※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-26 11:42:04
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] iDownloader Plus限時免費中
時間 Thu Jan 26 11:33:08 2012
App Store - iDownloader Plus - Universal Downloader and Download Manager
***Full Version Free!!
***Limited Time Only!!
***NO ADS!!
iDownloader+ is a fully featured download manager that allows you to download files to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. You can then view/play the downloaded files right from your iDevice or transfer them to your computer via Wi-Fi Transfer, ...
***Limited Time Only!!
***NO ADS!!
iDownloader+ is a fully featured download manager that allows you to download files to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. You can then view/play the downloaded files right from your iDevice or transfer them to your computer via Wi-Fi Transfer, ...
- Unlimited Downloads
- TAP or TAP and HOLD to download any file
- Integrated web browser
- Bookmark manager (add, edit and delete)
- Ability to download file of unknown size
- Background downloading (required iOS 4.0 +)
- Music background playing (required iOS 4.0+)
- Save videos to Photo Album
- Supports TV-Out (required iOS 4.0+)
- Folders support (add, edit and delete)
- Wi-Fi Transfer or iTunes USB File Sharing
- Send files as email attachments
- Folders support (add, edit and delete)
- Unzip ZIP files
- PDF, Doc, Excel, etc. documents support
- Passcode lock
限免中 不抓嗎XD
"12月24日晚上九點到隔天25日凌晨3點的六小時 是一年中最多人做愛的"性的6小時" 你
認識的人和朋友們幾乎都在做愛 平常以天使般的臉孔和你八卦閒聊的那個女生正在做愛
你所暗戀的那個漂亮的女生也是在做愛 如果家裡有年輕的姐姐或妹妹 現在不在家裡的話
那更是絕對在做愛 和你已經分手的女生也正被別的男人用你玩過的所有方式玩弄 你未來
的戀人或結婚對象 現在則是正在別的男人身上嬌喘著 放棄一切吧 然後 一起戰鬥吧"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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作者 honokasohot 的最新發文:
- App Store - iDownloader Plus - Universal Downloader and Download Manager ***Full Version Free!! *** …