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作者 標題 [外絮] Nets would consider trading Deron
時間 Sat May 17 15:43:22 2014
No contract in the NBA is untradable. Look no farther than the Brooklyn Nets,
who swooped in to take Joe Johnson and his massive contract off the hands of
the Atlanta Hawks. Before that we saw guys like Gilbert Arenas get moved when
it made no sense. As Kevin Garnett has screamed into our television sets, “
Anything is possible.”
在NBA沒有什麼合約是不可以交易的。亞特蘭大老鷹把Joe Johnson交易到布魯克林籃網的
前例殷鑑不遠。在此之前,我們看到像Gilbert Arenas也是毫無道理地就被球隊交易掉。
就像Kevin Garnett在電視廣告裡所說的“Anything is possible(凡事都有可能)”。
前例殷鑑不遠。在此之前,我們看到像Gilbert Arenas也是毫無道理地就被球隊交易掉。
就像Kevin Garnett在電視廣告裡所說的“Anything is possible(凡事都有可能)”。
That said, some contracts are pretty darn close to impossible to move — and
Deron Williams has one of them.
但是有些合約看起來就是幾乎不可能會被交易,Deron Williams就是其中一個例子。
D-Will has gone from a guy mentioned in the same breath with Chris Paul to a
good, above-average point guard who is vastly overpaid — he has three years,
$63 million left on his contract. Ankle injuries have slowed him down, and he
likely will have another surgery on those this summer.
曾經與Chris Paul馳騁聯盟的那個D-Will已不復在,現在這位聯盟水準之上的控衛已經
But after a disappointing playoff run where he could not lead the Nets as was
the plan, they will consider moving him, reports the New York guru that is
Howard Beck of Bleacher Report.
「但是在經過一個令人失望的季後賽表現後,籃網會考慮交易他了。」Bleacher Report的
Howard Beck在報導到這位紐約的領袖這樣說。
There is an alternative, sources say, the Nets will not rule out: They could
look to trade Williams this summer, retool around (Joe) Johnson and (Brook)
Lopez, squeeze one more run out of Pierce and Garnett and hope for the best.
圍繞Joe Johnson和Brook Lopez重建,當然也不排除也會交易Pierce和Garnett獲得最好
圍繞Joe Johnson和Brook Lopez重建,當然也不排除也會交易Pierce和Garnett獲得最好
It’s hard to say what the Nets might get for a 29-year-old former All-Star
with bad ankles and $63 million left on his contract, but it’s worth
exploring. The Houston Rockets tried to acquire Williams last December, so it
’s not inconceivable that another team desperate for point-guard help might
The problem for the Nets is this — a team might take Williams off your hands
but you’re going to have to give them something they really want in
addition. A sweetener if you will. The Nets don’t have a lot of those to
offer up, they don’t have a first-round pick they could trade until 2020.
There are not players on the roster that will thrill other teams, Mirza
Teletovic and Mason Plumlee are the only names teams might consider.
他們名單上也沒有太多讓其他隊垂涎的球員,或許其他球隊會考慮一下Mirza Teletovic
和Mason Plumlee。
As we told you before, making moves thinking only of the short term is a
trademark of Nets GM Billy King, and owner Mikhail Prokhorov is encouraging
that urge. He wants to win now, money be damned, so spend $190 million on
payroll and taxes. Go collect big names like Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce,
don’t worry about the price.
就像我們之前說過的,炒短線交易是籃網GM Billy King的註冊商標,籃網老闆Mikhail
也不在乎,去把像Kevin Garnett和Paul Pierce的巨頭給我搞來,錢的事你不用擔心。
也不在乎,去把像Kevin Garnett和Paul Pierce的巨頭給我搞來,錢的事你不用擔心。
Beck gets into all the problems that causes for the Nets, but in the end
their biggest problem is the Deron Williams they got and signed to a max
contract is not the Deron Williams they thought they were getting. If the
Nets are going to turn things around and really contend in the short term,
Williams has to revert to his old form or they have to move him and build in
another direction.
