※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-07 15:24:15
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 Re: [外電] 賽後一些談話
時間 Mon May 7 11:09:55 2012
2012 NBA playoffs -- New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin could return for Game 5 after Baron Davis carted off - ESPN New York
New York Knicks point guard Baron Davis was carted off of the court on Sunday after suffering a right knee injury. ...
Baron Davis dislocates right kneecap
NEW YORK -- The door remains open for Jeremy Lin's return to the New York
Knicks-Miami Heat series.
The Knicks say Lin's status is uncertain for Game 5. But, if the 23-year-old
makes it through team workouts prior to tipoff on Wednesday, there is a
possibility he could return to the floor. Lin hasn't played since March 24
due to a small meniscus tear in his left knee.
Knicks interim coach Mike Woodson said the team would make a determination on
Lin's status after the team's practice on Tuesday.
"He'll get back into the gym (Monday) talk to the doctors about where he is
physically," Woodson said. "We'll make some decisions before we get on the
plane and head to Miami."
Lin's return became a more pressing issue on Sunday after Baron Davis left
the Knicks' 89-87 Game 4 win with a dislocated right patella.
If, as expected, Davis misses Game 5, the Knicks will be left with two point
guards on the roster -- Toney Douglas and Mike Bibby.
That is, unless Lin returns.
When Lin last addressed reporters on Thursday, he did not rule out the
possibility of playing in Game 5, which is Wednesday night in Miami.
"I just want to take it day by day. Game 4 doesn't look great. Game 5, I have
no idea," he said.
Early last week, Lin had held out hope of returning on Sunday afternoon. But
Lin's surgically repaired left knee hadn't healed quickly enough for him to
take the court. He had surgery on April 2 to repair a small meniscus tear in
the knee.
Lin experienced soreness in his left knee Thursday, a day after scrimmaging
for the first time since surgery.
He practiced on Friday, running full court drills with Amare Stoudemire,
Douglas and assistant coach Kenny Atkinson.
Speaking after Sunday's win, some of the Knicks were optimistic that Lin
could return on Wednesday night.
"I hope so," Landry Fields said when asked if Lin could play in Game 5. "...
He seems to be moving really well. I haven't seen him go through full
physical workouts yet, but he looks all right."
"I think he can come back, he's looked good. It just depends on how confident
he is (with the injury)," Steve Novak said.
Carmelo Anthony, who has expressed skepticism about Lin's ability to return
this season, took a different tone. He cryptically said he looked forward to
having Lin back "next season" when asked about Lin's status after the game.
If Lin returns, Woodson said last week that he would play limited minutes.
"It was nice seeing him run up and down (Thursday) but it's a little
different when you're talking about playing playoff basketball and you've got
to push and hold and cut and defend guys that are coming at you full speed,"
Woodson said on Thursday. "We've just got to wait it out and see where we are
with him."
Lin's ability to suit up in Game 5 took on greater importance for the Knicks
when Davis was carted off on a stretcher in the third quarter after
dislocating his knee cap.
The 33-year-old was dribbling down court and appeared to go down without
contact when his knee buckled.
Davis was on the ground for several minutes being tended to by team trainers.
Eventually, he was taken off the court on a stretcher. He pointed at the
crowd as he was wheeled off the floor, to a loud ovation from the Madison
Square Garden faithful, but was shown wincing as he traveled through the
players' tunnel.
"I almost shed a tear on the court to be honest with you," Stoudemire said
after the game, in which he scored 20 points and grabbed 10 rebounds while
playing with a bandaged left hand due to a laceration.
"... Baron's such a great guy off the court, as a teammate. He's a phenomenal
locker room guy and to see that, I dropped down to one knee and said a prayer
while he was on the ground. It was sad."
■■ . ╨╨╨ ◥◥◤◤╨╨∥∥∥∥╨╨╨╨╨╨ \●<<╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨ □□
。□□ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ︵╱ 17︽ 凡凡事事都都有有定定期、 ψψsherry821224。。
∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ╱╱ ﹍﹍◣◣∥∥◤◤ ̄◣ 天天下下萬萬務務都都有定定時時。。 □□ .
