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作者 標題 [專欄] Ray Allen: Miami Heat’s secret weapon
時間 Mon May 13 14:14:56 2013
Ray Allen: Miami Heat’s secret weapon
by Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY Sports http://0rz.tw/hIsFN
Ray Allen: Miami Heat’s secret weapon | HOOPSWORLD | Basketball News & NBA Rumors
by Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY Sports CHICAGO — Ray Allen doesn't like things to change. But when they do, he can adapt. So, yes, he averaged career lows ...
CHICAGO — Ray Allen doesn’t like things to change. But when they do,
he can adapt.
芝加哥標題 - Ray Allen並不喜歡改變,但當球隊需要,他是有能力培養的。
So, yes, he averaged career lows in points, rebounds, assists and minutes
So, yes, he averaged career lows in points, rebounds, assists and minutes
for the Miami Heat this season. Despite those career per-game lows,
his per 36-minute averages were comparable to his final three seasons with
the Boston Celtics, and his fourth-quarter statistics are comparable to
any season he had with the Celtics.
He is in an unfamiliar role: off the bench in every game in a season for the
first time. Because of that, he gives the Heat even more depth.
“He’s given us exactly what we wanted this year,” Heat coach Erik Spoelstra
said. “He’s a fourth-quarter killer with the mindset that you have to know
and be aware of where he is at all times in the fourth quarter.”
熱火總教練Erik Spoelstra表示:"本季他的付出,正是我們所需要的。"
While his playing time is down, Allen is a mainstay in the fourth quarter,
when he averages 10 minutes. That’s the highest fourth-quarter average
in his 17-year career.
He averages 4.5 points, his best since 2006-07,
and shoots 42.3% on three-pointers in the fourth.
第四節場均出賽:10分鐘 - 此為Allen在第四節場均出賽時間的生涯新高。
“He creates more space for our best players,” Spoelstra said.
熱火總教練Erik Spoelstra表示:"他為隊上最佳的球員們創造更大的進攻空間。"
A creature of his well-established routine,
Allen had to step out of his comfort zone.
He warmed to Miami, the Heat and his role.
For starters, he signed with Miami knowing he would be a reserve.
Before this season, Allen had started in 1,140 of 1,148 regular-season games.
He didn’t start once in 79 appearances this season.
“The ultimate for me was just getting used to coming off the bench,”
Allen said. “I had to re-tool how I prepare, how I get my body ready.
It was a fun process, but it was also a process I had to understand and learn.”
Ray Allen表示:"對我而言最大的變化,就是必須習慣在板凳出發。"
"我必須重新學習 - 如何去在板凳上準備好自己並順利出擊。"
He had to change his pregame routine and figure out how to come off the
He had to change his pregame routine and figure out how to come off the
bench ready to go.
Celtics coach Doc Rivers moved Allen to the bench last season,
and though unhappy with it, Allen started to accept his future role
as his career approaches the end.
塞爾提克隊總教練Doc Rivers曾在上季把Ray Allen轉移到替補陣容,
He didn’t leave Boston simply because he was going to come off the bench.
"It's a little more complicated than that.
I knew I was coming off the bench either way.
I wasn't mad I was coming off the bench there," Allen said.
"I just knew I was coming off the bench one way or the other.
Offensively, who was giving me the ability to help and impact the team?
Clearly for me, it was here.
I was hoping I was putting myself in a good situation and so far,
it's been that."
Ray Allen表示:"這比單純擔任替補複雜一些,因為我也知道總有一天會發生。"
He also had to fit in with new teammates.
"I just watched and saw how guys did things and tried to adapt and
ingratiated myself as much as I could and they accepted me," Allen said.
"They allowed me to have a place, and I felt very welcomed from the start.
Ray Allen表示:"我在這裡看到非常多的夥伴,盡力地習慣我並迎合我,
! Are you talking to me?
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◆ From:
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→ :至於安吉 我想沒有一個球員會喜歡整天被說要交易
→ :熱火:當家的尊重他 也有適度的球權和開火權 溫馨
→ :至於安吉 我想沒有一個球員會喜歡整天被說要交易
→ :雷槍:LBJ耶 聯盟第一人向我請教罰球 真爽17F 05/13 14:28
推 :感覺熱火整隊的球員應該都蠻尊重雷槍的18F 05/13 14:30
→ :PP如果被交易去其他球隊,我看也會爆發19F 05/13 14:32
→ :我沒有貶低PP的意思,他本來就很強了。
→ :我沒有貶低PP的意思,他本來就很強了。
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推 :但是個人覺得雷槍穿賽隊球衣比火火球衣還帥耶!22F 05/13 14:34
→ :比起軟豆 我覺得安吉三不五時把它放到交易台影像較大23F 05/13 14:35
→ :公鹿最帥~~~24F 05/13 14:38
噓 :假君子真小人25F 05/13 14:42
推 :如果pp現在上場時間控制一半左右 還是很強的26F 05/13 14:43
→ :安吉:我要賣掉你囉!但你還是要對我忠心不二哦!啾咪27F 05/13 14:44
→ :依照PP打法,有效控制上場時間,搞不好打到四十= =
→ :依照PP打法,有效控制上場時間,搞不好打到四十= =
→ :Anige今年季後賽還沒打完就在那邊嚷嚷PP的合約問題29F 05/13 14:49
→ :我想PP應該也是很不爽
→ :我想PP應該也是很不爽
推 :奇磨子的問題吧,當三巨頭的替補31F 05/13 14:55
推 :第四節平均上10分鐘表示真的很看重這個球員32F 05/13 14:56
→ :跟原隊當Nobody的替補,心情上差很多33F 05/13 14:56
→ :Ray在熱火扮演的角色很巨大,要當射手、空手跑位者
→ :有時客串控衛、有時還要當低位的發動者
→ :Ray在熱火扮演的角色很巨大,要當射手、空手跑位者
→ :有時客串控衛、有時還要當低位的發動者
推 :大推能屈能申的君子劍雷阿倫36F 05/13 14:58
→ :雖然是替補,但也讓Ray展現他本來全能的一面37F 05/13 14:58
→ :很多人可能當忘記,當時他在Sonic時是Mr.everything
→ :很多人可能當忘記,當時他在Sonic時是Mr.everything
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推 :在第四節場均上十分鐘超爽的好嗎41F 05/13 15:15
推 :Ray Gun!!!!42F 05/13 15:16
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