看板 WomenTalk
作者 lady123 (蜂蜜小姐)
標題 [討論] 甜蜜浪漫的歌 (外文歌)
時間 Sun Oct 26 20:37:30 2014

男友生日 要營造氣氛用的

慶祝他最後一次的單身生日 (明年就要稱呼老公囉)

請介紹我甜蜜、浪漫的歌曲  最好是外文歌喔^^


1.K歌情人-Way back in to love

[KTV]-K歌情人-Way Back Into Love(原版+翻譯).mpg - YouTube
很好聽:) 我很推薦這首歌!!! 也是我這次音樂課要考的歌:P


2.艾薇爾-I love you

3.Jason Mraz-I'm Yours

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours [Official Music Video] - YouTube
© 2009 WMG I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video)  


4.Taylor swift-Love story

Taylor Swift - Love Story - YouTube
Music video by Taylor Swift performing Love Story. (C) 2008 Big Machine Records, LLC



方大同Khalil Fong-特別的人 Special Person (Official MV) - YouTube 特別的人 Special Person 作曲 Composed by:方大同 作詞 Lyrics by:方大同 監製 Produced by:方大同@P.R.C./ Derrick Sepnio@P.R.C. 方大同最新專輯《危險世界》 Khalil's new album "Dangerous World" i...


6.方大同-nothing gonna change my love for you

方大同 Khalil Fong - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You (Official MV) - YouTube 方大同專輯《可啦思刻》現於iTunes有售 Get the album "Timeless" on iTunes:  Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For Your (Glenn Mederios 1988) 作曲Compo...


7.恩地-all for you

[中字 live] 徐仁國&鄭恩地 - All For You (回答吧1997 Love Story Part1) (120906 stage) - YouTube 中字 live 徐仁國&鄭恩地 - All For You (回答吧1997 Love Story Part1) (120906 stage) 影片來源:billy00820001 @youtube 翻譯:infinkyul  中文字幕:mandyleec @you...


8.王若林-I love you

I Love You/ Joanna Wang 王若琳 (Ariele Cover) - YouTube
Its been a while again! this song has been one of my favorite songs for a long time~ so happy that i was able to work with one of my really good and talented...


9.Train-marry me

Train - Marry Me - YouTube
Music video by Train performing Marry Me. (C) 2010 Sony Music Entertainment


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stella0712: 6ㄧ票1F 10/26 20:38
lady123: 不是啦  介紹給我啦  XDDD  我只想到這些  還要更多 哈2F 10/26 20:39
drownfish: fly me to the moon3F 10/26 20:40
drownfish: 浪漫的爵士樂 很像音樂的浪漫之詩
candyxu04: 鋼琴演奏的有考慮嗎XD Yiruma的曲子都很不錯5F 10/26 20:44
candyxu04: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zApP_q1G2WI 很好聽!
The Best Of YIRUMA | Yiruma's Greatest Hits - Best Piano - YouTube The Best Of YIRUMA | Yiruma's Greatest Hits - Best Piano Playlist: 00:00 River Flows In You 03:08 Kiss The Rain 07:22 Spring Time 11:39 May Be 15:39 When The...

candyxu04: 推一下Che'Nelle-Baby I love you7F 10/26 20:49
oliviachen: Adele-one and only8F 10/26 20:52
oliviachen: christina perri-a thousand year
evv: Ellie Goulding - How Long Will I Love You10F 10/26 20:57
evv: 曲婉婷-Drenched
paige000: Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat - Lucky12F 10/26 21:00
isdogdog: just a kiss 我覺得超好聽!!!13F 10/26 21:02
vivien1good: Now and forever/1234-plain white14F 10/26 21:03
Bunnycute: Sixpence None The Richer-Kiss Me15F 10/26 21:05
komengtu: 推Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss!!!16F 10/26 21:05
writerniu: Bruno Mars-just the way you are17F 10/26 21:05
writerniu: 真愛每一天主題曲 how long will I love u
daisukiryo: 手越增田 kiss 回家路上的情歌?19F 10/26 21:08
w96302002: Can‘t take my eyes off you21F 10/26 21:09
lohaswind: Jack Johnson -better together22F 10/26 21:09
eitingirl: Bruno Mars-Marry You23F 10/26 21:09
cerruttie: Ed Sheeran- thinking out loud24F 10/26 21:10
yvonne60226: Juniel+鄭容和-傻瓜25F 10/26 21:11
modjo: Michael Bublè & Nelly Furtado quando quando quando26F 10/26 21:11
modjo: my one and only love Johnny Hartman 這首是經典28F 10/26 21:14
modjo: Unforgettable - Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole 也是經典
cockatiel123: Jeffrey Pierce _It had to be you_drop dead diva30F 10/26 21:15
Bunnycute: Tiny Harvest-Beautiful Day32F 10/26 21:16
flybabyfly: Queen-love of my life/Beatles-All you need is love33F 10/26 21:18
n131419: Our first time-Bruno mars34F 10/26 21:19
DMW9527: ONE OK ROCK - Notes 'n' Words35F 10/26 21:20
dash1: 想到636F 10/26 21:21
moidasu: Jayesslee - Officially Missing You37F 10/26 21:21
dash1: 嵐love situation  歌詞超甜蜜!!!!!!!!也超好聽!!!!!!!39F 10/26 21:22
moidasu: 法藍 - May I Kiss U Goodnight http://ppt.cc/Z~t240F 10/26 21:23
flower6: 嵐one love日本婚禮常放41F 10/26 21:23
moidasu: 光看歌詞就覺得快被閃瞎42F 10/26 21:23
moidasu: 阿不過是中文歌囧
kamayer: Marry You - Bruno Mars44F 10/26 21:28
yungyui: demi的Heart by heart45F 10/26 21:28
yungyui: 有命中注定的感覺~~~~
sunrise87: reality47F 10/26 21:29
MSSM: Ed sheeran -thinking out loud48F 10/26 21:31
pttmap: You got me by Colbie Caillat49F 10/26 21:34
c6hl2o6: And I love you so http://ppt.cc/CvMg50F 10/26 21:34
EMI FUJITA - And I love you so (Lyrics) - YouTube