□□ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ "● ∥∥◣◣∥∥ ∥∥ 神神造造萬萬物、 □
■. ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ 各各按按其其時成成為美好。。 ·
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※ 編輯: osape 來自: (05/07 11:11)
推 :季後賽的操,瓜瓜最知道1F 05/07 11:12
推 :我現在喜歡瓜瓜勝過沙發跟諾娃2F 05/07 11:25
→ :瓜瓜是過來人,希望Jeremy可以聽進老大哥的話
→ :瓜瓜是過來人,希望Jeremy可以聽進老大哥的話
→ :BD應該不用評估吧 他下一場應該是不可能會上場4F 05/07 11:26
推 :我也覺得有經驗大哥的話比較準XD 希望決定的日子趕快來到5F 05/07 11:34
→ :有個了斷....不然這幾天又會是神經緊張的糾結>"<
→ :有個了斷....不然這幾天又會是神經緊張的糾結>"<
推 :我如果是LIN,看到BD這樣拐一下...評估會更保守的7F 05/07 11:46
推 : melo 心情也很複雜吧~ 也希望有人可以幫忙分擔T^T8F 05/07 11:46
→ :BD感覺已經不行,老是打一下就受傷xd9F 05/07 12:03
推 :..掛了3個後衛..真夠悲情的...10F 05/07 12:12
推 :膝蓋骨可以脫臼?!這什麼傷啊XD11F 05/07 12:16
謝謝提醒,改一下翻譯,應該是臏骨推 :BB:如果Lin和BD不能上 該換我陽炎化了嗎(爆氣)12F 05/07 12:21
推 :不希望一時錯誤的判斷 影響長遠的未來13F 05/07 12:22
※ 編輯: osape 來自: (05/07 12:23)→ :不過又覺得BB這樣太辛苦了 >< 是有這麼悲壯的嗎14F 05/07 12:23
推 :其實LF和NOVAK的期待也沒錯,團隊籃球勝利氣氛會讓人想的很15F 05/07 12:29
推 :Melo絕對是最希望Lin回來那個=.= 現在的後場有夠破16F 05/07 12:29
→ :不過他可能更想Lin健康到下一季再拼qwq
→ :不過他可能更想Lin健康到下一季再拼qwq
→ :美好,而且他們倆應該是跟LIN最近的吧,所以會想跟他一起在場18F 05/07 12:30
→ :上表現,而瓜我想不是不想,而是他不敢要求也不能要求,畢竟
→ :上表現,而瓜我想不是不想,而是他不敢要求也不能要求,畢竟
推 :其實這樣認輸不是很好啦不過至少不要被橫掃的目標已經達成20F 05/07 12:31
→ :那兩個經歷過神奇時代 當然會有期待阿21F 05/07 12:31
→ :瓜有長約保護,LIN就是底薪球員,受傷了沒人敢負責22F 05/07 12:31
→ :甜瓜應該是不希望Lin為了今年賠上以後(萬一)23F 05/07 12:31
推 :BB:讓你們見識一下我打球的風格24F 05/07 12:32
→ :我滿足了 下一場不要硬幹 真的不希望 再有球員受傷了25F 05/07 12:32
→ :畢竟他自己也說未來想跟Lin組成類似雷霆雙槍的搭擋26F 05/07 12:32
→ :而瓜的季後賽經驗應該多到不行,所以對他而言LIN以後還是有27F 05/07 12:32
→ :TD 可以換一下 要是Lin沒有再好的狀態出場 難免不會變成28F 05/07 12:33
→ :弱點...
→ :弱點...
