※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-14 04:20:16
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] 世界迷霧限免中
時間 Wed Feb 13 13:31:47 2013
Fog of World for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Tell your friends. Fog of World is now free for a limited time to celebrate the Chinese New Year!
Go around the world and remember everywhere you have been in your whole life journey!
Fog of World is a real-life game that you need to remove the fog on the map by exploring around the world. It's a fa ...
Go around the world and remember everywhere you have been in your whole life journey!
Fog of World is a real-life game that you need to remove the fog on the map by exploring around the world. It's a fa ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :只能早買早享受安慰自己一下了lol1F 02/13 13:41
推 :馬上下載 ^^2F 02/13 13:42
推 :早買早享受QQQ3F 02/13 13:44
推 :不離不棄4F 02/13 13:45
推 :免費真的可以下載看看~挺好玩的5F 02/13 13:46
推 :讚 謝謝分享6F 02/13 14:00
推 :是到處走就會增加%數嗎?7F 02/13 14:02
推 :樓上 要開著REC8F 02/13 14:04
推 :我要宅男的稱號啊XD9F 02/13 14:06
推 :終於等到10F 02/13 14:07
推 :我去年才去了一堆國家Q_Q, 看來我為了這個遊戲要再走一圈了11F 02/13 14:18
推 :我才從紐西蘭回來整個都快玩遍了,看來再去一次12F 02/13 14:23
推 :不錯喔,這app好13F 02/13 14:25
推 :有下有推 感覺很有意思的app14F 02/13 14:30
推 :先載來看看。有人可以說說怎麼用嗎?15F 02/13 14:41
推 :下載了,也搜尋心得了,是個挑戰,可惜前幾天才去玩而已16F 02/13 14:49
→ :宅男表示:17F 02/13 14:50
推 :請問一直開著REC的話電池消耗會很快嗎?18F 02/13 14:50
推 :請問原價幾多錢?19F 02/13 14:57
推 :好像150摳20F 02/13 14:59
推 :是6021F 02/13 15:00
推 :是150元(USD 4.99)22F 02/13 15:01
App Shopper: Fog of World (Games)
Mac Apps, Mac App Store, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app store listings, news, and price drops ...
Mac Apps, Mac App Store, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app store listings, news, and price drops ...
推 :會24F 02/13 15:08
推 :早買早享受~25F 02/13 15:15
推 :這要開網路嗎?26F 02/13 15:18
推 :紀錄時,不用27F 02/13 15:19
推 :謝謝分享28F 02/13 15:21
推 :推!前天差點手滑了29F 02/13 15:24
推 :有下有推30F 02/13 15:26
推 :1終於!!31F 02/13 15:29
推 :水啦32F 02/13 15:40
推 :總有一天等到你!33F 02/13 15:41
推 :好特別@@34F 02/13 15:52
推 :感謝分享!等它免費好久35F 02/13 16:09
推 :感覺蠻無意義的 自己去過哪自己知道吧lol36F 02/13 16:19
推 :而且還要開網路和gps也太耗電
推 :而且還要開網路和gps也太耗電
推 : 爽感問題吧XD38F 02/13 16:27
推 :感覺很有趣 下載先XD 改天出門玩玩看會不會很耗電39F 02/13 16:31
推 :無聊玩玩也不錯 150元限免 超佛的啦40F 02/13 16:59
推 :這要真的出國才能破關哦?41F 02/13 17:03
推 :全世界都可以記錄呀 我沒開網路只用GPS記錄其實不太耗電42F 02/13 17:09
推 :一定要開著REC嗎!?43F 02/13 17:15
推 :意圖使人環遊世界44F 02/13 17:26
推 :我沒錢環遊世界 裝了也沒用45F 02/13 18:41
推 :推~46F 02/13 19:10
推 :推...可惜剛從國外回來XD47F 02/13 19:42
推 :剛從日本回來Orz48F 02/13 20:28
推 :好酷!!!!!49F 02/13 20:59
推 :本來就有習慣紀錄軌跡的人,你們會很感動哦~~~50F 02/13 21:40
推 :謝分享 覺得這超有趣的51F 02/13 22:17
推 :剛第一次出國回來了,好可惜沒紀錄到><52F 02/14 00:04
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