&etc - Joke板 - Disp BBS
有誰能告訴我這隻貓是怎麼了嗎? 中邪了XDDDD? (看此影片請開喇叭) 這隻狗也中邪了 對著吹風機XDDD (OP) 狗:主人、這門不是有玻璃嗎???(玻璃破了) 靜電狗嚇到旁邊那隻狗了 ...
有誰能告訴我這隻貓是怎麼了嗎? 中邪了XDDDD? (看此影片請開喇叭)
這隻狗也中邪了 對著吹風機XDDD (OP)
Crazy Dog gets High on Helium--LOLWUT - YouTube
This is what happpens when a dog gets high on helium LOL
This is what happpens when a dog gets high on helium LOL

Confused canine stuck behind missing glass door - YouTube
A confused dog gets stuck inside behind what he assumes is a glass door. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twi...
A confused dog gets stuck inside behind what he assumes is a glass door. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twi...

CuteWinFail: Static Dog - YouTube
Check out a dog's hair stick up straight after being rubbed with a blanket. For more CuteWinFail clips subscribe here: Electrifyin...
Check out a dog's hair stick up straight after being rubbed with a blanket. For more CuteWinFail clips subscribe here: Electrifyin...

PTT至尊麻將題~ 以下題目全對表示您是麻將高手 四人玩13張麻將起手牌如下:
東家:1112345678999萬 南家:1112345678999筒 西家:1112345678999索北家:19萬 19筒 19索 東南西北中發白 PS.跟羅蘭度電影題無關...13張無花牌...
問題:哪家贏面最大? 牌山至少要被摸幾隻牌才會有胡局產生?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: harry901 來自: (11/27 02:53)
推 :超可愛的!!!1F 11/27 03:21
推 : 趕快轉可愛板!!!2F 11/27 03:30
推 :敲3F 11/27 08:12
推 :貓怎麼了啦!俊朗朗4F 11/27 09:54
推 :被吹風機的狗笑死XDDDDDDDDD6F 11/27 10:55
推 :我怎麼覺得適合po在marvel...7F 11/27 11:14
推 :8F 11/27 12:07
Cat plays with vacuum cleaner (ORIGINAL) - YouTube
Russian Andrey Lebedev filmed this footage of his cat Rijka playing with a vacuum cleaner. It has since gone viral, but this is the original footage, sent to...
Russian Andrey Lebedev filmed this footage of his cat Rijka playing with a vacuum cleaner. It has since gone viral, but this is the original footage, sent to...

※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 314
作者 harry901 的最新發文:
- 台灣的交通亂象大家都知道 大家當然想改善 可是講了十幾年 還是一樣爛 如此應該已經是結構性系統性的問題了 每天的新聞幾乎都有交通事故新聞 到底有什麼辦法可以解決交通亂象? 問題的根本在哪? …994F 340推 45噓
- 33F 8推 3噓
- 13F 4推 1噓
- 12F 3推 1噓