※ 本文為 ONISUKA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-05 15:20:47
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作者 標題 [情報] MoP Beta 15657: 法術更動
時間 Wed May 2 00:06:47 2012
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...
MMO-C站長猜測今天會開放beta等級上限到88 並且開放兩個新地城
Spell Changes
Explosive Bolts now is instant. Down from 1 sec cast.
Gnomish Army Knife now gives +10 Mining, +10 Herbalism, +10 Skinning. Now
also is a Nose Picker, a Back Scratcher, and a Whirly Thing!
Dawnstone Panther - This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding
skill and location.
Emerald Panther - This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding skill
and location.
Jeweled Onyx Panther - This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding
skill and location.
Ruby Panther - This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding skill and
Sapphire Panther - This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding skill
and location.
Death Knight
Rune Strike no longer has a cooldown but now triggers a 1.0 sec global
Incarnation: Tree of Life no longer enhances Wrath.
Celestial Focus no longer affects Typhoon or Starfire. Now affects Starsurge.
Malfurion's Gift now also reduces the cooldown of Barkskin by 15 sec.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Hurricane now also affects Astral Storm.
Stampede now only affects your current target.
Dire Beast now has a 40 yards range, up from 30 yards. Now attacks your
target for 15 sec, up from 12 sec. Now gives you 5 focus every time the beast
deals damage, up from 2 focus.
Lynx Rush now has a 1.5 min cooldown, down from 2 min.
Trap Mastery now increases the number of snakes summoned by Snake Trap by 4,
down from 6.
Teleport spells no longer require a Rune of Teleportation as a reagent.
Portal spells no longer require a Rune of Portals as a reagent.
Ritual of Refreshment no longer requires Arcane Powder as a reagent.
Stance of the Fierce Tiger now also increases the amount of Chi generated by
your Jab and Expel Harm abilities by 1.
Swift Reflexes (New) - Whenever you parry an attack, you reflexively strike
back at the enemy for (0.3 * (MainHand DPS + 50% of OffHand DPS + 7.1% of AP
- 1)) to (0.3 * (MainHand DPS + 50% of OffHand DPS + 7.1% of AP + 1)) damage.
This effect has a 1 sec cooldown.
Spinning Crane Kick no longer costs 2 Chi and costs Mana/Energy instead.
Dampen Harm no longer has a cost.
Karma is now named Diffuse Magic and no longer has a cost.
Zen Sphere is now limited to 1 target.
Flying Serpent Kick now slows enemies down by 0.2 sec, down from 0.3 sec.
Touch of Karma has been clarified - All damage you take is redirected to the
enemy target over 6 sec instead of you. Damage cannot exceed your total
health. Lasts for 10 sec.
Brewmaster Training Shuffle now increases your parry chance by 30% and your
Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec.
Keg Smash now has a 8 yards range.
Mastery: Elusive Brawler now Increases your parry chance by 50.0% of SP and
your Stagger amount by an additional 50.0% of SP.
Recoil reworked - Your successful normal attacks restore up to 3 energy per
second, based on weapon speed. While dual wielding, this energy is halved.
Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases Energy regeneration by 30%.
Life Cocoon gained a Levitate/Hover effect.
Stance of the Wise Serpent now also grants expertise. Now increases Attack
Power by 50% of your spell power, down from 100%.
Uplift now increases the duration of all your Renewing Mists by 6 sec instead
of refreshing it.
Devotion Aura now has a 3 min cooldown, up from 2 min.
Hammer of Wrath base damage has been reduced by 60%.
Sanctity of Battle no longer affects Hammer of the Righteous.
Sacred Shield now scales from 52% of Spell Power, up from 36.6%.
Holy Shock now scales from 92.5% of Spell Power, up from 115.6% of Spell
Mastery: Divine Bulwark now also increases the effectiveness of Shield of the
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Holy Shock now increases its damage by 50%, down from 100%.
Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader now also affects Judgement, and reduce mana
costs by 100%. Up from 30%.
Shadow Word: Pain no longer generates 1 Shadow Orb for Shadow Priests.
>From Darkness, Comes Light no longer affects Shadow Word: Pain.
Spectral Guise now causes you to be stealthed, not invisible. (Wording
Mastery: Shadow Orb Power replaced with Mastery: Shadowy Recall - Gives your
periodic shadow damage spells a x% chance to deal damage twice, each time
they deal damage.
Devouring Plague *New* - Consumes all of the caster's Shadow Orbs to deal
2,099 Shadow damage per orb consumed and afflict the target with a disease
that causes (1,049 + 50.0% of SP) Shadow damage every 1 for 2 sec per orb
consumed. 15% of damage caused by the Devouring Plague heals the caster. 40
Yards Range. Instant. Costs 1 Shadow Orb.
Mind Surge (NNF) *New* - You have a 20% chance when you deal periodic damage
with your Vampiric Touch to instantly reset the cooldown of your Mind Blast
and cause its next cast within 12 sec to be instant.
Shadowy Apparitions *New* - When you deal periodic damage with your Shadow
Word: Pain, you have a 12% chance to summon a shadow version of yourself
which will slowly move towards a target which is afflicted by your Shadow
Word: Pain. Once reaching the target, it will instantly deal 1,025 shadow
damage. You can have up to 15 Shadowy Apparitions active at a time.
Mind Blast now has a 8 sec cooldown, up from 6 sec.
Vampiric Touch no longer regenerates health.
Grace no longer affects Greater Heal.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Shadowy Apparition replaced with Glyph of the Heavens - Your
Levitate targets will appear to be riding on a cloud for the duration of the
Honor Among Thieves now can only occur when you're in combat.
Sanguinary Vein reworked slightly - You deal 25% additional damage to targets
afflicted by your Rupture or Garrote.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Cheap Shot now increases the duration of Cheap Shot by 5 sec instead
of reducing its energy cost.
Elemental Fury no longer increases the damage of Lightning Bolt and Chain
Lightning, no longer reduces their casting cost, and no longer removes the
cooldown from Chain Lightning. This is just a wording change and all those
effects have been moved to Shamanism.
Shamanism now also removes the cooldown from Chain Lightning.
Chaotic Energy now regenerates mana 625% faster, down from 650%.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Falling Meteor (New) - If you use Demonic Leap while falling, you
slam into the ground rapidly and take no falling damage.
Spell Reflection now has a 30 sec cooldown, up from 15 sec.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Sweeping Strikes now grants you 2 rage when you hit a target with
sweeping strikes.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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