※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-14 03:51:39
看板 Rockets
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 冰箱發火:不認真 主場也沒用
時間 Wed Mar 13 19:55:13 2013
※ 引述《gaviann (Gaviann)》之銘言:
: : → liangmain:比較好奇 所謂的認真是防守方面 還是? 03/13 17:34
: <3>
: From Clutchfans
: 冰箱+高富帥 interview
: http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=235375
New McHale Interview: "Recharge your batteries?!" - ClutchFans
New McHale Interview: "Recharge your batteries?!" Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves ...
: "....I don't understand that, recharge your battery for what? To be able to
: come out here and play basketball for a living? If we have to do that, you're
: in the wrong sport, you're doing the wrong thing. This is a high energy game
: that requires total commitment but it's a joy to play. It's fun."
: -----
: 簡單比喻
: 假設你是職業軍人,你就要有能力全副武裝加防毒面具跑完三千後,還能喊聲 "幹~好爽!"
: 這冰箱超老派的....LOFs大概快瘋掉了....
(Omer) He didn't feel good today. Omer is a pretty diligent worker. If he
doesn't feel good, I'm a little concerned.
If he's limited at all...
We'll find out tomorrow.
What's been the intensity like in practices the last few days?
It's been pretty good. You know, it better be. We're fighting for our playoff
lives. You better have a sense of urgency. There is 18 games left. We had 2
good days of practice. Now you gotta carry over to tomorrow.
With additions to your roster and different things, how interested are you in
back to back workouts?
Good to have practices. You'd like to honestly have more time. You don't.
It's during the season. As I've said all year, our guys will grow but they
aren't 5, 6, 7 year vets that you're bringing and saying within in a week,
they'll be acclimated. We're bringing in rookies and first year players.
There is an acclimation process that is normal then your compounding that by
a new system and stuff. A lot different.
How is Aaron adjusting?
Aaron has had 2 good practices.
Growing pains for a young group?
Not sure what you call it but it's painful.
When you have 2 days of practice like this, how much of it is just physically
and mentally recharging the battery?
I don't know. I guess I'm way too old. You're playing basketball for a
living. Recharge your batteries? Every morning you should get up and get on
your knees and thank God that you're playing basketball for a living. Someone
is actually paying you, in some cases millions and millions, in other cases
hundreds of thousands at the minimum to play basketball. If you have to
recharge your battery to play basketball, I understand recharging my battery
that I've done three double shifts, I'm laying cement, and I come home. I
understand that. I don't understand that, recharge your battery for what? To
be able to come out here and play basketball for a living? If we have to do
that, you're in the wrong sport, you're doing the wrong thing. This is a high
energy game that requires total commitment but it's a joy to play. It's fun.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :說實在的,去討論連結看,外國鄉民對這段話並沒有這1F 03/13 19:57
→ :負面
→ :負面
→ :所以我說LOFs快瘋掉啦....XD3F 03/13 19:59
推 :UCCU把人家亂冰亂操後...然後才怪球員沒有energy...4F 03/13 20:01
推 :麥冰搞鐵血啊,這樣來看他只適合帶生化人部隊嘛.5F 03/13 20:06
推 :這樣叫鐵血..那我高中的時候看許晉哲代的不知叫啥了6F 03/13 21:09
推 :又不是國高中生...=3=...怎能這樣比...7F 03/13 21:40
推 :說得沒錯啊 難怪會成為偉大的球員8F 03/13 22:40
→ :如果MH年輕時教練這樣對它 它不知道會不會叫trade me9F 03/14 00:36
→ :這是職業籃球聯賽 大家都是靠身體吃飯的
→ :又不是像櫻木花道那樣 打完全國後 沒球打也沒差
→ :不靠籃球吃飯這樣
→ :這是職業籃球聯賽 大家都是靠身體吃飯的
→ :又不是像櫻木花道那樣 打完全國後 沒球打也沒差
→ :不靠籃球吃飯這樣
→ :這個問題看他的跛腳就知道了.... 他自己就是這樣幹的13F 03/14 00:42
→ :我是覺得他當球員的實力不容質疑 但是大部分的球員都14F 03/14 00:43
→ :不適合用那樣子的方法去打球 因為那樣子籃球生命必然會
→ :很短暫
→ :不適合用那樣子的方法去打球 因為那樣子籃球生命必然會
→ :很短暫
→ :他有一次季後賽 第一節腳踝就骨折了 當天照樣幹下20分1017F 03/14 00:44
→ :籃板
→ :87年第一輪對公牛第二戰
→ :籃板
→ :87年第一輪對公牛第二戰
推 :...真的是超級硬漢..20F 03/14 00:51
→ :然後他休養了十天 錯過了第一輪第三戰 以及對公鹿第一戰21F 03/14 00:53
→ :然後在第二戰就帶著還沒復原的傷勢上場 並打完整個季後賽
→ :然後在第二戰就帶著還沒復原的傷勢上場 並打完整個季後賽
→ :那只能值得尊敬 但是不值得學習 尤其是對球迷23F 03/14 00:54
→ :他在那次骨折之後整個季後賽的平均成績是38.9mins 21.2分9.424F 03/14 00:57
→ :籃板
→ :籃板
推 :很強...26F 03/14 01:01
推 :看看roy 還又很多球員...別以為這樣是很好的...= =27F 03/14 01:39
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