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作者 標題 [外絮] 火箭老闆招待Santa Fe高年級學生觀賞G5
時間 Thu May 24 00:24:02 2018
Houston Rockets plan to honor victims, survivors, first responders of Santa Fe High School shooting
The Rockets plan to wear a ribbon on their jerseys at Thursday's Game 5 in honor of the victims, survivors and first responders of the Santa Fe High S ...
OAKLAND, Calif. -- The Houston Rockets have extensive plans to honor the
victims, survivors and first responders of the mass shooting at Santa Fe High
火箭隊將會在G5悼念Santa Fe高中槍擊案的受難者
Friday's shooting, which a 17-year-old student confessed to committing after
being arrested at the scene, resulted in the deaths of eight students and two
teachers and injuries to 13 others.
上周五的槍擊案造成了8名學生2名老師的死亡, 另外有13人受傷
The Rockets will wear a ribbon on their jerseys honoring Santa Fe High School
-- located about 30 miles from Houston -- during Thursday's Game 5 of the
Western Conference finals against the Golden State Warriors, sources told
該事發高中距離Houston有30 miles
The Santa Fe school district announced that Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta, a
fellow native of Galveston County, has extended invitations to the entire
Santa Fe High School senior class to attend Game 5 at no cost. Food and
transportation will be provided for the students who attend.
火箭隊老闆Tilman Fertitta出身於Galveston (距離事發高中車程只有半小時)
他將邀請所有Santa Fe高中的高年級學生免費觀賞G5
The Santa Fe High School choir has been asked to sing the national anthem
before the game, according to sources, who said invitations also have been
extended to school administrators, county officials and first responders.
Santa Fe高中唱詩班將會在比賽前演唱國歌
The Rockets intend to play a video honoring the Santa Fe High School victims
and survivors on the large screens over the Toyota Center court before the
game and also anticipate coordinating a pregame on-court tribute, sources
said. Those plans are tentative, pending league approval and consultation
with school officials.
火箭隊打算在比賽開始前於大螢幕上播放悼念Santa Fe高中的紀念影片
這些安排還需要等待聯盟同意, 以及詢問學校官員的意見
"First and foremost, the playoffs [are] minor compared to what's taking place
down in Santa Fe," Rockets star Chris Paul said Friday in the wake of the
shootings. "Our prayers go out to the victims and families there having to
deal with that situation."
火箭隊球星CP3: "季後賽啥的比起發生在Santa Fe的事情實在太微不足道了"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R1PMcy6 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1527092646.A.F06.html
推 : 還以為是現代汽車..1F 05/24 00:24
推 : 推善心,正義火箭2F 05/24 00:25
推 : 一所高中有上千人吧 g5票應該很早就賣光了 怎麼喬出3F 05/24 00:27
→ : 位子
→ : 位子
推 : 美國真的時不時就有校園槍擊案...5F 05/24 00:28
推 : 上面只寫高年級 說不定只有幾百 而且休城似乎常6F 05/24 00:30
→ : 坐不滿
→ : 坐不滿
推 : 推8F 05/24 00:30
→ : 西區決賽 G1G2沒坐滿嗎?@@ 有剩也是外圍零散座位吧?9F 05/24 00:35
推 : 季後賽呢 怎麼可能沒坐滿10F 05/24 00:36
→ : 最便宜的票都是天價
→ : 最便宜的票都是天價
推 : 以為按到車版12F 05/24 00:36
推 : 突然想到去年請老闆讓員工放假看球的親筆信13F 05/24 00:36
推 : 不知道~~~說不定還是有公關票或其他保留席吧~~14F 05/24 00:36
推 : 冠軍賽關鍵戰沒滿?15F 05/24 00:36
→ : 這蠻大手筆的耶......16F 05/24 00:39
→ : 原本是要招待300人,後來加碼,而且交通飲食全包17F 05/24 00:40
推 : 推18F 05/24 00:40
推 : 推推19F 05/24 00:41
推 : 山土匪20F 05/24 00:43
推 : Houston Strong!!!跟去年太空人一樣替地區強一波21F 05/24 00:43
推 : 相信他既然說出口就有辦法喬好,好事推。22F 05/24 00:44
→ : 火箭! 贏!23F 05/24 00:46
推 : 帥 善心推24F 05/24 00:50
推 : 推推25F 05/24 00:52
推 : 推26F 05/24 00:52
推 : 其實看到CP3最後賽後訪問真的很感動 希望能贏下來27F 05/24 00:54
推 : 雖然不喜歡CP3,不過他講那些話真的很不錯28F 05/24 00:58
推 : CP3賽後訪問那句:Houston,we're coming home 真的29F 05/24 01:03
→ : 很有感覺
→ : 很有感覺
推 : 推善行31F 05/24 01:04
推 : 正義必勝32F 05/24 01:10
推 : 老闆專用包廂應該有吧?33F 05/24 01:14
推 : CP3賽後採訪也有提到Santa Fe 很感人34F 05/24 01:18
推 : 重點是還有位子!35F 05/24 01:19
Chris Paul Postgame Interview - Game 4 | Rockets vs Warriors | May 22, 2018 | 2018 NBA West Finals - YouTube Houston Rockets vs Golden State Warriors - Game 4 - Highlights - May 22, 2018 | 2018 NBA Playoffs - Western Conference Finals ✔️ Subscribe, Like & Comment fo...

→ : 推37F 05/24 01:32
推 : 正義之箭 衝向冠軍賽吧38F 05/24 01:42
推 : 推39F 05/24 01:48
推 : 推40F 05/24 01:49
→ : 這季我真的從內心支持火箭41F 05/24 01:49
→ : qq42F 05/24 02:09
推 : 山土匪xd43F 05/24 02:26
推 : 怎不招待Tucson44F 05/24 03:05
推 : 儲值聖光45F 05/24 03:23
→ : 沒看比賽當然不知道火箭每場都有空位阿 笑死xd46F 05/24 03:46
推 : 空位不代表沒售出47F 05/24 07:18
推 : 可笑的是有人以為空位等於票沒賣完吧,笑死48F 05/24 07:36
推 : 打敗萬惡勇士!49F 05/24 07:37
→ gn1384181 …
推 : 太空人拿冠軍回家撫慰風災受難者,火箭該不會也拿冠51F 05/24 07:57
→ : 軍!
→ : 軍!
推 : 善事 推53F 05/24 08:48
推 : 他在抖表示54F 05/24 08:50
推 : 推55F 05/24 08:56
推 : 這必須推56F 05/24 08:58
→ : 好事推推57F 05/24 09:08
推 : 協調季票會員讓一下就可以吧58F 05/24 09:18
推 : 推59F 05/24 09:44
推 : 正義必勝60F 05/24 09:46
推 : 44樓美國真的有Tucson這個地名61F 05/24 09:58
推 : 買票不看,可以詢問後以公益名義把空位買回62F 05/24 10:11
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