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作者 標題 [外絮] 嘴綠說不後悔說騎迷不聰明
時間 Mon Jun 12 14:14:25 2017
Draymond Green has no regrets about slamming Cleveland fans
OAKLAND — On Sunday afternoon in Oakland, Draymond Green faced the media for the first time since his lively postgame press conference in Cleveland, w ...
Draymond Green has no regrets about his “not sharp” comment about Cavaliers
OAKLAND — On Sunday afternoon in Oakland, Draymond Green faced the media for
the first time since his lively postgame press conference in Cleveland, when,
among other things, he said he didn’t listen to Cavaliers fans because “
they don’t seem to be the sharpest people.”
Green was asked whether he regretted the comment. He didn’t.
Do you ever see the stuff that you say and say maybe I shouldn’t have said
Draymond: “Absolutely not. Because everything I say, I know what I’m
saying. When I say something, I’ve thought about what I’m going to say
before I say it. I never look at something and say, man, I shouldn’t have
said that. Because I’m a lot smarter than people think. When I say
something, I’ve already thought about what I was going to say. So absolutely
What was the gain in bashing Cleveland fans?
Draymond: “I didn’t bash them. I just gave my thoughts.”
Saying they’re not sharp is bashing them.
Draymond: “They boo me and thought I had a tech I didn’t have, so that wasn
’t sharp. I knew I didn’t, so maybe I’m just a little sharper than others.
I don’t know. But they played ‘Hit the Road Jack’ and I didn’t have to
hit the road, so I didn’t think that was that sharp. Maybe you though that
was sharp.
I was looking at the box score.
Draymond: “I was looking at reality. I knew I wasn’t ejected.”
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1497248068.A.848.html
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/12/2017 14:16:26
推 : 有給女兒取名叫不悔嗎1F 06/12 14:16
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/12/2017 14:16:54推 : 顏色正確2F 06/12 14:16
推 : 球迷要是太聰明,就去看電影了,演得還比較真3F 06/12 14:18
推 : 球迷會看box耶 算聰明吧4F 06/12 14:20
推 : c8 c85F 06/12 14:22
→ : 版主捅他啦 戰球迷6F 06/12 14:24
推 : 於是愛恨交錯人消瘦7F 06/12 14:24
推 : 綠不悔8F 06/12 14:26
推 : 他真的很愛敗人品誒 XDD9F 06/12 14:27
→ : 現在都是體系球員放話 明星球員收割10F 06/12 14:30
推 : 可愛真誠,反觀11F 06/12 14:30
→ : 就不要明天打完被禁賽12F 06/12 14:32
推 : 看ptt就知道騎士球迷不太聰明13F 06/12 14:36
推 : 樓上...14F 06/12 14:38
→ : 聯盟:嘴綠戰球迷,禁賽三場15F 06/12 14:41
推 : XDD16F 06/12 14:44
推 : Guccix要被桶了 一路好走17F 06/12 14:44
推 : Green真的是勇士的不安因素 顆顆18F 06/12 14:46
推 : 有人太直白 上鉤了19F 06/12 14:47
推 : 顏色正確20F 06/12 14:48
推 : 臍彌 哈哈21F 06/12 14:48
推 : 這篇有釣到人 100分22F 06/12 14:50
推 : 說的沒錯不用後悔23F 06/12 14:51
推 : 綠不悔XD24F 06/12 14:53
推 : 說得好 不用後悔25F 06/12 14:53
推 : 騎士球迷水準很高好嗎 嘴綠根本莫名奇妙26F 06/12 14:55
推 : ch就別反串了吧27F 06/12 14:56
→ : 你比較髒是真的28F 06/12 14:59
推 : 我說實話0.029F 06/12 14:59
推 : 事實啊30F 06/12 15:00
推 : 永遠不後悔 !!!31F 06/12 15:02
→ : 說實話還要被媒體逼問 跟台灣有87%像
→ : 說實話還要被媒體逼問 跟台灣有87%像
推 : XDDD33F 06/12 15:10
推 : 綠不悔34F 06/12 15:11
推 : SHARP可以做聰明解嗎?35F 06/12 15:15
推 : 綠不悔36F 06/12 15:16
噓 : 髒不悔37F 06/12 15:28
→ : 跟KI深信地平說有異曲同工之妙38F 06/12 15:35
推 : Guccix不知道會不會後悔39F 06/12 15:37
→ : 笑死40F 06/12 15:52
推 : 不知道因此上鉤的人是不是不太聰明41F 06/12 16:09
推 : 有冠就大聲啊42F 06/12 16:09
推 : 這裡只是ptt所以我不在意啊~43F 06/12 16:19
推 : 哈哈哈靠北噢XDDD44F 06/12 16:31
推 : 嘴綠就是嘴綠45F 06/12 16:46
推 : 實話給推46F 06/12 17:07
推 : 咦 我沒有被逐出場啊 裁判甩尾髮夾彎47F 06/12 17:07
推 : 嘴綠也是滿可憐的 被霸凌 哈哈48F 06/12 17:26
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 61
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