專欄作家Howard Beck分析籃網目前的問題,最終他們最大的問題還是高估了D-Will並和他
簽了一份巨額合約。假如籃網想要扭轉局勢,要嘛期望Deron Williams能恢復他以往身手
簽了一份巨額合約。假如籃網想要扭轉局勢,要嘛期望Deron Williams能恢復他以往身手
Either of those outcomes are long shots.
Report: Nets would consider trading Deron Williams. Good luck with that. | ProBasketballTalk
Deron Williams has three years, $63 million left on his contract. And ankles that need surgery again this summer. ...
Deron Williams has three years, $63 million left on his contract. And ankles that need surgery again this summer. ...
短評或心得:聽說小胖跟籃網高層鬧翻了 要被交易了?
去年火箭想用萬用包換小胖結果被籃網打槍 這次會成功嗎?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1400312604.A.729.html
→ :老實說 這些球員市場價值都蠻低的1F 05/17 15:44
推 :小胖怎麼到處跟高層鬧2F 05/17 15:45
推 :問題誰現在想收快2000萬 還打不太好的小胖?3F 05/17 15:48
推 :小胖以前數據屌還可以拿翹,現在受傷之後回不去囉4F 05/17 15:48
推 :Joe Johnson都已經32歲了,圍繞他重建太不切實際了5F 05/17 15:51
推 :小胖好像很難相處,在媒體上也一直都隱形人6F 05/17 15:54
推 :籃網有D-WILL組織控場 整個差很多7F 05/17 15:54
推 :現在的小胖跟JJ都沒有很給力了..8F 05/17 15:54
推 :唯一有價值的只有jj 其他根本賠錢貨9F 05/17 15:55
推 :籃網跟熱火打 沒有他就是失誤連發 交易他幹嘛呢...10F 05/17 15:56
推 :小胖現在大概就值600吧 也不知到哪時候會去開刀11F 05/17 15:57
→ :籃網問題 不在他12F 05/17 15:57
推 :不是說幾年內要奪冠?13F 05/17 15:57
→ :問題當然在他阿 S級球星打普普....14F 05/17 15:58
→ :如果他還有當場5X分的實力 籃網還可以多打幾場
※ 編輯: cpla1017 (, 05/17/2014 15:58:55→ :如果他還有當場5X分的實力 籃網還可以多打幾場
推 :最後還不是給Iso16F 05/17 15:58
推 :萬用包換小胖 鬍子不霸球 小胖趕走冰箱 火箭要飛天了17F 05/17 15:59
→ :bleach report文章看看就好18F 05/17 15:59
推 :圍繞joe跟lopez重建...這樣是要建啥 有點鳥19F 05/17 16:03
推 :真的很可惜受傷 不然第一控是誰還很難講20F 05/17 16:06
推 :這消息不是已經被否定了嗎21F 05/17 16:06
推 :可能會原班人馬再拚一年吧,畢竟今年花了大半個球季22F 05/17 16:06
→ :才找到使用說明書,如果上半球季就好好打的話
→ :才找到使用說明書,如果上半球季就好好打的話
推 :小胖 熱火需要你 XD24F 05/17 16:07
推 :跌龍季後賽這種表現根本超級坑爹貨 誰都想丟25F 05/17 16:07
→ :籃網應該不只是第六種子而已,所以再試一次好了26F 05/17 16:07
推 :先丟KG才對 退化太多了27F 05/17 16:09
→ :再退化也還是屌打前十控 明顯是kidding不會用28F 05/17 16:10
→ :感覺需要一隻體能好的內線 真的可以跟火箭交易29F 05/17 16:10
→ :asik+lin<-->deron
→ :asik+lin<-->deron
→ :除了喇叭每個位子都能屌打火火 硬要打不輸也難31F 05/17 16:10
→ :屌打前十控? 我看他現在單吃Mario都有問題32F 05/17 16:12
