※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-14 06:42:54
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [影音] Jeremy Lin Practices His 3-Point
時間 Sun Jan 13 11:52:12 2013
Jeremy Lin Practices His 3-Point Range vs. Celtics | January 11th, 2013 - YouTube Jeremy Lin was seen practising his 3-point range and shot to be better at his shots. Houston Rockets lost the game to Boston Celtics ( 91 - 103 ) Lin had 12 ...

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◆ From:
推 :前幾球真的不會進就是不會進..= ="1F 01/13 12:19
推 :看起來空檔應該不會不進阿2F 01/13 12:26
推 :練投跟比賽差很多....3F 01/13 12:45
→ :不準..4F 01/13 15:22
推 :不準...5F 01/13 15:25
推 :看來真的有點糟糕6F 01/13 18:48
推 :進的第一球是四分打 鬍子打手犯規 打完以後就變準了7F 01/13 21:03
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