my5555724: Jason Marz-Love someone~~51F 10/26 21:34
SummerRae: Parachute - Kiss Me Slowly 超級甜蜜啊 值得一聽!52F 10/26 21:35
c6hl2o6: 很多版本, 特別喜歡這個日本女生唱的版本53F 10/26 21:35
chine2: 木匠兄妹-close to you54F 10/26 21:36
yyyyoo: 很愛Bruno Mars - Merry you55F 10/26 21:37
chine2: 風中奇緣- If I never knew you56F 10/26 21:38
MSSM: James Morrison - You Make It Real For Me57F 10/26 21:38
MSSM: James Morrison - You Make It Real 才對 多了for me
tisuroko: Every time I close my eyes59F 10/26 21:42
tisuroko: Ordinary love
kgwangfshs: Michael Bublé-Everything http://ppt.cc/tUfv61F 10/26 21:43
Michael Bublé - Everything [Official Music Video] - YouTube
© 2007 WMG Michael Bublé - "Everything" as heard on Call Me Irresponsible available on iTunes:  Connect with Michael:

abiabi0103: Pussycat Doll-Stickwitu62F 10/26 21:45
abccgh: Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I am63F 10/26 21:46
shan1028: lyn-親愛的 老公啊 我的愛64F 10/26 21:46
popup7788: Daniel Bedingfield-If You're Not The One 每聽必哭65F 10/26 21:48
VeraSyue: vega4-life is beautiful66F 10/26 21:49
iln89330: just the way you are67F 10/26 21:52
kgwangfshs: Ingrid Michaelson - You and I 歌詞甜蜜又實際XD68F 10/26 21:54
third233: Olivia ing-you and me~甜蜜又俏皮!!69F 10/26 21:57
third233: 更正一下 是Olivia ong
returnto: m2m-pretty boy71F 10/26 21:57
Julie & Julia (soundtrack) - Time After Time - 21 - YouTube
Alexandre Desplat - Time After Time - uploaded via  ...

abccgh: 948AFA585B173F 10/26 22:03
king830207: Jason mraz - lucky 今天聽到的74F 10/26 22:05
momo011: 恩地&許閣-短髮75F 10/26 22:16
yanshen0713: Sara Bareilles-I Choose You (可以看一下中文歌詞)76F 10/26 22:22
yanshen0713: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjE5D9cHiOk
Sara Bareilles - I Choose You - YouTube
Download "The Blessed Unrest" here:  Spotify:  

papopipi: How long will I love you 整個超甜啊!78F 10/26 22:30
strawberrykz: 冰雪奇緣-Love is an open door79F 10/26 22:32
kenco: I say a little pray。我比較推薦glee版的與 date movie版80F 10/26 22:36
kenco: *I say a little prayer  快版的翻唱比較好聽
kenco: Journey - Open Arms  http://ppt.cc/2I-3
Journey - Open Arms - YouTube
In my opinion, this is one of the greatest love songs ever written. Steve Perry did a fabulous job with this song. It was great to see them in concert in the...

domosha: kinki kids或山田涼介版本的 愛的聚合物(ainokatamari)83F 10/26 22:47
vivi507: 個人還蠻喜歡 Train-Hey Soul Sister的84F 10/26 22:50
v102609: 嵐 love situation. one love. love so sweet都推!西城85F 10/26 22:50
v102609: 男孩的my love!
rissos: just the way you are +187F 10/26 22:55
Marc Scibilia - How Bad We Need Each Other - Lyric Video - YouTube This is the song used in Bones 7x07: ''The Prisoner in the Pipe'' - the moment when Booth and Brennan introduce baby Christine Angela to their friends. :) Fo...

headheadgood: Marry you!!89F 10/26 22:59
daomen: coldplay - parachutes90F 10/26 23:04
emHong: you and i91F 10/26 23:08
poo925: Coldplay-yellow92F 10/26 23:17
markcup128: Extreme-more than words老派情歌93F 10/26 23:22
lylksk: 孝琳-我是愛你的94F 10/26 23:26


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