→ :機會不用硬要現在冒險上場,但像LF和NOVAK都算新人這種難人30F 05/07 12:33
→ :可貴的經驗,當然會希望LIN也能擁有,尤其他們知道LIN有多愛
→ :籃球
→ :可貴的經驗,當然會希望LIN也能擁有,尤其他們知道LIN有多愛
→ :籃球
推 :所以這兩天快點跟TD多練練配合吧 這樣至少BB有替補33F 05/07 12:34
→ :所以也沒必要因為他們說了什麼就去對他有什麼喜惡,畢竟他34F 05/07 12:35
→ :我覺得LIN會以能不能為球隊作出貢獻為標準來決定復不復出35F 05/07 12:35
→ :們的看的角度不一樣36F 05/07 12:35
→ :如果不能給對手壓力,他上場也只會變成拖油瓶,等他評估吧37F 05/07 12:35
→ :畢竟是熱火耶,我們只要有弱點他們就會立刻施以顏色的
→ :LIN看了這麼多場球隊掙扎,他一定很清楚的
→ :畢竟是熱火耶,我們只要有弱點他們就會立刻施以顏色的
→ :LIN看了這麼多場球隊掙扎,他一定很清楚的
推 :那兩個人就.....經驗沒有瓜豐富.....如此而已40F 05/07 12:38
推 :LIN立刻回來手感也難免生疏41F 05/07 12:47
推 :可以不要檢討LF和Novak的心態嗎?他們有說要林傷還沒好就回42F 05/07 13:10
→ :來嗎?
→ :來嗎?
推 :以後幾年要跟瓜搭的很可能是lin啊 所以瓜想法上會想到以後44F 05/07 13:14
→ :我覺得也不是吧,LIN本人很想打,才會一直復健練習45F 05/07 13:24
→ :LF和NOVAK和他那麼要好,對他各種狀況一定很清楚
→ :LF和NOVAK和他那麼要好,對他各種狀況一定很清楚
→ :全尼克都想讓Lin上吧 後場已經快沒人了47F 05/07 13:25
→ :要說關愛LIN,他們才是在LIN身邊的人,不可能不為LIN著想48F 05/07 13:25
→ :只是風險是Lin的未來 值得今年壓上去嗎?49F 05/07 13:25
→ :NOVAK接受東森訪問也說,最後還是要看醫生評估50F 05/07 13:26
→ :相信他們吧。
→ :相信他們吧。
推 :如果Lin想上,那麼我覺得沒有值不值得或該不該的問題52F 05/07 13:29
→ :切入脫臼.....53F 05/07 13:31
推 :至於瓜的回答,RealGM上很多人說其實是他沒聽清楚問題54F 05/07 13:48
推 :這球季也傷了太多人了吧..............55F 05/07 13:50
推 :總之我覺得不需要過度解讀LF,Novak,melo的說法56F 05/07 13:50
推 :James學阿罵把手捶傷了...57F 05/07 13:57
推 :不過應該沒阿罵嚴重吧 想學我們阿罵XD
推 :不過應該沒阿罵嚴重吧 想學我們阿罵XD
推 :去年Rondo一隻手脫臼 接回去之後馬上打...59F 05/07 14:02
→ :只不過都只用一隻手...BD應該不可能只用一隻腳打球
→ :只不過都只用一隻手...BD應該不可能只用一隻腳打球
推 :Lin拜託不要復出61F 05/07 14:07
→ :現在流行離開客場前捶東西嗎= =62F 05/07 14:13
→ :L大有新聞嗎XDDDD 想知道他搥了什麼(欸63F 05/07 14:15
推 :客場locker room表示:______64F 05/07 14:19
推 :總版說是槌手杖...65F 05/07 14:28
推 :我只覺得Rondo神雕大俠的精神值得學習66F 05/07 14:32
推 :下一場:BB大爆發之老將的復活XDDD67F 05/07 14:37
推 :BB靠你了!!!!68F 05/07 14:42
推 :太陽BB要現身了嗎!?69F 05/07 14:46
推 :看到有人說BD這個傷可能會讓他的職業生涯結束,希望不會..70F 05/07 14:55
推 :這......大家輸球都要打東西來洩憤一下嗎@@71F 05/07 15:10
推 :希望BD傷勢不要太嚴重啊.... QQ72F 05/07 15:12
推 :歷史上0:3翻盤機率是零;聽瓜瓜的話,別讓他上場。73F 05/07 15:21
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