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看板 NBA
作者 kusami (>.^)
標題 [外絮] James Harden促成Lou Williams到火箭
時間 Sat Mar 25 14:24:39 2017


Woj神已走的Yahoo Vertical

   (Shams Charania, Yahoo SportsMar 24, 2017, 11:34 PM)

How James Harden may have helped Lou Williams become a Rocket James Harden and the Rockets’ bench cheer on Lou Williams. Two weeks before the NBA trade deadline, a rival player called Lou Williams. The Houston Ro ...




  Two weeks before the NBA trade deadline, a rival player called Lou Williams.
The Houston Rockets’ James Harden watched Williams flourish this season,
helping lead the perennial All-Star’s hometown Los Angeles Lakers to a
strong start, and he had an idea to pitch.

兩周前的交易截止日前,James Harden看到了Lou長老這季打的好球(或是不下我哈某的要犯
能力?),而開始有了將他招進球隊的想法.(集結丐幫 一統江湖!)

“When James called, he asked me if I was interested in playing with them,”
 Williams told The Vertical. “I told him that I loved the Lakers, but James
and them have a group that fit my personality, fit how I play. He said he was
going to make it happen.”

Lou長老告訴Yahoo Vertical "鬍子打電話給我問說有沒有興趣跟他們一起打球"

Williams then laughed, sitting on the edge of a visiting court following a

recent practice. “I’ve heard that before, so I didn’t really put stock
into it,” Williams told The Vertical. “I guess James did put the word in,
and the team made it happen.”

Lou然後笑著說 "我當時還真不相信" "但後來成真了,我猜鬍子的確有去完成諾言"

Harden had planted the seed, and Williams now laughs at how everything worked
out. Houston had an MVP frontrunner in Harden and the third seed in the
Western Conference, but the franchise identified the need for another creator
to handle the ball and shoot.


The challenge of acquiring Williams appeared to become more difficult during
trade-deadline week. The Lakers, who had since collapsed after a 10-10 start,
began a major transition in the front office two days before the deadline,
hiring Magic Johnson and later player agent Rob Pelinka to replace Jim Buss
and Mitch Kupchak as president of basketball operations and general manager,
respectively. Houston, Utah and Washington reached out to Johnson about a
deal, with Williams’ agent, Wallace Prather, helping to facilitate

小老闆之一Jim Buss跟總管Mitch不再操盤湖人職務,取而代之的是Magic Johnson.
當時火箭 爵士 巫師都有連絡Magic想拿到Lou長老.







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doiverson   : 丐幫招急令1F 03/25 14:25
DioEraclea  : 找匹(P)駒(G) XDDD2F 03/25 14:25
MK12        : 丐幫幫主 要找下一屆掌門人阿3F 03/25 14:26
icou        : 姓詹的都是牧師4F 03/25 14:26
jokethelife : 三分買飯王的集結5F 03/25 14:26
barsax8     : 心得XDDDDD6F 03/25 14:26
grimnir158  : 幫主召集長老 合情合理7F 03/25 14:27
Heat13633   : 沒想到鬍子這麼快就有聖光了 三哨真猛8F 03/25 14:30
abc7360393  : 感謝2F 匹駒原來是這個意思 我還真看不懂www9F 03/25 14:30
c25783499   : 笑了10F 03/25 14:33
GANZ        : 淨衣派+汙衣派 重新合流11F 03/25 14:35
YamagiN     : 淨衣派是KD 這兩個本來就都汙衣派的12F 03/25 14:37

真的 KD根本淨衣派不能摸他 弄髒他衣服就吃犯規

a222317168  : 幫主招募長老甘烏摳零13F 03/25 14:39
Aroman      : 污衣派最忠心長老當然要先找回來14F 03/25 14:39
※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/25/2017 14:41:48
ab830921    : 推匹駒XDD15F 03/25 14:44
ThreeNG     : 匹駒 XD16F 03/25 14:49
georgehua   : 只要能破的了蓮花落陣都可以成為幫助 你們是不是忘17F 03/25 14:50
georgehua   : 記啦
USD5566     : 還有分門派19F 03/25 14:51
LaoDa5815566: 污衣派XDDDDDDD20F 03/25 14:52
anguskenneth: 丐幫準備一捅江湖21F 03/25 14:54
laijack512  : PG XD22F 03/25 14:55
Jormungandr : 不愧是姆斯23F 03/25 14:57
tokyoringo  : 推匹駒24F 03/25 15:02
scdavinci   : 靠腰還有分淨衣汙衣喔XD25F 03/25 15:07
bert7878    : 長老就是猛啊~26F 03/25 15:08
xzealotx    : 聯盟歷史買飯第六人集結27F 03/25 15:15
oeibei      : 我是你幫主 XD28F 03/25 15:23
iamaq18c    : 喔喔 鬍子太威惹!!!!29F 03/25 15:24
dannyshan   : 火箭姆斯30F 03/25 15:49
scott6065   : 魯長老發話了31F 03/25 16:12
saiallblue  : 丐幫缺長老32F 03/25 16:20
oldTim      : 有看金庸就知道魯長老本來就是汙衣派的XD33F 03/25 16:22
cheatfinish : 這篇心得有清流 厲害厲害XD34F 03/25 16:23
birdman5656 : 我姆斯啦35F 03/25 16:24
shou50      : 心得靠北XD36F 03/25 16:25
IfIknew     : 所以他有打給連長請他包一包嗎哈哈哈哈37F 03/25 16:26
xzxz6175179 : 有笑有推38F 03/25 17:02
IMBonjwa    : 心得XD39F 03/25 17:04
jms790607   : 我姆斯啦40F 03/25 17:05
jetc        : 污衣派給推41F 03/25 17:05
m0324h1987  : XD42F 03/25 17:08
pi020412    : 心得笑死43F 03/25 17:08
littlehouse : XDD44F 03/25 17:56

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