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看板 iPhone
作者 MurderKiller (柳橙柚子)
標題 Re: [討論] 續17906討論4S解鎖/合約(附與客服對話)
時間 Mon Oct 10 09:25:38 2011

※ 引述《chocolatquoi (Ellen)》之銘言:


我也去了蘋果的chat online(在預購頁面的右邊有連結可點),

詢問關於locked iPhone能否用AT&T以外的micro SIM卡,


客服    You are chatting with Aisha F, an Apple Expert
        您正與蘋果客服Aisha F對話。

我      I checked my status with AT&T, and I am eligible for a upgrade to buy
        an iPhone with a contract.
        我在AT&T網站上確認過能否續約購買iPhone 4S的資格,確認是可以的。

        I am happy to know that I am eligible to get one with better price.
        However, since I am an international student, sometimes I have to use
        the cell phone "outside" the US.
        我很高興能用較優惠的價格購買iPhone 4S,然而身為國際學生,勢必日後將於

客服    After you preorder you phone you can check with your carrier to get
        international rates as well.

我      Yes, I know that AT&T provides international service, but I am
        thinking to use local carrier service instead of AT&T.

        Does it mean I have to buy an unlocked iPhone?
        這是否表示我得購買unlocked iPhone?

        My question is, if I preorder the locked iPhone, when I get out of
        contract in the future and bring the iPhone back to my home country,
        can I use local carrier's SIM card, which is different from AT&T's
        SIM card?
        我的問題是,如果我預購locked iPhone,當我日後解約,將iPhone帶回我的

客服    Let me check that for you.

我      I am worrying in the future, after I finish my degree and go home,
        I may not use the iPhone anymore because it is locked to AT&T.

客服    You would be be able to use in your country. The carrier has to have
        a 3G microsim.
        你可以在你的國家使用,只要手機通訊商有3G micro SIM卡即可。

我      That means, even if I insert a SIM card provided by a carrier
        different from AT&T, I still can use it?

客服    If it is a 3g Microsims.
        只要它是3G micro SIM卡的話。

        That is correct.

我      Great!

客服    Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?

我      No. My only question is about if I can use locked iPhone with a micro
        SIM card provided from a carrier different from AT&T. I am glad to
        hear that it is okay to use in that way.
        沒有了。我唯一的問題就是,我想知道我能不能用其他公司的micro SIM卡。

        Thank you again for your help and your patience.

客服    Well enjoy your new iPhone 4s when you get it.
        Thank you for visiting the Apple Store. We appreciate your business.
        If you would like more help, please chat with us again.

我      Thank you.

客服    You welcome.
        Good Night!





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◆ From:
Jason0813:可是鎖不鎖 會不會問AT&T比較準?1F 10/10 09:30
iPluto:這種事情14號手機拿到就知道了....2F 10/10 09:41
kendar:恩...根據我的經驗是 無法 因為at會踢皮球說ap沒給他們權利3F 10/10 09:45
kendar:然後ap會說at才能幫你處理 我們無法 因為我的4就是這樣
kendar:所以我想最好的方法就是等11月 看會不會有機會可以用續約
kendar:買unlock機 這才是最好的方法
zxc28577823:天啊..你英文真好  APPLE客服態度也好好喔~~7F 10/10 10:32
Complain:那簽了約立刻解約是多少違約金 幫忙問一下ATnT拜託了感謝8F 10/10 11:49
Bemu13Floor:我覺得不可能 那你買來後插T-Mobile卡看看就知道了...9F 10/10 13:12
Bemu13Floor:524 US dollars = 15941.6520 New Taiwan dollars
Bemu13Floor:一隻iPhone 4s 這樣只要一萬五...
Bemu13Floor:我們可以洗手機賣回台灣撈一票了 ^^"
joeyen0546:樓上好像沒想到 洗出來的也是鎖機板...14F 10/10 14:00
iPluto:他的意思就是如果如這篇講的沒鎖 就可以這樣洗啊15F 10/10 14:05
iPluto:另外iPhone也不會是$199 要稅所以約是$250左右
chiky:不管有鎖沒鎖, 我都早就訂下去了.. 到時候用我t-mobile試試17F 10/10 14:07
Justins:要是這個客服所言屬實,那鎖跟沒鎖差在哪裡= =18F 10/10 14:09
chiky:apple客服自己都說差在綁約而已啊 只是不知道事實是否如此XD19F 10/10 14:11
Justins:我剛剛也手滑訂了一台白色XD 短時間內應該不會離美..想說20F 10/10 14:14
Bemu13Floor:我也好想要白色iPhone 4s :P21F 10/10 14:16
Bemu13Floor:可是sprint跟verizon月租費好貴 ...
chiky:好像大家都是訂白色的, 目前還沒聽說有任何朋友要買黑色 :p23F 10/10 14:20
Bemu13Floor:冬天就該用白色手機阿 ^^ 等你的TMo測試報告 :P:P24F 10/10 14:23
onlyexpect:綁約的無法用TM,除非本來的機子就是unlock的25F 10/10 14:32
Bemu13Floor:Not according to Aisha F, an Apple Expert XD26F 10/10 14:34
im2cool4u:我今天也有跟IPHONE EXPERT聊天 他對我超不削的27F 10/10 14:50
im2cool4u:他很堅持的說 現在出的就是有鎖版本
im2cool4u:他還冷冷的說 如果沒鎖的話 誰要去買沒鎖的版本= =
Justins:羅生門XD30F 10/10 15:07
Bemu13Floor:哈 樓上那麼喜歡推文喔 還隔兩分鐘推一次 :)35F 10/10 15:18
im2cool4u:我的EXPERT也有說 如果有綁約就是鎖機36F 10/10 15:18
asdfghjklasd:這樣也能一篇文?!37F 10/10 17:44

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