→ :所以最好的方式是全軍留下 交易kidding就好33F 05/17 16:12
→ :找戰犯了?34F 05/17 16:13
推 :可憐的籃網 收留第一控肉養傷好幾年35F 05/17 16:14
推 :控肉真的回不去了,現在看他都好像打的很掙扎36F 05/17 16:14
→ :KIDD先下課 這陣容給他練執教經驗太浪費了37F 05/17 16:17
推 :這副鳥樣 薪資又這麼高 是能交易到哪裡去38F 05/17 16:19
→ :跌龍還有人會要??39F 05/17 16:25
噓 :後衛 CP值超低的40F 05/17 16:27
推 :籃網也慘阿 羅培茲很強 但動不動就受傷41F 05/17 16:28
→ :KG PP來熱火團員吧 熱火變身超音速超塞超火合體42F 05/17 16:28
→ :PP.KG也老了 有一場沒一場的(狀況)43F 05/17 16:28
→ :中鋒傷到膝蓋幾乎沒救了 例子很多44F 05/17 16:28
→ :小胖空有名氣...怪教練蠻好笑的 不覺得換教練籃網45F 05/17 16:29
→ :能升空
→ :能升空
→ :火箭應該會耍笨拿阿西去換小胖47F 05/17 16:30
→ :老基義子要棄暗投明了嗎48F 05/17 16:32
推 :沒有史隆前後完全不在同等極49F 05/17 16:32
推 :當年的三控衛 現在兩個已經…50F 05/17 16:33
推 :火箭萬用包準備好了51F 05/17 16:36
推 :籃網太多老人跟痛痛人52F 05/17 16:37
→ :PP防守不用那們吃重 還是可以很穩的53F 05/17 16:42
→ :原來小胖才29阿.......54F 05/17 16:46
→ :一日籃網 終身籃網 胖子只準到弱隊輸籃網55F 05/17 16:47
推 :籃網夠老了還丟年輕人56F 05/17 16:51
推 :不知道誰想收KG 老皮應該還不少人想要57F 05/17 16:52
→ :伊利諾後場三重奏 小胖再不振作 就滅亡了58F 05/17 16:58
推 :林可以去籃網了!59F 05/17 16:58
噓 :籃網補阿希 放小胖 搶甜瓜 PP第六人 KG退休60F 05/17 16:59
→ :火箭隊對誰都有興趣,拿小胖換郎多好了61F 05/17 16:59
推 :丟年輕人是準備要重建了嗎62F 05/17 16:59
推 :小胖從歐洲回來就變掉了63F 05/17 17:00
→ :安吉胃口很大的64F 05/17 17:00
→ :搶到甜瓜 控衛可以可無
→ :阿希客籃板魔人 連禪師都哈
→ :搶到甜瓜 控衛可以可無
→ :阿希客籃板魔人 連禪師都哈
推 :從哪看到禪師哈阿西克?67F 05/17 17:03
推 :結果換Rondo過來68F 05/17 17:07
推 :去尼克吧69F 05/17 17:10
推 :小胖最大的問題是腳傷隱患吧…70F 05/17 17:13
→ :Wow71F 05/17 17:14
推 :林來瘋的開頭72F 05/17 17:15
推 :快換Rondo73F 05/17 17:17
推 :萬用包 <=> 小胖 雙贏74F 05/17 17:22
推 :小胖+KG一起交易掉吧75F 05/17 17:34
→ :火箭表示有興趣 科科76F 05/17 18:02
推 :Deron <==> Lin 雙贏77F 05/17 18:23
推 :換林真的不錯78F 05/17 18:45
推 :阿罵 <==> 小胖+AK ~~79F 05/17 19:00
推 :Deron per還有17.多,比lin高,光用lin換不到Deron吧80F 05/17 19:21
推 :借轉娘家版81F 05/17 19:33
※ kaikai1112:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 05/17 19:33推 :Deron<=>Rondo82F 05/17 20:19
推 :火箭萬用包換Deron83F 05/17 22:02
推 :熱火底薪收84F 05/17 22:18
推 :熱火底薪收85F 05/17 23:14
推 :教練沒換,一切都是多餘。86F 05/17 23:38
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52
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